Everyone Is Young Except For Me

Chapter 138

Publishedat 26th of May 2020 02:30:57 PM
Chapter 138

Chapter 138

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[You have left the star cl.u.s.ter, ‘Nepomuk Cathedral . ’]

It was a simple but definitive method .  I disconnected from the star cl.u.s.ter so they definitely had to be separated .  Of course, it was a speculation but it seemed to work .

[Chwik .  It seemed like it would be very fun . It is a pity .  Tsk . ]

I was glad .  Based on Mudur’s voice, it seemed to have worked .  Phew, I felt like I lost 10 years .  Next to me, Kim Sujeong spoke with a frown, “Father, Camille is asking about the orc just now . ”

Looking back, Kis and Helena, who were following us, also stopped .  Joseph and Drain were the same . The four of them were staring at us with dazed eyes .

Hrmm .  It wasn’t possible .  

I sighed and told Kim Sujeong, “Let’s continue on the journey . I’ll tell you using whispers . ”

I started to tell the long story .

At the continent’s largest auction house . . .

A group of people came out of a place known for its live auction .  Choi Mido was in the group and covered her face with both hands to hide her warm face .  “Puhahaha! See, I told you before . Not a single one of them raised their hand . . .  ack!”

Park Taehyeong’s words were interrupted by Kim Hyeonu’s kick .  Kim Hyeonu approached Mido’s side and placed a hand on her shoulder .  “It’s okay, something like this can happen . Don’t be discouraged, you’ll definitely sell it next time . ”

“ . . . . . . ”

Nevertheless, Mido couldn’t lower her hands . She was too ashamed .  She never thought that her painting wouldn’t be bought twice in a row .  She was very proud of her paintings but not today .  It felt like the world she built up had collapsed .  Yes, it felt like this .

“Ouch . . .  Hey, Kim Hyeonu . Couldn’t you kick a bit gentler?”

Park Taehyeong straightened while holding his back with one hand and Eun Jeonghyeok sighed from behind him .

“Ah . This tactless brat . ”


“Stop bullying Mido . ”

“Ah, me? I’m just telling the truth .  Kukuk .  No one raised their hand . . . ”

There was the sound of a sword being pulled out .  The sound didn’t come from the sword hanging from Kim Hyeonu’s waist .  It was a bit soaked in blood so it was closer to a sound of terror .  The sword’s owner, Mido, held the b.l.o.o.d.y Butcher in her hands .  She silently walked toward Park Taehyeong .

“Haha .  Hey, is Mido angry? Hey . I’m sorry . Hey?”

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Then she swung it .  The sharp edges of the sword that narrowly missed him caused Park Taehyeong’s bangs to move .  Park Taehyeong gulped .  “M-Mido . . . ?”

“Just die . ” Her eyes were s.h.i.+ning brightly with tears .  Mido swung her sword at a high speed .

“Aaack! Mido! Stop! Sorry! I’m sorry! I was wrong! I won’t do it again! I’ll do anything if only you stop being angry! Midoooo!”

Mido swung the sword for around two minutes but she couldn’t hurt him .  It was natural . She was a supporter while Park Taehyeong had a fighting cla.s.s .  There were huge differences between their strength and agility . All the executives except for herself had heroic rated cla.s.ses .

Mido grumpily puffed up her cheeks like a balloon .  “You will really do anything?”

“Y-Yes . What would you like? I’ll buy it for you . ”

“No, it is okay not to buy anything . ”

“T-Then . . . ?”

“Come here . ”

“Huh . . . ?”

Park Taehyeong didn’t approach so Mido came to him first .  Then she took out a brush and palette from her inventory .

“What are you going to do?” Park Taehyeong asked with a nervous expression and Mido replied, “I’m going to do this . ”

Her hands moved quickly .  Her brush was headed toward Park Taehyeong’s face .  As time pa.s.sed, laughter burst out from behind them .  It was the laughter of Eun Jeonghyeok and Kim Hyeonu .

“Puhahaha! Kukukuk . ”

“Cough .  Hum . ”

Park Taehyeong’s face was covered in makeup that made him look like a fool .  Additionally, the words ‘dumb fool’ were written on his forehead .  Since he often managed his appearance, Park Taehyeong pulled out a mirror from his inventory and stared at his face .

“W-What is this?!”

Mido turned around haughtily .  “This is your punishment . You have to leave it there for three days . ”


“It is useless trying to erase it . This is a very durable oil paint . It is hard to erase without the Magic Power Cleaner in my hand . ”

She walked away while shaking the Magic Power Cleaner in one hand .  There was a lot of laughter behind them .


"Kukukuk .  This is really amazing . ”

“Hey, say kimchi~”

“Ah, you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds!”


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Mido’s lips curved up .  “It will sell well next time . ” 

The moon in the sky smiled .

[The firefly star, ‘Camille,’ is staring angrily at the orc . ]

Fortunately, Camille and Mudur managed to reconcile .  It was a slight misunderstanding and Mudur was only sleeping inside because it was cold outside .  However, it seemed that the peace wouldn’t last long .

[Grruk . Hey, old man . Shouldn’t this little kid be killed?]

‘Rotten guy . Do you want to die?’

[Kuhuhu .  It’s a joke . I don’t like fighting with such a little kid anyway . ]

[The firefly star, ‘Camille,’ is making a face at Mudur . ]

. . . These two .  I thought about what happened just now and couldn’t help but have sweat flowing down my back .  The situation just now had been very tense .  Kim Sujeong was surprised to hear my story and so was Camille .

Just then, Joseph stopped walking .  “Wait a minute . There is something in front . ”


I extended my super sensitivity and glanced ahead with my improved vision .  There were monkeys in front of us .  What was this?

“I think the angry monkeys had become a bit fierce because the full moon has risen . Originally, they wouldn’t come out this far . . .  Hrmm . ”

I checked the level and found they were level 80-90 monsters .  In any case, it was good because I needed practical training for the upcoming Colosseum battle .  It was less than a week away but well, it was okay .

“Kis . ”


“You will protect Helena . ”

“Ah, yes . ”

Drain stepped back skillfully and I used the Flying Weather Dance .  My feet burned brilliantly in the darkness as I used Rising Sun .  Everyone except for Kim Sujeong marveled at the sight .

Joseph walked over . “I will help . ”

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“You don’t have to take the risk . ”

“Well, it will be fine . If it is dangerous then I can use Stealth or Blinding Flash . Additionally, I’ll be pretty helpful . I’m not a death paparazzi for nothing .  Haha . ”

“Well, if you want . ”

I turned toward Kim Sujeong .  She was already fully prepared .  Now she looked quite reliable .

The three of us moved slowly and I summoned Solar .  Punghee revolved around me .  

“Punghee, it is dangerous so why don’t you go to the Ring World?”


She didn’t seem to like it .  In general, sacred creatures like Punghee had their roots in the ring of worlds .  She was still young and small . She was still in the Small Ring World but one day when she grew up, she would travel back and forth in the Big Ring World .  Of course, this was for later .

“Then do you want to hide so there is no danger?”


Punghee wound around my neck like a white scarf .  It hadn’t been long since she was born but she already looked quite like a weasel .  Well, she was a bit small compared to the original size but she was still an adult weasel .  In any case, just looking at this, it seemed this place was better .  Did it mean the duration in the skill description was ‘whenever she pleased’?


Punghee was affectionate .  We picked up our pace .  After some time, I saw the group of ‘angry monkeys’ I had spotted earlier .  I ran at high speed and flew toward the head of the monkey in the lead .  The monkey’s head burst in one blow .  Originally, I would’ve had to hit it several times but I had become much stronger in the meantime .  The elevated knowledge stat increased the power of Rising Sun and there was nothing I couldn’t penetrate .


Five monkeys were killed in a row and the other monkeys rushed at me .  However, the click sound that constantly came from next to me was bothering me .

Click .  Click .

I turned my head and saw Joseph taking photos of the running monkeys .

“What are you doing?”

“Ah, this? I’m carving a Death Mark . ”

“Death Mark?”

“Would you like to see?”


There was another click and a skull mark appeared over the heads of the running monkeys .  He spoke confidently, “Now try and hit it . You will do more damage . ”

“More damage?”

“Yes, this is another one of my abilities . ”

Around 30 monkeys rushed in at once . I looked at them with curious eyes .

. . . I see .

I turned my head toward Solar .  Since I’ve already summoned it, it wouldn’t be bad to give Solar a chance to play an active role .

“Solar, what was it called? Sun Explosion? Shall we try it out?”

“Understood .  Hehe! Just wait!”

[The sun elemental ‘Solar’ is preparing ‘Sun Explosion!’]

Solar started to become bigger .  The size was huge .  Well, it was obvious since Solar had pa.s.sed level 100 .  A short period of time pa.s.sed and Solar grew to the size of an adult male .  Perhaps this was Solar’s limit .

“Throw me, Master!” 


“Yep! Then I will go there and boooom! I will explode! Hehe . ”

Solar was saying words that would be very serious if they were heard in reality .  Well, it didn’t matter because this was a virtual world .  Still, how do I throw something so big? It was also on the ground .

“Hmm . ” I touched my beard and fell deep into thought .  The distance to the monkeys was now 50 meters .  They were jumping up and down while running and seemed very angry .  Funny guys .

“I just have to send you over there?” I asked .

“That’s right, Master!”

“Then I have a way . ”

I stepped back and opened the distance . Kim Sujeong looked at me curiously from the rear .  “What are you going to do?”

“It isn’t a big deal . ”


“If I can’t use my hand then I have to kick it . ”

At the same time, I ran and vigorously kicked Solar’s a.s.s .  There was an explosive sound and Solar flew through the air .  There was a brief pause before the flying Solar started to descend . It deliberately turned in the direction of the monkeys and soon hit them .

The sound generated was great .  The hot wind that surrounded us showed how strong the power was .  The brilliant flames spread like it was encroaching on the surrounding scenery .  I closed my eyes for a moment and after reopening them, the monkeys had disappeared without a trace .  I watched the rising smoke and blazing ashes and smiled .

“These idiots are messing around . ”

Then the sound of hiccups was heard from behind me .


It was Kis and Helena .

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