Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Editor: Casey

It was an exceptional year for China.

First of all, Professor Shi developed artificial nerves, which improved the quality of life of many disabled people.

Then the tensions between China and Country S reached a breaking point as both sides began to prepare.

The war was over before it even began. The general public didn’t know the details, but they could tell something was up from the Queen choosing Qin Yunsheng to be the crown prince.

This crown prince obviously came from a military background with many honours to his name. He seemed very skilled in the art of combat.

Some speculated that Qin Yunsheng’s position as the crown prince may not be secure due to the ‘Invisible Prince’ from before. Many believed that person to be the future monarch. Even if those people could accept the newcomer, could the ‘Hidden Prince’ himself do so?


Not only did he accept it, he did it without even blinking.

He was so focused on scientific research that he had no interest in being the crown prince.

The people at the Inst.i.tute were dumbfounded.

They doubted their own eyes when they saw the crown prince appear on TV.

Wasn’t this Professor Shi’s bodyguard??

The officer who came to protect Professor Shi somehow became the Crown Prince???

When they heard that Qin Yunsheng was being recalled to the army in preparation for war, they never thought that the next time they saw him would be at the crown prince’s coronation.

What a small world they lived in.

People who were close to Qin Yunsheng felt a sense of pride.

How many people could say they were friendly with the crown prince? They’re the ones who are close to the crown prince!

Those that weren’t as familiar with Qin Yunsheng came snooping around, trying to figure out if this Crown Prince had really spent time at the Inst.i.tute.

They questioned their life when they verified that he did.

Then someone remembered how Shi Yiyi kept running her mouth after Shi Qing got together with Qin Yunsheng.

One could only imagine how she felt now that Qin Yunsheng was the Crown Prince.

Shi Yiyi wasn’t around to ask.

In fact, she was no longer at the Inst.i.tute at all.

The Duke had her transferred after he found out about her latest scheme to target Shi Qing.

He was a man indifferent to family, but that didn’t mean he would stand by and watch his niece act against his son.

When Shi Yiyi cried and begged to come live with him as a child, he only agreed out of a sense of pity. Yet, in the end, it seemed like her privileged upbringing only made her greedy for more.

The Duke didn’t mind his niece benefiting from his position, but he did mind her living at his house and using his money to ruin his son’s reputation.

He raised her, but he didn’t owe her a thing.

Shi Yiyi threw a fit at first, but she finally realized how naive she had been while being forcibly sent away. Why had she ever a.s.sumed that the Duke held Shi Qing and her in the same regard?

Of course she was upset that years of planning and hard work had come to nothing, but at this point Shi Yiyi could only console herself…

So what if Shi Qing was famous now and the Duke agreed to his relationship with Qin Qunsheng?

Qin Yunsheng was only a minor officer. She could definitely find someone better.

Then, Qin Yunsheng became the crown prince.

Shi Yiyi: “……”

Her face was so swollen from all the slapping lately that she was thinking of giving up her revenge.

Those two were out of her league.


While his colleagues at the Inst.i.tute were watching the coronation on TV, Shi Qing was watching it live on scene.

The crown prince’s uniform did look much better than what his boyfriend usually wore.

The uniform of an officer needed to be practical and easy to move in, but the uniform of a crown prince only needed to be ornate because it would only be worn on special occasions.

When Qin Yunsheng walked towards the queen, Shi Qing looked up at him with his chin resting on his arms.

The officer’s firm stride and form-fitting uniform outlined the strong and chiseled shape of his body. His long and slender legs marched forward without hesitation.

He turned to rest his dark eyes on his little lover. Without regard for the dazzling lights and attention surrounding him, he flashed a faint smile at Shi Qing.

At the banquet after the ceremony, the little Marquis shoved a wine gla.s.s into Qin Yunsheng’s hands and diligently kept it topped up all evening.

He successfully obtained a slightly dazed-looking Crown Prince.

After the banquet was over, Shi Qing should have left with the Duke. However, the young Marquis stubbornly stuck to the Crown Prince’s side.

Generously, he said, “I’ll escort His Highness back.”

Qin Yunsheng was already drunk at the moment, but another faint smile subconsciously graced his usually rigid face when he noticed his little love looking at him.

The people around them already knew of their relationship, so they sent the duo off without worrying too much.

The nature of an officer was carved into Qin Yunsheng’s bones. He still walked with a straight back and appeared sober when he was absolutely smashed. The only thing that betrayed how drunk he was was the somewhat dazed look in his eyes.

Shi Qing felt like he was leading a big bear all the way to the lounge.

The little Marquis stood by the bed and raised an eyebrow at Qin Yunsheng. He tested the waters with a demand. “Fall forward”

As expected, the officer obediently started to fall forward, only to frantically stop once he remembered that the little Marquis was in front of him.

Shi Qing teased him: “Didn’t I tell you to fall?”

“No, I can’t…” The officer’s expression was still muddled, but his mind was clear. “If I fall…I’ll crush you.”

Shi Qing: “How’s your strength training going?”

The young Marquis grasped Qin Yunsheng’s large yet slender hands with his tender ones, stroking the calluses there. There was an eager look in his pretty eyes.

“You promised me before that you would finish before the artificial nerves. .h.i.t the market, but then you went off to the battlefield.”

His tone was more petulant than displeased, but Qin Yunsheng felt a deep sense of guilt in his drunken daze.

His gravelly voice drawled as his consciousness blurred, “I’ve always been practicing.”

“I kept my promise. I can control my strength now.”

Shi Qing was so overjoyed that he immediately started tugging at his tie. “Why don’t we put that to the test tonight?”


Qin Yunsheng tried to concentrate. There was a serious and sincere look in his eyes. “I don’t know if I can keep control when I’m drunk.”

“You’re right.”

Shi Qing wasn’t at all angry at the officer’s rejection. He just quickly took off his jacket and came to Qin Yunsheng’s side.

Looking at the new crown prince who seemed to be attentively waiting for further instructions from him, the young Marquis patted him on the shoulder.

“Now be good and put your hands up.”

The drunken man looked at his lover blankly. His body was covered with strong muscles that could easily push away this delicate and spoiled little Marquis.

But Qin Yunsheng obediently raised his hands and surrendered to him instead.

The two of them looked at each other.

One had bright eyes as beautiful as a sea of stars in full bloom.

The other’s dark eyes appeared steady on the surface but were actually filled with bewilderment.

When Shi Qing helped him remove those ornamental badges, the man suddenly remembered something. He spat out sullenly.

“Don’t tie me up.”

The little Marquis smirked wickedly and leaned in close.

“I’m not going to tie you up.”

“You’ve already tied yourself up and delivered yourself to me.”

The next morning…

Qin Yunsheng opened his eyes first.

As soon as he moved his hand, a soft body in his arms whined with discontent.

His Highness immediately stopped moving.

He heard the chattering birds outside.

Qin Yunsheng recalled how he played with the little bird in front of him as he looked up.

A chubby and cute little yellow bird was perched on a branch. Another black bird flew to its side and started grooming the cute little bird with its beak.

Perhaps because it felt that the branch wasn’t wide enough, but the black bird fluttered its wings as it gently used its beak to arrange the fluffy down on the yellow bird’s belly.

“Chirp chirp~”

The little bird cooed happily and nuzzled up to the black bird’s side.

It bore a striking resemblance to the way Shi Qing nestled contentedly in his arms.

A breeze blew by and rattled the leaves on the tree.

The officer was startled by the loud slapping sound of two leaves blown together. The tips of his ears turned slightly red.

Last night, the wind blew all the way until morning.

By that time, Qin Yunsheng was mostly sober while the little Marquis yawned tiredly.

As the officer listened to the flapping leaves, his disgruntled little boyfriend kicked him off the bed.

It wasn’t until the big black bird used his beak to comb back all the puffy feathers of the unhappy little bird that it closed its eyes and went to sleep.

Qin Yunsheng: “……”

After all his memories returned to him, the man who’s never been drunk before ever so slowly lifted his hand.

And covered his face.

He felt ashamed and embarra.s.sed, but he didn’t regret a single second of it.


Shi Qing and Qin Yunsheng were having a wedding.

The news that the Crown Prince and Professor Shi, the creator of artificial nerves, were a couple spread like wildfire across the country.

Although same-s.e.x relationships were legal in China, they were still a minority. Who would’ve thought that the Crown Prince would be in one!

Then someone brought up the subject of heirs. If the Crown Prince took a male consort, how would they have children?

Said someone was thoroughly rebuked by everyone else.

Are you an idiot? Have you already forgotten how Her Majesty was single and childless?

If you have no children, just choose an heir from the royal family to inherit the throne.

Isn’t that how our current Crown Prince was chosen?

The internet was usually extremely critical towards those marrying into the royal family.

But now…

That was Professor Shi!

Over the years, he’s developed deep-sea exploration equipment, a particle weapon to serve as a deterrent to other countries, and even led a team to create a highly sophisticated robot that could be deployed after natural disasters!

Who were they to judge such a great and talented person that has contributed so much to their country?

Their wedding definitely received the blessing of the entire country.

Of course, some people were still worried.

After all, the royal family’s divorce rate was quite high, and royals sometimes went through lovers like clothes.

Especially since Qin Yunsheng was the crown prince. He was a handsome man that reminded people of a prince from a fairy tale who would one day inherit the throne.

Shi Qing was in the same boat. He was a fae-like young genius born into n.o.bility and fortune with a Duke for a father.

Could these two exceptional people really resist all temptation and remain true to one another?

In their first year of marriage, the people wished them well with hidden doubts.

In the third year of their marriage, the Queen abdicated and Qin Yunsheng ascended the throne. He was the same as ever. If he went out with Shi Qing, his eyes would remain glued to his lover when not talking business.

Then the fifth year of their marriage pa.s.sed, then the tenth year, the 30th year…

Their feelings for each other never wavered. Under the eyes of hundreds of millions of people, they enjoyed 60 years together with nary a scandal.

On the contrary, their displays of affection only increased after retirement, even putting the next generation to shame.

The important thing was that these displays were endearing rather than offensive.

After all, in addition to their great contributions to the country, the two have another thing in common: they’re super handsome!!

After the two of them pa.s.sed away in the same year, a parent helping their child with homework noticed a section on the romance of the King and Professor Shi.

At the bottom of the textbook was written the life of the professor, excluding age, all praise.

[Shi Qing was a kind person. Although he was born a Marquis, he led a humble life dedicated to research. Everyone who met him could sense how great he was. In addition to his excellent character, he’s also made many contributions to the country…]

After reading this pa.s.sage, the parent, who grew up hearing Professor Shi’s name, sighed and lamented to her husband on the other side of the room.

“It’s a pity that our baby was born too late to meet a man like Professor Shi.”

Her husband smiled and picked up his daughter for a smooch.

“It’s fine. He’ll live on forever in the textbooks.”

[Ding! Congratulations Host for successfully completing the task! Please choose to either: 1. Rest for a while, or 2. Continue onto the next task]

Shi Qing: [222.]

System: [Ding! Please prepare yourself. We will immediately jump to a new world! Jump in progress: 3, 2, 1…]


Shi Qing opened his eyes.

He found himself lying on a reef at the water’s edge.

He moved his legs.


A beautiful fishtail emerged from the water.

Arc 6 finished! Next up is the adorable little mermaid!