Guild Wars

Chapter 736 Boundless Origins - Anubesetesh 2

Chapter 736 Boundless Origins - Anubesetesh 2

"Why not start over here? Shouldn"t you start with the best first?" Rahkmel made a ruckus with displeasure.

The elder who spoke turned towards the young master slowly, glaring at him coldly.

"You might be a prince, but that doesn"t mean you"re the best nor does it give you any right to talk back to me. Know your place, you insolent, mewling pup! We will start where I say we start!"

Those harsh words were met with wide laughter and jeers towards the precious prince, and the fellow could only curse softly under his breath. However, surprisingly, he didn"t dare to open his dog mouth to refute, allowing the process to begin.

One by one, the young Tomegamons walked up to the strange device and used their "Voice" to communicate with the beings of the home world.

While everyone else went off to the side or sat down where they were, Kaelresh casually walked over to that stargirl who smiled at him.

When she saw him approach, the young girl didn"t back down at all, her eyes radiating endless confidence though she had this… "sly"… grin on her face that made Kaelresh cough internally.

Why did it make him feel like he a lamb walking to its slaughter?

"h.e.l.lo beautiful, my name is Kaelresh. May I have the honor of knowing yours?" Kaelresh spoke smoothly, then bowed slightly in the elegant manner he was taught by the Voice of his mother.

However, his words were only met with slight laughter as the female replied with amus.e.m.e.nt.

"You"re cute. But I wonder… do you have the ability to back up that confidence of yours? After knowing full well who I am, you came over here without a second thought… interesting."

Kaelresh was not discouraged, rather winking at her as he grinned pleasantly and shrugged.

"That"s a possibility. I could also just be a country b.u.mpkin who doesn"t know any better or is too stupid to "understand my place" ".

A peal of laughter and an intense bit of scrutiny from her made Kaelresh smirk as he folded his arms.

"Hmm… you are indeed handsome, that I won"t deny. Also, by the looks of it, you must at the very least be n.o.bility of some sort."

"Err… what do you mean?" Kaelresh asked with shock.

The girl folded her arms and smiled plaintively. "Gilded horns denote that detail, though I haven"t heard of a family who had a son as strange as you. Say, why does that one eye stay closed?"

Before Kaelresh had a chance to answer, he felt a blow coming from behind. He easily avoided it once more, turning around to see that - to no one"s surprise - that young master was standing there with fury on his features.

"ARE YOU DEAF?! I TOLD YOU NOT TO SPEAK TO HER!!" He raged with his fist still in the punching motion.

Kaelresh looked unamused and slightly annoyed as he replied. "I could"ve sworn I told you that you need to give me a reason to care what you think, if you ever think at all? Seriously."

"Now unless you want to get in trouble again, I suggest you wait patiently for your contract… you look lonely, and you"re going to need someone willing to put up with that arrogance of yours." Kaelresh sighed with lament on Rahkmel"s behalf.

"I"ve already made my contract!" Rahkmel roared, summoning a 100-foot long purple color Void Serpent.

"Gaze upon the king of serpents, maggots!" He cried out with glee, feeling the power brought to him by this summon.

When it appeared, there was a wave of elemental and power suppression that was spread out indiscriminately, sending most of those around Kaelresh to their knees.

He, however, remained unfazed.

Looking over, Kaelresh saw that the female he was talking too had a slight grimace on her face, yet she too was still standing.

"Even she"s…" Kaelresh thought with surprise, but was cut off by a thunderous voice filled with primal fury.


Kaelresh smirked and backed away because this absolute moron called Rahkmel had let his emotions run rampant, completelly forgetting where he was.

Not only had this r.e.t.a.r.d offended the elders, but judging by that roar, it was clear he had also offended the girl"s father, who should be an important figure.

"But my lord, this n.o.body was freely talking to my betrothed! I had to teach-" Rahkmel desperately began trying to defend himself, only to be smacked to the ground by an unseen force.

"SILENCE!" Another elder roared with fury, "You dare to contradict your king?!?!"

That same red-eyed elder turned to the smiling Kaelresh the next moment. "And you! How dare you talk to Her Majesty without your eyes to the ground!"

He then felt a force try to push him down as well... yet it only managed to irritate the fellow. It was no different from being hit by a huge gust of wind when you opened the door to leave the house on a windy day.

Kaelresh faced the elder and gave him a look of indignation. Every man had their limit, and Kaelresh was 99% close to f.u.c.king losing his!

"Release me from your irritating "chord" right now!"

With that roar that almost mimicked the one he had released as baby, the fellow easily resisted the pressure and fought back against it.

"How…how are you able to stand!?!" The elder screamed, shocked beyond measure. As for the crowd, forget a fly, even a racc.o.o.n could make a nest in their mouths with how far down they hung.

This was an elder. An ELDER. He was supposed to be one of the most powerful "Singers" in their society and Kaelresh, an unknown n.o.body, was merely irritated by one of his spells?

"Does it matter?! Remove your voice from me now, please!" He asked as respectfully as he could, keeping anger from his tone.

"The one I call mother taught me how to defend myself against such attacks, but I"d rather not anger my Soulmate"s father with a maiming or death of one of his elders." Kaelresh stated honestly.

Silence descended upon the arena with my proclamation.

"Did he just say what I think he said?"

"Soulmate? Who?"

"d.a.m.n, he"s got a pair to say that here."

"He does look powerful, but to say he could kill an elder? Peh."

"OMG! He"s so handsome! I want his cubs!!"

The last statement made Kaelresh cough and blush, but his attention returned to the elder. Slowly the pressure receded as the elder confusedly asked: "What do you mean "Soulmate"? To whom are you referring?"

Kaelresh turned towards the female, who he now knew to be the Princess, and directly inquired: "You could sense it too, could you not? We are meant for each other."

Kaelresh then bowed confidently. "That"s why you were laughing and giving me looks. Though I do not know your name, I wish to take this at your pace."

It took her a few moments to get over the shock, but she soon spoke softly.

"My name is Inuhkmun."

She took a deep breath and her eyes glazed over slightly. "And yes… I recognize the aroma of my Soulmate."

Suddenly, her wistful look was replaced by playfulness. "But again, I ask you, do you have what it takes to back up that confidence? I can only accept an equal or my better as my mate."

Her eyes grew mischievous and Kaelresh felt his body heat up.

The babe looked like a troublemaker, filled with red flags here and there. As a healthy young male, how could the fellow not want to ruin his life on that?

Though, it seemed he was not the only one spiked up, as she radiated a strange aura that Kaelresh instinctively understood. This gave him the confidence to continue his flirting.

"Why don"t you test me yourself and find out?" He replied to her with the same mischievous look.

However, Inuhkmun shook her head as she regained her bearings quickly. "I would rather wait till you"ve gotten your spirit partner, else it wouldn"t be a fair match..."

Still, Kaelresh was not going to give up so easily when the prize was before him. "Heh heh, don"t worry about that my dear Inuhkmun… I"ve had mine for a long time."

Even after the shock of their exchange, not to mention the way their bodies were responding to each other, this final revelation shook the whole arena.

"How? How can this be? He"s not even an adult yet, but he has his spirit partner already? Not to mention the way he shrugged off that elder"s attack earlier… just who is the young fellow?"

"I don"t believe him!"

"Wait, did he call the princess is his Soulmate???"

"No you b.u.t.t sniffer, he said she was "a weight" not "Soulmate", clean out your ears."

"I want his cubs!!!"

That last response evoked a growl from Inuhkmun which surprised not only herself but everyone else. She looked away in embarra.s.sment.

"My daughter… is this true?? Is he your Soulmate?" The King asked with a look of surprise.

"Yes, father… apparently, though I won"t be able to tell without putting him in his place under me first." Inuhkmun answered thoughtlessly, letting her hormones do the talking.

Kaelresh"s eyes widened as he understood her words, and there was a strange pounding in his ears that was growing from how flushed they were.

Inuhkmun quickly realized what she said and coughed while blus.h.i.+ng, correcting herself. "Ahem, what I meant to say was that as the daughter of the current King, his position should clearly be under me."

The moment she said this, she grew even more embarra.s.sed and tried to hide her face by turning her snout up and away.

Surprisingly, the adults couldn"t help but grin and give knowing smiles. All the young males were getting angrier and angrier at Kaelresh, wanting to beat him to a pulp.

All the fellow could see, though, was the s.h.i.+ning light that was Inuhkmun.

Before he could howl to the skies, a rage-filled voice from Rahkmel cut through his happiness.

"You were supposed to be mine!" He roared to Inuhkmun

Then he turned to Kaelresh. "And you!! How could a n.o.body like you be her Soulmate!?"

Apparently, when the elder removed his spell, he removed it from Rahkmel too. A shame really.

Kaelresh turned, looked at him, and said with an arrogant smile, "Who gave you permission to talk to my mate?"

Of course, that sent him over the edge, and he naturally attacked.

"I shall crush you!!!"

He then cast a vast darkness spell over the area, which caught Kaelresh offguard. Despite his superior martial and magical prowess, this was a spell cast using an element he had no familiarity with, so he was struggling to dodge rapid hits from multiple sides continuously.

Kaelresh struggled to block the spell initially, but by the time he got used to it, Rahkmel smiled and canceled his spell. As the dust settled and the darkness retreated, it revealed Kaelresh"s battered and bruised form.

Rahkmel scoffed arrogantly, not caring about his shameless tactics that had left the other barely conscious. "Mouthing off to a superior and this is what you have to show for it? You pathetic mutt. Maybe I should just end your suffering and rid this world of your abominable existence!"

He rushed forward to deliver a killing blow, but at this moment, something bizarre occurred.

"Sigh, my son… why do you not fight back? Why do you not protect yourself?" An ethereal figure spoke with pain, appearing in Kaelresh"s hazy vision. as he felt tears come to his eyes in disbelief.

"Are you crying now? I see the spirits of the "underworld" have come to claim you! HAHAHAHA-" A loud whack was heard, followed by a crunch and several m.u.f.fled yelps.

"Do not touch my son, you miserable ingrate!" Another ethereal figure appeared between the two young teens and the next moment Rahkmel was on the ground clutching his muzzle as blood seemed to be flowing out.

"You broke my snout!" He whined like the little pup he was.

"I"ll do more than that if you come any closer!" Bellowed the female spirit, her eyes red with maternal rage.

"Mother...? Father...? Why are you here?" Kaelresh choked out, coughing up blood and bile.

"The seal is weakening... they are becoming a bit impatient, my son." Ramesh replied, his spiritual hand reaching out towards me.

"d.a.m.nit... I thought I"d have more time..." Kaelresh cursed as he grabbed his father"s hand and raised himself up.

"Hey mutt! What are you muttering abou-?" Rahkmel began but was sent flying into the wall of the arena but a marvelous kick from the lovely Inksun.

"Scram, you mongrel tras.h.!.+ Do not address my son and my king in such a manner!"

Inksun then turned toward the current ruler of the Tomegamon, speaking in neither a servile nor overbearing manner. "My lord, I suggest you order everyone to clear out of the arena. They don"t want to get caught up in what"s going to happen."

A shocked silence covered the crowd. The happenings today would be remembered for ages, as they were novel as h.e.l.l.

Not to mention, whispers began to be heard.

"Who is she to talk so casually to our King? The nerve! If she wasn"t dead already I bet he would kill her."

"Are you crazy? Do you know who that is!?!?"

"No? She someone important?"

"That is the Great Hero Inksun, you mangy cur! She was one of our greatest warriors! She disappeared 50 years ago along with her entire kingdom... which means that the other person must be the "Voice of Stone" Rames.h.!.+"

Chatter began to pick up once this observation was made.

"Wait... weren"t they royalty? King and Queen? Which would make that young one... a prince?!"

"Well, he"s now a king obviously since his parents are dead..."

The King turned towards Inksun with red eyes, a look of familiarity and fatigue in his eyes. "What are you going about and where have you been?? Dammit, all! It"s always the same with you! Geez, you"re such headache! Especially after you entered a bond with that fool Ramesh..."

"Hehe... wait and see. My baby boy is super amazing! However, his guardians are impatient and wish to be released from their seal." Inksun revealed to the King with a smile.

"Why should I be worried? Who or what could possibly be guardians that would endanger everyone else in the arena?" The King asked casually, not impressed in the least.

Inksun sneered. "Do you remember who I served? And who was my guardian? Not to mention Ramesh"s?"

The King"s eyes opened wide in utter shock. His heart began to beat as he feared for the worst, his hackles rising.

"Welllllll… it seems both of them took a liking to my son… and his own personal guardian decided to vie for his affection by causing his first cry to be amplified to such a degree it eradicated our kingdom, not to mention our citizens." Inksun shrugged casually, as if what she said was normal at all.

The King was too busy hyperventilating from fear, so one of the elders asked in his place: "And so?"

"Soooo… after he learned control... Kaelresh sealed them with the help of all the Tomegamon who died that day, including myself and his father. However, he obviously never intended to keep them sealed forever… and it"s kinda been 20 years."

"You know how long 20 years is? Exactly. Andddd… the seal kinda needs to be broken… but Kaelresh needs to complete the bonding process…"

"And that will be devastating to anyone caught in the array." Inksun finished with a beaming smile, that made all those around feel like s.h.i.+tting their pants.

The King jumped up and roared at the top of his lungs: "FLEE, FLEE, FLEEEEE!! EVERYONE WHO VALUES THEIR LIVE, LEAVE THE ARENA NOW!!!"

Kaelresh stood shakily on his two feet as Rahkmel"s disgusting voice was heard.

"What the h.e.l.l are you talking about? You actually believe this c.r.a.p, my lord?!"

"Obviously, this mutt was losing so he conjured some spirits to help him. And to make his insolence worse molded them look like 2 of our greatest warriors!" Rahkmel exclaimed with conviction.

The King smashed a palm down at the r.e.t.a.r.d, tired of his nonsense. "Be silent you fool, and bow when speaking to me!"

"Apologies my lord, my son seems to have forgotten his place. Please forgive him." An older male Tomegamon hastily stated as he took on the blow for his son, spitting blood.

"Hmph! If your son doesn"t leave the arena, he will be swallowed by that young boy"s ritual... which looks to be starting." As soon as he made that observation, all eyes turned toward Kaelresh.

While everyone had been arguing, the fellow had been talking with his parents.

"Mother. Father. I will need your help and guidance as well as the rest of our kingdom..."

"We know. We will be here with you, always." Inksun comforted warmly.

Kaelresh smiled as ethereal Tomegamon began to appear all over the arena and in the crowd. Each one appeared and bowed towards the youth.

He nodded towards them as power began coursing through his body, lighting up his fur. "O great people of my house I ask you, who are you?"

"We are your servants. We are your people."

"O my people answer me, what is your purpose?"

"To help the wondering king. To protect him as he protects us."

"Lastly my kin, to whom do you show reverence?"

"To the G.o.ds of Kalkesh and to you! Anubesetesh the one ruler of our kingdom, the one who seals the G.o.ds!"

They began "sing chanting", singing the same tune using the same Voice. As they do, Kaelresh began to sway and lift off the ground.

"Enough of this!" Rahkmel went crazy, rus.h.i.+ng in for the kill, he didn"t get far. He was met with a crus.h.i.+ng force that made it hard for him to move. Fortunately, it only got worse as he came closer.

As Kaelresh rose higher, he brought his hands into a "praying" position, with his head bowed low. After a time, he began to shudder.

"We are here with you. Do not be afraid. Keep going, my son." Ramesh encouraged valiantly.

With this encouragement, Kaelresh smiled and lifted his head. Then, he began chanting a spell.

As he did so, 2 more sets of arms appeared from his side and created hand signs rapidly. All of a sudden, he stopped chanting as his cheeks began to bulge. He projectile vomited a seemingly endless stream of blood, creating a ma.s.sive pool below him.

As the ethereal people continued to chant, the blood began to move and form a gigantic array on the ground, in the air around him, and above him as well. The ground array draws a serpent, the blood around him formed a spider, and in the sky, a wolf-like image was embossed.

The chanting intensified. The images the blood created begin to change color and seemed to come alive.

"The seal is broken! I call forth the G.o.ds of Kalkes.h.!.+ I summon you to fulfill your oath to me on the day I was born and pave the way for my destiny! Now… APPEAR!!"

Kaelresh closed his eyes and jabbed his clawed finger into his seventh eye. As blood flowed and made contact with the array, a ma.s.sive amount of power in the form of sanguine-colored lightning was released.

The sky grew black and lightning began to flash. The ground began to crack and roll as coils of a gigantic serpent began to take up most of the arena floor, some parts seemingly even coming out of the walls but not damaging them. A flash illuminated a head so large it made mountains look small in comparison, and a voice that echoed through the land resounded.

"I, Ram-Kha, have heeded your sacrifice and call!"

Another shadow crept across the arena, this time it seemed to be that of a many-legged spider. As the shadow pa.s.sed over the crowd many s.h.i.+vered in fear. It seemed to pa.s.s right over their soul. Suddenly out of seemingly nowhere, the spider entered the living realm.

"I, Solakara, have acknowledged your commitment and heed your summons!"

Another flash of lightning, this one large enough to rip apart the clouds. The noise the thunder made could be heard across the continent as a wolf the size of a mountain began to descend towards the arena floor. He seemed to s.h.i.+ft in and out of shape like a cloud, only his head remaining unchanged. Wreathed in lightning and thunder, he was a sight to behold.

"I, Garhun, respect your loss and have come to fulfill our bargain. Now young one, rise up and claim your destiny!!"

All 3 turned towards Kaelresh and roared with endless power that shook s.p.a.ce-time itself.

"We pledge our being to Kaelresh, reborn now as "the G.o.d sealer"... Anubesetes.h.!.+"