Flower Emperor - Lord Of Valkyrie

Chapter 7

Uwah .. heaved a sigh of relief as he entered the water. Oz can"t help but think of the shocking event a few days ago.


A thrilling feeling ... a surge of strength made him lose control of himself. He is filled with thoughts to damage everything that gets in his way.

Without caring around, Oz began to run on the way leaving damage in its path.

As if the G.o.ds heard the suffering of the Forest, Oz finally slipped and rolled around crashing into a large rock and fainted.

After he regained consciousness, all he could do was blink his eyes without being able to move his fingers even for nearly two days.


Sigh ... Even with his unique regenerating body, his body still cannot bear this kind of power.

Oz has at least one faith while glancing at his back through the reflection of the water he is sure that the sudden burst of power was caused by this mysterious tattoo.

Tattoos that can"t even disappear like his slave tattoos, even in the immersion of hundreds of poisons during training.

He was confused by this, just ...

What kind of tattoo is this? Claws and fangs ...?

Will it be a blessing or a curse for him ..?

Who knows!?

"Whatever happens ... I don"t want to be controlled by anyone or anything! Even if it"s fate itself."

This is only strength!

Its own strength! The inside of himself!

Strength inside him must obey him!

Not the opposite!


"I think ... the next part can be opened ..."

Oz was sitting quietly under the tree as usual while holding his book.

* flips *



Woah ..! This emperor did not think you really got here .. (」゚ ロ ゚)」

I mean... For a kid under sixteen without cultivation and having to experience such painful experiences...

Isn"t that crazy.!?

Are you really just a kid?

Are you some kind of reincarnation of a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t G.o.d or what?

Don"t say you"re not human?

Even if it"s a demon or some other strange race ... at least it"s normal to be crazy or paralyzed instead on the way...

Hmm ... instead of this emperor hoping you fail or something ...

It"s just ... My inheritance is so against heaven, even the G.o.ds will be jealous of the benefits, you will know at that time!

So ... it doesn"t matter if you do a little test for my successor right? Hehe...

If you want to hit me or something ... don"t bother, okay !?

Even as you read this, This Emperor"s soul may have completely disappeared.

Save your punch for the future, OK !?

Many experts will start bothering you for this technique, even if they know that it cannot be stolen.

Those who have been blinded by greed will do everything they can to start using you for their own sake.

So, stay alert in the future ... Okay ...

For now ... This emperor is so happy for your success in this fun "test". Hehe


Henceforth ... don"t be too surprised.

Just drop your blood on the Jade Slips that will appear by themselves, don"t fight the next process because it"s bad for your body ...

Just enjoy .. Okay !? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

I think the rest of my soul is getting thinner, So ... Enough to just here O Successor... Good Luck ~!

Ohh .. there is one thing that is most important almost missed.

"Don"t provoke women too much, especially those far stronger than you!

Sometimes they are even scarier than the Devil G.o.ds in some sense ... "

That"s all (-‿◦☀)



(ꐦ ° ᷄ д ° ᷅)

Oz"s face looks strange when reading the writings that can be interpreted as a message from the Emperor, creator of this book.

But finally he was a little relieved with a few suggestions and warnings at the end.

At least this Emperor isn"t too bad ... he thought.

With a rush... The book began to float and burn completely leaving a purple Jade Slip that appeared out of nowhere.

Oz naturally reached out and started dripping with the blood but to his surprise, the Jade suddenly darted between his eyebrows and disappeared.

The sensation of warm flow spreads throughout the body as if caressing all its parts. Making Oz start to close his eyes to enjoy the pleasant sensation.

The sensation kept turning swirls around on his body and began to gather in his stomach and then continued to go down.

Down towards the groin direction.

Oz suddenly opened his eyes to feel the movement at the bottom.

Seeing "his little brother" had formed a tall tent as if he wanted to explode out of his pants.

Oz immediately scared!

He can"t help but remember his last nightmare...

Will that dream become reality?

He Doesn"t want it !! Oz quickly opened his pants without hesitation in the hope of peacefully calming his "little brother" ...

"Ahh ... n"

But unlucky ... that starts to grow more intense.

The part really becomes very sensitive to the touch.

His breathing grew faster and heavier.

NO! If this continues, his "little brother" will explode in a certain sense.

G.o.dd.a.m.n Emperor !! So this is what you mean by "Enjoying" it. It"s good if he has a childhood lover or something ...

But.. he didn"t have it !! And now he is in the middle of the forest alone!

Does he want to make me do it with some beast?

Argh ..!

Trying to let go of his grasp and find another way, oz was shocked by the response of the hands that are not following his wishes and instead began to caress.

"Ah no !!"

"Stop my hand! Little Oz is your brother .. Ouch ..."

"Ah... No .. Yamete ~"

"Ah ... Auuu ..."

A thin light enveloped him accompanied by a heartbreaking howl all night in the silent forest.


A pair of red eyes in the temple that had been secretly watching Oz since his arrival in the valley until now finally turned a little away.

Yes, just a little bit...

Oz, who was still busy in his own business, was unaware of his embarra.s.sing actions witnessed by a certain presence.