Eternal Life

Chapter 54

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 54


Hurry and go to the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’ and capture some Heavenly Devils. I have the ability to use water mana alchemy, and can refine Heavenly Devils into ‘Great Blue Sky Pellets’. These pellets are even more nourishing than ‘Blood Pellets’, and can increase one’s Primal Qi. Beneath the heavens, only the ‘Yellow Spring’ holy water has this ability. Other schools, upon catching Heavenly Devils, try to refine them using true fire in a pellet furnace. However, Heavenly Devils are most afraid of true fire, and quickly become incinerated. If one isn’t an expert at alchemy, there is no way for one Heavenly Devils into pellets.

Yan seemed to be extremely happy about entering the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’.

Water mana alchemy? Fang Han curiously asked.

Correct, the ‘Yellow Spring River’ is just an extremely large pellet furnace. In the past, the ‘Yellow Spring Great Emperor’ used supreme magic to seal the underground ‘Holy Yellow Spring River’, half of the reason being that he required the river water’s unique alchemic effect, something which my Huang’quan Sect calls cleansing. This ‘Yellow Spring River’s water has many names, forgetness water, confusion soup, etc.

Water mana alchemy, it is truly strange. It seems as if in the future, I won’t lack any elixirs. Not having to worry about food and drink, I am much more fortunate than the average Yu’hua School disciple.

After cultivating to the ‘Mortal Realm’ tenth stage, ‘G.o.dly Transformation’, the body required an extremely great amount of nutrients. Just eating food was nowhere near enough. Thus, during this period, one needed to consume large amounts of medicinal pellets condensed from Primal Qi essence. Luckily for Fang Han, he had more than fifty ‘Blood Pellets’ which had been refined by Yan from the hundreds of ‘Yasha’ which he killed during his travels within the ‘Underground Abyss’. It was enough to last him two to three months.

The Huang’quan Sect’s ‘Blood Pellet’ and the Yu’hua School’s ‘Primal Essence Pellet’ and ‘Royal Grain Immortal Pellet’ were all condensed amounts of Primal Qi essence, only the ‘Blood Pellet’ was condensed from the blood essence of ‘Yasha’ while the ‘Primal Essence Pellet’ and ‘Royal Grain Immortal Pellet’ were condensed from the essence of vegetation, spiritual stones, as well as the ethereal qi from the sky and the vigorous qi from thunder. Both kinds required tempering for a long time in pellet furnaces to remove all impurities.

It was very easy for Yan to refine ‘Blood Pellets’ because the ‘Yellow Spring River’ within the ‘Yellow Spring Picture’ was the best possible pellet furnace. Using its cleansing magic to refine pellets allowed Yan to not use true fire to temper the pellets.

There was water mana alchemy, as well as fire mana alchemy, each with its own mysteries.

However, when refining ‘Heavenly Devils’ into medicinal pellets, it was most effective to use water mana alchemy.

Alright then, let us go!”

Fang han left the ‘Crouching Immortal Courtyard’ and directly walked towards the ‘Sky Courtyard’. The ‘Sky Courtyard’ was where the inner court promotion a.s.sessment was, the place to reach the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’.

The ‘Sky Courtyard’ was located deep within Yu’hua city, shrouded by layer after layer of mist. The early morning sunlight shined down from above upon the mist, refracting into numerous rainbows. It was an extremely beautiful sight, but Fang Han was not in the mood to pay attention to such a beautiful scene. He took out the jade tablet which showed his qualification to take the exam and directly entered the ‘Sky Courtyard’.

During this time, outer court disciples who also had the jade qualification tablets also began arriving in groups of two and three and also entered the ‘Sky Courtyard’, ready to fight with the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’s Heavenly Devils and test their mental strength.

Each one of these outer court disciples were rather strong and full of energy, their spirits keen and bodies nimble. They were all not insignificant people as they were able to complete the school’s tasks. As disciples who had obtained the qualifications to take the a.s.sessment, just which one could be considered insignificant?

However, in Fang Han’s eyes, all of these people were rather “weak”.

This was because Fang Han was just too strong. The strength of almost ten horses was contained within his body’s muscles, bones, organs, and membranes. This was almost at the strength of a ‘Shura’, just how could he possibly no look down at these people?

“I heard that the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’ is not within this plane, but beyond the sky above us. Is this true or not? Doesn’t that mean that we will be going beyond our plane?”

“How could this be fake? I asked a few of the inner court disciples who had partic.i.p.ated in this test before, it is truly beyond this plane. The place’s scenery is extremely gorgeous, a simply unprecedented sight, but it is also extremely dangerous. Last year, ten thousand outer court disciples partic.i.p.ated in the exam, and a full three thousand of them died. Furthermore, a few thousand became insane, their spirits broken while thousands of others had to be rescued out. Only two to three hundred people pa.s.sed.”

“I wonder if the number of people who pa.s.s this year will be more or less. If one becomes an inner court disciple, every five days, one can receive a ‘Primal Essence’ spirit pellet and a ‘Royal Grain Pellet’. These elixirs are consumed in place of food and used to enhance cultivation.”

“I saw the ‘Primal Essence Pellet’ before at an a.s.sembly of princes, a certain prince’s grandfather kept one as a family treasure. An elixir that was pa.s.sed down from generation to generation. It’s rumored that just by sniffing it, an ordinary person can see an increase in strength and clearing of their meridians. Inner court disciples consume it as food, doesn’t that mean they live more comfortably than emperors?”

Listening to these discussions, Fang Han observed these partic.i.p.ating disciples from the shadows. He found that none of these people had strength that could match up to his. Of course, amongst them, there a few who were very profound and unable to be guessed. However, Fang Han instinctively felt that these disciples still shouldn’t be his opponents.

I wonder if Hong Yi Jun Princess was able to obtain qualifications for the exam. According to logic, since she has the ‘True Blue Sword’, to stealthily behead ‘Yasha’ shouldn’t have been hard. Oh right, once I become an inner court disciple, I need to go fine Crane Fairy and portion off some pellets for her to eat. She might be able to cultivate to an extremely high stage.

Eh? That is?

While Fang Han was sizing up his opponents, a person suddenly caught his eye.

Amongst a group of people was a tall girl. Although she was wearing robes, one could still see her exquisitely carved, beautiful curves. She wore long boots and carried a sword, causing her to seem heroic and valiant, upright, while also exuding an imposing temperament. Her body seemed supple, her face pretty and bright. She spoke to a man exuding an extremely heroic aura. As the two talked, one could sense quite an intimacy between the two.

The rest of the group also seemed to be people with irregular temperaments. They seemed to all have extreme self-confidence, steadily striding forwards through the crowd. Surprisingly, they were even more confident than Crown Prince Bao and his group of Da’de Empire princes and princesses.

However, what surprised Fang Han wasn’t the big group, but that sword carrying girl in long boots. It was none other than the second lady of the Fang Clan, Fang Qing Wei!

“Fang Han! It is actually you.”

As the second lady of the Fang Clan, Fang Qing Wei’s eyesight was very keen, her spirit very sensitive, and her cultivation very high. Upon sensing that someone was staring at her, she immediately looked over and discovered Fang Han. Surprised for a moment, she yelled afterwards.

Although Fang Han had grown quite a lot and his temperament was vastly different from before, his face hadn’t changed. Thus, Fang Qing Wei was able to identify him, even though she couldn’t believe her eyes that he was there.

Fang Han stopped moving, silent. Only his eyes were directed back, allowing second lady Fang Qing Wei to see him more closely.

“You come over!” Confirming that it was Fang Han, Fang Qing Wei waved her hand, beckoning Fang Han over, casually saying, “I heard that you, servant, earned my sister’s appreciation and thus became an outer court disciple because of her. I never would have thought that you would be able to gain the qualification for taking the inner court disciple a.s.sessment. What good things has my sister given you? While at ‘Purple Lightning Peak’, a small person like you has power. To beat up several overseers, such a vile action. Since my sister only focuses on cultivation, she knows nothing about worldly matters and was thus deceived by you. However, I am not so easily deceived. You come over here and kneel, I have some words to remind you of.”

Hearing Fang Qing Wei’s words the man who had been speaking intimately to her asked,“Qing Wei, just who is he?”

“He is a servant of my Fang Clan,” replied Fang Qing Wei casually.

“Qing Xue senior sister has already agreed with me and betrothed you to me. From now on, I am your fiancé. You need to understand this, Qing Wei.”

Fang Han suddenly stopped in his tracks, giving a overbearing response.

“Such boldness! You are so impudent!”

The man’s eyes flashed a bit of killing intent.

The sound of his words had not yet ended when…


Fang Han’s large fist, hard a steel, tore through the air, emitting a exploding sound. It smashed straight into the man’s head.