Fall For Me

Chapter 14

That night Jun changed back into his normal appearance with his white hair combed back before putting on a black wig and a jet black blue suit.

"Butler Fan how do I look?" Jun asks.

"Handsome," Bu Fan chuckles. "You trying to make them fall in love with you?"

"I gotta look professional. This is me showing respect if not I probable just go in joggers and a t-shirt."

"Oh right have you got use to using your Dao without qi yet?" Bu Fan asks.

"No not yet. I would unconsciously try to use my qi to guide it," Jun explained. His body was now mortal, and his cultivation shatter but his Dao was still intact. Except there is a difference between a Dao with Qi and a Dao without qi. The Dao is a concept that uses the laws and physics of this world. An example would be to try and teach someone math through words alone rather than both words and visual. If you think of a pen"s ink as qi then the Dao would be the thoughts and understanding of the subject. Right now Jun is like a teacher with knowledge but no device to relay the information through to the ma.s.s. He can verbally teach it but it is not as effective without visual aid.

For current Jun using the Dao to fight is basically like fight with his hands tied behind his back. Sure he can still fight with his lags but the effect is 50 times less effect than with actual qi to act it through.

"Even if I succeed my battle strength would at most be in peak martial realm."

"Its better than nothing," Bu Fan sighs.

"My body is that of a mortal too. I can barely bench 120. Even if I master it my body can"t keep up," Jun said mockingly to himself. After experiencing strength and power like those of a G.o.d it depressing losing it. Luckily after mastering the Dao of Lightning, Fire and Earth his attack power were be at least comparable to a peak martial realm cultivator if he masters using it with his soul. Right now with his control his attacking strength is only at peak nascent realm.

"Mortals have their own ways of training too not everyone is fit for cultivation. Some can even lift 300 pounds."

"Sure but can they ever life 300 pound with ease? Can they sprint at 200 miles an hour. Those are impossible for them. Have you read those wizard stories? I"m like a mage right now against a nascent realm cultivator I would die in a seconds."

"Young Master you"re right thats my bad. So how do you want to proceed with this?" Bu Fan asks.

"I"ll go in alone and explain my thoughts to them. I mean this is only benefitting them. I don"t even know why they would think of refusing."

Bu Fan smirks like he knows something, "Are you sure you don"t want me to come in with you?"

"If you do come it is gonna look like I am forcefully taking over."

"As you wish then. I"ll be around let me know when you"re done. Oh wear this armor. You might need it." Bu Fan said handing him a millimeter thick wired armor. "I placed a formation on it so even without your qi it will activate once you feel threaten.

"Thank you."

Later that night Jun arrives at the address.

It was a two story house about three thousand square feet made out of bricks. Jun saw that there was a couple tamed beasts in the front yard and a.s.sumes it was the WL group here.

Jun knocks on the door. Knock Knock Knock.

"Coming!" Xintong voice shouts over.

Door opens, "Xing Lin you"re here," Xintong said then shirks like a cat whose tail got stepped on after realizing it was Xing Jun. "Oh its you!"


"What do you want? Revenge?" She asks provocatively.

"Revenge?" Jun asks confused. "I know there is a misunderstanding between us..."

"How do you know where I live?" Xintong interrupts.

Jun rolls his eyes, "is your parents home? I need to talk to them."

"Talk to my parents? What for? I already apologized okay!"

Xintong"s parents hearing her argue with someone at the doorway came out.

"Who is it?" Mr. Xia asks.

"Oh Mr. Xia." Jun greets.

"Honey who is it? Is it a patient?" Mrs. Xia asks. "Tell them we close and to come back tomorrow."

"What she said," Mr. Xia said.

"No I am not a patient."

"Dad this guy is very petty and even found our house just to take revenge."

"Revenge?" Mr. Xia shouts in confusion as his anger rises.

"Who dares to come to our place and get revenge on our daughter!" Mrs. Xia yells storming out from wherever she was at. Her hands were like claws that flew out of the doorway.

Jun tried to dodge but due to his slow movements his shoulders were latched on by Mrs. Xia"s claw like hands. The arm instantly activated preventing Jun"s shoulders from shattering to dust.

"What do you want from my darling Xintong!"

Jun chuckles awkwardly, "please listen to me first."

"Mrs. Xia, Mr Xia whats going on? Do you need our help?" Ziyu shouts.

"I"m Xing Jun son of Xing Tian. I am here today because I want to talk to you all about the Xia Sect. Is it okay if I come in?"

"You can not." Mrs. Xia said.

After much debate, and re a.s.suring them that he did not come for revenge they reluctantly let them in.

In the house he sat in a chair on a round table being stared down by a group of people. Ziyu, Hui, Mei, San Ti, were all here too.

"What is it do you have to say. Spit it out." Mr. Xia said.

"I want to discuss with you about inheriting the Xia Sect name."

The group looks at Jun in confusion like how did you know.

Seeing the confusion Jun continues, "Let me explain. My great great great grandfather saved your Patriarch a long time time and they became like brothers. They later made a pact that was approved by the heavens. It states that if he should die then the descendants of the Xing family would have the rights to fight for control of the Sect. My great great great grandfather never wanted to be part of any clan and take on any responsibilities never bother with it. I recently just discovered this from my Dad after I met Xintong. I did some further research into the matter and found that the Xia clan has been in decline and you and four others branch families are fight for the rights to inherit it but they have allied themselves with other sects. You are the only one that n.o.body knows about. What I am proposing is that I take over your portion of the inheritance and bring it back to glory since I have the influence and power to do so. If you guys were not riddled with debt, and other problems I would not bother but I have my ambitions."

They were stunned and didn"t know what to say.

"Of course I am not shameless enough to just take it like that. I would like to make Mr. and Mrs. Xia both elders of the Sect along with the privileges and Miss Xintong would receive the proper resources for her training. Not only that but I am willing to buy and pay off all the debts you currently own."

"And what makes you think we will simple just believe what you say?" Mr. Xia sneers.

"Because of this Heaven Decree," Jun said pulling out a red piece of parcel. There is a slight glow and the Xia family could feel their blood boil. The paper gave off an absolute aura that makes it hard for anyone to disobey its" command.

"You!" Mr. Xia declares in anger.

"I am not the bad guy here. I know how hard Miss Xintong has worked to revive the sect and she is at a disadvantage when compete with others. I am here to even the playing field. Since I am also a legal inheritor what I am doing is equivalent to saving the sect. So sell me the inheritance. So what do you think?"

"Hahaha," San Ti chuckles. "Aren"t you a bit delusional?"

Jun looks at San Ti, "and who allowed you to speak in a family matter?" His eyes then shifts back to the Xia family.

Mr. and Mrs Xia with sighs really loudly and stood up.


A sword appears in Mr. Xia"s hand and a gauntlet.

Jun instantly stood up and took two steps back. "Ehhh."

"I don"t who you are or whatever dam decree you got," Mr. Xia roars. "We will not dishonor the sect by selling! You can go to h.e.l.l!" His sword raging down on Jun"s head.

At the speed that it happened Jun couldn"t react but his instincts kicked in and his Daos tried to stop it.

Then a sudden surge of power course through his body controlling him to dodge. In the next instant a full blown out battle began where Mr. Xia would try to strike Jun with a death blow. Then Mrs. Xia joined in too. Jun could mentally feel that their Daos were strong enough to break through to the Heavens Realm. Yet their cultivation was only mid Master realm.

Xintong stood there in shock because her parents could even kill King realm experts yet cannot kill a kid.

Jun dodged his way out of the house.

"Get out! Don"t let me see you again!" Mr. Xia roars.

Seeing that they stopped attacking when they reached the door, Jun bows in apology and left.

After jogging a distant away. A black limo pulls up. The driver got out and opens the door for Jun. When Jun sat into the car Butler Bu Fan was smirking and trying to hold back his laughter.

"How was it?" He asks.

Jun made a face that seems to say like you don"t know what happened.

"How could they just attack someone like that? Bunch of psychopaths."

"Thats right," Bu Fan chuckles. "They were known as the Heaven Slaying Couple back in the days."

"You know them?"

"Of course!"

"Then at least warn me next time. I almost died!"

"I was watching. And they weren"t really going to kill you. Those were fake killing intent."

"Pretty sure it was real..."

"If they were really intending on killing you I would have to personally interfere. Controlling your body would not have worked."

"There is nothing but benefits I still don"t understand why they would reject," Jun sighs.

"No respectable cultivator would just sell their heritage. You look down on them too much if think for even for a second they would be willing to sell it to you."

"You could have told me this before. Wouldn"t have wasted my time otherwise."

"Are you still intending to help them."

"Yes. I have to think of another way."

"Your father decided to come back tomorrow. Have you thought of a way to tell him yet."

"No," Jun said depressingly.