Eternal Country

Chapter 19

Publishedat 16th of August 2019 03:10:56 PMChapter 19

Translator: SumTLMan

This is not based on mistrust of Zhao Ziyan, but once others know his secret, they will always be able to take precautions against him, or even find specific flaws, which will ultimately be disadvantageous to himself . What does not go out is a secret, and what goes into a second ear is no longer a secret .

“Well, I wish I could refine Qi already, but Ziyan will depend on big brother to protect her in the future . ” Zhao Ziyan said with a grin, still very happy that she has her brother .

“Say, why are you so happy?” Tang Zitong also chimed in while carrying some plates .

“Nothing, my brother has finished Qi refining, and dinner is ready . Let’s go eat together, it’s getting dark soon . ” Zhao Ziyan said with a smile .

“There are monsters everywhere outside . We don’t know what will happen after dark, so let’s eat quickly . I haven’t had a good meal all day . ” Chen Xuerou nodded as well .

The food was not too rich since they were all home-cooked meals .

Eggplant with meat, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, stir-fried vegetables, braised meat, braised tofu, and three-delicacies soup . There were five dishes and one soup, no more, no less, and for four people, it should be just the right portion . Although there are many ingredients at the apartment, no one knows what will happen in the future .

Food is the most important resource in a catastrophe .

No one can live without food .

“Well, let’s eat . We’ll talk after dinner . ” Yi Tianxing nodded and said .

Then without saying much, they sat down together .

The craft of the three women is quite good, although it is not at the profession chef level, but at least it can be counted as delicious, and the four people were also hungry, so they immediately ate it up .

Outside, there were monster roars and even the occasional scream .

However, after today, the three women also began to adapt . At the beginning, they were pale and fearful, but now, even if they heard the sounds going on outside, they can still continue eating their big meal .

Only when they have enough to eat can they have a chance to stay alive .

Only then can they have the strength to focus on other things .

Before long, a table full of food had been completely eaten, and they knew very well that every serving of food was now very precious, they had no right to waste it .

Over the years, no one in the group had missed seeing at least one apocalypse movie . They all knew very clearly that food is the most precious resource during a doomsday scenario . Once there is a shortage of food, the consequences are hard to imagine .

“Everyone please continue envisioning the < view="" of="" innate="" qi="" diagram=""> . Every minute and every second is extremely precious, these are the most drastic moments of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi changing, maybe you can really get started and sense Innate Qi with just this one opportunity . When you are able to sense Innate Qi, only then will you be able to protect yourself . ”

Yi Tianxing opened his mouth to say this while also looking forward to the entry and rapid growth of the three women when they go through the door of cultivation, and then they will truly be able to help him . Otherwise, even if he can protect them now, it will be difficult to say so in the future . Strength is a fundamental component .

“Yes, I see brother!” Zhao Ziyan nodded heavily, thinking about the Diagram of Innage Qi, she felt a totally different kind of joy . When sensing Innate Qi, it was like catching fairies . It was a strange new experience, so she didn’t feel bored visualizing at all .

“Next, I will clean up our surroundings apartment building directly so as not to sleep in the evenings . When I go out, someone close the security door behind me . No matter who it is, don’t open it . ” Yi Tianxing said flatly .

If someone sleeps on the other side of your bed, would it give you peace of mind while the other person snores as you try to sleep? When those monsters rush into the building, there will be danger everywhere, which he absolutely can’t allow .

“Brother Yi, when you go out, take the Wordless Heavenly Book with you . The Heavenly Book not only has information on various treasures, but also gains information on those monsters . ” Chen Xuerou said .

“Alright, I’ll just head to the middle of the apartment building . Our building has strict access controls and there are iron gates outside the apartment building . As long as the gate is closed, some monsters won’t be able to climb over it . I won’t take too long . ” Yi Tianxing nodded in agreement .

After tidying up the dishes and chopsticks .

Yi Tianxing once again packed up the tang knife, spear and other weapons, and when he put them in his backpack, he did not hesitate to step out the front door .


The security door behind him closed directly, holding the tang knife in hand, he quickly scanned around his surroundings . It is already night time, and without electricity, the scene around him is completely dark, but with his Innate Yin and Yang eyes, the surrounding scene can still be clearly reflected in his eyes, night seemed like day, which is only the most basic ability of his innate Yin and Yang eyes .


As if aware of a human appearing, the instant Yi Tianxing came out, all of a sudden, a black shadow rushed out from the sky, hardly any sign of the attack was made at all, as if the creature had been waiting in ambush overhead, waiting for someone to finally come out to land it’s killer blow .


Yi Tianxing’s reaction was very quick . When he heard the wind overhead, he immediately looked up and saw a dark shadow coming upon him . Not even thinking about it, he raised his arm to block it with the knife . The dark shadow was very strange, the tang knife was not able to land on it, as if it saw his strike from far away, it immediately predicted his response in advance . The creature directly twist it’s body in mid-air, turning in an arc, and immediately pouncing on Yi Tianxing’s neck soon after .

A chill could not help spontaneously spreading from his neck .

Even if Yi Tianxing reacted quickly enough, his neck was still grabbed by the claws, leaving a few bloodstains behind .

“Seeking death!”

A Yin and Yang Lock burst out of Yi Tianxing’s eyes and bound the shadow in a flash . The Yin and Yang Lock are extremely fast, but the creatures eyes reacted just as quickly .

“Vampire bat!”

The black shadow bound by the Yin and Yang Lock is reflected in his eyes, it is a huge black bat whose eyes are blood red . Showing sharp hollow fangs, once bitten by this creature, it can immediately draw on a lot of blood, he’s afraid if he’s bitten, all the blood in his body will be sucked dry leaving a cold corpse .

In the dark, this is an extremely terrible killer .

Suddenly, Yi Tianxing was scratched by the claws of the vampire bat .


Without the slightest hesitation, he slashes with his backhand on the head of the vampire bat, killing it on the spot . The soul was forcibly pulled out by the Yin and Yang Lock and bound and pulled into Yin and Yang eyes .

“In this new world, there is really no room for the slightest bit of slack . The large artery on my neck was almost torn, if replaced by another person, I fear that they would be drained of blood on the spot and turned into a cold corpse . ”

Yi Tianxing quickly took out a hemostatic spray and quickly sprayed it on his wound, he then took out a large bandage and affixed it to his wound .

In his heart, he can’t help becoming more alert, he does not know how many monsters have drilled out from the cracks during the start of the catastrophe, but the types of monsters were definitely not just those green-skinned monsters, they also included many different wild beasts . Weirder and stranger monsters are constantly emerging .

Especially at night, this is the home turf of those monsters, night is completely a monsters’ world .

If he’s not careful, he won’t know how he died .

“Yes, there’s some treasure . ”

When the vampire bat was killed, he could see a white wish bead emerging from the corpse, as well as a light ball .

The wish bead was directly thrown into his backpack and the light ball was crushed on the spot .

“< blood="" spring="">, cultivation method cla.s.sic?”

When the light ball burst, a jade book appeared in his hands, two ancient seal characters that spelled Blood Spring appeared on it, which looked very strange, but now is not the time to delve too deeply into it, after a slight glance, he put the book in his backpack continuing to head straight downstairs .

The apartment building is very tall, now that the elevator can’t operate anymore, if ordinary city people climb it, he is afraid that they will only end up falling to the ground with a tired expression with one back and forth trip . As far as Yi Tianxing is concerned, this was no trouble at all, even in the past, he went as far as possible to only go up and down the stairs and not take the elevator . In the past as he went up and down the stairs, back and forth, his breathing was not labored at all, and he felt that this exercise can also play a role in warming up his muscles and limbs .

Not to mention now, when he came down from above, not a drop of sweat flowed .

With heightened vigilance, the monsters entering the building could no longer pose much of a threat to Yi Tianxing .

A green-skinned monster, a mouse the size of a hyena, or even a zombie . In the darkness, they are a fatal threat to anyone, but after fighting each of them, these monsters all fall under Yi Tianxing’s knife .

There were not many knife strikes made, each time a swing was sent out, it was made in the most direct and efficient way, made only to kill the other in the shortest time possible .

The growth of the True Dragon Qi in the body has greatly increased Yi Tianxing’s strength, he can see the trajectory of each of his knife swings .

Those monsters and beasts were all easily dispatched by the tang knife .

Along the way, he did not encounter any monsters that were too fierce .

When he got downstairs, the iron gate had been left opened, the doorman outside had already been torn to pieces with the smell of blood given off very strong . The meat on the doorman’s bones have been gnawed off with only a few shredded flesh and blood remaining .

Shaking his head, he did not hesitate to close the iron gate again, afterwards, he returned to the building and began hunting again . The hunt was carried out layer by layer, he swept every house and knocked on each the door . If someone answered, he would not go in, but if there was no answer, he would directly break in the home .

After completing his hunt, the whole building was cleared again, this hunt took more than two hours .

He headed back home .

The three women have taken out the < sit="" and="" forget="" sutra=""> to visualize .

Yi Tianxing did not disturb them, he opened his backpack and took out the harvest from his campaign .

Wish beads included of course, needless to say, he only got more than a hundred this time around, all of which were white wish beads, and none of which were blue . Putting the wish beads aside, all that’s left are the light b.a.l.l.s .

Crushing the light b.a.l.l.s one by one .

Most of them are precious materials . These are not needed for the time being .

However, there is a book included .

“< basic="" spear="" method=""> . ”

When he opens it up, he can see that this is the most basic spear method . It contains nine basic spear methods: piercing, stabbing, collapsing, winding, circling, blocking, sweeping, pointing, and thrusting . Each form occupies a full page, on which a man in a strong outfit was holding a long spear . As long as his eyes were fixed on it, he could immediately see that the picture was not static, as if the man had come to life, he waved his long spear . He practiced the spear method directly in front of his eyes . Allowing one to immerse in it . It’s like witnessing a master spearman practicing his spear method . Letting people deeply understand the true meaning of the spear method .

This was also true of the previous < basic="" sword="" method=""> and < basic="" knife="" method=""> . It can give people the most perfect understanding of the method . Allowing one to quickly master the sword and knife .