Guild Wars

Chapter 735 Boundless Origins - Anubesetesh 1

Chapter 735 Boundless Origins - Anubesetesh 1

In the depths of s.p.a.ce, a certain powerful being was hurtling through the empty void at speeds that would shatter even the best radars. His target was a tiny blue planet that existed near the edge of the universe, one that had come into being so recently that it was infantile in this being"s eyes.

His flight was steady and not too rushed. This kind of stable movement gave birth to idleness and thoughtfulness, which quickly captured the being. As he flew, his mind recalled the things in his past he hoped to have left behind him.

Alas, be it an all powerful being or a lowly human, the brain often had its way when it came to forcibly digging up things we didn"t want to remember. In a semi-daze of reminiscence, the great being fell into recollection.


The Tomegamon were a unique race that existed in the center of the Gerdo Galaxy, commonly believed to be one of the first beings to have ever existed in the universe. They were a largely non-violent and philosophical race full of wisdom, regularly guiding Lesser Races in actualizing themselves.

During the early universe eons, at a time when the other original races had still been playing with twigs, the Tomegamon had moved through the phases of development rapidly. Their race had been blessed with many gifts, yet none surpa.s.sed their premier, which was intelligence.

Fast forward a few eras later, when the Gerdo Galaxy had already sp.a.w.ned the rapidly rising Humans, the powerful Dragons, the bigoted Angels, among others, a special event had occurred.

On that fateful day, the three suns that surrounded the home system of the Tomegamon had refused to move an inch, glowing brightly as they released endless Aurora Energy down onto the lower system, all of which was absorbed by a wailing baby swaddled by his loving mother, Great Hero Inksun.

The fresh father, Ramesh, was laughing uproariously, his face ruddy with delight and his fur s.h.i.+ning like silk. Anyone who dared pa.s.s by him would be grabbed and hugged, then flung around in an aerial spin, speechless, but also joyful for the Great Hero.

Inksun only watched his antics with a gentle smile, aware that her Bonded One was just overjoyed for her who had felt pain of being unable to bear him a cub, even after so many eons had pa.s.sed.

That was truly a glorious day... yet the future that sp.a.w.ned from this event did not befit the happiness it initially sp.a.w.ned.

The newborn got named Kaelresh, which meant "to see the future" in their language. It was the name of a past Great Hero, making it both a symbolic and fitting name for the youngling.

Seemingly pleased by the name, the young one let out a cry that reverberated throughout the home planet of the Tomegamon, which also quelled the ceaseless flow of Aurora Energy from the trio of superma.s.sive suns.

This cry, though, would not bode well for the fate of his race.

With albino white fur, as well as 3 sets of eyes that possessed a startling teal blue color - with golden irises even! - Kaelresh was already quite a unique lad among the Tomegamon, yet there was also a seventh eye in the middle of his forehead, albeit closed for now.

(Author"s Note: The Tomegamon usually have two eyes on each side, making a total of four. This lad has 6 eyes, three on each side and one "seventh" eye which is like the human race"s third eye.)

The newborn"s cry had been filled with such power that it shattered the flow of reality around him, sending him away from his parent"s arms into the depths of Purgatory, a realm in the universe that no one but the union of The Abyss and The Celestial could access.

There, the baby floated in the void for a while, its cries still ringing with power, but not able to shake the stable realm of Purgatory which was a pseudo-higher s.p.a.ce. Eventually, he was captured by an old "witch" who lived in this realm, existing on a single steroid like rock in the middle of grayish nothingness.

Her name was Bachrun, and for a Chaotic being she was surprisingly kind, though perhaps this was just the motherly love she herself had never been able to experience. The witch brought up young Kaelresh to understand his circ.u.mstances. She had long divined the source of his origin due to his innate energies, she bluntly let him know from a young age that he was an outcast.

Not an outcast of race, or time, but of the universe itself. Fate had pulled strings in various places to make this happen, and Kaelresh would understand his destiny once the time was right.

Kaelresh was taught how to use the energy of his race, their supreme elemental and magical talent, which was the second major reason for the race"s dominance. They could weave the elements of the universe like a tailor could fas.h.i.+on garments from mere cloth.

His first grand achievement came in the mastery of the pale green element of wind. The witch was shocked speechless when she saw the young lad, riding around on an airball and condensing it to form a high-pressure s.h.i.+eld.

Later on, the old witch had to clutch her chest in pain when she saw the talented lad effortlessly control the more obscure element of sound.

Magicians and elemental controllers of the Tomegamon race were called "Singers", because through their "Voice", they sang to the elements to do their bidding.

So you"d think that a world of "Singers" who were adept with magic would have the element of sound be common? Even to Draco, this sounded logical.

And that was precisely why it was wrong!

Just because one could sing did not make one a master of sound, just able to vibrate air with your throat in the form of vocals.

The elements themselves responded to the frequency of the average Tomegamon"s soul. You were either born with or without, but their society did not discriminate based on this.

However, one truth was that all that while, Kaelresh was not alone. His family was still with him, as he calimed that not only could he hear their voice, but that he could use his own across realms to communicate with them at times.

The witch felt pity for her adopted son, thinking painfully in her heart that it was just a trauma coping mechanism.

However, one thing had to be said. A being born with such special circ.u.mstances, Kaelresh was beyond the normal, far beyond it. The limitation of magical affinity to specific elements, that pervaded ALL species, did not apply to him.

He learned this when he was able to adapt his parent"s unique elements, Earth from his father Ramesh, and Lightning from his mother Inksun.

His first element had been wind, which later enabled him to learn sound. It was through his mastery of sound that he could "copy" or "emulate" the "voices" of his parents.

However, this limited his power to that of his parents at the time he copied them, or if he ever did for anyone else. The universe certainly blessed the young Tomegamon, but it had its own unbreakable rules.

Many decades later, Bachrun, tearfully sent off the now teen-like Kaelresh using a special one-time magic that would never allow them to meet until Kaelresh came into contact with the Lord of the Abyss and the G.o.ddess of the Celestials who could control Purgatory together.

At this time, the home planet of the Tomegamon, Kalkesh, was lively as h.e.l.l.

What day was it? It was the big ceremony all Tomegamon go through, a coming-of-age test that would establish their place in society!

You know what this means?


That day, young Tomegamon from all over Kalkesh congregated in a ma.s.sive stadium to show off in front of elders and the upper echelon of society.

Tsk, tsk, not too different from humans in that regard, eh?

It was also at this time that one would make a contract with the aspects or avatars of the elements one possessed.

Well, the average Tomegamon had, at most, 2 elements, and those were the talents not seen in a hundred years. Most had just one, and of relatively common elements.

Then there was Kaelresh with 4, possibly 5. Earth, Lightning, Air, Sound and possibly Spirit/Death. Why 5?

Well, one should remember, when he made that cry as a baby, he had literally shattered s.p.a.ce-time. Arguably, those nearby had not fared to well, and his parents, despite having been Great Heroes, the highest honours exclusive reserved for the mightiest warriors, had been turned into bloodmist from that alone.

So how was he able to communicate with them and even copy their voices? Well, that was why Kaelresh suspected he had the Spirit element, or it made little sense.

It was likely his return would cause a stir as Kaelresh stood outside his home planet that looked foreign to him. That small asteroid in the middle of Purgatory with an old, kind witch was where his heart lay truly.

As Kaelresh mingled and headed towards the stadium, he noticed he often got strange looks. It couldn"t be helped, since his horns had grown in by this point and they were certainly striking, starting right above his ear, curling down underneath and continuing to a point a couple inches before his snout.

They were spiral in nature, with a jet black hue ribboned by a golden yellow that connected at the point.

The lad had also filled out. From his well-formed barrel-chested core to his thick compact legs as well as his robust arms that looked like he could rip apart beasts bare handed, he had the look of a handsome young Tomegamon.

(Author"s Note: Think of teen Jonathan Joestar, but as a wolf-dragon.)

The ceremony itself was held in a stadium so large it was almost comparable to a single plot in Boundless. No one watching in the stands missed anything due to the Cearumta"s around, which were giant "screens" made from energy infused magi-tech.

There were almost a thousand of them in the arena, standing in many rows. The judges were in a squared off part of the stadium, separate from the rest sitting behind floating tables, each with their own screen to watch.

Before them, there was a platform with 3 elders standing in the center and 2 Great Heroes on each side. The presence radiating from these beings was immense and almost stifling for many.

Kaelresh simply wondered why they were releasing a gentle breeze towards him. Maybe elders of his race were so nice to juniors?

He then scratched his head and idly glanced around at his fellow compet.i.tors. It certainly was a compet.i.tion of cla.s.s, fame, and power indeed, but Kaelresh was a bit disinterested.

He had already been told by his guardian(s) what to expect and that he would stand out like a sore thumb, but this was just…

Suddenly, Kaelresh caught the most beautiful and delicious scent. It was the smell of warm vanilla mixed with fresh ripe strawberry, something he took a deep whiff off and tried to search for the source, but the elders at the front called the compet.i.tors to attention.

"Today, you young ones will become able to progress in life." The elder standing in the middle wheezed out in a rough voice.

"What does it mean to become a Tomegamon? You will find out here and now." The elder standing on the right added with a smile.

"Your test will lay bare what your soul houses. No longer a solitary being, but one with your lifelong partner. Enjoy it. Embrace it. For it will be with you for the rest of your life. Good luck!" The elder on the left finished with a slight chuckle of good will.

Peh. This farcical speech was not new. They always said it to each generation to stir emotions.

"Some of you might even prove to be our new replacements!" The elder in the middle exclaimed teasingly while looking out amongst the excited youth before him.

Oddly enough - to Kaelresh at least - many heads didn"t turn towards him - despite 100% being an oddity - but towards a young female Tomegamon about 300 yards from Kaelresh"s position, as well as to a male 100 yards to his front right.

Compared to them, the odd looks Kaelresh was getting was nothing. For some reason, the supremely talented young Tomegamon wasn"t the star of the show as his guardians had described him to be.

Interestingly, this made Kaelresh sigh with relief, as he had no intentions of standing out unnecessarily for more reasons than one.


With a snap, he caught the scent again! His head jerked and he was met with the most beautiful sight he"d ever beheld. The stargirl female Tomegamon was side-eyeing him.

Those eyes of deep blue that seemed to want to swallow you whole. That coat of deep red highlighted by iridescent gold here and there. Those gorgeous white and gold horns that seemed so delicate yet sharp as a diamond point.

That slightly haughty expression playing on her lips. She was smaller than normal, about 5" 11", but her bearing denoted power and deadly beauty. She caught Kaelresh"s gaze, her smile deepening as she winked at him.

Before he knew it, he was drooling.

Cough, cough!

"Hey, you! Yeah, you! Pay attention to the elders you dumb mutt!"

A voice snapped Kaelresh back to reality despite hearing a soft giggle from behind to see that she was snickering while covering her snout… which made her even more adorable in his eyes.

"Hey runt, I"m talking to you!"

And that irritating voice was back.

Kaelresh turned to see that it was the starboy, the other guy who was getting looks earlier. 7"5, muscular, slightly bigger horns that were straighter than his. Their color a lovely jade splashed with gold flecks. Had a double set of eyes the color of rich brown. Lavish fur to match, though his belly had lighter grey mixed with brown.

Just take one whiff of this fellow, and you could tell that he wasn"t just an arrogant youth… he was a young master!

"Who are you that I should care?" Kaelresh responded directly, lacking any filter due to his secluded upbringing.

"Bwahaha! That strange fellow is amusing as h.e.l.l!"

"Ha, its good to see that arrogant p.r.i.c.k get messed up."

"I didn"t think there was anyone with the courage to stand up to that tyrant."

"What an impressive guy, why didn"t I notice him before?"

Many laughed and pa.s.sed comments by the side about the situation, which infuriated the fellow at the center of it all.

He raised his snout and spoke haughtily. "I am Rahkmel. The son of the famous Rutahm, King of blah blah ba blah blah"

Kaelresh faded out from his talk as his attention was recaptured by the beauty. Hey, just because he had lived on a desolate rock all his life, didn"t make him a pile of wood with no feelings. After all, he was the equivalent of a teen who had just undergone p.u.b.erty and was making his first contact with the opposite s.e.x.

Kaelresh was surprised to see her looking back with a wide grin.

"Could she be…?"


Kaelresh easily avoided a sudden attack with minimal martial movements, gazing speechlessly at the young master fellow who made the a.s.sault.

What even left Kaelresh with question marks above his head was what he shouted.

"Don"t you dare look at my future mate like that!"

Kaelresh rubbed his snout boredly. "Hey man, what"s the big deal?"

However, this only infatuated the fellow even more. "Don"t you dare ignore me, filthy runt! I said stop looking at my future mate with those tainted eyes of yours!"

Suddenly, the nonchalant and lazy demeanor of Kaelresh disappeared, replaced by a sharp murderous blade that could cut the very spirit to shreds.

"My… what?" He asked quietly, almost predatory.

Rahkmel seemed unbothered by this as he folded his arms and smirked. "Everyone knows that 6 eyes mean you"re cursed. And you degenarate appear to have a seventh one as well… doesn"t that make you even worse?"

Rahkmel"s smirk was then wiped off as he glared at Kaelresh with killing intent. "And looking at my future mate with them is bound to curse her too! Who even gave you permission to look at her anyway? Don"t you know who she is? She"s the daughter of our current G.o.d-king you dumba.s.s!"

Shock must have crossed Kaelresh"s features because his next words were: "You didn"t even know that? Who the h.e.l.l are YOU to look at anyone??"

"Kaelresh…" He idly mumbled his name.

The crowd went silent, their hearts beating with shock. Rahkmel was unconvinced, looking at Kaelresh like hew was an idiot.

"Seriously? You couldn"t tell a better lie? That"s the name of our greatest "Singer" to ever live… how dare you try to claim his name! I ought to put you in your place right-"

"SILENCE!!" the elders finally got involved, tired of this nonsense.

"It seems we have a spirited group this time around. However, in the end, your place is determined by your abilities and power, even if you"re the son of a king or the lowest servant!" the middle elder stated coldly.

Everyone knew this, of course. Equal chance for everyone to prove their worth.

"Now let the testing begin, shall we?" The elder seemed to hum deeply and sing a few notes.

Suddenly, a tall tube-like structure rose out of the ground in front of the young Tomegamon.

"This will allow you to "interact" with the many spirit creatures of Kalkesh to find ones willing to bind their being with yours. All you need to do is input some of your "voice" and make a contract." The elder explained patiently.

"Since this will take some time, those who are not currently making a contract can do as they please as long as you do not leave the arena. We will start with that side - pointing towards Kaelresh"s far right - and end up over there - at Kaelresh himself - for this part."