From The Strongest Job Of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes Are Depending On Me

Chapter 22

Translator: "Pink Tea" Editor: "Ryunakama"

A short distance from the north gate of the City of Stars there is a research facility for magical beasts. 

 It is a state-run facility that conducts research on monsters coming from the primordial forest.

 This is where we were heading from the City of Stars.

「Unlike the road leading to the City of Winds, this one smells of monsters and magical beasts.」

「Well, it"s relatively close to the city and it"s already reclaimed, so there shouldn"t be that many of them.」

 However, they certainly exist.

 Although small in numbers, the monsters called slimes wander around. So one shouldn"t be getting distracted on the way.

 With those thoughts, we kept walking through the gra.s.sland on the way to the magical beasts research facility.

「That white building is the magical beasts research facility.」

 When we came close enough to the target building we realized that something wasn"t right. That is—

「Say, Marion. Isn"t that building surrounded by magical beasts?」

 More than a dozen monsters were wandering around the building as if surrounding it.

「…You are…right. Moreover, those are gray wolves. It"s large beasts, considered dangerous, even among those living in the primordial forest, for their ability to freely use ice-type magic.」

 As Marion says, those giant gray haired horned wolves were called gray wolves, and they were quite intelligent. They are capable of using magic language and casually use it on their prey.

 Naturally, human beings are among their victims.

「Why are they wandering around in such a place?」

 During the years when the Demon Lord was giving commands, it was one thing, but wild gray wolves almost never leave the primordial forest.

「It"s not that the Magical beasts research facility gathers them like that?」

「N-no. I"ve never heard about a.s.sembling such large magical beasts in large numbers and until now, I"ve never seen it as well. In the first place, were they really doing something as dangerous as gathering magical beast, then our guild would"ve been notified in advance.」

 I see, which means those aren"t monsters gathered by the research facility.

 In that case, I wonder what is the reason, is what I thought when Marion stopped in her tracks.

「Huh? What"s wrong, Marion?」

「No, I just thought what do we do about delivery since there are such big monsters around?」 

「Eh? Well, can"t we just fight them and after chasing them away deliver the goods?」

「Ah, so the first thing you would think about is chasing them away, Axel-san. A normal transporter would first think about how to avoid that pack.」

「Avoid, huh, with such numbers it"s hardly possible.」

 Large magical beasts basically view humans as food. And loud sounds won"t scare them away.

 That"s why I thought that since it came to this it would be easier to reach the destination through the fight.

「It"s way of thoughts for advanced jobs capable of fighting… Well, since you hardly can be considered a beginner despite your beginner-tier job, this might be a correct approach for you.」

 Marion sighed and smiled as if she had resigned to something.

 Well, since it seems to not be that different from the views of some other people with transportation-type jobs then I guess it"s okay—

「…Oh, it seems that the wolves have noticed us.」

 The eyes of the Gray wolves turned towards us.

 Looks like we walked right into their range.

「Aah… Since it came to this we don"t have other options. Let"s brace ourselves and fight. I"m not sure if I will be able to back you up versus that number… But I will do my best.」

「Okay, got it. Berzelia, are you good?」

「Yes, I"m okay with this. Let"s chase them away already.」

 After confirming our intention to fight, we once again began approaching the facility.

 And that alone caused several gray wolves to dash towards us. On top of that, several ice lances were floating around their heavy bodies.

「Is that ice magic【Ice Lance】?」

「Yes, if it hits, you won"t get away with just a wound, so be carefu—」

 Before Marion finished speaking—


 Beginning with a wolf"s cry, several ice lances were fired at once with a bullet-like speed.

 Flying horizontally they had their course set on blowing our heads off.

「Oh no! Axel-san! Dodge!!」

 Marion rush to lower her head, but—

「Ah, it"s fine. If it"s only that much then there is no need to avoid.」


 I opened wide the transportation bag, which I had in my hands, and caught ice lances flying towards us.

 And turning in place—

「Have it back.」

 I made a movement like I was throwing out the contents of the transportation bag.

 And fired the ice lances right back at them.

 They zoomed towards gray wolves at an even greater speed than they had when they were flying towards us.

 With a thud, lumps of ice scattered around the wolves. 

 As a result, several gray wolves were blown away, and two stopped moving upon falling to the ground.

 Then their corpses shined with light and disappeared, leaving only magic stone rolling on the ground.


 Seeing such a scene, the remaining wolves looked at each other—

「…Rrr, Grrrrraaaa!」

 In a panicked manner, they turned around and ran out of our sight.

 It seems their will to fight was completely broken.

「Good. It"s over. Then, let"s get back to work.」

 When I closed my bag and called out to Marion who was sitting covering her head—

「…Ehm, Axel-san? Why are you so calm, chasing away large magic beasts?」

「Eh? Well, I just returned opponents attack to them. I didn"t do anything particularly special.」

 And also I think, by putting the transportation bag to use I was able to fight like a carrier. And when I say that—

「No, an ordinary carrier wouldn"t be able to perceive those ice projectiles. Even I could only avoid them! I-in the first place, this is the first time when I see a transportation bag being used in such a way. No, it"s not like there is no transportation bag capable of capturing a magic! But to throw it right back at them, just what is going on?!」

 Said Marion, raising her voice.

「Eh? But wouldn"t it be more convenient to just throw it back?  This way you won"t have to waste weapons and magic.」

「A normal carrier can"t put so much strength into it… And even if one could, it"s hard to aim at that distance… It"s rather amazing that you could hit them, Axel-san.」

「I"m a bit proficient at throwing. When I had a combat job, I often practiced throwing spears, hammers and other weapons.」

 As a dragon knight I spent most of the time in the air, there were skills activated by throwing a weapon, but collecting them afterward was a pain.

 That"s why I was practicing throwing without using skills, in order to increase accuracy and also to make weapons land in more or less predictable spots.

 To think that it will come in useful after I became a Carrier.

 Everything is worth practicing—

「How should I put it… It"s my first time seeing Axel-san fight, but, yes. Indeed, I can see why Kaufmann would have his eyes on you, or rather, it would be a problem if he didn"t… You just keep exceeding expectations over and over, watching you never gets boring…」

 Marion showed an expression that was a mix between a wry and an amused smile. 

 …Don"t get bored looking, I have heard something similar from the heroes before.

 Although I do not know whether it may be regarded as a compliment. Well, if it isn"t hate then it"s fine.

「Anyway, now there is nothing to obstruct delivery. Let"s carry the stuff faster, Marion. I don"t want the magical beasts to gather again.」

「Y-yes, you are right. Let"s go.」

 And although there was an event, it seems that I will be able to finish my first job without any problems—

「…To think that you would finish a high difficulty job without my help at all, even after such an abnormality like the appearance of those huge magical beasts. You really are an outrageous person.」

 And while listening to Marion who seemed to be quite excited, I knocked on the doors of the research facility.