Guild Wars

Chapter 703 - Majestic Entrance And Wasteful Commentary

Chapter 703 - Majestic Entrance And Wasteful Commentary

"Hmm, not bad, not bad at all." Draco commented as he gazed around the entire courtyard. 

"It"s pa.s.sable, not enough to make us excited, but barely enough to leave us without dissatisfaction." Eva added by the side. 

The two Elders and the two Sect Children felt blood welling up in their throats, wis.h.i.+ng they could beat this arrogant duo to death. They eventually calmed themselves and blamed it on ignorance. 

Draco walked through the courtyard and looked around boredly. "These materials have been here for too long, and they are literally going to waste. As it is our generation, I will see to it that they are used well." 

He began to greedily swipe all the materials within range, not even sparing the soil or the manure used to grow them. Like a locust, he swept through the entire courtyard and turned it from a fully furnished building to barely furnished at best. 

The two Elders and Sect Children watched him do so with slack jaws. At this point, they understood that there was something fundamentally wrong with these two Little Ancestors, and common sense would not work on them. 

Eva turned to the two Sect Children. "Go and prepare transportation for yourselves and our Elders. Draco and I have our own Spirit Mounts." 

The duo shared a look and acknowledged the order, though they did wonder how the Evil Duo could have Spirit Mounts already. The two of them were only at the Blood Pulsation Realm, so it should be impossible for them to have tamed them on their own. 

Did the two Old Ancestors bless their pupils with them? This reasonable explanation made the Sect Child duo even more jealous. 

Draco waved a hand majestically as power rangers-like theme music played from somewhere. "Come out, my majestic steeds, Qiong Qi and Clarent!" 

A portal manifested beside Draco from which two shadow forms leaped out so fast that no one could see. The one that was ground-based sped around the ground a few times before stopping right beside Draco, revealing a perfectly shaped orange mane that billowed in the wind. 

Four thick, muscular legs as well as a well-built body with not a single bit of fat on it. Coupled with the strong tail and blue eyes that gleamed with power, Qiong Qi let out a majestic roar, making all the Spirits Beasts in the sect and flying overhead fall to the ground. 

The roar traveled far and carried much power, so it alerted many powerhouses who came over to see what was happening. 

Sua! Sua! Sua! 

Many fellows rushed over to see the source of the issue and were shocked to take in the sight of Qiong Qi. 

"It"s a Divine Lion! My G.o.d, it"s actually a Divine Lion!" 

"Impossible! Divine Lions are as rare as Qilin Horns and Dragon Feathers! How can it be?" 

"Ayo r.e.t.a.r.d, did you not go to school? The phrase is Dragon Horn and Qilin Feathers." 

"My apologies, it was hard paying attention while your mother was sucking me off." 

"Courting death!" 

"Bring it on, wh.o.r.eson!" 

While some discussed Qiong Qi"s origin, two fellows got embroiled into a fight, but everyone ignored them. The rest were awed that such a rare species could exist on their continent, as its kind was rumored to have gone extinct. 

It should be known that the Divine Lion bloodline was affiliated with mere Spirit Beasts, but was on the level of a Divine Beast. In other words, there was a prominent clan out there that had Qiong Qi"s species as their Martial Spirit. 

Soon, the others noticed another shadow that was partially blocking the sun. It swooped down from above, its speed picking up as it crashed into the ground heroically, digging a trench with its majestic claws. 

The shadow dispelled itself and revealed red scales that shone like crystal, two red pupils that gleamed with fire energy, and a smoky breath leaking from a ridged snout. 

Along with folded wings that were majestic and a sleek, muscular body that was carried on four thick legs, Clarent"s powerful form was revealed to this world in endless grandeur! 

He released a thick breath of fire skyward, illumining the entire sect and even parts of the city! If fire element cultivators were to absorb this fire, they would jump from Qi Condensation to the Sublimation realm right away! 

The watching crowd were left shocked to their core, unable to even speak. 

"Is… is that a… DRAGON?!?!?!" Someone eventually spat out with confusion. 

Once he broke the silence, pandemonium occurred. 

"Oh my G.o.d! An actual Dragon! In the fles.h.!.+" 

"But how? The Dragon race has long gone extinct in our world. Even nearby worlds hardly have them." 

"The highest Draconic bloodline in the world right now is the c.o.c.katrice, and it has carved out its holy territory to the south." 

"How did these two Little Ancestors manage to acquire a full-grown Dragon?" 

The crowd could not understand even if you gave them 20 brains and 10,000 IQ. No amount of calculative intelligence could solve a question that was impossible. 

However, they didn"t have much time to think, as Eva waved her hand while the music was still playing. "Come out, my beloved partner, Luxia!" 

With a whoosh, a white light burst forth from Eva"s body, swirling into the sky beautifully, leaving white ribbons of light glowing in the air. The source of the light then revealed itself as the pinnacle of the swirl, spreading out its glowing white wings with a loud shriek that shook the wind. 

Luxia then slowly hovered down while glowing in a holy manner, rubbing her forehead against Eva"s cheek with affection. Eva herself hugged Luxia"s neck lovingly, caressing the Light Phoenix gently. 

"A Phoenix… what the h.e.l.l…" 

"I am going to stop using pills for cultivation. After all those years, the sequelae must have acc.u.mulated, making me hallucinate severely." 

"I wonder if I jump off a cliff right now, will I wake up or will I die?" 

"… man, these dudes are totally scary right now." 

The reactions and emotions of the fellows still around did not need to be highlighted too much. Suffice to say, that they were all bamboozled, confused, bewildered, befuddlement, baffled, perplexed, and even perturbed, the only difference was the order in which they suffered from those states. 

By the side, a table had been created with Draco sitting in the middle, Qiong Qi to his left and Clarent to his right. The Three Stooges wrote down something with a serious expression before raising their cards up. 

All of them had 10/10 on them, which left Eva and Luxia speechless. Who the h.e.l.l asked for your rating for this majestic and emotional moment?! 

"Cough, cough. Now that we have prepared our mounts, we shall head off to scout the Demon Nest!" Draco announced grandly as he jumped onto Clarent"s back. 

Qiong Qi also leapt up to join, but Clarent swatted him away with his tail. This made the former furious, so he attacked the latter physically as he questioned him. 

"Brat of a lizard, how dare you prevent This King from standing where I want?" 

Clarent gazed at Qiong Qi askance. "Hehe, you have eyes but cannot see Mt. Tai! Can"t you sense the flow of karma and fate here? How have you still not taken a look at the energy of Draco and Eva, much less around you?" 

Qiong Qi paused and did so. It had to be said, as a former world of Divine Beasts, and now a world of Martial Spirits, this world was heavily biased towards its original inhabitants, beasts of a high grade. 

Unlike humans who had to reach the Immortal Realm before they could contact the Heavenly Dao/World"s Origin, Divine Beasts had a literal red carpet to it. Qiong Qi connected and got information of the world and its history. 

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and began to sweat profusely. He looked at the crowd, who were no longer gazing at him with awe, but with bloodshot eyes filled with murderous intent. 

In their eyes, sure a Divine Lion was great, but how could it match up to the endless grandeur of a Dragon? Qiong Qi trying to mount Clarent was no different from them finding that this Lion b.a.s.t.a.r.d had slapped their mum in public. 

Seeing that the crowd was inching closer with many sharp tools in hand, Qiong Qi yelped and clutched Clarent"s legs. "Father, these fellows want to hurt me! Protect me, father!" 

Clarent and Draco spilled blood directly, shocked to their core that Qiong Qi had surpa.s.sed them in terms of handsomeness. The fellow had abandoned all forms of dignity and self-respect this time, completely embracing the dark side. 

The crowd paused when hearing this, and seemed confused. Could a Dragon… really give birth to a Lion? It should be impossible… right? 

Draco and Clarent shared a look before giggling maliciously. Clarent showed a comforting expression and patted Qiong Qi on the head. 

"Sigh, my unwanted, unplanned, and frankly low-quality son, you know your father is a majestic Dragon that stands at the apex of the world. Why not be brave like me and face your foes instead of clinging to the leg of your betters and dirtying their glamorous scales with your flea-ridden fur?" 


Qiong Qi released a thick cloud of air from his nose, his eyes becoming dark. He sorely wanted to leap at Clarent to fight him to death right now, but he knew that he couldn"t do so here, since the Dragon had an advantage. 

No, he rather had to swallow this indignation like it was malaria syrup and even put on a shame-filled smile full of adoration. "You"re right father, I should be more like you. Why don"t we leave first and talk more on the way?" 

Clarent smiled and nodded. "Indeed. Son, you remember the promise you made me, right? To always walk the land beneath where I fly in order to build stamina and show off your manliness?" 

Qiong Qi froze. His expression became tormented as he smiled weakly, looking like he was about to cry. "T-That"s right, F-Father…" 

"It"s good that you remember. Alright, we are really taking off now, so make sure to keep up!" Clarent announced as he made sure to kick Qiong Qi away as he flapped his wings, taking to the sky easily after Luxia. 

Luxia and Clarent then flew side by side, Clarent going at max speed by using his "boost" skill. He was fast enough, not moving at the speed of light, but was definitely beyond the speed of sound. 

Qiong Qi below huffed and puffed as he pumped his four legs, screaming and cursing at Clarent with every step he was forced to make. The Divine Lion had to weave through the large city at such high speed, avoiding all those who wanted to capture him as their pet, as well as those who wanted his donger to create some weird meal. 

Infuriated by his own "best buddy" and the world, Qiong Qi roared: "Scram! Scram! Scram for meeee! All of you are dogs who are descended from rats and fis.h.!.+" 

However, his words only made things worse as many faces changed. 

"Vile beast, you dare insult my mother? Die!" 

"A mere cat dares to say such words… quickly capture it for me, so I can refine its donger for 30 days in boiling soup," 

"Brazen, brazen, BRAZEN! The family of I, Huo Pingcheng, cannot be insulted so easily! Send a legion of troops to capture this b.l.o.o.d.y thing ASAP!" 

"It belongs in a blood pool where its cells will be degraded slowly every day until it becomes nourishment to rear better Spirit Beasts!" 


Qiong Qi accelerated as he felt fear envelop him, he regretted spewing out such lame and badly timed words. If he had just shut his trap, the number of people would not have increased too much from those following him initially, but now everyone who had heard him acted like he had killed their parents! 

One had even sent an entire legion after him! 

His trip out of the city was filled with thorns and even when he came out, he saw the two flying creeps were about to enter the horizon. Qiong Qi wanted to cry for being so impudent before, but now he could only physically run while the night enveloped the land. 

"Roar! Brother Draco, Father Clarent, Lady Boss, and Little Bird, wait for meeeeee!!"