Fall For Me

Chapter 31

After they left Jun made a couple calls. He called up Bu Fan and had him make a reservation for his party of four but said 8 just incase. Even through he traded it for a quantum room it doesn"t mean that they literally seal off a room and wait for him to use it. It just means whenever he calls a room will be available for him even if they have to offended another party.

Bu Fan was extremely quick in dealing with the matter as not even 5 minutes pa.s.sed by he already sent back a text tell Jun that the reservation is for tomorrow at 2 PM till he decides to leave. Jun then switches phone and texted Xintong to tell her the time and date.

After dealing with these minor matters like it was nothing Jun went back to cultivating. His aim was peak nascent realm. With his father pulling his support in terms of money Jun is currently pretty much a beggar in this world with one huge a.s.set going for him. That would be connections. In the business world a person can have all the talent they want but without connections it is all for naught. However talent and connections do go hand in hand since with a genius level talent creating those connections for inevitable but would require time and effort.

After one night of cultivation he broke through to the sixth stage of the nascent.

"Still too slow," Jun mutters. If anybody else heard that they would probable puke blood on the spot.

Afterwards he began to emulate sword movements in his head. The scenario would play over and over in his head but there were no epiphany moments.

"I looks like I really have to go look for a sword manual to practice. The previous sword art I practice is too low leveled," Jun sighs. Just like everything in this world there are rankings to everything. An example would be herb ranks. The lowest ranking would be mortal, then earth, sky, and the never before seen Emperor"s rank.

Then spirit beast which are technically the descendants of fiend-G.o.ds are rank from 1 to 9 with each corresponding to the human level cultivation ranking.

As for martial techniques, weapons manual, cultivation methods and anything related to that field it is ranked by cultivation realms. Then it is separated into lower, mid, and upper. The reason these are divided into such is because of the power level. It is just like in school where each subject is divided from grade 1 to 12. This is due to difficulty and the requirement of a foundation to learn the more complex knowledge. For example you would not expect a first grader to learn twelfth grade math. There are exceptions to the rules. Those exceptions are call geniuses where they are able to absorb and theorize those knowledge at an abnormal speed. Even so it just means they can learn faster. They still have to learn it from grade one to twelve. So even if a kid is only in grade one as long as they are taught each grade"s subject one level a time by the time they reach grade twelve they can learn it with ease as they have a solid foundation to draw inspiration and knowledge from.

It is never good to skip the foundation building and head straight to the essence of a a subject. One must learn to walk before they can run. Even a genius mathematician would not be able to solve calculus questions without first learning the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

For Jun he has a solid foundation in sword arts as his father provided him with the best sword arts that are known to have the littlest flaw. Except Jun was never to keen or had the patience to practice it as it doesn"t do anything for his pill forging. The reason he is so keen on learning it now is that he has someone he wants to protect whether he admits it or not.

Due to that sighs to himself again and disregard everything he learned about sword art so far and restarted from zero. He needs to built a stronger foundation if he is to master the Sword Dao.

Before he knew it was already 11 in morning. He decided to take a small two hour nap. Doesn"t really need it but still feels nice to sleep for a bit.

When he woke up at 1 he noticed that he miss a couple calls from Xintong.

Knock! Knock!

Speak of the devil Jun thought. With his soul strength he already sensed her coming up the stairs.

"One sec!" Jun shouts. After getting dressed really quick he sprinted to the door like an olympic runner.

"Hey," Jun said while opening the door.

"Good morning Lin!" Xintong greeted with a dazzling smile.


"I tried to call you but you didn"t answer thought you might have been cultivating so I came over to tell remind you. Everyone else is waiting for you at the shop."

"Oh no prob. I"m ready to go."

"Lets go then. Everyone is excited to go too!" Xintong said.

"Thats good."

"And I hope you don"t mind but I also invited Ximei along."

"Oh is it the girl with Myriad eyes?"


"Thats fine the more the merrier. I reserved a room for 8 people."

"Sorry I should have asked first," Xintong still said apologetically.

"Don"t worry about it. I don"t know anybody here that I could bring along. You"re really doing me a favor by adding more people," Jun said. Truthfully Jun doesn"t have many people he would call true friends in this city, Aside from his sisters and parents he spent most of his time alone. If not it would be with a group of pill addicts discussing what combination of ingredients would create some really interesting pills.

There was the accidental v.i.a.g.r.a pill his "friends" created that lead to many holes in his apartment. Then there was the s.e.x change pill when they were trying to create a transformation pill/potion. Basically it was a dark path for that group death seekers. Even so Jun enjoyed the experience and discovered many unconventional combinations and forging methods.

When they met up there were some greetings and Ximei who was shying away from Jun out of fear. She still remember what Jun looked like in his beast mode.

"Ximei Lin isn"t that scary he is a nice person," Xintong tried to mediate.

"Sorry about before," Jun apologized.

"Its okay," Ximei stammers a little. "I know you were trying to save us."

"Alright lets head over. I think its almost two." Jun announced. He checked his watch and it was already 1:34.

Ziyu called two taxis to come pick them up. In 20 minutes everyone was standing in front of a huge building.

The expressions on their face were of total shock. Jaws on ground and eyes so wide open that it could see the entire sun up close.

Before them stood a 30 story building but that in itself wasn"t what shock them but the way it was built. It was 30 story circler ring built type of building. Not only that but they could feel that it was a treasure. Meaning this building possess a spirit. Which translate to this huge a.s.s building itself was a Heaven realm treasure!

"How f*cking rich are they?" San Ti said out loud what his mind was thinking. In this world just possessing a heaven realm weapon was already something to be proud of. Now the building before them was a heaven realm treasure too and it was a billion times bigger than a sword.

Rich people really do know how to slap the face of commoners, San Ti sighs mentally.

Jun who wasn"t even slightly fazed letted them be in shock for a while. Even he was shocked for a minuted or two before collected himself. Honestly who wouldn"t be.

I still don"t know how a simple pill got me the room, Jun thought to himself. Well at the end of the day I got it so thats all that counts.

"Come on lets go!" Jun said patting them on the back to wake them up.

San Ti finally woke up in extra shock from Jun"s patting. He looks to him in a deadly serious manner, "you have some big b.a.l.l.s!"


Jun decided to ignore him and brought the others inside with him. There were many people around them and they all looked influential. Jun recognized some of them and was hoping none of them recognized him in his disguise which just consist of an gla.s.ses and a aura disguising technique.

When they got inside Jun went up to reception desk and told them his name. The person working there looked at him a little confused but still did her job. She had never seen someone like Jun"s group here before. Usually only n.o.ble family, core sect members, and rich families are able to get here. This was the first time she saw commoners here. They are dressed so shabby one could tell they shouldn"t be able to afford it here.

Jun gave knowing smiling like he understood what she was thinking.

As Jun"s group was walking away and toward his reserved room he heard a loud argument.

"What do you mean you don"t have a room for us! We reserved this room three months ago!" a loud voice shouted at the receptionist.

"We are sorry but there"s nothing we can do here as the computers don"t show your reservation."

"The f*ck you talking about b*tch! Look here this is the confirmation we got!" screamed the eighteen year old and his group of friends. He whips out his phone to show the confirmation. "See reserved it for 7 days so why the h.e.l.l would your computer say 6. Who the h.e.l.l would reserve it for 6 days when they can do 7!"

Whoosh! Jun"s king"s realm soul extended itself and to check the cultivation of the group. It was a group of 8. 5 males and 3 females. They are all in the upper master realm. There two stage 9 who are a little bit away from breaking through and one in stage 8, three in 7 and the rest are 6.

Jun then chose to ignore them and lead his group to the Quantum room.

Once they were inside there were 8 pods spread out across the room. Each one were hooked up to a computerized crystal like object that was attached to the ceiling. It had a dark purple and light green mix of colors swarming around it.

The room had many small and big formations laid across. Jun was able to make out a couple of them but still doesn"t know how many formations were laid down. The more he stares the more his mind became bugled.

Looks like they improved the formations from a year ago Jun sighs.

"Alright everyone we should all decided what we want to practice. There are pill, formation, blacksmith, adventure, martial practice, and mental training. What would you guys like to do?"

Jun asks.

"Lets all do adventure mode first and then afterwards we can split off to do only own thing. This is our first time here so we shouldn"t waste the opportunity."

"I can get the room for us for the rest of the week," Jun offered.

Mei began to stare at Jun like a mama cougar staring down at her prey. "Lin can I hug your thigh?"


"Sis are you thirsty again?" Hui asks innocently.


I"m with a group of perverts.