From The Strongest Job Of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes Are Depending On Me

Chapter 24

Translator: "Pink Tea" Editor: "Ryunakama"

 Night. Marion was in the innermost room of the bar Meteor.

 It"s a private room with a large round table.

 At the round table, on the side opposite from where Marion was about to sit, sat Dort.

 And as he stood up—

「Then, the 107th a.s.sembly of representatives of the twelve S-cla.s.s guilds is to be started. I, Dort Kaufmann, shall serve as your host.」

 He announced enthusiastically.

「We will be in your care. Though, I"m the only one present at the current a.s.sembly.」

 As Marion responded to that announcement with applause, Dort showed a complicated expression.

「Hmm, I"m glad that at least one person came. This a.s.sembly is pretty much related to the operation of the surrounding cities and hence to the administration of this country, to think that they won"t even send subst.i.tutes.」

「Now that the festival of deities is close, everyone headed for the capital to collect items for the G.o.ds. And even more than that, the big factor is that there is almost no agenda this time.」

 Marion looked at a single sheet of paper placed on the desk.

 The issues that were supposed to be discussed at the meeting are written in advance and delivered in letters—

「The main topic this time is the shipment and price adjustments for magic stones and raw materials that Kaufmann-san"s merchants" guild, Gemini, sells… Well, no one would show up for that.」

「Even though I planned to talk about a valuable opportunity that would be beneficial both for the city and me… Even though many representatives for S-cla.s.s guilds live in other cities, I prefer if they showed their faces in here.」

 Breathing out, as if to reduce his tension, Dort sits down in the chair.

「Now, now. It"s fine, isn"t it? After this, the protocol of the meeting will be sent to the others, I will deliver it. And them not coming also means that they leave the decision on the topic to our own discretion.」

 Dort sighs hearing Marion"s words.

「Hmm… That is so. Since it"s a good chance, I guess I"ll use this to my advantage and rake just enough profit as not to induce rage from others.……Mages guild has too much money as of late, I guess I shall raise the price for high-grade magic stones that they need so much.」

 Now it was Marion"s turn to sigh, seeing Dort, who started mumbling.

「Please keep it in moderation, so it wouldn"t result in strife.」

「Umu. I know. I was half kidding. ——Well, anyway, this means that I will be able to have a private conversation with you, so quite I"m happy.」

「And by a private conversation you mean?」

「Ah, it"s on the matter of you saving the research facility that we are financing, on top of fulfilling their request. Director Nonoa was very grateful. And so am I. When I received an urgent message about the attack on the facility, I was honestly terrified.」

 Due to the importance of research on magical beasts, that facility is receiving financial support not only from the Lord of the City of Stars but from many guilds as well. Among those, Dort"s guild accounted for a considerable share.

 Hence, his worries were just as large.

「You must be quite informed on details.」

「Yes, security is important for profits. And… Even more so since Axel-kun was involved… So, how is it? How was he after that?」

「To sum it up in one word – terrific. Enough to get me motivated despite the recent remarkable decrease in the number of transportation guilds.」

「I see, I see. Since there is a positive influence then it"s all good.」

 Dort nodded with satisfaction.

 Thinking about it, I met with Axel due to his introduction.

 …Thanks to that I witnessed a lot of various things, so it was quite fun.

 But above that, it all raised a lot of questions. And Marion decided to ask something that was on her mind for a while.

「Say, Kaufmann-san. I have one question.」

「Hm? What is it?」

「……Should I take it that Axel-san is that《Invisible Dragon Knight》Axel himself?」

 Being asked, Dort kept silent for a few seconds.

 However, his face said that he was hardly surprised.

「Hmm… So you reached the same conclusion after all. I thought that you"d ask this one day.」

 Looks like he antic.i.p.ated this question.

 Then it was a good opportunity, so Marion continued talking.

「Well, after being shown such a power. I must ask what do you know. Is it confirmed that he is that hero, who saved this country?」

 The existence known as Invisible Dragon Knight and the fact that there was a hero named Axel is something already known in this country.

 But with that alone Marion was unable to judge that《Carrier》Axel was《Invisible Dragon Knight》Axel. And it seems that it was the same for Dort as well.

「Personally, I think, it"s almost certain… But, as you know yourself, there is no available pictures or records of Invisible Dragon Knight"s face. At most, it was possible to determine from the voice that it is a man. Thus, many fakes with his name appeared and caused confusion in many settlements. You do know how it went back then?」

 It was very easy to pose as Axel, Invisible Dragon Knight. The number of fake Axels has greatly increased since the war with the Demon Lord.

「For the time there have been so many fakes that several heroes at the royal capital became enraged and hunted them en ma.s.s.」

「Yes, at the time, I was at the royal capital as well, few heroes with absolutely demon-like expression were catching fakes left and right. It actually left quite an impression.」

「——However, his power is real.」

 He was clearly different from the bunch that had nothing aside from the name.

 The《Carrier》Axel has that much power. 

「Yes, even I think the same. However, those with his name are still out there. Some name their children that, some use it as a lucky charm and some take it as a nickname. So I get hesitant on the last step to confirm that that"s him.」

「But wasn"t his portrait drawn based on testimonies of the heroes that were in the same party?」

 Marion tried to ask, recalling hearing such information before.

 And it appears Dort knew about that as well.

「Umu. It indeed was drawn based on information from the heroes by a person with a job of 《Painter》, but due to the pa.s.sive skill【Information Blockage】 possessed by《Invisible Dragon Knight》the portrait would end up blurry no matter what he tried. I received a copy of that… But I couldn"t understand anything from it.」

 While saying so, Dort took out a sheet of paper from his pocket and showed it.

 There were words『Portrait of Invisible Dragon Knight』and painting of something similar to the silhouette of humans face. However—

「…Indeed, with this it"s impossible.」

 The parts of the face inside of the contour were distorted, giving the feeling of looking at an abstract painting.

「That painter was saying『It"s almost like the G.o.d who gave the dragon knight his job prevents us from perceiving this person"s visage.』.」

「…Seems like fate does not look favorably at the attempts to identify《Invisible Dragon Knight》.」

「Yeah. Only the person in question will know the details. In fact, third party can only make a judgment based on his s.e.x, const.i.tution, and ability, which is tough. On top of that, the important elements remain completely unknown.」

 Marion voiced the question that came to her mind when she heard the words important elements.

「Would that be, why a《Dragon Knight》like him became beginner-tier《Carrier》?」

「Yes. It"s unclear why he became a carrier and why he has such a fighting ability. I couldn"t grasp any information on that at all. I couldn"t get anything even from information brokers. And of course, one can"t get anything from the people of the Temple of Job Change.」

 Those belonging to the temple of the job change are always protected with the G.o.d"s divine blessing, preventing any leak. In exchange for strong protection, that blessing will cut off their consciousness were they to attempt to give away information.

 Therefore, job-related questions must be asked directly to the person in question.

「If there is a cause, it doesn"t look like Axel-san has any intentions of concealing it, so I feel like he might actually answer if asked.」

 Axel has a lighthearted character. So Marion judged that it will be possible to ask him if needs be. And it seems that Dort is of the same mind. But—

「However, I would like to avoid provoking a snake… No, a dragon, by poking a bush. I would hate to lose his trust by doing something like that.」

「Well, that"s the same with me. If there is some profound reason, I don"t want to thoughtlessly touch it.」

「Yes. In the first place, it"s not an att.i.tude to take towards my benefactor, on the contrary, I"d rather deal myself with those poking where they shouldn"t.」

 Said Dort in a strong tone.

 As expected from a merchant I guess. He has no problems with using underhanded means, yet has a strong sense of obligation.

「Well, I"ll just wait for the time when Axel-san would like to talk himself. Whatever were the circ.u.mstances, no matter what happened in the past, Axel-san will remain the same Axel-san for me.」

 I"m curious about the past, but after all, it"s the present that is important.

 And right now, Axel is a splendid carrier, capable to spark motivation in me. That fact will not go anywhere.

 When I said that, Dort smiled looking downwards.

「Aah, yes.I"m glad that you are this kind of person. In the future, it might be better to talk about Axel-san with him present, while drinking liquor together for example.」

「Yes. Let"s do that. It seems like Axel-san also likes delicious food.」

 Saying that Marion smiled as well.

 And while harboring the desire to know Axel better, Marion continued her conversation with Dort, then—

 *Knock Knock*

 Someone knocked hard on the room"s door. Then, a bald muscular man came inside.

「Hm? You are… A contact from researchers? What is it? The a.s.sembly of twelve guilds is still in process.」

 The bald man hurriedly lowered his head to Dort, who was full of suspicions.

「M-My apologies. Dort-sama. Marion-sama. However, there is an urgent report from the Magical Beasts Research Facility, and they plead you to review it at the twelve guilds" meeting.」 

「An urgent report you say?」

 Wiping the sweat from his head the bald man nodded and continued.

「A number of huge holes were discovered on the way towards the primordial forest … Or rather, footprints. Apparently, some monsters turned giant. There has also been confirmed sightings of those giant magical beasts approaching this city!」

 Marion frowned hearing those words.

「Magical beasts became gigantic? Last time it happened was when the Demon Lord intentionally influenced them.」

「Yeah…It"s not certain that they will come to the city, but for now, we should appeal to the Lord of the City of Stars to stay alert and prepare countermeasures.」

 Dort"s expression turned serious.

「Good grief, just when I thought that we found an entertaining topic in Axel-kun, something problematic had to happen. What bad timing.」

「It can"t be helped. The city of stars is to such incidents… Anyway, should I deliver the report on the magical beasts along with today"s protocol to other guilds right away?」

「Yes, it will be a great help. As the transportation guild Sagittarius, please act quickly. And I will use my means as the merchants guild.」

「Yes, I understand.」

 And so, the two quickly switched to action.