
Chapter 1

"Sorry, but no thanks."

Ms Anum stared at the young man deeply. Young[1]? I"ve heard too many wild gossips about this kid. Haih, kids these days, Ms Anum lamented in her heart. But, well, even if I"m ten years younger, I"d be willing to become his first.

Mr Roslan, on the other hand, snorted angrily. It never occurred to him of the young man"s status[2]. If it wasn"t for the fact I would lose my job, I would have long beat this impudent kid up, thought Mr Roslan to himself.

Those were the various reactions towards Gibran Mohd. Zahim, a 16-year-old student that would attend his final year at this elite boarding school - Cemerlang Gemilang Terbilang Secondary School (CGTSS). Handsome, smart - also the son of a renowned entrepreneur, Tan Sri Mohd. Zahim Tarmizi, who had many connections among influential politicians. Thus, Gibran became the only student who was allowed to bring his own motorcycle to the boarding school. Usually, the Cagiva Mito SP525 of his would be parked next to Mr Roslan"s Kancil on purpose, his "favourite" discipline teacher.

This kid"s very existence is most probably to test the limit of my patience, Mr Roslan thought in his heart. Based on the recent student election, Gibran had gotten the highest vote to become the Student Leader. If it"s up to him, Mr Roslan wouldn"t ever give that position to Gibran. But Ms Anum said that there"s a positive in it too. It"s a strategy. Because, for the person who became the Student Leader, he would choose the board members himself. This cronyism had long since been practised at CGTSS - the reason being it made handling things easier as everyone was already familiar with each other. Thus, with all the delinquents were Student Leader Society, n.o.body else would dare do anything bad.

But to think this little devil would actually decline the position!

"Gibran, you got the highest vote. You"re the one who is the most qualified for this position," exhorted Ms Anum.

"Just because I"m qualified doesn"t mean I have to do it. To my knowledge, this is still a democratic country, right? If I don"t want to do it, no one can force me to," replied Gibran.

"You don"t have to act smart here! This is the rule. The person who gets the highest vote gets the position. Get it?" snarled Mr Roslan.

Gibran smiled. Not even a tiny bit scared.

"Rules? Is it written anywhere? Can you show it to me?" Gibran dared.

Mr Roslan slammed the table. It was Ms Anum who jumped, not Gibran. "You"re talking about black and white? Your father"s business isn"t even confirmed to have everything written down! G.o.d knows where he got the dirty money to buy your bike!"

Gibran"s smile became even more p.r.o.nounced. "That"s one accusation you did there. How about you repeat that statement in front of my dad"s lawyer?"

Mr Roslan seemed to flare again, but Ms Anum calmed him down. Gibran was still smiling. Old Lan sure has advanced. He had never exploded like that before. It seems like you"ll be fired next year.

Gibran stood up and excused himself, filled with courtesy. He went out of the staff lounge. The sun was right above his head. No wonder Old Lan is always angry. The weather here in Malaysia is too hot. Many people are committing sins, Gibran thought while putting on a pair of Police brand that"s always in his shirt pocket.

"Well? Who"s the SL, Gibbs?"

That question was asked by Jailani, or better known as Troll, that evening. The other students were attending evening prep, yet there were three CGTSS students chilling at Bintang Coffee Shop.

Troll got his name because he came from Trolak, and coincidentally, he had a large build. So, the name couldn"t fit any better. Troll was the star player of CGTSS" basketball team and they had won various tournaments. With his physique, troll became a rumble maniac in the dormitory. Many juniors were flattened by him but since he"s the apple in the eyes of coach Fakhri, his immunity was quite amazing. Just look. He came here, skipping prep, after borrowing coach Fahri"s bike!

The one on the pillion was named Raymond, or Ray for short. The president of CGTSS" Drama Club. The theatres directed by him would always receive countless attentions.  Adding in his handsome white face, chicks would line up wanting to audition as the heroine - be it in the theatre or his real life. The girls didn"t know that this Ray was still a bit unsure of his s.e.xual orientation. But while he"s confirming it, he"ll just take what"s served.

Gibran, or Gibbs, sipped his ice-blended coffee before answering Troll. "Dunno. Do you care who become the SL"

"A little bit. If that Arip Bond becomes the SL, then won"t our lives become worse?" said Troll. He pa.s.sed out a cigarette, which Ray received. Gibbs declined as usual as he"s not one to smoke. Taking of his teeth, or lungs he said.

"Who would even vote for that Arip Bond? Besides, all this while he"s been the spy of Old Lan, has it ever inconvenient us?" replied Gibbs.

Troll nodded. "Then? You don"t know who got the second highest vote?"


Ray who had been quiet all this while, a.n.a.lysing his new script, suddenly talked. Gibbs laughed his a.s.s off. "Serious s.h.i.t?"

"Yup. Ms Anum met me when I was going out of the dorm."

"Did you accept?"

Ray made a face. "I have other things to do."

Gibbs chuckled. "This is hilarious! I declined, you declined. I bet Old Lan is getting hotter. Who knows, maybe the one next in line is Troll. Or maybe KJ."

"Eh? Where"s KJ anyway?" Ray just realised that their number wasn"t enough.

"I asked him earlier, but he said there"s a project. You know him," Gibbs replied.

"I don"t want to know what your problem is with that girl. What I want to know is how many are you going to pay," KJ said firmly.

The skinny guy with a "rundown house" face nodded. It must be she rejected you, right?That"s what you get for not taking care of your appearance, KJ thought while laughing in his heart.

KJ, or his full name Khairil Jalaluddin, was the last complementing member of the gang who at the time was hanging out at Bintang Coffee Shop. KJ could be called "Monkey of the Group" because he"s one cheeky b.a.s.t.a.r.d and just loved to prank people. Many had been done in with his practical jokes to the point that it became a paid service

As brilliant as his ability in making money by pranking people, his ability in charming people was that high. He knew that only by relying on his jokes, he won"t be able to stand on the same level as Gibbs, Ray, or even Troll. Since the girls were currently crazy with K-Pop, KJ made sure that his appearance was alike those K-Pop artists. He even learnt Korean just for the sake of flirting.

"You don"t have to pour acid on her or anything. Just something to make people laugh," said the skinny guy.

"You think I"m crazy? There"s no well in h.e.l.l am I playing with acids in the school. Think logically man," KJ retorted. Not just the looks, you don"t even have the brains. How could she ever fall for you then?

Although he"s a master of pranking, KJ was not stupid. Roughly every teacher in the school knew that any "project" that happened was orchestrated by KJ but they never found any proof. KJ didn"t like being linked to any offence. Too troublesome.

"So how are we going to do this, J?" asked the guy.

"How about we make it snow in her room?"

"Awesome! Using what?"

KJ thought for a bit. "There are three choices. Talc.u.m powder, powdered milk, or turmeric powder. Which one do you want? They"re charged differently."

"Which is the most expensive?"

"Of course it"s yellow snow! Turmeric powder. This one is the best. It"s the hardest to clean," KJ started his marketing strategy.

"How much?"

"A hundred."

"f.u.c.k that"s expensive!"

KJ shrugged half-heartedly. "Depends. Do you want it or not? You think this job is easy? I"m doing this alone just so you know. And I even need to buy the items first. It"s considered cheap."

The skinny guy seemed confused.

"But it"s worth it, beb. The girl would definitely cry her eyes out cleaning her room," baited KJ.

"Ah, whatever. Sure."

"That"s what I"m talking about!"

"Is your operation done?" Gibbs asked when KJ returned back to the room at night.

"Piece of cake," KJ replied, smiling. "Troll? Ray? Where? Not here?" Troll and Ray were roommates next to Gibbs and KJ"s room. Though, normally, the two would come here and make this room their base.

"Troll went training. Ray… he"s supposed to be back now. He went to audition a new heroine."

"Oh, nice! So we"ll get to "eat" something tomorrow?" asked KJ with a perverted smile.

Gibbs smiled. Not long after that, Ray entered the room.

"Ha, speak of the devil! What"s tomorrow"s meal?" asked KJ.

"d.a.m.n glutton!" Gibbs threw a pillow at KJ"s face.

Ray smiled. A smile that"s unlike a smile. The s.e.xy artist smile that became the craze of many girls.

"Probably Hanni," replied Ray, brief.

"Oh, yes! Pan-Asian, I like! KJ said while dancing on the bed.

"Is he that friggin thirsty?" Ray asked Gibbs, looking at KJ"s att.i.tude which was truly similar to a monkey. A Peter Stuyvesant Light cigarette was lighted.

"He"s always high after an operation," Gibbs replied. Ray just nodded.

"Don"t just freeload. I haven"t eaten kimchi in a while. What happened to your K-Pop girl?" Gibbs teased.

KJ made a face. "Bad news. She"s sick… down there."

"Yeah right," said Ray. He was always like that. Short sentences. Interject only when needed. All the powerful sentences were saved. Artists.

"You think I"m lying? Trying to eat alone? Do you think I"m gonna break the Musketeers Code, weyh?" KJ a.s.sured.

The Musketeer Code was created when Gibbs, Troll, Ray and KJ started becoming close two years ago. Musketeer Code - no "all for one", just one for all". Meaning that n.o.body wa allowed to have a steady girlfriend. The reality wa that if you have a steady girlfriend, the group"s dynamic would weaken. Then, they would want to prioritize their girlfriend, following what the girlfriend said - it"s the end! If it"s just for having fun, then that"s welcomed. But, on person"s girl was everyone"s. All the girls in CGTSS had known of this rule and many were ready to follow it.

But of course, if there are people who like it, there are also those who hate it.

"Eh, I heard that Arip Bond is in the list to become the SL?" asked KJ.

Before anyone could give a response, Troll came in. His body smelled nice, meaning that hea had taken a shower first before coming here.

"Serious? Bond became the SL?" Troll interjected.

"Don"t know, don"t care," replied Ray.

"Eleh… you sure you don"t care, Ray? Isn"t Bond close to you? Gibbs teased.

Ray chuckled and let out a puff of smoke. "Not my taste."

"He"s quite handsome, right Ray?!" Gibbs kept on teasing.

"Even naked I wouldn"t want him," replied Ray.

Gibbs and KJ laughed hard, but Troll seemed uncomfortable. "Can we talk about something else? It"s gross, idiot," Troll pleaded.

"Hey now, you"re roommates with Ray for years now, are you still h.o.m.ophobic, Troll?" questioned Gibbs, deliberately changing his teasing target to Troll.

"Ray isn"t h.o.m.o, he"s actually bis.e.x," answered Troll, confident.

"So you"re okay if it"s bis.e.x?" KJ was the one teasing now.

"Whether I"m h.o.m.o or bis.e.x, there"s no way I"d want this Troll," Ray chipped.

"What the h.e.l.l?" suddenly, Troll became dissatisfied.

"I"m your roommate, I"ve seen it,"  Ray glared at Troll"s forbidden area. There"s no way I"ll be willing, beb. It"d rip."

The background laughter became harder.  This time, Troll smile a little. "d.a.m.n you!" he roared.

"That"s a compliment, bro" Ray replied with a smile on his face.

[1] Original is ‘anak teruna’ which means young unmarried man(never had s.e.x). So she’s questioning his virginity here, not really his youth.
[2] Virgin status.

Hey there, Nas Versix here. Okay, so that’s the first chapter of Gantung. There are 44 chapters+epilogue for this story and some chapters are short while others are long. I’ve read this a few years ago and I truly enjoyed it. If it wasn’t for the fact that I was at school at the time, I would have probably finished it iin one sitting. Anyway, hope you guys aenjoyed it and please give your opinion on the story.

p/s: If anyone’s asking why I haven’t updated Sasar, well, I lost the book. I might buy a new one or  I might not. Depends on whether I can find anyone lese with the book (none as of now).