Guild Wars

Chapter 647 - (2/2) The Raid 13

Chapter 647 - (2/2) The Raid 13

The Avatar didn"t outright transform this time, only manifesting his Dark Angel wings and became slightly more attractive, but there was no Dark Angel True Body or the like.

He simply flapped once and disappeared from the sight of all onlookers, before appearing far in the sky above them where most could not reach.

"The difference between the system and my own power is that I can freely augment my techniques. Any idea that through my head I can use my power to achieve the desired outcome." Draco explained as he floated arrogantly.

"For example…" He muttered under a malicious grin.

A wave of blue light erupted from his body and swept through the sky. Immediately, storm clouds gathered en, forming a huge barrier between the sky and the earth that outlined Draco"s dark form.

Thunderbolts lashed from these clouds rapidly, striking the air crazily as the lights illuminated the flying Avatar who seemed like a G.o.d at this moment.

"With my mind, I control the world." Draco stated majestically before swiping his right hand down.

Immediately, the storm clouds paused their discharge for a second before…

Hundreds of thousands of thunderbolts struck down, aiming for anything and everything they could within range. The members of Umbra were shocked by this, but reacted quickly thanks to their Tier 2 VoP letting them sense the discharges.

Some of them even swatted away some bolts, while others dared to receive them with their body, channeling the electricity onto the earth beneath them while controlling their bodies to act as conduits only.

Both methods of resisting the attack were astute and great, yet the members of Umbra soon realized a great problem. They were slowly taking damage and becoming tired after using these methods, while the Avatar continued letting thunder rain down on them.

Soon, most of the various members could only succ.u.mb to their deaths, leaving behind the usual group that was simply too powerful to be killed off like this.

The core members gazed at the Avatar speechlessly as they sought a battle plan to take the Raid Target down. However, Draco wouldn"t just sit around and let them.

He had already elevated all those partic.i.p.ating in the fight into Control Tier 2, there was Kiran with his nonsense Super Warrior 2 Form, Essence with his Dragon Form, and Fitter with his dirty luck.

If they couldn"t beat him despite all of those advantages, then they didn"t deserve to call themselves the core members of Umbra, much less the number 1 elites in the world!

Essence transformed into a Void Dragon and roared, aiming a Void Blast at the Avatar who simply Apported behind Kiran who was already in his Super Warrior 2 form, getting ready to fly into the air to fight the Raid Target head-on.

Draco simply slapped the back of Kiran"s head, sending some blue light into his body as he spoke. "You now fight for me. Kill that Dragon."

Blue light shone in Kiran"s eyes, as he smiled respectfully. "Yes, master."

An "M" formed on his forehead as his body glowed with power imbued from Draco.

He then charged at Essence and struck the Void Dragon in the gut, sending him flying as he spat blood with shock.

"You fool, what are you… Oh s.h.i.+t, he"s being controlled!" Essence began cursing, but soon used his own Dark Angel abilities to suss out Kiran"s situation.

Unfortunately, his bloodline power and proficiency were far below Draco"s, so he couldn"t undo it. He tried to send the Martial Artist away with a Void Teleport, yet the Five Generals leader roared and used his red aura to smash the purple glow that had enveloped him before it could take effect.

Void Energy was weaker than whatever energy Kiran"s body produced in this form, so Essence was theoretically at a disadvantage unless he used killing moves, with which he could easily curbstomp Kiran.

Alas, if he did that, they would only be playing right into Draco"s hands, the two strongest fighters in their team would be stuck brawling with each other.

The Avatar folded his arms and watched Essence"s dilemmas with schadenfreude. He then gazed at Serafina and Evalina, the two Dark Angel from his Lineage.

Draco had to admit, these two little were truly quite the beauties. They were far above Bella, Slim Fatty, and Natasha, almost reaching the level of the Four Beauties in terms of looks and sensuality.

The Dark Angel Inheritance was meant for that obviously, as Dark Angels were either Incubi or Succubi. The Light Angel Inheritance (formerly Celestial Maiden Inheritance) of Eva"s Lineage mostly had facial beauty that was unparalleled under heaven, but their bodies were not developed to be overtly s.e.xy.

So Dark Angel girls = Face: 8.5, Body: 10 and Attraction: 10 (s.e.xually), whereas Light Angel girls = Face: 12 (they break the scale), Body: 6.5 and Attraction: 10 (wors.h.i.+p/love).

The two ladies gazed at Draco with trepidation, feeling the immense suppression that almost left them unable to breathe. As Mephisto had once said, Draco was like a nuclear warhead in terms of energy and power.

These girls were only at best, on the level of some SAM rockets. How could they keep their composure under such intense power, especially when it was focused on them.

Draco suddenly appeared before the two with a dangerously gentle smile. "Well, well. This stage concerns you two the most. I intend to train you more in private, but there are some basic fundamentals I can teach you right now."

"Have you ever interacted with those of the Celestial Maiden Inheritance of the Amaterasu Lineage?" Draco asked them slowly.

The two nodded, while Evelina mustered up her courage to reply in a heavily sultry tone mixed with her Italian accent. "T-That"s right, Prodigy Sir. We often have inter-Lineage exchanges among the youth to learn more about each other and maintain our tight bond."

"Good. Then you know what their powers are?"

This time, Serafina answered, her accent a little less heavy than her twin, but still distinct. "Erm, they are Telepathy, Mind Control, Astral Projection, Channeling, Precognition, and Retrocognition."

"Good, good. And you know what each of them does, right?"

The two ladies shared a look and answered together. "Telepathy is the ability to read the thoughts of others and communicate with the mind directly. Mind Control is the ability to influence the mind of another through mental manipulation. Astral Projection is the ability to send one"s consciousness outside their body which may or may not affect the world around them."

"Channeling is the ability to use mental energy to commune with spirits or the dead. Precognition is the ability to see a little bit into the future to warn of danger. Retrocognition is the opposite of precognition, where one could see a little bit into the past."

Draco clapped happily. "Good, good, good!"

Then he touched the abdomens of the two ladies, exploding their lower bodies into bloodmist while leaving the upper ones intact. The two fell to the ground in heap screaming in agony as they began to sweat.

Draco crouched down to their level and spoke coldly. "This pain is punishment for your lack of thought. Look at him."

Draco pointed to Kiran who was locked in a severe brawl with Essence. "How do you think he"s doing what he"s doing?"

Serafina and Evalina could only connect their mind to resist the pain and focus on what Draco was saying lest they suffer more. They gazed at Kiran and then spoke at the same time while gasping in pain.

"H-He"s under your control…"

Draco nodded. "That"s right, I am controlling his mind for him to fight on my behalf. Sound familiar?"

"T-The Mind Control ability…"

Draco patted them on the head gently. "That"s right, good girls. It"s the Mind Control ability. I just used it to control one of the strongest fighters here to do my bidding. So why aren"t you?"

"B-Because of the specialization… we are able to use the specific powers of our Dark Angel Inheritance at twice the power with half the effort… but if we were to try and use something from the Celestial Maiden Inheritance, it would require us to spend twice the effort for half the power…"

The two ladies soon lost their ability to speak as their mouths were full of blood. However, Draco did not care about this, nor their fading life energy, as he spoke.

"That"s true, it"s inefficient, but the important part is that you CAN use them. Aren"t there two of you, so why not combine your powers? Why do you limit yourself to one part of your power? Besides, if you practice more, who says you can"t increase your efficiency in using the other aspects of psychic power?" The Avatar shook his head with disappointment.

He stood up and left the two women to bleed out to death. "Think about it more while you wait to resp.a.w.n, and become better for it."

Draco noticed that the other remaining core members had been using this time to try and restrain Kiran together while he had educated the twins. Attacking him would have only made him focus on them, so they had wisely decided to use it to achieve their goals.

They had managed to finally tie him down while Warm Spring and Sublime Notion cycled through their healing skills to try and remove what they had believed to be a status effect.

Draco chuckled and watched them struggle to no avail, Kiran eventually broke free of the binding, even twisting his own lover"s head around and off her body.

"Thinking you can erase my mind imprint? Naive! I might only have half of the original Draco"s power who can only use Eva"s psychic powers to half their ability, yet your Lady Boss was able to create a mind plague so disastrous that anyone of any Rank would fall to it unless they were mentally empowered."

He muttered to himself, shaking his head with disdain.

"Even the real Draco fears her full power Mind Control, yet you dare try to mess with it? Truly naive!"