Guild Wars

Chapter 646 - (1/2) The Raid 12

Chapter 646 - (1/2) The Raid 12

"Hey, I"ve been meaning to ask, but weren"t you supposed to be part of the Technical sections. Why the h.e.l.l are you fighting in the Raid which was supposed to be only for those in the Combat section?" Essence asked skeptically.

Fitter waved his hand with boredom. "Only a Tier 1 loser would wonder about such petty matters in such a critical situation."

Essence almost exploded with purplish Void Energy. "You…!!"

The Luckmancer wisely stopped provoking his pal as they couldn"t afford the infighting right now, and used what should be his trump card.

「Wish Upon A Shooting Star – Active skill

Effect: Make a wish with any parameters. Its chances of success vary depending on the details of the wish, and the closer it is to reality as well as being achievable, the more likely it will occur.

Cooldown: Unlimited for Event.」

"I wish for Kiran to have a breakthrough in his Ki Control, allowing him to use less energy to do more." Fitter spoke as he clapped his hands together, a white light forming around him that shot into the sky.

Immediately, Kiran felt his meridians quake as his dantian didn"t expand, but rather contracted and became st.u.r.dier. His meridians became much tighter yet far more durable, allowing smaller but more concentrated amounts of energy out.

This did not increase the volume of his energy, but its power doubled and its rate of consumption was reduced by more than half. This kind of increase to his combat power was much greater than expanding his energy reserves.

It immediately showed in his beam clash, where his beam became had its size and even narrowed, but the red color was extremely condensed and piercing. It actually managed to balance out with Draco"s empowered Destruction Blast!

"MAX POWERRR!!" Kiran roared as he pushed out more, beginning to push back the Black Dragon"s attack back, who was left even more shocked.

Fitter by the side grinned widely. "This is not enough though. You can keep shouting all you want, all it takes is for that Avatar to outlast you, which he easily can since he is using a system skill."

"However…" Fitter muttered as he activated the skill of the Pandora"s Box.

Fitter"s Luck was activated as he rolled for a skill and what he drew made him nod as he activated it.

「Mirror Attack – Active Skill

Effect: Summon an identical clone of an ally with 100% of their power that mirrors their current attack on your foe.

Cooldown: ?.」

Immediately, a second Kiran popped up beside him, with the same hair and looks that also fired out a red beam with the exact same power. The two beams merged in the middle and expanded to twice their size, easily overpowering Draco"s beam and crus.h.i.+ng apart before rus.h.i.+ng to strike the Black Dragon.

Draco was blasted away, striking a nearby wall deeply, embedding himself into it so far that he couldn"t be seen. Because of the beam"s sheer power and heat, the area around the wall molted.

The members of Umbra stood around in shock, while Kiran breathed out heavily, thoroughly spent after that clash. His Mirror Clone disappeared as it was a one-time skill, prompting everyone to glare at Fitter.

Essence was the most direct, grabbing his best friend by the collar with bloodshot eyes. "If you could do that, why didn"t you do it any earlier?!"

Fitter pushed the fellow off and patted himself arrogantly before pointing at the hole where Draco was.

"After the Boss forced me to partic.i.p.ate, he warned me that if I dared to pull any lucky bulls.h.i.+t before all of us achieved Tier 2 Control, he would make me watch as he turned any of my future daughters into his c.o.c.k slaves."

Holy s.h.i.+t!

Most of the guys here couldn"t help but feel their hearts quake, even Essence. They all solemnly vowed to never to p.i.s.s off Draco, otherwise they would be filled with endless pain and regret for the rest of their lives.

Soon, the entire area shook and tremored, shocking the members of Umbra, before they saw the wall Draco got embedded into previously explode into nothingness as a wave of black light flowed from him.

He easily stepped out of it with a look of disdain in his eyes, his body not even injured in the slightest. With his Draconic Superiority and resistance, it would take more than that to stop him.

He then roared and began charging at the group, not scared to get in the middle of them because of how strong he was and how weak they were to him.

Essence sighed and shook his head. "In the end, it still comes down to this. I"ll tank him as best as I can, and you will all have to do everything you can to survive and damage him from the side."

Essence put away his halberd as he slowly walked towards him, only to change into a jog, before he burst into a full sprint towards Draco. His eyes flashed as he jumped into the air, his tiny form looking like nothing but an insignificant ant compared to Draco"s majesty.

However, that soon changed as Essence transformed in mid-air, becoming a purple-coloured Void Dragon as he clashed claw to claw with Draco, causing an intense shockwave.

The two behemoths were of similar sizes. Among dragons, Black Dragons weren"t the biggest, somewhere in the middle with the likes of Gold Dragons, Void Dragons, and the like.

A battle between behemoths was slow due to their sizes and physics, but the sheer force it exerted was enough to make any person realize how small and inconsequential they were.

Draco and Essence continued to strike each other brutally, trying to rip out each others" eyes, wings, and horns with their claws. They didn"t use any elemental energies and just relied on their own natural strength.

It was sort of like how two men in a bar brawl who had holstered guns would limit themselves to use just their fists to settle a dispute, even though there was a much easier and more convenient way.

The other members of Umbra allowed them to duke it out like this without interrupting. However, their faces hardened when they noticed that Essence was on the losing end.

After all, a Void Dragon was lower on the scale than a Black Dragon by one grade, and Draco"s cla.s.s was Divine whereas Essence"s was "just" Legendary. If it wasn"t for the 50% reduction, Essence would have long been beaten down.

"Attack!" Slim Fatty roared, charging towards Draco while riding on her speed sword, Seeker.

Kiran, who had drunk an Angels Kiss Potion, was close on her heels as he had returned to his Super Warrior 2 form and was ready to beat down the Black Dragon.

The others followed up, with Deployed even summoning the NPC army to give them that extra edge, leading to Warm Spring and the others to similarly summon their forces.

Draco saw this and roared, knocking everyone back with sheer force. He then cast out his Destruction Wave skill again by slapping the ground, causing a wave of black light to wash over the entire Area Zone.

Uno quickly called up a barrier, but it was futile in the face of this attack since everyone had already spread out to help bring down their Raid Target. As such, they had to rely on their own life-saving skills in order to survive.

Many perished from this attack, especially from Dreary Traveler"s army, but many more survived using various means and pushed the attack. Draco immediately came under pressure, especially from Essence.

While his Destruction Energy could easily cancel out the fellow"s Void Energy, the Avatar had promised to abide by the limitations of each stage, meaning right now he only would use the Black Dragon"s powers.

Essence though, was using his Tier 2 Control in Void Dragon form.

The heck!

What kind of thing was that! A whole Void Dragon powered up with Control Tier 2! With such ferocity, even Draco got suppressed as he could only lament inwardly as to how unfair this was.

Since Essence wasn"t as affected by the AOE Destruction attacks, he would wait for Draco to cast and then strike him with one of his own Void skills, which forced the Black Dragon to deal with Essence and leave the others alone.

As such, Essence perfectly fulfilled the role of a tank in this battle, not allowing the "aggro" to s.h.i.+ft for even a second while the others got something of a free reign to fight.

The battle soon came to an end, only lasting a single round. Nevertheless, this one round took 5 hours before it came to an end, which was even more exhausting than dying and coming back to fight.

During the following break, many members of Umbra kept muttering that their Guildmaster should be nerfed for the betterment of mankind, which was something they would have protested previously.

However, being on the receiving end of his power as well as his might had sobered them up and made them realize the path of righteousness!

For the sake of all those innocent monsters that had been killed without a chance to fight back, we are there for you!

Vote for us, and we shall make Umbra great again!

The Avatar chuckled when he sensed their emotions and paid them no heed. Everyone knew that the AI didn"t have the b.a.l.l.s to do it, so there was that. He also decided to wait out their break by mediating cross-legged, which garnered the curiosity of the other fighters.

As such, they got up to approach him and asked with flattering tones. "Handsome G.o.dfather, what are you doing?"

Draco laughed uproariously from the praise and patted the fellow on the shoulder for good taste. When he replied though, all goodwill left the hearts of onlookers.

"I am simply honing my spirit so I can regain Bloodline Energy faster since the next stage is a non-skill-based transformation. In such a state it would no longer be about you simply whaling on me using Divine skills, but you are gonna have to think outside the box to win."

Draco grinned widely. "So you"d better get ready. These last three stages will see me far stronger than when I fought with my cla.s.s-based transformation."

"You will soon see the difference of what you yourself can do compared to what a system can do for you!"