Fall For Me

Chapter 30

For the rest of the night jun didn"t sleep but instead chose to cultivate. He easily broke through to the Nascent realm and after a whole night he reached the fifth stage of the nascent realm. The fifth stage took him about 5 hours which was half the night.

Normally it would take a year or two for even a genius to reach nascent realm from refinement realm. From Nascent realm first stage to fifth stage would take another 2 to 3 years. This was only true for geniuses as they can absorb qi and attune to the nature easier. For others even with a G.o.dly method like the Black Empyrean and White Fiend-G.o.d method it would take a year rather than a little more than a night. It is because June already possess a master realm body, and a King"s Realm soul that he can achieve such a fast cultivation rate. Not only that but his attainments in the Fire, Lightning, and earth dao are all at the King"s realm level.

As Jun sat there cultivating he began wondering what he should do. It is true that his attainment in the Dao of Fire, lightning, and earth is extraordinary and can even be considered abnormal even among genius in this world. As he thought about it he began to do a swot a.n.a.lysis of himself.

Strength: King realm soul, peak master realm fiend-G.o.d body, Dao of Lightning, Fire, and Earth reached King"s realm, star freezing flame, OP cultivation method, and OP Alchemy skills.

Can"t really say I have much weakness, Jun thought but if I do have to say there are a couple.

Weakness: Weak attack utilization of attack skills even with the high attainment in the daos. Combat experience is also pretty weak compare with everything else. If he was to utilize attack power and everything then he would be as strong as an initial King"s realm cultivator.

Opportunity: Is I can learn another Dao that will compliment my fire, lightning, and earth Dao. A dao that allows me to increase my offensive power. Since I have reached King"s realm in the Dao of Fire, Lightning, and Earth I can use those as reference when I try to master other Daos.

Threat: If I fail to Master it by the time I break through to the Master realm then it would be even harder for me to learn it. Not only but I won"t be able to fuse my Daos together. My final weakness is that Due to the drop my cultivation strength is also greatly weaken as compared with before.

After thinking it all through Jun notices that due to his Fiend G.o.d like body he is probable stronger than before because aside from his qi dropping everything else has gone up. Not only that but he is having an easier time attuning himself to the world.

Jun then decided that he would master the Sword Dao before breaking through to the Master realm. He would also try to master the Dao of water, and wind if he could before breaking through. The reason is because focusing on too many Dao would impede progress rather than help. If he is having a hard time Mastering those two he would rather just break through with his sword Dao than spending X amount of time mastering the rest.

Most cultivators get stuck get stuck at the peak of the Martial realm because they couldn"t master a Dao to break through. Some people could break through like slicing a hot knife through b.u.t.ter while others were tried for decades before success.

If the requirement was only absorbing qi to break through who can"t reach the pinnacle of cultivation. If ten years isn"t enough then 100. If 100 isn"t enough 1000. If 1000 isn"t enough 100,000. If 100,000 isn"t enough a million.

After thinking everything through he began a making a list of tasks he has to do. His main goal is to master the Sword Dao. The way of the sword is split into basic, advance, one with the world, sword as the body and the body as the sword, Dao of the Sword.

His current sword attainment is one with the world. He is still quite far away from Sword as the body and body as the sword. Due to that fight he had evolved significantly but still fell short.

Sigh if only there was a system where experience points was all you need to level up, Jun thought to himself. It would make life a million times easier. Even an idiot would eventually reach the pinnacle with it. Maybe I can create and experiment with one in the future and see if it works.

Jun took another two to three days to reach Martial realm. Furthermore Xintong and her groupies were visiting constantly everyday making it hard for Jun to train with Bu Fan but for some reach he enjoyed it. They are always so noisy and loud when they are over. Furthermore they would praise Jun for his cooking skills.

"Hey Xintong," Mei whispers. "If you don"t want him I"ll take him. Hehehe."

"Get back to cultivating," Xintong bashes her. "You just like his cooking."

"Who doesn"t. Haven"t you notice that his cooking isn"t normal? Sure it tastes like heaven but did you notice that it has improve our body and cultivation speed?"

"Now that you mentioned it. My cultivation speed has improved."

"Not only that but my body has also been getting stronger and stronger."

"Could he be one of those that master the dao of cooking?"

"Probable but its a minor Dao so it would effect his overall strength, but definitely husband material!" Mei said giving her a thumbs up.

"Brother Lin!" Hui shouts across the room. "Why is the qi here so thin?"

"Ehh I don"t know its been like that the last couple of days."

"Let me set an qi absorbing array down for you."

"Thanks for the offer but that will probable p.i.s.s of my neighbors," Jun chuckles.

"Come on pretty please let me do it?" Hui plead. His original personality coming back out. For the past week he had been quiet and obedient due to the problems he caused. Now that Jun is fine and he is a brother to him Hui"s reservation has almost completely vanish.

See him plead like that Jun could only helplessly agree. "Alright go for it."

"Lin don"t worry too much. He might be an idiot but he could be considered a genius in formations," Mei berated.

"Aren"t the materials for formations expensive?" Jun asked even through he knew the answer.

"Mhmm I guess but it isn"t as expensive as pill forging since even if you do the formation wrong it can be redone. If you fail in pill forging then everything goes to waste," Mei sighs thinking that pill forging is such a money draining profession. It"s no different from throwing money in fire.

"Hahaha thats pretty true," Jun answers.

"I heard you"re all taking the Ziren College exams. How confident are you guys in pa.s.sing?"

Mei pouted, "well San Ti and Ziyu is already a student there. Hui is taking the formation exam, while Xintong is taking the pill forging. I am going through the martial exam. In all honesty I"m not too confident."

"You"ll do great!" Xintong encouraged. "Out of everyone here your attack power is probable the highest."

"Mhmm I know a place that can probable help you guys," Jun said.

"Oh what place?"

"Have you heard of Quantum Corp."

"Oh! I know about them!" Mei shouted in excitement. "They are the foremost leader in Quantum reality technology started by the late Einstein family 400 years ago. With the combination of modern technology, and qi technology they have produced the world"s best Quantum reality that beats even the best Ancient illusion simulations."

"Yeah that one."

"But the cost to use one for a day is tremendous. I think it"s one hundred thousand qi stones per hour of use. Up to eight users a room."

"I use to work there so I can get us a room." Jun lied. It was more along the lines of they still own my Jun ident.i.ty for the upper tier Heaven Ascension pill. It was about two years ago when the Chairman/CEO"s son of the Quantum Corp required a Heaven Ascension Pill. They had 10 pairs of ingredients for it with the pill recipe. Many of the top alchemist in the region were invited to the compet.i.tion and Jun signed up due to his excitement to learn. Furthermore he just broke through to the master realm. After filtering through hundreds of alchemist only 5 were left and Jun was one of them.

Everyone got two sets of ingredients. The reward were a couple million qi stone for lower tier. Medium tier was about 10 million qi stone plus a rare herb. A upper tier was 30 million qi stone and 2 sky rank herbs. They gave the alchemists one month to study the formula. Jun studied it and the formula gave him many new insights. By the time it came to refine the pill Jun came up with a new formula for the pill by swapping out ingredients.

He first refined the pill the normal way and used the Star Freezing flame to help him. Thanks to his master realm cultivation he was able to refine an upper tier pill. Then he brought out his own ingredients and managed to refine a legendary tier pill, which he quickly hid inside his body. He then used the star freezing flame to keep the pill aura and medical properties from leaking out. At the end of the day he didn"t accept the money and instead trade it for a Quantum reality room.

"Lin you really don"t have too," Xintong said to ease the pressure on Jun.

"Its the least I can do to help," Jun answers.

"Why did you leave?" Mei asks in confusion. She couldn"t understand why someone would leave such a lucrative job.

"I had to move due to family issues," Jun replied.


"Hey I"m almost done!" Hui shouted from who knows where.

Everyone ignored him and continued their conversation, "Lin when can you get us a room! I"m dying to give it a try."

"How about tomorrow? I"ll give them a call later to see what they say. The boss really likes me so it should be fine."

"Isn"t the boss a dude? You don"t like men do you?" Mei asks bluntly. Xintong looks over with concern.

Jun"s face became black after hearing that comment. "I like girls!"

Nodding her head. "Thats good, good, good. I was getting worried since from the moment we met you been like a dull piece of metal. I was beginning to wonder if you were bent…"

"Ahem!" Xintong interrupted

"Hehehe," winks Mei.

"Ignore her. She always like this."

"Sure, sure ignore me. Now that you found your love ignore your best friend. Oh how the cruel world treats me."

Jun sat there quietly turns alway and silently cooked on