Genius Girl

Chapter 262 - Genius 262: Queen meeting Camille

Chapter 262 - Genius 262: Queen meeting Camille

Genius 262:

After the plane landed, Camille went straight to the hotel address that Evan sent. She was still wondering why he used a different number to send a message but all the thoughts troubling her mind flew away by her reality.

Evan decided to meet her to break up, it was unfortunate but she was determined to keep him.

Sitting at the backseat of a taxi, Camille dialled his number.

The line was busy so she heaved a sigh and ended the call.

When she arrived at the hotel, two men approached her as she walked through the entrance.

"Ms Lee, this way please."

Camille rose a brow; she was not familiar with the men but she knew that Evan sometimes would bring his guard for protection.

She followed them to the elevator until it reached the top floor. When the door opened, the men held each of her arms and dragged her out of the elevator.

Quickly, panic overtook her face. She tried shouting but one of the men covered her mouth.

They threw her body into a room at the end of the hallway. Camille was in tears and body shaking with fear.

"Evan, help me!"

Her mind kept calling out his name, hoping that he would save her but he was not in the room. Instead, she found a woman elegantly sitting on a red single sofa with crossed legs and hands holding the armchairs so tightly.

"Who are you?" she asked stuttering.

"I am Althea Adam, Queen of Galla."

Camille"s eyes squinted, she had heard of the country and its queen but she had never seen her before so her mind was confused why she took her.

"Why am I here?"

Althea got up and walked closer to Camille. She was kneeling on the ground with fear paling her face.

She bent her body; her hand touched her chin to lift her face.

"Daniella Chen. I want to know who she is."

By that name, Camille gritted her teeth. Her face wrinkled; eyes blazed with indescribable anger.

"If you are her friend, I won"t tell you anything even you torture me."

Althea snickered, "lucky me I am not her friend," she straightened up "get her a chair," she ordered one of her men.

Camille sat her trembling body on the chair while Althea went back to her previous seat.

"Did she do something to you? Probably steal your man?"

Althea shrugged a shoulder. She didn"t really care about Daniella before but since she wanted Evan, she will need to make her disappear.

Camille scoffed, "that woman! It"s not enough that she is stealing my fiancé, she even goes after another woman"s man," her head shook in disbelief.

"I don"t know so much about her but she had this scary eyes that changes colour and she spout words as if she can read mind," a light sigh left her lips before continuing "she and my father had some issues which she might be using to hurt me by taking Evan away from me."

Camille paused and looked at her hand, "Evan is my fiancé, Evan Su."

Althea nodded casually "so, tell me what can I use against Daniella? What is her weakness?"

Camilla narrowed her eyes as her mind thought of her situation. She couldn"t do anything to Daniella simply because she didn"t have power but, if she used this queen, she might be able to get rid of her

Her lips curled upward by the thought, "Daniella Chen doesn"t have a family but she is hiding a son."

By that revelation, Althea"s lips parted.

"A son!"

"Thank you, Ms Lee, you have been very helpful."

Camille instinctively rose from her chair. Her eyes went wide in surprise while her body which had just calmed down started trembling again upon seeing Althew pointing a gun at her.

"What? No, no" she said with a broken voice while shaking both hands in the air, "there must be a misunderstanding. Your enemy is Daniella Chen and not me."

Althea smiled and nodded, "there"s no misunderstanding here Ms. Lee. First, I will need to eliminate Evan"s fiancé and later his ex."

Camille"s face blanched after hearing it, "so, the man you were talking about was Evan?" she asked with shock and fear fighting on her face.

Althea nodded, she waved an index finger to one of her men and said, "yes, and after I kill you, I will kill Daniella."

And those were the last words Camille heard before she felt the pain of the metal bullet entering her body.

Althea sighed and looked at Camille"s body on the floor. Her blood spread on the carpet while her eyes which were wide open stared at the s.p.a.ce.

Blinking her eyes, Althea turned to her guards.

"Clean this mess," she ordered while accepting Camille"s bag which was being handed by one of her guards.

She took out Camille"s phone and opened the message. She searched for Evan"s name and wrote down:

"I decided not to meet you, Evan. There is no reason for us to meet if you are only going to break up with me."


"Congratulation boss!"

Those words were said snappily as soon as Daniella and Jared walked out of the church. Her hand on his arm. While Jared flashed a grin Daniella"s lips were pursed tightly together.

Most of the people around were stranger to her, even her friends didn"t attend the ceremony. As much as she wanted to explain the situation, she can"t. The organization behind Kierry must be so powerful since they were able to fake her death with no problem and hide her for years.

One after another, cheerful voice greeted them. Jared kept thanking them while Daniella remained with her stiff expression.

When they entered the bridal car, Jared"s smile disappeared. He sat in the driver seat while Daniella seated in the pa.s.senger seat. She removed her veil and threw it at the backseat, after breathing out she leaned back on the leather seat and shut her eyes.

"Shall we?" Jared asked.

She opened her eyes and looked at him. She knew very well where they were heading, and that thought has made her lips curled upward.

"Is he there?"

Jared waggled his brows while his lips formed a lopsided grin.

"Yup, he is there. Waiting for you."