Fall For Me

Chapter 40

The group continues to fight, group after group and the shadow would help them out whenever they were in danger. After another 15 minutes they collected about 6 cards.

"Yo I don"t know who this guy is but we should be more careful," Choi the last guy on the team said. He"s usually quiet and does his part of the job. "He helped us but I have a nagging feeling that he"s stalking behind us to steal all the cards."

"But we can"t detect him at all. As time goes on I feel like his presence grows smaller and smaller. At the beginning, I didn"t know where he is but I could at least feel his eyes on us. But now its like there"s nothing," Ting Ting explained.

"Ting Ting use a protection formation on our body."

"Alright," Ting Ting answered. She then whips out 8 talisman looking papers and places them on their chests.

She then began chanting a series of words and inserting her qi into the paper talisman. Then a thin layer of white light covered their body.

"Right now these talisman can only take 45 percent of the damage dealt by a peak Master realm expert. Anymore, you will need to increase your qi output into the talisman. Otherwise, it would be totally useless," Ting Ting explains.

"That"s fine as long as the protection formation can protect us for a couple millisecond we can react to the attack," a.s.sured Gong Fan.

They continue to be very careful as they hid from everyone unless it is unavoidable. The individual in the shadow continued to hide and follow.

Eventually, the last card appeared.


"Dam, Lin is still not back," sighs San Ti. "What"s taking him so long?"

"Ximei can you check where he is? Time is almost up and we have no cards," Ziyu said.

"Yes brother Ziyu," Ximei answered.

"Couldn"t we just message him?" Mei asks.

"He"s tailing a group of 8 with 7 cards. His presence is really weird. If not for these eyes showing me the inner layers I would have completely miss him. Not only that but it seems like Lin"s hiding techniques is getting better and better. Not to the point where I can"t see him but his presence has become increasingly similar to his environment," explained Ximei.

Ziyu rubs his chin as he went into deeper contemplation. I wonder how much he improved from yesterday Ziyu thought to himself.

"Lin is a very talented individual," Xintong praised. "When he was helping me with those pills before I would have thought he was a professional from the way he was handling those herbs."

That"s kinda sus… Mei thought to herself.

"Anyway its time for us to act," Ziyu said. "We"ll let Lin keep tailing that group. While we try to herd the other cards together. Remember these groups are elites and can"t be underestimated."


"Hey don"t you find it weird? I don"t feel any presence anymore. Not a slight stare," Ran said to them loudly.

"Me neither," Gong Fan answered.

"Maybe he got tired and left," Ting Ting said.

"Ka La do you sense anything?" Gong Fan asks telepathically.

"Yes but the presence is slowly disappearing," Ka La replied.

"I can"t feel anything anymore," Rimu the dwarf answered.

"The last card is out. Let"s hide so we have at least 7 cards. Ready the smoke bombs!" Gong Fan said telepathically to everyone. At that moment everyone reached into their pocket and pulled out 4 mini-bombs which they through to the floor and a cloud of smoke burst into the air. In that next moment, they disappeared.


Xing Jun who was hiding in a tree 20 meters away from them. He didn"t know it but he was using the Black Empyrean and White Fiend-G.o.d Dragon eyes. The smoke screen was pretty nonexistent to him. His new eyes were able to see the soul and qi together. For some reason not only is he able to see more details, but he is also able to further deduce the origin of those hints. In a way, he became like a Sherlock Holmes.

Jun felt like if he was to get into a fight now he might be able to predict certain moves coming before the user even notice.

Well anyway, they were completely visible to Jun. Not only that but Jun knows that Ka La has the cards so he basically just ended up following her. He also notices that the people today were on a whole level lower than the group from before.

Either I am a lot stronger or their just weaker, Jun thought.


[The last Card has been picked up. Count Down Will Start now!]


At that moment he activates his Black Empyrean and White Fiend-G.o.d Dragon eyes and like a blind man receiving sight, he could see everything around him like he has 360 vision. Lightning surging like tidal waves rushed throughout his body as he swooped down on Ka La like the angel of death.

The demon sword infrits pierced right through her heart before she got a chance to react. All she saw was a masked individual.

"You!" She uttered before disappearing.

Gong Fan"s face suddenly turned ashen. As they got into battle formation. Sadly it was all pointless as they don"t have any more cards for Jun to take.

"I got 7 cards!" Jun said mentally to everyone on his team.

"We got 16," Ziyu said back. "The last card is near you. 21 Feet to your right. He is in the person in a purple jacket protected by 7 others. It will take us 4 minutes to arrived there. Its all up to you to get the last card."

Jun"s eyes shift over to where Ziyu was telling him about and what he saw gave Jun a tiny fright.

He saw 10 formations stacked upon the area.

"When did formations become cheap knock-offs on the street." Jun thought to himself only to realize this is VR world and the resources were basically unlimited.

Illusion, shield, slaughter, confusion, poison, reinforcement, slow down, qi suppression, and distortion formation. With 10 formations stacked upon each other, it became extremely hard to just brute force it. Even a mid-King Realm cultivator would have trouble taking out that team.

Then something extremely strange began to happen Jun"s eyes. Array lines began forming. Each line would try to fit in a piece of the puzzle. In just a mere 1 second his eyes found a path inside.

Did my eyes just decipher the entire formation? Jun thought to himself in surprise. I didn"t know I can do that. I"ll have to experiment this when I go back to the real world. For now, let"s have some fun.

Lightning surges around his body as he steps forward.

"Someones coming,"male A said within the formation.

Jun stepped into the formation and appeared before the first flag planted there. He lashes out with a kick. The 8 people inside felt the formation tremble like an earthquake.

All they saw was a brown mask, with dark clothes kicking the air. They thought he had mental issues but every time he kicks the air the formation would shutter, and tremble like the end of the world.

"What the h.e.l.l?" Male B swore.

Male C, "hurry up and attack him! He"s attacking all the formation flags I placed down!"

As a collected group, all of them sprang into action. Spears, swords, and qi attacks began to bombard Jun"s area.

Jun lashes out with a kick again.

The formation trembles like a gong being hit.


The attacks landed where Jun was and made a huge hole. Except the attacks pa.s.ses through Jun completely.

"F*ck! He took control of my illusion formation!" Make C cussed as he tries everything to take it back.

Jun swam through the formation like a shark in an uncontested ocean. He appears before Female A and kills her by lopping off her head mercilessly. Since its 8 vs 1 going easy people whose cultivation were higher than his would be just punishing himself.

Thankfully his earlier performance startled these people, not only that but these people were basically cannon fodders in the grand scheme of things. Probably some rich n.o.ble family"s children sent out to be tempered a bit.

Male A spotted where female A got killed and came to help only to be met with a sword through the head. With the help of his eyes, Jun was easily able to manipulate the illusion formation but adjust the energy lines between the formation flags.

Male C shouted out anxiously, "he destroyed four of my formations and is currently manipulated two of my formations. I can"t seem to catch him all with the slow down formation!"

"You guys are all useless pieces of sh*ts!" Female B shouted at them. "How is one person beating all of us."

"B*tch your not even doing sh*t! F*cking leech!" Raged Male D.

"Just log out and uninstall!"

And this is how a team implodes.

Then arrives before the Male C the formation master and thrust his sword forward.

In Jun"s eyes, he saw multiple energy lines concentrating at the spot he was targeting. Not only that but it seems he activated a well hidden restrain formation that was underneath the ground.

Basically, there was a restraint formation on the floor and impact stun formation around his body.

Sadly it was all pretty useless because before the stun formation could even activate Jun already pulled the sword back before impact leaving it unactivated and 90 percent of the stun formation"s energy gathering at that one spot. Without the stun formation activating the activation of the restraint formation was too slow to trap Jun.

Jun danced around the spot and ended up lopping off the guy"s head. The stun formation tried to reroute itself but the thought process of Male C couldn"t keep up and only 10 percent of the stun was delivered which was basically a tingle to Jun due to his monstrous body.

The moment Male C"s body became pixelated a card dropped that Jun picked up.

"Lin watch out behind you!" Shouted to Ximei mentally.

Jun could barely react in time as he spun around and use the Demon Sword Ifrits to try and block the attack.


As Jun was sent flying backward.

Spider cracks began to appear on his sword. In his eyes, Jun saw a six feet tall male shrouded in gray flames from head to toe. Even with his eyes he couldn"t pierce through the flames and see his face. As for the curve dagger in his hand, it was black like a dark hole.

Like an underground torpedo, gray flames came honing in on him. Jun could only instinctively react as he sent out a shroud of the star freeze flames. The moment the two flames came into contact a loud boom transpired. The star freezing flame grew bigger as it absorbs all the heat from that explosion.

The a.s.sa.s.sin whips his dagger out and within a mere two seconds the rest of the team that Jun was fighting died. The dagger zipped around in mid-air like a remote-controlled missile.

Thankfully for his eyes, Jun was able to predict and keep up with the speed of the dagger. He dodged the first attack as his hands reached into his sides to pull out two hidden shurikens which he flicked at the a.s.sa.s.sin.

Thankfully the count down already started.


"Who are you!" Jun shouted at him. For Jun to not even notice him till Ximei warned him could only mean one thing. This guy was a professional a.s.sa.s.sin. As his level of strength, it should be half step King"s realm.

Well, that is a stupid question Jun thought to himself. Which idiot would answer that.

"Why are you trying to kill me? I know it is not for this card," Jun said to him thinking he would not answer.

"Your name is Xing Jun, the shadow guild has a set a bounty for your head for 500,000 qi stones." The man said in a rough voice. "Be obedient and this will be quick and painless."

"Wow never realize my life was so cheap. You do realize this is quantum reality right? People that die here won"t die in real life."


"Guess we"ll find out!"

The ground began to quake as 3 totem poles rose into the air.


"You"re a shaman master!?" Jun exclaim out loud.

"Run toward us Lin!" Ximei transmitted to him.

No wonder he"s so confident in killing me here! Jun thought. Shaman masters deal in the art of souls. The quantum reality banned soul attacks but that dagger earlier gave me an eery sensation. These totems are the same. I can safely a.s.sume he somehow bypa.s.ses the system and can use soul attacks. I can"t get them involved.

Jun turned in the opposite direction and tried to run but he took 2 steps when he realizes that there was forcefield formation in place. Even with the eyes deciphering it, it would not matter because the people who set the formation were on the outside and this was just an energy barrier keeping him. The only way out is brute force.


"There"s no way out. So come here and die," He said sinisterly as he walks toward Jun. The forcefield was also growing smaller and smaller as they were brought closer together.