Fall For Me

Chapter 23

"Lets begin then. Brother Long a drop of blood please."

Ancestor Long"s statue raised a hand and a whole bunch of seals began unraveling at a frightening speed. In that 1 second span of time Jun count at least 1 thousand seals unraveled. "This is both a blessing and a curse."

Before Jun was a maroon gold droplet of blood the size of a penny. Just the droplet of blood alone gave Jun an indomitable feeling like it contained the power of this entire planet.

Won"t I die if I absorb this Jun thought.

"You will first began by absorbing 1 out 1000 of it. Then over a month span of time you will absorb the entire the drop."

Jun sat down onto a mat and directly drink the droplet of blood.

Taste kinda sweet? Jun thought.


A cold sensation washed over his entire body. It is similar to blowing on gemx on your hand except it was applied to the entire body.

Jun quickly applied the Black Empyrean and White Fiend-G.o.d method. Inside his broken dantian was a penny size droplet of blood. Whoosh! Whoosh!

A tiny bit of the drop of blood scalped off a bit and entered his blood stream.


At the tip of his finger he felt the finger being destroyed before being reforged again. His dantian reshaped itself back into a sphere. The blood then began to move. It was like it had a mind of its" own and began moving alongside the crack s.p.a.ce of the dantian wall.

Every second that pa.s.s the wall was repaired at a visible rate. In an hour the whole dantian was repaired and Jun didn"t even feel an ounce of pain. Next it moved toward his meridian points.

While Jun is cultivating another situation was happening at the other side.


Xintong was hiding behind a tree on top of a cliff looking down at the group. They are approximately one thousand meters away. Luckily they are un.o.bstructed in their vision due to this part being a canyon like valley. While another 1000 meters away was Bu Fan keeping tabs on them while eating. With her was Zhan Ziyu, Xiao Mei, San Ti, and Xiao Hui. They are all in their own locations looking at the group.

Leading the way was Ning Ximei. Followed behind by a huge group of people.

"Ey are you sure we have a chance to rescue them?" San Ti whispers over the ear piece.

"They look like a power house…" Hui reinforced.

"Just follow the plan and this should work," Ziyu said with great focus.

"I gotta say this Xia family secret hiding technique is really useful. We are 1000 meters near a heaven realm cultivator and he still doesn"t notice." San Ti praised.

Mei hushes him. "Shhh. Shut up your so noisy."


"Lets review the plan one more time. We can"t beat them head on and lethal poison will kill Ximei along with the group. So we can only use paralyzing and sleeping poison combine. We are getting closer to that treasure they are talking about. My sixth sense is telling me we are getting close. Wait for my signal. Once they get distracted by the treasure we will launch our attack."

Their plan is use the gas from the pill that Xintong forge to make those people fall asleep. The strength of the pill can knock out master realm cultivators in a couple seconds, King realm in 30 seconds but requires 5 minutes for Heaven realm cultivators. To trap them they have a treasure of their own from the Xia clan vault.

"Are all in position?" Ziyu asks.

"Yes," Hui answers nervously. After the last incident he became extra nervous.

"Yes," the rest answers confidently.

Ximei pointed her finger at a seemly innocent spot.

"The treasure is right there. I can see that it is about a mile deep into the ground. I can only see the energy pulsation but not the treasure itself."

The heaven realm expert began stroking his beard like those people of ancient time. "For it"s pulsation to still be this strong even after being buried a mile deep the treasure is definitely unimaginably powerful. Your eyes are truly powerful. I can only sense a very weak pulsation. Even I am unable to pinpoint it"s exact location. If not for you it would take us a year to find."

"NOW!" Ziyu shouted into the microphone.

Xintong clasps her hand together and a golden 7 story palace came crashing down like a meteorite. Boom!

This all happened within a half a second. The heaven realm expert could have reacted in time but due to his subordinates and the half step heaven realm individual whose his young master he had to protect him. This caused his judgement to be delayed and caused him to be trapped alongside everyone else.

Then every rushed forward and used their qi to activate the pills and threw it into the first floor of the palace. They threw in at least a couple hundreds of pills in a second or two.

Ziyu then rushed into the seven story palace to rescue to Ximei.

"Everyone help me inject qi into the palace!" Xintong yelled.


Boom! Boom!

The palace itself vibrated intensely like a gong being strike. The entire palace vibrating caused it to dig a slight hole down.

Many of the cultivators inside drift off to sleep. Those that haven"t could move.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Hurry inject more qi!" Xintong shouted.

San Ti, Mei, Hui all began pumping qi into the palace like theres no tomorrow.

Bu Fan smirked a bit and helped out by inject 5 percent of his qi into the palace. This const.i.tute to more than 5 times the combine qi of San Ti, Mei, and Hui. Furthermore Heaven realm qi made the palace even stronger. The cracks that were appearing mended itself and stopped cracking further.


A couple more seconds later Ziyu came out of the palace with Ximei who was sound asleep.

"Take her and run!" Ziyu commanded to San Ti.

San Ti quickly received her and ran as fast as he could. After joining a gang before he had learn how to run extremely fast. If one didn"t look carefully one would have thought that this was a baton pa.s.sing race.

Ziyu began pumping his qi into the tower.

They last a whole another minute before the palace shatter apart.


Everyone was blast all the way back against the cushion of the hard canyon wall. Each and everyone of them spit out blood and suffered internal injuries. The degree of injury depends on each person"s strength and proximity to the palace itself.

Yuan Chai stood at the center of the crumbling palace surrounded by his snoozing man. His aura raging but the sleeping gas still affected him greatly. If not for his will power he would probable be snoozing with the others right now. Being a Heaven"s realm cultivator he had the ability to multi task. His body was trying it"s best detoxify the gas he inhaled. His feet connected the young master"s face he began injecting some of his qi into the young master"s body to attack the sleeping gas. Then from his inter s.p.a.cial ring he took out a handful of detoxification pills and shot them into everyone mouth.

He himself already took one inside the palace but this poison was strange and made the detoxification pill lose half its" strength.

"Who are you people?" Yuan Chai asks imposingly.

No one answered.

"Well it doesn"t matter as you guys are all gonna die anyway." For him killing these insects will only take a second or less. His hand began to burn like the morning sun and the next second the fire in his hand began rolling out like a fog rolling in. "You"ll die slowly and painfully for your ignorance."

Ziyu mustered up all his strength to get up and charge up his qi. He used a movement technique and moved toward Xintong and then gathered them all up.

"Hahaha," Yuan Chai snaps his finger. "Think you can run?"

The fire formed a ring that kept them in.

"DAM!" Ziyu swore. Lightning like chains wrapping itself around him. He blasted a lightning dragon at the fire wall. The lightning dragon was instantly destroyed before it could even touch the wall.

"Hahaha with your measly strength? Tell me where did you bring that girl?"

"How would I know," Ziyu quips.


A weak fume flew over.

"AAAHHH!" The group screamed in agony. The fire fumes entered entered through their nose and lungs. It scorched and burned them like those in a burning house.

"Why are you torturing kids like that? Don"t you have a bit of face left in that pile of old bones," a voice echoes across the canyon.

"Face? Whose here to know? Whose here to report?" He chuckles evilly making the ring of fire even smaller. "If you have the ability come and save them."

"Honestly it is annoying but if you insist I will step in." Bu Fan flew down from the sky and gently landed in the center of the fire ring. He claps his hand and a wave of sound vibrated out and dispelled the ring of fire.

"I would preferred not to interfere but someone requested my help and I intend to keep it."

Yuan Chai was a bit surprise. Even through the ring of fire was very weak for the new comer to just directly dispel it with a clap shows just how much strength this person has.

"Whats with this facade. You"re here for the treasure why fake it. You probable sent these people to sabotage us so you can storm in and get the treasure."

"Well you can say that but I can see those greedy eyes of your"s."

"Everyone is greedy in your beady eyes. If you are picking a fight come get it."

A sinister smile flashes across Yuan Chai"s face and he flicks his hand and a green orb appears in his hand.

"F*ck!" Bu Fan swore and made a series of movements that cause the group below to be ejected out where they were.

He didn"t have time to protect himself since for individuals of their level every movement counts.

"Idiot," Yuan chuckles.

The orb struck Bu Fan in the chest and created a prison.

I was too careless Bu Fan thought to himself. It was too late for regrets. He attacked the prison with all his might and the prison wall cracked but instantly repaired itself.

"Your only one one stage stronger than me. As long as I keep supply the seven element prison you won"t be getting out. As for my subordinates they are waking up soon and will hunt down those that piece of trash."