Everyone Is Young Except For Me

Chapter 140

Publishedat 26th of May 2020 02:30:57 PM
Chapter 140

Chapter 140

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A loud snoring sound echoed through Metheus Village .  If someone heard it then they might feel out of breath .  A cold winter breeze swept through the village and Kerenos, the snorer, was slapped on the cheeks .

“Captain . ”

“Um . ”

“Captain, if you sleep here then your mouth will turn . Get up . ”

The vice-captain of the Sylphid Knights, Becker, slapped Kerenos hard on the cheeks .  However, the captain showed no signs of waking up .  Why did he drink so much alcohol when he couldn’t even drink? Becker regarded abstinence as an iron-clad rule so he didn’t know how to drink .  Based on what he heard, the money that the captain earned from gambling had flown away .

“Hrmm . Then it can’t be helped . ” Becker had carried Kerenos on his shoulder multiple times over the years .  His weight combined with the armor was quite heavy but it was still bearable .  “Phew . Please stop drinking, Captain . ”

It had been a long time since the captain drank enough to fall unconscious .  Perhaps the last time was when he drank with his teacher Mugen .  Kerenos used to only drink when he was in a good mood but today it was the opposite .  “My moneeeey . d.a.m.nnnn . ”

Was money so good? Well, a knight’s salary was a bit small .  It was because they were knights that valued honor and money could encourage luxury .  This was a tradition that had been pa.s.sed down from generation to generation and knights made a living on a small salary .  Well, there were other benefits .

“Um . . .  You . . . ”

“It’s Becker, Captain . ”

“Ah, Becker . . . ” Kerenos exhaled like there was still alcohol remaining .  He sat up and spoke, “Hooooo .  Where are the others? Did everyone get home safely?”

“Ah, that . . . ” Becker started to tell the long story .  It was about what happened while Kerenos was drunk and asleep . There was a woman called Helena from Garbage Village and left in a group .  He reported it all to Kerenos .

“What?!” Kerenos shouted and removed himself from Becker’s shoulder .  Then he scrambled around and started to look for his spear .  “My spear . . . where is my spear?!”

Becker handed Kerenos the spear that had been placed in a corner .  Kerenos hiccuped while stumbling .  “Hiccup . Thank you .  H-Hiccup!”

“Are you going to follow them?”

“Uh . . . Hooooo .  Yes, this is my mission . ”


“Punghee is the future of Windia . . .  hiccup!” 

Becker nodded as if he understood .  Kerenos was such a man .  He thought about Windia the moment he woke up .  There might be Jackson but Kerenos had been the guardian of Windia since he was born .

“Do you know where they went?”

“Kuoooh . I know . Garbage Village . . . ”

It was a famous place so it was impossible for him to not know it .  Kerenos’ magic power was seething .  It was the precursor to the wind magic, Haste .  Light green magic power dwelled in his feet .  He pointed his spear at the ground and spoke, “Sigh .  Please look after this place, Becker . ” 

“Be careful . ”

“Yes .  Ahh, there is one thing after another . ” 

Kerenos stumbled once again .

Becker thought, ‘I’m a bit uneasy about this . ’

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He didn’t know if it would be dangerous .  An unknown anxiety wrapped around Becker’s entire body .

“Do you want some medicine to sober you up?”

“Uh . . .  give me one if you have it . ”

Becker always carried a medicine to sober up .  It was a habit from being around Kerenos for a long time .  He pulled out a small bottle and Kerenos swallowed it .

“Puhaaa .  My nose is dead . ”

“I’m glad it worked . ”

“Then I’ll be going, Becker . ” 

“Yes, I wish you luck . ”

The wind swept away and Kerenos was no longer present .  Becker looked in the direction he had gone .

“ . . . That is the opposite direction . ”

It seemed that Kerenos was still a bit drunk .

“Chief? The chief of the area next door . . . ?”

“Yes . This guy . ” Aidan heard my words and laughed .  He seemed to find it ridiculous .  “Ha! It is absurd . A chief stopping me, Aidan . . . ? Attendant! Let that old man sit down before me!”


The loud voices of the soldiers rang in my ears .  They started to surround me .  According to Joseph, they were probably paid and hired by Aidan .  Fortren’s system really was capitalism .  By the way, where did Joseph go? He was invisible .

I summoned Solar .

“Hehe! Master, we meet again! It is nice to see you!”

“This is a battle . ”

“I see . Understood! Hufff!”

[The sun elemental ‘Solar’ is proclaiming the curse of the sun . ] 

I suddenly felt the heat around me rise . The soldiers who surrounded me started to sweat .

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“Hey, isn’t it becoming hotter?”

“Isn’t it winter?”

“What is this . . . ”

Meanwhile, I sent a whisper to Kim Sujeong .

-Jackson: Do Firefly Concerto on the count of three .

-Crystal: I understand .  I’ll be ready .

She fought a lot so I didn’t need to tell her many words .  I took advantage of the soldiers’ carelessness to fire cobwebs at Kis and the old man in front of Aidan .


I quickly called out three without any signal . Their expressions were confused for a moment before they soon calmed down .  It was due to the cus.h.i.+on I had made out of cobwebs .

“Firefly Concerto!”

A widespread fluorescent s.h.i.+eld wrapped around the party, including me .  The fl.u.s.tered soldiers struck with their swords but it wasn’t easily broken .

“W-What is this?”

“Who the h.e.l.l are these people?”

“What are you? Get lost!”

Many soldiers started to strike at the s.h.i.+eld but it was strong and showed no signs of breaking .  There was just one problem .

“Over there! Aim for those who remain over there!”

Aidan’s voice was loud as he pointed to the residents who hadn’t entered the s.h.i.+eld .  Firefly Concerto only protected an area with a diameter of 100 meters and it couldn’t contain all the residents of Garbage Village .  Once they started to be attacked, I rushed there and launched Rising Sun .  Then I used Sun Road for the first time in a while .  A ma.s.sive fire blocked their way forward but it didn’t last long .

“Hurry and run away . ”

“T-Thank you!”

“Grandfather! I’m sure you’ll win!”

A little boy cheered me on with his fists .

Of course I would .

“Bring it on, you newbies . ” 

The sentence made all the soldiers grit their teeth .  The hem of my clothes fluttered while Punghee left her position and flew into the sky .  A soldier was thrown down .  I lightly dodged an attack and launched a series of attacks . The soldier screamed .

“Kuock . Strong . ”

“Everyone, be careful . He is strong!”

“Don’t be careless!”

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Nevertheless, they all fell like autumn leaves .  The sun attribute had the nature of ignoring defense . Additionally, the armor they wore had good heat conductivity and I could cause ma.s.sive sun and fire damage .  In this period of time, I hadn’t slacked off and became quite strong .  

One shot at a time . I stepped lightly with this mindset .  Just then, I felt a chill on the back of my neck .  I quickly twisted my body to avoid that spot and there was an explosion .  The ground split apart and shook .  There was a man who descended from the sky .  It looked like the captain had appeared .

“Huhuhu . You are a strong old man . What is your name?”

“What’s the use of knowing? This guy . ”

“Indeed, that’s true .  Huhu .  Then accept my fists!”

His outstretched fist touched my feet .

Then I became fl.u.s.tered .

“ . . . !”

It didn’t explode .  No, it looked like it was being absorbed . What were these gloves?

“Huhuhu . Good . Good . They are Explosive Gloves . It has the ability to acc.u.mulate and store any explosion . It is quite expensive . ”

“ . . . This is nonsense . ”

At the same time, the man’s hand caught my leg and threw me toward the village wall at the entrance .  I suffered a strong shock and became dizzy .  A loud voice could be heard through the rubble of the collapsed building .

“I’ll take care of this old man . The two of you chase after the residents of Garbage Village . ”

“Huhuhu . Good, I’ll leave it to you . ”

“There is a beautiful woman there . Can I have a bit of fun?”

“Make sure you aren’t caught . They’ll probably be sold to slavery now . ”

“Huhuhu . Thank you, Captain . ” 

Two soldiers chased after the villagers .  s.h.i.+t . He truly was the captain .

I walked out of the rubble .  I might be overdoing it but it couldn’t be helped .

-Jackson: Sujeong .

-Crystal: Yes .  Are you okay?

-Jackson: Well . . .  somewhat .  In any case, it isn’t a problem . Use Nonsmoking Fireflies .

-Crystal: Huh? Then Father is in danger . . .

-Jackson: Don’t worry, I have an idea .

There was no reply from her afterwards .  The answer was clear due to this .  Two giant fireflies soared into the sky and fluorescent lights that looked like snow started to fall toward the ground .  There was an explosion as the surroundings shook .

“Groan .  What is this?!”

“Ugh . f.u.c.k!”

“The s.h.i.+elds!”

The soldiers gathered tightly and used their s.h.i.+elds to prevent the bombardment falling from the sky .  The big one in front was busy blocking with the Explosive Gloves and he bought some time .  Still, there was me . . .

I pulled out a dagger from my inventory .

“Shadow Play . ”

It seemed I hadn’t used this skill in a long time .  I didn’t have much use for it in the meantime but it was good for evasion .  I should use it more often .  Suddenly, Nonsmoking Fireflies was over and I returned to my original position .  I was worried about those who chased after the villagers but it couldn’t be helped .  If I left this place then Sujeong would be in danger .  In fact, this s.h.i.+eld couldn’t last for a long time .

-Crystal: Father, this . . .

-Jackson: I know .  Hold on a little longer .

-Crystal: Please .

She was probably in a difficult condition .  It was just like the last fight with Remus . She was done after using Firefly Concerto . Well . . .  It couldn’t be helped .  This was the best for now .

“Hey, you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! Don’t you want to get paid? Do it properly! Smash that s.h.i.+eld!”

Aidan’s shouting was getting worse .  I should’ve taken that guy hostage . . .

I regretted it for a moment but it was too late .  He was surrounded by soldiers .

“Hey, hey, old man . Don’t forget me!”

His fists struck and there was an explosion .  It was a familiar explosion .  They were the flames of Rising Sun .

“You . . . !”

“Huhuhu . I can cause an explosion just like the ones it absorbed . It’s very expensive!”

His subsequent attacks were fierce .  The place where the explosion took place was now a pit and charred . I was busy blocking his attack .  He absorbed my flames, I reabsorbed the flames he returned to me, we constantly switched between attacking and defending .

Five minutes pa.s.sed .

“Huhuhu . You’re pretty good, old man . You’re hard to kill . ”

“Don’t talk nonsense, you bad guy . Today is the day you die . ”

The soldiers who had been rus.h.i.+ng at me were all focused on breaking the protective s.h.i.+eld .  There was good luck in misfortune but I didn’t think it was good luck .  At this time, the wind blew .


A whirlwind suddenly appeared and engulfed the big captain, blowing him away .  I recognized this wind .  Kerenos? He carried a long spear on his shoulder as he came here with a puzzled expression .  Why did he appear here? In any case, it was lucky .  If it was Kerenos, I could leave this place to him . . .


. . . I was mistaken .

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