Everyone Is Young Except For Me

Chapter 139

Publishedat 26th of May 2020 02:30:57 PM
Chapter 139

Chapter 139

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Since then, there have been many battles .  There were various monsters as well as the angry monkeys .  There were wooden monsters with bizarre faces .  The ‘screaming ents’ was one of them . They threatened us with sharp roots rising from the ground .  However, they had the wood attribute and the sun’s flames were their natural enemy . We simply moved forward, dominating them .

Finally, Helena opened her mouth, “We’re here . This is Garbage Village . ”

I looked in the direction she pointed and saw a shabby village reflected in the subtle moonlight .  It wasn’t full of garbage or anything like the name indicated . It was just an ugly little village .  There were crossbow posts stationed around the village and they seemed to be intended to prevent a monster invasion .

Nevertheless, it was shabby . It was really different from Fortren .  The entrance was also guarded by someone .  The guard shouted vigilantly as we approached, “Who is it?!”

A spear pointed at us . The even sadder thing was that the tip was rusty .  Their skeletal appearance made them look like those experiencing a famine or refugees that I had only seen on TV .

“Uncle Delma! It’s me, Helena!”

“No, you . . . ? Why are you here?

“I’m sorry but there’s no time to explain . Let me see my father . ”

“At this time . . . ?”

“It’s urgent . It involves the lives of the villagers . ”

“Uh, y-yes . Please wait a minute . ”

Perhaps it was due to her eyes but Delma quickly ran somewhere .  After a while, we were able to enter the village .  The lights started to turn on one by one . Some people rubbed their eyes because it was late but some were places that were noisy due to children waking up .  Yet they welcomed us without any wariness .  I thought it was a place full of affection .

“Helena, how long has it been? Have you suffered in the meantime?”

“Wow, Sister Helena is completely beautiful!”

“I’ve never seen her before . She’s so beautiful .  Haha . ”

The villagers were busy welcoming Helena .  They might be lacking materially but mentally, they seemed richer than anyone else .  During the conversation, the group suddenly split apart and a person appeared .  It was an old man holding a cane with a gray cloth around his eyes .

“Father, I’m here . ”

“Ohhh, Helena!”

They embraced each other the moment they met . Then the man started crying .  “I’m sorry .  Sob sob . . .  I was forced to do so for the sake of the villagers . . . ”

“No, Father, it’s fine . I’m really okay . ”

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Both father and daughter burst into tears .  I saw it and my nose got a burning sensation .  I heard her story in Metheus but tears still filled my eyes .  A blind father who had to sell his daughter to preserve the village and the wise daughter who accepted it .  The two of them were showing a sad scene from a movie .

“Father, I have to leave now . ”

“What does that mean? Why do you have to leave so suddenly?

“In fact . . . ”

Helena’s long story followed .  Then the villagers started making a ruckus .  Helena’s father spoke, “T-That . . . ”

"I"m sorry . I’m doing everything at my own pace but I think they can be trusted . He promised to help settle the people of our village . If we run away overnight then Aidan won’t know . ”

No, I had never made such a promise . . .

She noticed my expression and started to cough .  I let out a small sigh .  

Meanwhile, Helena continued, “They are very strong . They’ll probably be able to protect the people of our village . I saw it myself . ”

She was a completely willful woman . I said I would bring them back but I never said I would protect them .

Helena’s father gripped his cane and spoke, “It isn’t possible . ”

“Huh? Father . But . . . ”

“If we leave then he will be in trouble . ”

He . . . ? Who was he talking about?

“You know that as well . He secretly supported us despite his status as a n.o.bleman . We have been able to eat and live because of him . If we leave then he’ll be in trouble during this election . ”

I didn’t know what he was saying but I understood one thing .  Helena’s father decided to stay here and all the villagers seemed to feel the same .  I could tell just based on Helena’s expression .

“Still, I don’t know what Aidan will do . We can’t live like this forever . Father, please think again . Please . . . ”

The villagers all bowed their heads .  They seemed unwilling to leave even though they could be at risk .  I was curious about the ident.i.ty of this ‘he’ that they were talking about .  Who the h.e.l.l was he? How did he get such sincere loyalty? I didn’t know who it was but I wanted to meet him once .

"My daughter, we won’t leave here . Don’t you know? We are protecting this place . We still have to wait . ”

“Father, please . . . forget about that old superst.i.tion . It is a really ridiculous story . . . ”

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Just then, my super sensitive hearing heard the harsh sound of metal .  It was the sound of weapons colliding with each other and iron boots stomping on the ground .  Based on this, it wasn’t unusual that they made a lot of noise .  Based on their busy footsteps, they would be here soon .

I interrupted the two of them .  “Hey, I’m sorry but I think soldiers will be here soon . ” 

The villagers started to murmur .

“S-Soldiers? What do you mean?”

Helena asked me and I was about to respond .  However, it was too late .

Rattle .  Rattle .

Everyone’s head turned at the sudden sound of metal .  Torches appeared one by one at the entrance of the village .  Holding them were soldiers armed with solid armor and weapons .  Helena frowned as if she knew them .

“This . . . They are Aidan’s soldiers . Indeed, they came here first . . . ”

They finally entered the village . They seemed quite fierce as all of them were releasing a terrible pressure .  Then someone stepped forward .

“Helena, you really are here . ”

“ . . . Aidan . ”

“Tsk . You are still rude . You still aren’t calling me your husband . ”

“I told you . I"ve never recognized you as my husband . Now and in the future . Even if I become your wife, I won’t serve you . ”

The party and I silently watched from behind .  However, Kis with the fis.h.i.+ng rod was acting a bit strange .  His fists were clenched and he was shaking .  He shouldn’t step forward .  Then everyone here would be in danger .  I grabbed Kis’ trembling wrist and shook my head .

“ . . . . . . ”

Kis’ trembling hands soon stopped .  We continued to listen to their conversation .

“Helena, you are now my wife . Why do you keep coming and going from this Garbage Village? Tsk .  It is still dirty here . How terrible . ”

“What’s wrong with me going to meet my father? Besides, it’s none of your business . ”

“None of my business . . . ”

Aidan’s face briefly twisted .  Then he soon spoke again with a calm face .

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“Huhu . Okay . I’ll move on for today . Let’s go back, Helena . ” 

“ . . . . . . ”

“Do you know why I led the soldiers here?”

Then Helena bit her lip and spoke, “ . . . I understand . Instead, don"t touch the villagers . ”

"Of course . Just follow me .  Huhu . ”

Helena turned and looked at the villagers .  She said goodbye to her father in front of her .  “I’m going now, Father . ” 

The two of them held hands tightly and wept .  It was too sad but this was the path they chose .  There was nothing I could do to help .

“Go carefully, my daughter . Additionally, I’m sorry .  Sob . ”

“Don’t cry . I’ll come again . ”

“Yes, I"ll be here anytime . ”

The two of them said goodbye and then Helena waved to the villagers .  Finally, her gaze turned in our direction .  It wasn’t exactly to us but to Kis .

“ . . . . . . ”

“ . . . . . . ”

They conveyed their hearts just by looking at each other .  They didn’t say a word but they would’ve understood each other’s meaning .  Helena quickly turned to Aidan’s location .  She looked sad .  

One step . Two steps .  Then once she was three steps away . . .


s.h.i.+t . . .

In the end, this guy was going to cause an accident .  The owner of the voice was Kis behind me .  Suddenly, a float flew through the air .  The direction it aimed for was Aidan’s back .  This rotten guy . . .

However, his float was lightly blocked by a soldier nearby .  I didn’t know why he did it in the first place .  Perhaps he was planning to take Aidan hostage . . .

“Who are you? You are just a trivial fisherman . ” Aidan questioned it and Kis declared proudly, “I am Helena’s lover!”


“That’s right . She and I love each other!” Kis glanced at me as he spoke .  

He was asking me for help .  What did he want me to do? s.h.i.+t, I was really going crazy .  I didn’t know why he was looking at me after causing an accident .  Hah .  Things were becoming even more twisted .

“Helena . . . You cheated on me after all! This woman dares! You dare!”

Aidan’s eyes were engulfed in madness .  He had gone crazy .  It turned out like this .  

d.a.m.n, I was really going crazy . What should I do?

“I can’t forgive you . I can’t forgive you! Attendant!”


“Bring him and Helena’s father to me right now!”

The soldiers drew their swords and threatened the villagers .  Helena’s father was soon caught and knelt before Aidan .  Kis was also forced to his knees while Helena cried and begged Aidan .

“S-Sorry . Aidan, I won"t do it again . Please forgive the two of them . Please . Please . . . ”

My heart was broken when I saw her desperately praying .  It really didn’t seem right .  No, I couldn’t .  I really couldn’t kill him . . .

“Helena, look carefully at what will happen if you betray me . ” 

Aidan grabbed a sword from a soldier’s sheath . In the end, I thought staying still was right .

“Ah, no . No! No! Please! Aidan, please!" She knelt and blocked Aidan’s way but she was easily pushed aside .

Aidan once again lifted his sword .  Tsk .  Then it couldn’t be helped .  I fired a cobweb from my wrist and deflected the sword .

“Kuek . Who? Who dares . . . ?!”

“You had better shut up . ”

“W-What? Who are you?”

“Who am I?” I slowly walked forward .  My group started preparing for battle as I smiled .  “I’m the chief of the area next door, you rotten guy . ”

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