From The Strongest Job Of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes Are Depending On Me

Chapter 23

Translator: "Pink Tea" Editor: "Ryunakama"

「While Axel-san is handing over the luggage, I will look around the surroundings to see if the previous large monsters came back.」

「Oh, then I will look on the other side.」

「Yes, I"m counting on you, Marion, Berzelia.」

 After such an exchange, over a dozen of seconds have pa.s.sed since we knocked on the doors of the facility.  

 The gates to the laboratory opened and a girl in a white coat came out.

 No, though she was quite small in stature, looking at her moderately long ears and somewhat mature facial features, that probably is a dwarven female.

 And upon seeing my face she—

「Thank you for chasing the magical beasts away!」

 She deeply bowed her head.

「Well, it"s a part of the job. Speaking of which, are you a researcher from here?」

 When asked, the dwarven girl raised her head like a spring-loaded doll.

「Yes, I was late to introduce myself. My name is Nonoa, I"m the director of this facility.」

 The girl named Nonoa pointed to the name tag on her chest. Indeed, the letters 「Chief of Magical Beast Research Laboratory」, were inscribed there.

「I"m honored to be greeted personally by the director.」

「No, no, it"s only natural after what you"ve done. You really saved us there with those magical beasts. Even though I was merely looking through the window from the distance, your strength transmitted clear enough. When I thought that Grey wolves shot their magic it already was repelled before I could even notice, it was my first time seeing such high-speed battle.」

「 Is that so? Well, I was saved by that fast conclusion of battle as well… But, why did so many gray wolves gather here?」

 Large beasts appearing on such plains and then going around the building in circles as if surrounding it, that was a rare sight. So I asked Nonoa, who most likely saw everything from the very beginning, but she frowned and tilted her head to the side.

「The reason for that, huh. That was an unexpected event even for us. They appeared out of the primordial forest and then came to this place. I was soon barricaded inside along with the other staff, but it is the first time when a large magical beast appeared in this area.」

「In other words, you don"t know the reason.」

「Yes. Even when the king of magical beasts… The Demon Lord, was still around, it still was unthinkable. The research facility"s opinion is that there is a high probability that an abnormality occurred at their habitat, the primordial forest.」

「I see.」

 I look at the primordial forest, which is far from the laboratory.

 Due to the tall trees, it is easily seen even at this considerable distance.

 …Looking at it from here won"t give us any idea on what"s going on inside.

 Well, that is exactly the field of expertise of Nonoa and the people from the laboratory. However, it would be a problem if anything were to happen, so I decided to keep my guard, then— 

「That being the case. In the future, please be careful should you head to survey the primordial forest.」

「Hm? Oh, well, I don"t think I"ll have such a request. 」

「No, no, you are such a strong person. You will definitely get such requests as well. Ah, honestly. It"s been only a few minutes since we contacted you, thank you for coming so fast…」

 Nonoa started bowing once again, but I feel like the conversation is strangely off.

「Hm? Was it such an urgent request? I don"t think you wrote anything like that when you sent the request form.」

「Request form? It should have been an emergency contact via a mental link.」


 How strange. It certainly wasn"t stated that it was such an urgent request.

 As I was tilting my head wondering what is going on—

「Em, if you don"t mind me asking you this. You are the combatant that came per our current urgent request?」

 Nonoa asked me with a face like she was starting to have her own doubts. And then I finally understood.

 Since a while ago I thought that there is something strange, and it turns out that I have been misunderstood.

「No, I have a transportation-type job.」


 Nonoa looked at me obviously perplexed.

「Uhh, what are you talking about?」

「Well, I came to deliver the package here. And this is the package.」

 Having said that, I took out from the transportation bag several boxes made of metal.

 Then I added about twenty leather bags to that as well. Those I carried here as per request from the research inst.i.tute.

「And now I need your signature on this request form that we received at Sagittarius and we are all good. Well, that"s about all of it, yes.」

 When I took out my luggage, I handed a piece of paper to Nonoa. It"s a copy of the request that we received.

 After looking at it, Nonoa slowly looked at my face, then turned her eyes to the paper and then looked at my face again—


 And with a crazy shout, she jumped away from me.

「You were a transporter from Sagittarius…?!」

「Isn"t that what I"m saying since a while ago? Transporter with the job of Carrier.」

 When I showed the transportation bag and drew her attention to it, Nonoa started to tremble.

「The person who has driven away those large magical beasts was a non-combatant transportation-type…? N-no, this can"t be real…」

「…Yes, it can, Director-san. So calm down.」

 It was Marion who approached us in a relaxed manner and in a calm tone called out to Nonoa who appeared to be clearly disturbed.

 Next to her was Berzelia.

「Oh, Marion. Did you come back? And Berzelia as well.」

「Yes—.I"m back, Master—.」

「Is this area safe?」

「Yes, not even a single shadow of an enemy. So I thought it might be fine to relax for a while.」

 Berzelia had the same opinion as Marion.

「I agree with Marion. There is no problem. But I"ve heard a loud scream and it got me worried, so I came back, what happened?」

「Well, it seems that they were surrounded by magical beasts and tried to call for fighters, and then misunderstood us for those fighters.」

 Upon hearing my words, Marion nods, as if convinced of something.

「Ah, yes. Somehow, hearing that scream I guessed the situation, so that how it was. …Well, since we are on good terms with each other, she knows of battle capabilities of transportation-type jobs, so you can"t blame her for that misunderstanding. But well, since she is a quick-witted person, she should be able to pull herself together pretty soon. Right, Director-san?」

 At the same time as Marion said that and called out to her again, focus started to return to Nonoa"s eyes that until now appeared empty.

「Ah, y-yes.I"m fine… Since Marion-san is here it means that it"s really the transporter from Sagittarius. It"s hard to believe after seeing that fight…」

「Even if you tell me that… Anyway, there is no problem with the luggage, right?」

 When I once again pointed to the goods, she sharply nodded.

「Eh, well, yes. It"s okay. I"ve received everything I requested. Thank you very much.」

 And signing the request form she gave it back to me.

 And when I thought what with this, the request was completed, Nonoa, with an expression, that still had signs of surprise remaining, asked Marion.

「Ah, Marion-san. Is that the person that joined recently?」

「It"s a little different, but Axel-san and Berzelisan over here, certainly do partake in Sagittarius" work at the moment.」

「Is that so… So there are people capable not only of transportation but also of fighting at such a level at the same time…Moreover, in this City of Stars.」

 Said Nonoa looking at me.

「I"m a newcomer who just moved here recently. Please treat me well in the future. But well, in my case, though I can handle combat, it"s still only secondary for me, my main job is a carrier. I"m looking forward to working with you.」

 To that line of mine, Marion also replies with a deep nod.

「That"s right! By the way, he is just an exception as a carrier, please don"t get the wrong idea in that aspect. Never ask other carriers to do the same.」

「Yes! I-I know!」

 Nonoa shook her head in a hurry and then turned to me.

「Then, once again. Axel-san, thank you for delivering the package and scaring away the magical beasts! I would be happy, if it"s possible, to hire you again.」

「Yes, see you again, Director Nonoa.」

 And it seems that along with becoming acquainted with the director of the magical beasts research facility, I was able to somewhat peacefully clear the request of high difficulty.