Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 73.2

Chapter 73.2

Editor: SimoB

Qin Yunsheng carefully patted the little Marquis on the back.

He asked, “Is this enough?”

Shi Qing pouted like a childish pixie. “No, I want more!”

The officer rested his hand on his little lover’s lower back. Shi Qing’s bones were slender, which made him appear deceptively thin. In truth, his body felt very soft, pleasing to touch and even a bit spoiled.

Qin Yunsheng continued to gently pat his back like he was soothing a child. His voice was warm and soft, “How about this?”

The little Marquis was still not satisfied. “If you can’t even pat me on the back properly, how are we going to exercise in the future?”

The officer was taken aback. “I thought you didn’t like exercising?”

Shi Qing liked to watch Qin Yunsheng exercise, but he was reluctant to do so himself. He said it was because he didn’t like being sweaty all over.

Qin Yunsheng, who had fallen in love for the first time ever, seriously dedicated himself to this problem. If that’s what you’re worried about then don’t worry. We can choose a low-impact sport like running.”

Shi Qing guessed he would say that.

He propped his upper body on the man’s arms to take back his tablet. Clicking on the drawing tool, he drew two stick figures.

The stick figures were exercising.

On the bed.


Then Shi Qing handed the tablet back to the officer with a smirk. He gleefully took in how Qin Yunsheng’s face stiffened for a moment and how his ears turned red.

After understanding what the young Marquis meant, Qin Yunsheng could only fidget in place.

“Isn’t it…a little too soon to consider that?”

“Nope. I think it’s about time we do.” Shi Qing leapt to his feet, “If you want, we can do it now.”

Qin Yunsheng’s face reddened.

Of course he wanted to.

But what if he hurt the little Marquis in the process?

He didn’t even dare to give him a hug right now for fear of accidentally hurting the delicate, soft and sensitive Shi Qing.

The officer really didn’t trust his ability to control his strength.

Shi Qing: “You’re afraid of hurting me, aren’t you?”

Qin Yunsheng nodded somewhat dejectedly, “I know how to train to build up my strength, but I don’t know how to lessen it.”

The little Marquis’ voice was sweet. “In that case, I guess we won’t be able to exercise together for a while.”

The officer regretfully nodded again.

Shi Qing felt that his hesitant boyfriend just needed a push in the right direction.

The spoiled little Marquis said, “Don’t worry! If you really think you might hurt me, then why don’t I tie you up?”

The usually calm officer’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. He stammered, “T-tie me up??”

The little Marquis was clearly eager to try. His pretty eyes seemed to contain a glittering sea of stars.

“Yes, I’ll tie you up!”

“I’ve even figured out the knots to use.”

He took the tablet again and searched for an image before handing it to Qin Yunsheng.

Qin Yunsheng looked at the picture of the crab completely buried under a layer of knots. “…”

He pictured himself being tied up like this.

That wasn’t even the most unacceptable part. Shi Qing wanted to exercise with him while he was tied up like this?!

Qin Yunsheng: “……”

Qin Yunsheng: “I’ll start training myself today.”

The little Marquis gave him a look. “Can you do it?”

The officer nodded gravely, “Yes.”

The young Marquis smacked his lips, “You sure?”

The officer immediately replied, “Definitely.”

“Okay.” Shi Qing reluctantly accepted his answer. His tender finger poked the man’s st.u.r.dy muscles a few times.

“Then you have until the artificial nerves are ready to go on the market to train.”

“I believe you.”

Qin Yunsheng believed in himself too.

He could do anything for the sake of love. Mastering how to control his strength in such a short period of time was no exception.


Qin Yunsheng wasn’t given much time because there were almost no bugs to work out based on feedback from the volunteers.

A collection of various interviews with volunteers quickly started trending after its upload.

The first person to appear was a jolly old man.

“I used to be a police officer until a suspect cut my right arm off twenty years ago. Although the government gave me a stipend to cover my living expenses and my pain is manageable now, when I see other people doing mundane things like playing basketball, I still feel like I’m not the person I once was. My daughter signed me up for this project because I’m bad with technology. At first, I thought it was some sort of scam, until she showed me the news. But I still had some doubts.”

“I know there’s mechanical arms out there that can be controlled like a robot, but a prosthesis just as good as the real deal seemed too far fetched. How can something not made of muscle and bone be controlled by the brain?”

“It wasn’t until after they put the fake arm on me that I believed. They told me to try moving the arm with my mind, and it actually moved! I was stunned stiff and my daughter cried out in shock.”

At this point, the gray-haired old man moved his prosthetic for the camera. There was a contented smile on his wrinkled face. “I’ve been using it to do everything since the day I put it on. When I woke up the next day I thought I had dreamed the whole thing up! I never thought I would have two arms to work with again!”

“Thank you Elder Ge. Now let’s hear from another patient! She also had an arm installed, but she’s only eight years old this year.”

The camera transitioned to a living room. A young mother spoke with tears in her eyes, “Our QiaoQiao lost her arm in a car accident two years ago. Since then, she’s been very lonely because the other children stopped playing with her. Thank goodness for this prosthesis! It resembled the real thing very closely. She’s already eight but we haven’t sent her to elementary school yet because we were afraid she might be bullied… It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off our chests.”

“A big congratulations to QiaoQiao! Our next guest is a grandfather who lost his leg 30 years ago…”

This video made the discussion around artificial nerves explode.

[It really looks like a real arm! What sorcery is this?!]

[I heard the professor who invented it is a young man not even in his thirties yet.]

[Right, right, right! I remember that interview with him. Sigh, there’s geniuses and then there’s me. Those who can become professors before their thirties really are exceptional.]

[This discovery is definitely getting that professor into a textbook!]

[Textbook +1]

[Textbook +2]

Shi Qing would be overjoyed by these comments.

But Shi Yiyi had a very different reaction.

Shi Qing becoming a household name was nothing but bad for her.

She was already pretty upset, but the little Marquis made sure to rub salt in the wound everyday.

As for that Qin Yunsheng… Well he was clearly going blind. How else could he pretend to be so lovey-dovey while taking care of a giant baby everyday?

That blindness might be contagious considering the people around them felt they were a loving couple too.

When she saw Shi Qing leaning on the officer’s chest looking at his phone and saying things like “Aiya I only have 10,000 new followers so far today, isn’t that too slow”, Shi Yiyi grit her teeth furiously.

She couldn’t resist hiring someone to write an article.

The gist of it was that Shi Qing was a good-for-nothing n.o.ble who bought his professor position with money. There was also an implication that a person like him couldn’t have done this research, so who was the real inventor?

Unfortunately, all her attempts at sabotage failed.

The comment section of the article was a bloodbath almost immediately after it was published.

[What’s wrong with being a n.o.ble? Can’t n.o.bles be hardworking or geniuses??]

[Do you take us all for idiots? How can anyone steal research in this day and age? We’re past the point in time where the n.o.bles can just do whatever they want! The fact that he got into a place like the Inst.i.tute proves Professor Shi has the ability.]

[I think there’s something wrong with the OP’s head. Like if you agree.]

[I remember Professor Shi also developed a computer chip for the military, right? Why’s OP not claiming that was stolen too??]

[That’s right! Besides, the media reported a number of prominent scientists at the Inst.i.tute all praised Shi Qing for completing this research on his own a while ago. Has OP been living under a rock?]

[Let’s go guys. Nothing to see here but jealousy for Professor Shi’s genius. Clearly OP wishes they could be as successful as him at such a young age.]

People were easily led astray. With most of the comment section roasting the brain damaged OP, the less informed people that came later would naturally conclude that the OP was brain damaged.

Shi Yiyi, who was diagnosed with brain damage by the public: “……”

Are these people all blind?!!

How can you have no doubt at all? Did Shi Qing brainwash them over the internet or something?!?

And just when she was fuming over this, Shi Qing entered the office.

The little Marquis proudly called out to the officer: “A lot of people are praising and following me for working hard despite my outstanding looks and family status. Now my follower count is going up by 10,000 in an hour!”

Shi Yiyi: …Motherf.u.c.ker!

How did her botched sabotage end up helping Shi Qing instead!!

Just when she wanted to bang her head repeatedly against the wall, her phone rang.

It was Shi Qing’s father.

At almost the same time, she received a text message.

[Sorry. Some uniformed cops came to my house today and asked me who hired me to write that article so I sold you out.]

Shi Yiyi: “……”

Her face drained of all colour.

On the other hand, Qin Yunsheng watched the little Marquis sit down indulgently before going out to take a phone call.

“How did things go?”

The person on the phone was an old comrade of his who went to work at a professional internet water army company after retirement.

He laughed, “Don’t worry Qin-ge. As long as we strike while the iron is hot, Professor Shi’s reputation will never be damaged. Rest a.s.sured, if this happens again in the future, we can still settle it in half an hour.”

“As expected of professionals. I owe you one.”