Flower Emperor - Lord Of Valkyrie

Chapter 8


Bright mornings,

The dewdrops adorning the gra.s.s and leaves with beautifully,

The sparkling sunlight can be seen peering between the dense trees.

The beautiful flowers are blossoming happily in front of a kid who kneels ... Crying ... without tears.

"Guh ... never expect ...

My virginity will be taken by my own hands ..! "

The kid looked emotionally at his own hand.

Arrghh ...

As if venting his frustration, Oz began rolling on the ground remembering the events of last night.


After satisfied, he stood straight with his hands behind his back while staring at the sky with loneliness.

" Sigh ... Everyone must have their"s own "black memories". Geniuses like myself are no exception ...

No need to mess with trivial things like this ...

It"s just a waste of time ... "


"Ehem ... Besides, no one would know I did "that" ...

After all, I"m just alone in the middle of a forest like this. Hmph"

Oz snorted as if no one will ever know about his "black memories" forever.


"For now let"s try ... Um ... Status!"

A transparent screen appears in front of him.


Name. : Oz Vessalius

t.i.tle. : Flower Emperor (apprentice), m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t Warrior

Bloodline. : ???

Cultivation Techniques. : Ancient Dual Cultivation u003cFlower Emperoru003e

s.e.x. : Male

Cultivation Level. : u003cMortalu003e Early Stage [45/100%]

Element. :

- ???

- Fire. (Lv. 1)

Innate skill :

- u003cBreak the Limitu003e

- ??? Body

- All-seeing Vision (new)

Flower Points: 1000 Fp

Valkyrie"s : -

Partner"s : -



" Since when do I have a last name?" Oz is a little confused.


[Hosts who have this cultivation system will receive that name.]

Oz was surprised by the mechanical sound that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, but he quickly recovered.

" Are you a system? "

[ You could say that ]

" Well ... okay, after all that name sounds cool enough to complete my name which is too short, I like it! Haha "

" Let"s pa.s.s the unclear t.i.tle. "

" Humm Dual Cultivation? What does that mean? "

[This cultivation technique makes it possible to cultivate by absorbing the Yin Qi that emanates from a female cultivator in addition to ordinary Qi. Of course, this doesn"t harm the other party. So closer the contact, so greater the benefit.]

Even though Oz still doesn"t understand correctly, he could faintly understand the outline. He will see this in the future, after all there is no woman here.

(Oh ... I have a magic element? I think it"s for the case that last time ... So that"s fire ...)

"So ... what is u003cAll-seeing Visionu003e, system?"

[All-seeing Vision is a vision that can see various truths around you, even though it will be influenced by the Host"s cultivation level. How to use it enough to focus on the intended destination]

With that... Oz immediately took some stone and began to focus on that.




Only stone. Not to be eaten.


Who also wants to eat stone? Oz rolled his eyes.

then he looked around again and focuses on one of the trees.



u003cTeak Treeu003e

Age: 200+

Condition: Good, suitable for a variety of home furniture.


Oh ... very useful ability. Oz is very happy with this. at least this will be his trump card for finding information in the future.

"Then ... what is u003c Flower Points u003e? It can"t be exchanged for gold coins right?"

[No, Flower points can be used to buy things in the system.]

With that, another screen appears and a row of things that can be bought appears with their respective prices.


Department Store, Flower Emperor System ~

- Earth broke down technique. _ 100.000.000 Fp

- Meteor Shower Technique. _ 100.000.000 Fp

- Krakatau Blast Technique. _ 100.000.000 Fp




"Jeez ... just looking at that"s list makes me dizzy, even they have an underwear"s on the list. "

"System, can you sort through the things, just I need along the way only?"

[ Certainly. ]

As if knowing what Oz wanted to ask next, the system continued.

[ u003cFpu003e can be obtained by performing certain achievements that are considered true by the u003cFlower Emperoru003e system.

The host only needs to do things as usual and u003cFpu003e will be accepted if it gets a certain achievement.

Sometimes the system will also issue a "Request" at any time which can produce the u003cFpu003e, but the Host can refuse if doesn"t want to do it ]

Oz relieved.

At least the system will not force him to do anything against his will.

Sigh ... isn"t this system too comfortable? No wonder that shameless emperor was very nosy.

For Valkyrie"s and Partner"s, Oz thought maybe it would be someone who fought alongside him. but why is one of them called valkyries?

Maybe it is an army of his beauties. Oz just guessing... Didn"t know that ...

That it will come true.

and for things that aren"t clear yet, Oz believes it has something to do with his cultivation level.

As for u003cBreak the Limitu003e, the system doesn"t even know what it is ... maybe that is one of its innate abilities?

Oz no longer thinking about.


Then... For now...

Let"s see what it"s like to be a cultivator ...

Oz began focused his senses to the maximum and he was surprised,

His senses increased very sharply, his vision widened. He could even see a bird perched in the distance tens of meters from him.

Not only his eyesight, hearing, feelings, and movements also increased rapidly.

He can also faintly see the flow of Qi in the air when he focused.

Trying to punch some tree,


The tree trembled to leave a hole from his fist.

Punching stones,


The stone cracked and finally broke in a half.

" Hahaha so this is the feeling of being a cultivator! That"s great! "

Oz is very happy!

Even though it was only at the initial stage of u003cMortalu003e, This was the first step to becoming a stronger Cultivator.

He is so happy, Cause ... He won"t be a helpless person anymore! when he becomes stronger!




Oz: " (Uhm ... where is this? ) "

Oz who initially slept peacefully now woke up in the middle of nowhere.

Looking around he was shocked by a very magnificent interior like in a Palace.

(Am I kidnapped? No way!)

(Is this heaven? No! I"ve just become a cultivator, why did my life become this short!)

Feeling watched, Oz finally saw at the thought was something like the Throne.

Oz froze, his eyes wide open to see the scene in front of him, not surprised for the majestic throne. But he was stunned by the figure who sat watching him in silence.

G.o.ddess! A G.o.ddess!

Silver eyes, pointed nose, and thin red lips that tempt anyone to kiss adorn her beautiful faces with straight silver hair extending to the waist.

Her curved figure with a white gown decorated with carvings of a phoenix adds to her adult charm.

But her beautiful face without emotion made her look like a Cold Queen who was rejecting the whole world.

They just stared at each other didn"t say anything.

Oz: * Gulp *

?? : "..." (・. ・)

Oz: " Uhm, um ..."

?? : (・. ・)

Oz who could not stand it anymore finally ventured to ask.

Oz: " Uhm Big Sis ... Who are you ... and where is this?"

?? : (・. ・)

Oz: " Big sister? "

?? : " Who do you call Sister? " (・. ・)

A beautiful voice was heard making Oz melt but he quickly recovered. And looked at the "G.o.ddess" strangely.

Oz: " Uhm there"s n.o.body here besides you right? "

?? : " But I"m not your sister. " (・. ・)

Oz: " Then ... G.o.ddess ?"

?? : " I"m not a G.o.ddess. " (・. ・)

Oz: "Fairy?"

?? : " No." (・. ・)

Oz: "Auntie ...?"

?? : " Do I look that old?" (・. ・)

Oz: "Then why not mention your name? That would be clearer!" Oz finally began to get annoyed.

?? : "... Elena ... Only Elena." (・. ・)

Oz finally relieved ending the deadlock situation with this strange G.o.ddess figure.

Oz: " Uhm ... Elena ... Where is this?"

Elena slightly raised her eyebrows on her emotionless face as she was called by her name directly.

Elena: " This is a separate world s.p.a.ce within you ... precisely the artifacts that have merged with you."

Elena glanced slightly at the bracelet in her left hand that had disappeared.

Oz: " Eh ... why is there something like that on me?"

Elena: "..." (・. ・)

Seeing no answer, Oz continued to ask.

Oz: " So Elena ... why are you in a place like this?"

Elena: " I don"t know ... when I wake up ... I was already here ... occupying a world attached to a four-year-old boy."

Oz: " Uh ... so ... have you been around since I was four or before ... Until now?"

Elena: "Right ... and I also saw everything that you have experienced."

Elena"s eyes softened slightly as she said that.

Oz stood there stiffly with a bitter smile.

Oz: "Sorry to point out something unsightly."

Elena: "I"m used to it."

The atmosphere became a little awkward, but as if Oz was struck by lightning, he finally woke up and looked at Elena nervously.

Oz: "Well ... I mean ... have you always been watching me until now without missing anything?"

Elena: "That"s right, it"s too boring to stay without doing anything. So I decided to keep an eye on you. That"s quite interesting."

A little excited emotion could be seen on his face, but quickly disappeared.

Oz: "So ... including when I became a cultivator?"

Elena: "That"s right ... That"s indeed so quite strange to play with your own" Snake "in starting cultivation."

Elena is a little confused here.

Oz: " (Snake?) "

Oz"s mind was already messed up ... To be seen by a figure like the G.o.ddess of all his shameful act, Oz was very embarra.s.sed.

Even though.. he can still be called a child. shameful is still shameful.

(Uh .. d.a.m.n .. although I"m a little proud to be able to show off to a G.o.ddess ... but in this case ... it"s too embarra.s.sing) Think oz.


Saw for nervousness and Oz"s red face, Elena added again...

Elena: " There"s no need to be embarra.s.sed ... I won"t tell anyone if you keep a "Snake" in your pants." (・. ・)

Oz: " Bu- It"s not like that ...!" Σ (゚ Д ゚;

Elena: " Don"t worry ... I won"t even tell anyone that your face has been spit on by your own "snake". " (・. ・)

Oz: "N-No ... !!"

Oz"s imagery finally shattered as he howled far into the sky ...


Elena was only secretly confused by what was happening while staring at the howling boy.

(・. ・)? Did she say something strange?