Fall For Me

Chapter 7

With six and six different swords in his hand Jun was no different from a mini war G.o.d right now. The shroud of fire was kept one inch thick around his body while the rest of the first was being used as arms for fighting. The bat bee"s cultivation was not that high so it was easy slaughtering them but the issue came in their claws and teeth.

As for the bears while their cultivation is only in the Martial realm their defense were terrifying for their level of cultivation. Jun could only cut skin deep. Right now with the help of the heaven and earth qi covering each of Jun"s swords he could easily kill a Master realm cultivator. To only cause skin deep wounds Jun surprised but not scared. While the bat bees numbered in the one hundred thousands there were only about twenty to thirty of these bears.

After finding that he couldn"t penetrate the skin Jun became ruthless and just thrust the sword through the eyes and mouth. Once the sword reaches inside he would sent out a burst of qi to destroy the inner organs.

One minute pa.s.sed. Two minutes pa.s.sed. His qi was dropping fast. Three minutes. Right now it was like he was running a marathon. His pace was slightly faster than a jog but slower than a full out sprint.

Whenever his qi fell to about the 30% level he would pop a qi recovery pill.

His breathing become deeper and deeper but his mind was becoming sharper. As his muscles began to imprint certain movements to reduce the strain of qi on those arms. Jun was programming certain movements into those heaven and earth qi arms of his. This greatly reduced the mental burden on him.

Jun wanted to run so bad but he knew he can not. It would waste time. He would rather fight a king"s realm expert right now than these hundred thousand bat bees. It is because fighting a King"s realm cultivator he could use higher level martial techniques that does significantly more damage. It was less exhausting on his soul and body. Fighting these bats on the other hand was more endurance, precision, and calculation because it is not that he can"t slaughter them all it is just exhausting, and his qi and mental mind cannot last that long.

I have 25 fire lightning bombs in inter s.p.a.cial ring, Jun thought to himself. If I s.p.a.ce it out to every 5 minutes it should give me a longer time of survival.

An hour later which felt like eternity to Jun he was almost out of qi pills. His dantian was on the verge of collapsing due to the impurities. In order to last this long he even had to refine the impurities in his body with the ice flame. It"s real name is the star freezing fire which was a mouth full. He was running out of the Fire thunder bombs too. Even through he planned 1 every five minutes it he would occasional throw in an extra to help relief the attacks from these bat bees.

This alleviate some stress but not enough. Since he couldn"t do a full refinement and only a bit here and there like putting an ice pack on the wound.

"Hahaha!" Jun laughs in despair. This was the first time he felt such helplessness. No matter what he did before subconsciously he always knew his father, and butler Bu Fang would save him. Right now he knew no one can. There was not going to be some miracle like those protagonist in movies and novels. He was not going to be able to be able to break through to the king"s realm. Bu Fang is not going to swoop down and save him because he doesn"t even know where he is. Some random stranger is not going to come by and miraculously save him either. All he could do was fight to the bitter end and hope for some kind of miracle.

Over 16,000 Moon Bat bees have been killed by him but there still seems to be one hundred thousand left. His muscles were like lead weighting him down. The enhancement pill"s effect were running out too.

From his inter s.p.a.cial ring Jun pills out three more pills. It was body healing pill, soul healing pill, and dragon might pill. He popped it in without hesitation.

"Hahaha," Jun sneers as he saw a giant blob in the sky that literally blocked out the sun. From his ring eight fire lightning bombs appeared between his finger tips.

With a swing of my of his qi arms a wave of blade thin crescent moon like wave flew at the blob. Followed behind it were eight fire lightning bombs.


A mile wide explosion erupted in mid air.

Hahaha this should take out 50,000 of you f*ck*rs Jun said mockingly.

His muscles were dead tired like he has been awake for 48 hours. Mind was exhausted too. The only thing keeping him going was adrenaline.


The shock wave from the explosion knocked him flying 100 meters across the ground. The qi arms disappeared. The qi protecting his body also shattered.


Jun heard. Then followed by a BOOM!

Jun strenuously got up and looked at the direction of the boom.

Ayyesh! Jun cursed mentally. He quickly popped another qi recovering pill and could feel his dantian crack further.

In front of him stood a seven feet earth bat on steroids. It had yellow stripes around its" body with beady red eyes. Its" teeth about 6 inches and 3 inch long claws. Then Jun noticed that the bat"s body was different. The fur on its" skin were like knives.

It broke through to the King"s Realm? Jun gasped.

Jun felt like he was gonna break down mentally. Killed over 66000 bat bees and still there"s 100,000 more and not only that but the queen shows up after a break through. He tried to pit the bears against them but they turn out to be friends, or allies.

For a horrible moment, he wondered if the heavens were working against him and if he should just kill himself to end this suffering. His muscles were aching and his dantian was about to shatter into a million pieces.

To cultivate is to go against the heaven! He mentally roars!

"Blacky it is just you and me now," Jun whispers grasping the warm handle of the pure black sword.

Another fire lightning bomb appears in his left hand as he whips it at the queen. Then his body sprints to the right. This move was to test the Queen Bat bee.

The queen whacks the bomb away, but on the moment of contact it exploded! It was at that moment that Jun"s Heaven and Earth eyes saw something amazing. The fur on the queen moved on its own to pierce right through the bomb making the explosion less potent.

Jun only has 1 bomb left and it was the only thing he has right now that could possibly kill it.

Luckily the bat bee minions have retreated and it was a one on one fight. Jun moves into a close quarter combat with it as he slices the queen"s neck. At the end of the blade Jun has covered it with the Star freezing flame.

Before the blade reached the queen"s neck she disappeared reappeared next to him but this time it"s claw flashes at Jun"s stomach.


Jun felt like he was. .h.i.t by a truck but also felt lucky too because if not for Xintong"s green amulet that move would have ripped through his stomach like a hot knife through b.u.t.ter.

Jun could feel the necklace"s energy dim a little.

THUMP! Boom!

The queen tackled her body into Jun"s before he even notices. A thick wave of vibration ranged through his body. His body crashed into the side of some cave leaving a 5 feet deep hole. The green amulet shattered into pieces.

It is faster than me. My eyes can barely keep up with it. Her body is tougher than mine. Jun a.s.sesses. There is only one way that I can possible survive this. Luckily she chose to fight instead of keep hiding. The only reason she chose to fight is because I killed too many of those bat that it would effect their future fighting power.

Jun did not want to do it but he has too. If it was against the army of bat bees he would not since it would be useless but against this queen he has no other choice. Hiding and running were not an option anymore.

Swoosh! Swish!

This time blue flames were covering his skin like a mother holding her child as Jun closes his eyes to concentrate. A corresponding seal appear in the air. It was the Chinese word for Power.

This seal then flew into his body wrapping it around his dantian.

His dantian began to condense and become smaller but his cultivation broke through to the King"s realm and kept on increasing. Eventually is stopped at the first stage of the Heaven"s realm. Jun could feel his body coursing with absolute power. The world seems to listen to his command. He could feel the multiple daos in the air. To break through from Master to King"s realm Jun had to have mastered a Dao but due to his arrogance he tried to learn multiple daos. They were lightning, fire, and earth. His mastery over them were all at the pinnacle but they were all missing that one step for him to break through.

Now that he was in the Heaven"s realm he could sense what he was missing and could only bitterly laugh at himself because if only he learn this during the battle then he could have easily broke through and fight this queen. Instead he chose to pay a price worse than death to survive. The despair before could be said to be just loneness, scared, hopeless, and even helpless but this one was raw despair. To know that it was easily do able but only to find out when you have paid a price that could never be taken back.

It was like being deep in love with another person but never having the courage to just say hi. Only to meet up years later at your wedding, after you have taken your oath with another person that you don"t truly love and have him or her tell you that he or she use to love you too but was too shy to say it. At that very moment you saw that there was absolutely no hope of you two ever being together ever again. To see the rest of your life full of regrets. To think that by just saying hi your whole life could have taken an absolutely different course.