Fall For Me

Chapter 39

They were all transported back into the Collect the Cards event.


[Due to the event from yesterday with the abuse of card dropping. We have decided to allow each player to drop their cards twice. After that the cards will be stuck onto the individual till death. We have also reseted the drop time for each card to be 10 minutes each. Good Luck!]

"Dam we can"t abuse it anymore!" San Ti said.

"It actually might be a good thing," Ziyu a.n.a.lyzed. "This would allow people to end the game earlier. We are currently tied in first place with 57 other teams. So we definitely aren"t the only thinking of that plan."

"Yeah I agree." Mei said. "Given our strength we won"t be able to compete with them on a fire level. The way we won yesterday could be attributed to luck. Sorry Lin."

"Its okay," Jun chuckles awkwardly. "I got pretty lucky."

"Should we move in groups today or separate?" Xintong asks the group then looks at Jun.

"We will travel in groups today. With Ximei"s detection ability we should be able to just kill the big groups and take their cards. Killing group by group for cards will just give away our location. Our weapons and armors are currently pretty decent." Ziyu explains.

"How about I do an invisibility formation for us?" Hui suggests.

"Thats a good plan. We"ll start our attack when the 24th card sp.a.w.ns."

"I"ll go do scouting missions then," Jun said.

"You sure?" Mei asks a little confused. Could it be what I said earlier? Did I hurt his feelings? Mei kept thinking.

"Yeah, even through Ximei basically reveals the whole map to us it would still be better if we know the area better. Plus I can take this moment to test out the sword arts I learn yesterday." Jun answers with a bright smile.

"Maybe I should come with you," Mei suggests because she also wants to test out what she learned from yesterday.

Jun looks around hoping someone would object to it.

"Mei let Lin go. You might hold him back when he runs away. He"s really fast," Xintong said to Mei when she saw the look in his eyes.

Mei rolls her eyes, then with a teasing smile and said really sweetly, "Xintong I noticed something. You always seem to be on Lin"s side."

"No I am not!" Xintong snaps back.

Blinking her eyes she looks at Jun. "Am I a drag on you?"

"Oh look at the time I gotta go!" Jun said in fakery as he pretended to look at his no watch hand.

Jun ran away at the speed of light. He would rather fight those bat bees again then get in between two girls. Thinking about it sent a chill down his spine.

Jun brought out his sword as he carved a mask from the tree. Then he poked two eye holes and a mouth hole. He then puts it on his face. Then used qi to make sure it sticks onto his face. If someone was to see him now they would only see a brown mask with three holes. Two for the eyes, and one for the mouth.


One hour Later.

A tan skin man who looks to be in his early twenties was strolling through the forest region with his teammates.

"Dam where are these cards!" He whined.

"We only found like 2 last time too. Then it all got taken away. I don"t why we are still playing," One of his teammates sighs.

"Its such a waste of time. We could be spending that time training," one of the girls nagged.

"Ting Ting is right. We can spend it training. Gong Fan We didn"t get a single card last match unless we can obtain all 24 we won"t win."

Gong Fan the tan skin man shook his head in disappointment at his teammate. "If you sit and train everyone how are you going to get stronger and receive insights? Right now there"s a lot of elite cultivators in this event. If we can fight with them and learn from then its defiantly worth the 4 hours we waste."

"Ting Ting, Ran, Gong Fan is right. If we want to get stronger this is the only way," a muscular four feet tall midget said.

Another one rolls his eyes, "easy for you to say. Dwarves only need to focus on blacksmith."

The dwarf shot back, "we have it 10 times harder than you. We have to focus on both cultivation and blacksmith. You only need to focus on cultivation."

"So whiny! You are given natural endowment toward blacksmith. Your blacksmith and cultivation basically go hand in hand."

"Che just cause your dumber than a fish don"t mean all of us are like you," the dwarf retorted.

Gong Fan rolls his eyes at them.

Then right before their eyes a bright flash of gold light illuminated before them.

"Ka La get it," Gong Fan commanded.

"Yes sir," a pet.i.te little girl with a pony tail said appearing from nothing and grabs the card. The moment she touched the card she disappears again.

"Lets continue," Gong Fan said to the group.

Ting Ting whose really sensitive to her surroundings sent a telepathic message to Gong Fan. "I feel like someone is follow us."

The moment Gong Fan received that message his eyes darted around looking for the stalker. In this time of situations having an unknown enemy in the shadow is a lot more dangerous than meeting a strong opponent. Especially since they just receive a card and went up on the leader board.

Gong Fan alerted the group to stay vigilant as there is a person following them. Either that or a group but for a group to hide and show no traces means that they are well train a.s.sa.s.sins. The only plan they have currently is to give them no openings to attack at. Not only that but with Ka La also in the shadows waiting to strike they have at least a bit of insurance when things go haywire.

A couple more minutes pa.s.sed and due to their vigilance they saw a group ahead. Instantly they went into hide mode but before they could completely hide a storm of ice shards came flying everywhere. There were many that came at Gong Fan too.

Gong Fan was not a weak leader or fighter. His fighting capabilities were at the peak of the master realm. This attack was an easy block but in doing so he would be completely exposed.

Bing, bang, swish, creak, boom!

The make shift group of 8 were almost completely exposed. Aside from Ka La who was still hiding in the shadows the rest were exposed.

"Thats the Hadoro sect team. They have a card on them too," a member of the other team whispers into the ears of their leader. With an excited gaze the leader"s eyes flickers toward them. Along with that came a stream of ice charging at them from the ground that eventually transformed into a pack of wolves. Gong Fan whips out his heavy sword and directly crush the ice wolf trying to bite him.

The dwarf Rahashu brought out two heavy hammers and also crush the wolves attacking him. Ting Ting immediately began throwing out formation flags and was holding a formation disc in her hand. There were two formation completed in two seconds. A confusion formation and a slaughter formation.

Ran stood there was a sword in his hand scanning the area like a computer calculating his next move.

The other team wasn"t so easy picking either as they display their formations too. Their team has a three elemental users, Ice, Lightning, and water. Then there is a spear, whip, and saber user.

The two teams begin fighting each other like their lives depended on it. The two formations began clashing with each of other. The confusion formation would save the team from death a couple times but the slow motion formation from the enemy were putting a lot of their members in danger.

The water and lightning combination elemental manipulation were restricting the Hadoro team members movements. Then factor in the Ice attacks. The Hadoro team was completely on the defensive. Every single that goes by the team defenses were getting weaker and weaker.

Ka La who was in the shadow was an a.s.sa.s.sin but she excels more at running away thats why she held the cards.

Then she saw an opening in the enemies attack.


With the two daggers in her hand she snuck up on the formation master on the team. She couldn"t see it but the Formation master on the other team had a smile on his face like he could see her.

The sensory member on his team already messaged him about what was going to happen.

The moment Ka La got 5 feet in the formation master"s range she experience an extreme slow down. Like what she could do in 1 second would take 10 seconds to complete. The formation master whips out a short sword as he aims for her neck.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Two kunai knives came flying out of nowhere as it hit the formation master"s slow motion formation flags. Those two knives knocked the formation flag out of placement which completely disabled the slow motion formation.

Ba zzzzzz!

The short sword and dagger clashes against each other.


All Ka La saw was a shadow run behind that formation master. In that split moment Ka La disappears back into the shadows as the head of the formation master drops to the ground.

"Attack!" Gong Fan shouted when he saw the change in scenario. A matter of a second they went from defense to offense. But that didn"t completely change to their advantage as three other formation were still up for the other team. They were body shield formation, the slaughter formation, and elemental enhancer formation.

The ice attacks from their leader were on a whole new leave as he switch from office to defense.

Ka La who felt a sudden chill realize that she was about to die from the enemy a.s.sa.s.sin.

When she turns around to block there was nothing there but a dead a.s.sa.s.sin.

"What the h.e.l.l?" She questioned herself drawing up a blank. Is that the new a.s.sa.s.sin trend? Self Suicide?

With the other a.s.sa.s.sin gone she was able to help out more as she took down the enemy one by one. In a matter of 3 minutes the entire enemy team were dead and in the revival process. Not only that but they also got two cards out of it.