Fall For Me

Chapter 54: The Deal

Chapter 54: The Deal

"We don"t need to do the final test as it be a waste of time and resources." Chancellor Ning said.

"Then lets get straight to the point. You already know my situation and know what I need. I want unlimited access to any manual related to pills such as recipes, refinement methods, and information regarding experiments and ingredients. Second I will require cultivation resources as I still need to cultivated. I want unlimited access to all the facilities in the Pill division. Lastly 100 Million qi a year for my expenses," Jun said emotionlessly as he listed out everything.

"And what will you be offering in return?" Chancellor Ning smirks.

"Simple. I will enter any and all compet.i.tion that are deemed important in raising the status of the school. Any profit from pill recipe that I come up with during my stay at the school shall be split with you. 70 to me and 30 to you. If I make 100 million or more from the pill recipes that I come up with then you will not need to pay for it. In reality this is a really good deal for you. All you will be doing is providing me books that you have already that doesn"t cost you anything. Ingredients for experiments which you will probable use already anyway. As for access I just don"t like to be controlled and I will won"t bother you much. As for what you gain in return they are status in the younger generation which will help you attract more talented students and more face among your peers. Next is my pill recipes as you know already took over a whole city and I barely even tried."

Chancellor Ning and the first elder looks at each other.

"What do you think?" Chancellor Ning asks the first elder.

"His deal is crafty. It may seem like we are will profit but he will be reaping most of the reward. Unfettered access to our library means everything from floor 1 to 10. There are secrets recipes for some of our top pills in the market that"s there too. So we will have to limit access from floor 7 and up. Next is the cultivation resources. As you know even the top students in our school is limited to 3 million a year and the rest they will have to get themselves. But since he is in our pill division we can spare him 5 million of cultivation resources at most, but that"s not the main point. As for the unlimited access to all the facilities in the pill division that means he would have access to our plantation too and from there he can figure out the planting method. You can already see from the way he a.n.a.lyze the first puzzle. Even through we said we only know 48 combinations we actually knew all 81 but it took us almost 5 years with a team of 30 Pill Kings to figured out all the combination. Not only that but we spent almost 200 Million qi stones to figure it out. Even through we gave him 48 combinations he still figured out the rest in 1 hour time. That cognitive ability is frightening."

"You do have a point," Chancellor Ning nodded her head.

"As for those 100 Million qi stones he threw that number in there to distract us from his real goal. 100 Million might seem like a lot but it really isn"t. At our level we value treasures over qi stones. Qi stones are just currency to trade for every day treasures but they can"t get real treasure as they are invaluable."

"So what you want us to reject cultivation resource for the 100 Million?"

"No. We give him 3 million in spending money and 100 million cap in cultivation resource over 4 year of time. Our department only makes 700 Million in profit out of the 3 Billion revenue we generate quarterly. Thats before we give we spent the money we spent on our students. We really only generate about 100 Million into the actual savings account a quarter."

"You do have a point."

Chancellor Ning turns back to Jun. "Alright your offer is not bad but there are a couple key points. We won"t give you unlimited access but you will be allowed level 7 access. My access is level 9 while the first elder"s here is level 8. You will just be one below him. Your access is equivalent to all our elders. As for cultivation resources and spending money we decided that it is one and the same. The 100 Million we can accept but it will go towards your cultivation resource over 4 years. We will also give you 3 million in spending money each year on top of that. Lastly the ingredients for experimenting we will set out a portion for you as long as the pill you experimenting and researching is under our division"s supervision."

Jun sat there rubbing his chin and thinking. "Since you put it that way. I have to more things I want to raise. One I am allowed to bring anyone I want into the pill division as a core student. Second I want you to gather these ingredients for me within a year and I will use the 100 Million to offset the cost and whatever is left over I"ll pay."

"No we cannot allow you to bring anyone into the school as a core student but we can allow you to bring people in as a servant. They can be allowed to study as ordinary students. As for the resources let me see what you want."

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Jun wrote out the ingredients for stage two of the body refinement method. xFive Dragon blood pear, a heavenly lightning orb, Vigoration blood flower, Ma.s.s Increasing pill, Fire and ice fruit, a drop of blood from the ancient vermillion bird, Soul Increasing Pill. Then he wrote in a couple other cultivation resources that were relatively cheap.

Both the Chancellor and Elder read over the list and their eyes nearly popped out their sockets. The f*ck are you cultivating they both thought.

"For the pills that I need, you can just get me the ingredients and I"ll refine them myself."

Where the h.e.l.l are we going to find a drop of blood from an ancient Vermillion Bird! b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l even if we could who the h.e.l.l is dumb enough to sell it.

"The cultivation resources are fine but a drop of blood from an ancient Vermillion Bird we cannot promise that. Even if we have the money they probable won"t even sell. That will be up to your own ability."

Jun also knows how unrealistic that is. "If you can find news of it let me know. Thats all I ask. As for the person I want to bring in. Its only one person."

Chancellor Ning turns and look at Jun with all seriousness. "This matter concerns the integrity of our division. If I do it for you I will have to do it for other people. If he or she can"t even get in with his or her own ability then they are not worth you requesting this favor for them. I can tolerate bringing them in as a servant or ordinary student but core student is out of the question!"

Seeing how reluctant she is Jun decided to compromise. "Also I want my own residency."

"Deal. First elder draw up the contract."

The first elder"s eyes gleams and a contract appeared on the table. Jun"s consciousness peered into the paper and nodded his head in agreement. Then he used a sliver of his soul to sign it. The first elder and the chancellor both did the same. Then Jun wrote a secret code on the paper and each of the people present ripped the paper into 3 pieces with each person holding 1/3rd of it.

Furthermore a copy was made for them to hold. This way not they can"t change or destroy the contract in question if something goes awry.

Jun shook their hands and left with a slight smirk on his face that they couldn"t see. He got everything he wanted especially the 7 to 3 split from pill recipe what sucks was that even through they largely ignored in the conversation they still wrote down that if the pill is an improvement of their pill or a competing product of their pill then profit split will be reverse or 50/50 depending on compet.i.tion against overall market.

Crafty b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, Jun thought but he was still pretty happy with the way the deal worked out. It be interesting to bring Xintong in as a servant. I better get back and see how her result is.