Guild Wars

Chapter 704 - The Evil Duo"s Cruel Slaughter 1

Chapter 704 - The Evil Duo"s Cruel Slaughter 1

With the speed of Clarent and Luxia, it took the Evil Duo very little time to reach their destination. On their way, they had pa.s.sed many large forests and different unique biomes, all with their own ecosystems and strange lifeforms. 

Naturally, while going along, the group had encountered many flying adversaries, but most of these chumps fled once they sensed the bloodline of the two flying beasts. Some directly fell from the sky, trembling on the ground as they didn"t dare to move. 

The group ignored them until they finally reached their target, a lush valley that extended for miles on end. However, despite its lovely style, it was officially called the Valley of Death, as there was an ongoing war here against a group of Demons. 

Just like on the Main Plane, Demons and Humans did not get along, with the former envying the latter for having endless resources in their world but still being trash, while the latter hated the former for their cruel ways and rapacious nature. 

Demons often opened two-way portals to random places on the Main Plane, setting up a base in silence to begin carting resources back for their factions. Unlike Humans, who were at least conscious enough to leave some for it to grow back, Demons didn"t care. 

It"s not like it was their realm in the first place, so why would they care about good environmental practices? They were no different from locusts, tearing the land apart as they expanded outward. 

Left alone, the Demons would continue to fortify their base and after they collected enough resources to meet their quota, their factions would dispatch a commander at the Integration Realm to take the helm, and send out their troops. 

These troops would form squads and begin raiding the nearest living areas of whatever species happened to live there, plundering what they had, raping their women, enslaving the men, and bringing the leftovers back to the h.e.l.l Realm, so the thousands of other Demons could have some fun too. 

If there was one thing the h.e.l.l Realm didn"t lack, it was manpower. Their realm was so congested that they practically killed and devoured each other to grow, since they had cleared their world of all normal resources. 

Even the Heavenly Dao of their world often a.s.sisted them in opening portals, because it felt stuffed to the brim. It especially liked situations like this Valley of Death, where humans warred with Demons and so both sides made losses. 

The more the Demons died, the better, and on top of that, they brought such great resources back. While the h.e.l.l Realm may seem like a wasteland, that was only because of millennia of rapid consumption. 

Most of the Demon powerhouses had cultivated huge resource farms and valleys in their territories with what they had plundered from Humans and other species. They also let the races they captured manage them, as any Demon would probably give in to their base instinct and eat everything. 

Well, that was enough exposition. 

The Evil Duo arrived at the base of the human warriors who were fighting off this Demon scourge. It was a large encampment led by an Integration Realm master from the Dragon and Phoenix Sect, who took these kinds of matters seriously. 

When they made their majestic entrance, all the fighters in the camp were flabbergasted, even moreso when they saw it was two brats. The two Elders were hidden in the void, watching over Draco and Eva without displaying their aura. 

The two had requested this. After all, how could they get r.e.t.a.r.ds to court death and try for their lives if everyone could see that they enjoyed top-tier protection? Part of the fun of cultivation worlds was that everyone had the IQ of a third-rate villain and could not think past two steps. 

There should definitely be one or two dozen who would try to tempt fate and end up in the Nine or - unlikely - in the Seven Heavens. Just landing like this, Draco and Eva felt more than a hundred greed-filled gazes boring into their backs, which made them smile inwardly. 

The Integration Realm commander came out to quickly greet the two Little Ancestors. If he had been from another sect, he might have given the Evil Duo some courtesy, but would have remained aloof. 

However, this fellow was from their own sect, so he was practically a fanatic wors.h.i.+per. Naturally, his level of obeisance was at the top. His display of loyalty spooked some, but some others knew the inner details and were not surprised. 

After greeting the Evil Duo, he then asked for their opinions, to which Draco straightforwardly answered that he and Eva would be going in to annihilate the Demons. 

This answer left the commander speechless, and he gazed at the two Elders in the void. At their level, they could naturally see each other regardless of what method they used, and the two Elders smiled bitterly. 

The commander sucked in a deep breath. It was not his place to interfere with the matters concerning the Little Ancestors or the Old Ancestors, but he also could not pretend like he didn"t care about the risk they were taking. 

It was fine if they really had the power to wipe out the Demons. He, the commander, would be awed, astounded, and whatever else was necessary. 

But what if… just what if something happened and one - or even worse - both of them lost their lives. What was he supposed to do then? All the blame would fall on him, regardless of the unspoken rules or the truth of the matter. 

When tragedy occurred, no one cared about logic, emotions ran high and the blame would be thrown to the nearest responsible character, which was him. 

As such, the commander had to take action that would ensure the lives of the Evil Duo but not interfere with their plans and p.i.s.s them off. To do that, he waited until Draco and Eva took off once more before donning his armor and following along. 

He left the camp to his deputies for the meanwhile, entering the void as he chased after the duo. It was not that he didn"t trust the two Elders to take care of the Little Ancestors, but he was more worried that anything could happen. 

Demons never played fairly. 

Draco and Eva crossed over a barren battlefield which was part of the land the Demons had raided. They didn"t even let the soil and the weeds go, uprooting everything until it turned into waste. 

Soon enough, they came upon the Demon"s base area, which was styled like a giant red castle with scary imagery and a lot of bizarre beasts and humanoids carved into its walls. 

Seeing Draco and Eva appear above them with a legitimate Dragon and a Phoenix, the Demons who were now a.s.sembling below to deal with this sudden attack were speechless. 

Two Blood Pulsation Realm brats dared to come here on these Divine Beast of unknown grade? Did the Demon Commander order this free meal on Victimdash? 

Draco stood back while Eva hovered forwards in the air. Two angelic wings burst from her back and flapped lightly, keeping her airborne for now. Her body began to glow with a holy white light that was not the same as her destructive light energy. 

This one was more similar to Hikari"s white light, but also had some traits of Eva"s typical destructive light. Naturally, this was Holy Light produced from her Light Angel Inheritance! 

Upon sensing this, the faces of all the Demons below changed greatly. The weaker ones howled with fear and fled backwards, trying to get as far away from Eva as possible. 

The stronger ones stayed where they were, but their eyes were bloodshot as they glared at Eva with raw hatred. If you told Draco that they hated Eva more than he did in the previous timeline, he would believe it. 

A Demon in burnished gold armor with a large greatsword on his back stepped forward, rising into the air until he was 500 meters away from Eva on the same level. 

His expression was cold as he gazed at Eva silently, sizing her up. Unlike the residents of the Martial Spirit world, the Demon race was more knowledgeable about things because they had "connections" to all worlds, even the Immortal one. 

So the Demon Commander knew that Eva wasn"t using a Martial Spirit, unlike the three Elders in the void, who were looking on with shock and confusion. 

"What is the Angel Race doing here? Have you decided to ignore our non-aggression pact?" The Demon Commander asked with a gloomy expression. 

Eva remained cold, pointing down below to the troops. "I"ll do whatever I want, Demon." 

Before the Demon Commander could react, Eva fired out her genocide light beam, a single flow of edifying Light Energy from her finger which would split into hundreds of thousands of smaller beams then dance through the air as each one struck a target. 

"No!" The Demon Commander roared as he punched a fist towards Eva, a giant red blazing hand manifesting in the sky that hurtled towards the Celestial Maiden. 

Draco saw this and stepped forth, manifesting his h.e.l.lfire Demon wings as his body glowed with reddish Demonic Energy. He punched out at the same time, creating a giant fist that was ten times the size of what the commander fired out. 

His naturally crushed the Commander"s, then rolled on to smash onto him. The Commander was sent flying, through three different mountains, his velocity decreasing when he dug halfway into the fourth. 

In the meantime, Eva had edified almost all the Demons below. Edification was not exactly the same as Purification. The latter meant that Eva purged them of their Demonic Energy and turned them into neutral beings - or holy beings - depending on how the Purification was performed. 

Edification was more brutal. It also purged the Demonic Energy in the target, but purged the target too as well. Edified Demons would never be able to resp.a.w.n back home, which was what happened when each Demon was killed outside their realm. 

In other words, Eva was permakilling these Demons, which was a huge loss to the Demon race! Even though it was congested there, and they liked to throw them out, it was so that they could farm resources. 

Not to mention, when these Demons were sent back, they were usually weak after resp.a.w.ning, so they often got killed easily. When a Demon died in h.e.l.l, they dissolve into Demonic Energy and return to h.e.l.l"s control, adding to its stockpile. 

Eva edifying them like this meant that this energy was lost forever, a permanent -1 in terms of units of Demonic Energy that the h.e.l.l Realm recycled through its daily activities. 

Eva felt a strange consciousness from afar roar in rage and hatred, wis.h.i.+ng it could tear her apart. It was likely the consciousness of the h.e.l.l Realm. She naturally ignored its ranting and raving, as it was not exempt from her list of targets later on. 

Rather, Eva seemed to be receiving some positive feedback from another world consciousness, one that felt close to her in her current state. It was likely the Angel or Heaven Realm of this universe. 

The more Demons she edified, the stronger the feedback became, until it was clear enough to her that it was asking her to continue edifying as many as she can. After every milestone, it would award her with something special. 

Intrigued, Eva did not hold back, She raised her other arm and fired out a huge cannon, causing fear-inducing explosions all over the camp as she blasted any area that looked relatively stable. 

A Demon Camp of more than 10,000 Demons had been wiped out just like that, leaving almost nothing behind but the large portal that connected this world to theirs. 

Draco and Eva shared a look when they saw the portal and a nefarious light gleamed within.. Before anyone could stop them, the Evil Duo rushed into the portal, followed by the fearful Elders who wanted to stop them.