Eternal Country

Chapter 29

Translator: SumTLMan

"Oh my G.o.d, a meteor. No, a lot of meteors. A Meteor shower! And they are all coming to hit the Earth!"

"What a big meteor, so many meteors. It"s over. These meteors will hit the Earth. If they collide with our planet, the explosions will be no different from being hit by a large number of missiles or nuclear bombs. The whole world will end up in smoky ruins."

"Come on, go downstairs now. Find a place to hide. Go find a bomb shelter. Go into a bas.e.m.e.nt. When the meteors fall and crash on impact, the buildings will collapse and turn into ruins. Staying here means death."

In the face of this sudden meteor shower heading to strike the Earth. No one knows how many survivors were completely frozen with fear. They were so scared that they could not even respond to what was happening. These people could only watch as the meteors travel closer and closer, enlarging before their very eyes as the meteors came nearer.

Many people did not even think about it. They just open the door directly and rush desperately towards where they think is the most hidden and safest place. Even in doing so, the fear in their eyes had not diminished at all.

Few people knew what this meteor shower falling from the Heavens represented.

This is an extinction-level catastrophe in the doomsday.

The legendary dinosaurs all went extinct after being hit by a meteor. Now with this meteor shower, if it just crossed the Earth"s horizon, they would be called beautiful. But if they directly hit the Earth, they are no longer called beautiful, but terrifying.

"These are meteors, real meteors!"

Yi Tianxing looked at the meteor shower sailing through the sky. His face also showed a trace of paleness from this scene. In the face of this terrible disaster, the feeling of powerlessness completely drowns his whole body and mind.

Even if he Qi refines the < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra="">, in this scenario, he won"t fare much better than an ant.


Even at such a distance, he can still hear the terrible roar from meteors directly impacting the ground. Mushroom-like clouds began rising in the distance as if there was a nuclear explosion.


Looking up, a meteor was falling directly near SH. The meteor continued to expand in front of his eyes. Still covered in a halo of fire, like a huge ball of fire. Before it landed, it had brought with it a terrible shockwave which made the soil, sand and rocks around travel through the air. There were constant shaking and sharp sounds of the meteors breaking through the sound barrier. These noises made one"s scalp explode instantaneously.

Although the meteors did not directly hit the city of SH. Even though the impact was nearby, the destructive force from the impact was unimaginable, the aftermath must have been devastating as well.

Without hesitation, Yi Tianxing ran madly towards the underground garage.

His speed is extremely fast, on first realization at what was happening, he mobilized the True Qi in his body. Perfusing it into the flesh and bones in his legs, so that his running speed becomes even more astonishing. Almost within a breaths time, he had already stepped into the underground garage. And at that moment, he placed the iron plate back onto the entrance to re-seal it.

When Zhao Ziyan saw him, she quickly opened her mouth to ask.

"Brother, what"s going on outside?"

Yi Tianxing glanced around and saw that hundreds of people had gathered around him in the underground garage. Most of them were with their families and residents of the building. When they heard the call from Yi Tianxing, all of them had come down to the underground garage. As to whether anyone was left behind, that was not very clear. But obviously, most of the residents have come down. Making the garage look extremely lively at this moment.

Everyone gathered together and began talking to each other.

When they saw Yi Tianxing coming down, all of them had stopped talking. All pairs of eyes fell on him. There was expectation, fear, and hope in their eyes.

This kind of scene is heavy.

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and said quickly.

"It"s not good, the Heavens are really raining down meteors, and these meteors have hit the Earth. I"ve just seen a meteor falling near our SH. Although not directly landing in the city, it had landed in the nearby suburbs. This distance is not far away."

"What, meteors, a meteor shower? Is the meteor shower falling towards us?"

In the underground garage, many people heard Yi Tianxing"s call before and ran straight here. But they didn"t know exactly what was going on, or what danger would had suddenly come, so they were still confused about what was happening. Now hearing that meteors had hit near here, they were all startled. One by one they exclaimed out of fear, had pales faces and showed fear in their faces. These fears can be said to have climbed to extremes in an instant.

"Everyone had better gather in the open and pay attention to the ceiling at all times. I do not know how much damage this impact will cause. Don"t stand up, squat down, and get under a car to hide if you can. If there"s really going to be an accident. The car can block some of it."

Li Zhilin pushed the frame of his up and immediately opened his mouth to offer some advice.

Now is not the time to be surprised. The most important thing to do now is to respond in a timely manner.

"Let"s do it."

When Yi Tianxing heard this, he took a look at Li Zhilin. He was surprised by his reaction. Once he grows up and steps into society, such a person would be absolutely indispensable. No matter where they are, or whatever situation they find themselves in, they are an absolute elite.

These can be seen from the little things he does.

When many people heard the advice, they did not hesitate to find a place to hide.


No sooner when the people had found a spot to hide, did they hear more unimaginable roars outside. Everyone"s eardrum seemed to shatter on the spot. Leaving their whole head buzzing, blank, and completely shocked from the sounds. These roars covered anywhere and everywhere, these sounds became the only thing people heard between Heaven and Earth.

Even Yi Tianxing felt that his whole head was about to explode.

It was a terrible and shocking feeling.

In the underground garage, many people began bleeding from their ears, mouth and nose.

Then there were a series of sounds from building collapses and earthquakes that shook the ground.

This scene was almost the same as when Heaven and Earth had collapsed. In this scenario, a deep sense of powerlessness had thoroughly filled people"s minds. In this life and death situation, they could not help but feel only powerlessness. This is simply an irresistible natural disaster.

They don"t know how long this situation will last.

Yi Tianxing could hear the sound of collapse coming from his own building, the screams outside, and the feeling of the ground shaking as it slowly wanes. He did not know how much time pa.s.sed before the situation completely calmed down.

"Oh my G.o.d, when these meteors impacted Earth. My head felt like it was going to explode from the noise coming from all around." Tie Nan crawled out from under a car and shook his head while he spoke with fear in his eyes.

"We survived. What a terrible impact force. Our building above should have collapsed. I don"t know how many others have collapsed as well." Li Zhilin shook his head and said with a look of shock in his eyes.

"Let me go out and take a look."

Yi Tianxing also stood up, took a deep breath, and calmed down his fluctuating Qi and blood in his body. He directly went straight to the entrance of the corridor and removed the iron plate. Fortunately, the stairway did not collapse.

This also gave Yi Tianxing a quiet sigh of relief. Even if the building collapses, they can at least keep this underground garage s.p.a.ce as an unaffected living s.p.a.ce.

Standing on the ground, Yi Tianxing"s face was bloodless for a while.


The best word to describe the scene before him, tragic.

The Sky View Building did collapse a bit on the upper floors from the ma.s.sive shockwaves. Other buildings around completely collapsed and turned into numerous debris and rubble, which scattered around and smashed the surrounding area. Fortunately, their building was not shoddily built in the beginning but was built using costly material with a solid foundation. Although it collapsed a bit, it was still good. There were only vicious-looking cracks and some gaps in the building, which made people utterly surprised at this outcome.

It can be called a somewhat dangerous building.

Compared to the rest of the area and the world, it is fine.

The other buildings are completely collapsed. They have numerous cracks, the ground is split, and countless cracks are left all over the place.

The original scene of blooming flowers completely turned into dest.i.tute ruins. Almost none of the buildings were intact.

This situation is still one where the meteor did not fall directly into the city. Otherwise, all the buildings would have been completely destroyed. Even in this situation, no one knows how many people died during the impact. The air is full of rising smoke and dust everywhere. Breathing had become overwhelmingly difficult, leaving many people with only two options. To choke or keep coughing.

Coupled with the fact that it was still dark outside, this made the scene even more miserable.

Yi Tianxing doesn"t know from how many places he had heard mournful screams or howls. There were dead and wounded monsters everywhere, and no one knows how many were affected by this disaster. This was not an ordinary aftershock.

"What a terrible impact. It"s destroyed, the whole city has been completely destroyed. In this situation, there is not much difference between the city being destroyed or in ruins." Tang Zitong also followed. When she looked out at the scene before her, there was a touch of worry in her eyes. Even if her eyes could not see any further away. For now, it was possible to guess what had happened all around her.

In the face of such a disaster, she could not help but secretly worry about what had happened to her loved ones and family.

She prays to herself that nothing had happened to them.

But no matter how much worry she has from this situation, it is useless. She can"t just fly over to her loved ones in the face of such a disaster. She already has difficulty in protecting herself. Even if there are worries in her heart, she can only force thee worries down to the bottom of her heart.

"The civilized world is over. The original order of civilization has been completely destroyed by these successive disasters. Especially after this meteor shower. It has caused enough damage to destroy most of the inheritance left by human civilization."

Yi Tianxing was silent for a long time and then sighed.

Even in modern civilization, there are defects of one kind or another. But in the end, these were part of a process of exhibition by human civilization. Now, it is all over.

Modern civilization cannot continue. Perhaps future generations will find the splendour of modern civilization in the ruins.

"It"s over. I don"t know how many more days we can hold on or if we can even support ourselves for a few more days."

Some residents of the building also came out from the underground garage. These people had bloodstains coming from their noses, and all were shaken by what they had just seen. Looking at the broken scene around them, one by one they stared blankly at it, only showing faces of confusion or despair at what had happened.

In the face of this kind of change, they really can"t imagine any future anymore.

Their future, like the darkness in front of them, is one where they cannot see any light.

"Go back, there is sand and dust in the air outside. These collapsed buildings are all still dangerous. It is unsuitable to stay outside for too long." Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and said in a deep voice. No matter how others reacted, he turned around and walked straight into the underground garage.

The screams outside, although full of pain and mournful. In this environment, he cannot go out and save them. His only option is to turn around and leave.