Guild Wars

Chapter 542 - Recreating Heaven - End

Chapter 542 - Recreating Heaven - End

Now that the realm had been freed of its "poison", so too were its former inhabitants free to breathe once more. The eldritch horrors that had roamed this realm transformed, becoming beautiful angels of various ranks.

The first thing they did upon being cleansed was to sob while on their knees, happy to finally be set free of that immense torture. Then, they flapped their wings and rushed to where Eva and Draco stood, coming to their knees before the G.o.ddess herself.

"Glory, Glory be her name, G.o.ddess Eva Almighty!" They sang in rapturous voices that soothed the soul.

Eva took stock of the angels before her. There were only about 50 of them in total, Two Thrones, Three Dominions, Four Virtues, Five Powers, Six Princ.i.p.alities, Seven Archangels, and 23 Angels.

The two Thrones were those who had formerly been the foremost avatars, Cthulhu and the Beholder. After being cleansed they had returned to their true forms, Zaphiel and Ophaniel.

Zaphiel was a male angel who had glowing brown hair with sharp golden eyes. He had the look and air of a scholar, as his task was to be the Angel of Wisdom. He normally guided the choices of all mortals and helped them make the right ones, as well as a.s.sisted others in putting difficult thoughts into words.

Ophaniel was a tall angel with glowing silver hair and similar golden eyes. He was the Angel of Virtuosity, compelling non-believers among mortals to convert under Eva. He also granted wisdom and miracles to select mortals who truly believed in Eva.

The Three Dominions were Zedekul, Muriel, and Hashmal.

Zedekul was yet another male angel with glowing green hair as well as his trademark golden-colored eyes. The most notable thing about him was his peculiar appearance among the angelic species, looking like a 13-year-old boy.

He acted as the leader of the Dominions, just short of becoming a Throne himself. He was the Angel of Freedom, Benevolence, and Mercy, usually the one who would desperately plead on behalf of souls condemned to h.e.l.l for forgiveness.

He sat on a lovely unicorn that was buff and radiated a holy light. He was the Angel of Cancer - not the disease obviously - and also served as a Power during wars.

Draco had a weird expression looking at him because he knew that Muriel was the counterpart of Abaddon, the Knight of Death. In fact, when Muriel became a fallen angel, he took on the name of Abaddon.

Yet here he was, while Draco also knew he could summon Abaddon out right this instant.

Hashmal was a fully cloaked angel who only had their mouth showing under a golden mask. One could not see any of his other features except his hands with how his robes were set, leaving one in dismay.

He was the Angel of Obscurity, said to possess a thousand forms, always acting through clones. No one but the G.o.ddess knew where his real body was or what it looked like.

The Four Virtues were Raphael, Nuriel, Arariel and Baraqiel. Unlike the other types, Virtues did not have a physical form, and were rather humanoid shapes of glowing light with different colors.

Raphael was the head of the Virtues and the powerful Angel of Healing. It was he who commanded the force of healing in the world, allowing all living things to recover from pain, illness or damage relentlessly. He glowed a bright green color.

Nuriel was the Angel of Ice, who commanded the negative temperatures of the world and caused hailstorms and blizzards when enraged. He glowed a lovely cyan color.

Arariel was the Angel of Water, who commanded the seas and all water bodies to remain pure and drinkable for most living species, while others were made murky for those who enjoyed swampy environments. He glowed a dark blue color.

Cough cough…

He glowed with a mild yellow color.

The Five Powers were Camael, Jehoel, Kus.h.i.+el, Sarathiel, and Samael.

Camel was the leader of the Powers, and was the Angel of War. He looked like an ancient Greek soldier and wore spartan-esque armor that glowed gold like his body. He was buff and absolutely menacing, like he could rip anything apart with his b.a.r.e hands.

Jehoel was slightly shorter than Camael and slightly less buff, but he wielded a long spear that burned with flames. He also had fiery red that and burned as it flowed behind him, as well as piercing scarlet eyes.

Kus.h.i.+el was the Angel of Punishment. He was well-built but not overly buff like the two before him, but still had tight muscles that could probably cut stone. He wielded a huge hammer that he used to smash sinners and blasphemers.

Sarathiel was the first female angel so far and was an absolutely stunning beauty no weaker than the likes of Slim Fatty and Bella. She was the Angel of Discipline, and wore a stern expression on her face as she placed a hand on her sword at her waist.

Samael was yet another male angel with very similar looks to Draco, a pretty boy that was on the verge of f.u.c.kboy. Average height, spiky black hair, and bright golden eyes as well as a playful smirk, he would make the ladies who liked soft-looking men swoon.

However, that would be a mistake, as this pretty boy was the one and only Angel of Death. He had a large black scythe attached to his back that gleamed in the light, making one touch their neck in fear.

Haniel was the first leader of the Princ.i.p.alities and the Angel of Joy and P.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. He encouraged mortals to spend their lives in positive enjoyment, advocating for them to make the best of their short lifespan.

He was an elderly male angel with squinty eyes and a benevolent smile on his face.

Netzach was the second leader and vice to Haniel. As the Angel of Eternity, he was the one who maintained the eternal life of all angels and helped preserve their souls to serve the G.o.ddess forever.

He was a child-like angel who held the hands of Haniel like he was his son, gazing around with curiosity in his innocent eyes.

Nanael was the Angel of Beauty, an angel that a.s.sisted all women of the world in maintaining their good looks up to a certain point before leaving nature to its course. She herself was a beauty on the level of Zaine and Roma, as well as Aphrodite.

Imamiah was the Angel of Culture, and advocated that all mortals should spend their lives pursuing the arts and crafts of the world. She was the guardian angel of all artists, crafters, and scholars.

She was also a female angel that had soft-featured and had a nerdy look with, similar to typical megane. She also wore baggy robes that hid her form, making her look mostly unappealing and clumsy.

Sachiel was the Angel of Wealth and Charity, always controlling the flow of finance in the mortal world and trying to balance the riches of all men so that no one man stood too far above the other.

What left Draco and Eva speechless was that the fellow held an abacus and was calculating continually. Not just his actions, but his looks were reminiscent of Money Lover. If you put the two of them side by side, they would be twins, okay?

Zuriel was the Angel of Understanding and Judgment. He managed all the legal systems of the world and kept law and order among mortals impartial, consistent, and fair. He was also the Guardian Angel of all judges, lawyers, and police officers.

He was a lanky angel that had an expressionless face and held a book and a quill, constantly recording judgments on various acts committed by mortals. He would then send his judgment to Kus.h.i.+el who would mete out the relevant punishment.

Finally, the Seven Archangels were Gabriel, Micheal, Phanuel, Uriel, Raziel, Raguel, and Barachiel.

Gabriel was the Angel of Messengers, also a Cherub. The issue with Archangels was they while they were an official rank, those within usually had traits of higher ranks or powers befitting them.

Gabriel was an androgynous fellow with a mop of brown hair that covered his head who looked either male or female depending on which angle you viewed him.

Micheal was a handsome angel with dark silver hair and burning golden eyes that radiated pa.s.sion. He was the Angel of Battle, and served as the Commander of the Powers and Virtues collectively during war.

Phanuel was a gentle-looking angel with light blond hair and a face that was filled with determination to never give up. He was the Angel of Repentance and Hope, inspiring all his fellow angels to maintain their faith and keep up with their duties for the G.o.ddess.

Uriel was a female Angel with the most stunning looks of them all. Technically, she was a Seraph rank angel as she had six glowing wings, but served as an Archangel in fact. Her beauty was right up there with Hikari but fell short of Eva.

She was the Angel of Light, a powerful battle angel who was overzealous and very aggressive towards all forces of evil.

Raziel was another female angel that had a soft face and short-cropped blond hair that reached her shoulders. She was the only angel with bright blue eyes instead of golden ones, as she was the Keeper of Heaven"s Secrets.

A tome hung by her side that looked like a grimoire, with a red cover and golden markings.

Hehe, dare to open that tome and take a peek, and you will die without leaving behind a soul. Not even Eva could casually gaze into that book for the concepts it held were the fundamentals of the entire universe.

Only Raziel could peek within which was why her eyes were made special from the rest, but she was bound by the law of the universe to never speak any of it.

Raguel was a well-built angel with silky white hair and piercing golden eyes. He was the Angel of Justice, the one who hunted all those among angel-kind that committed evil and became fallen angels.

Barachiel was the Angel of Blessings and the chief of Guardian Angels. He appointed the various Guardian Angels for each and every mortal in the world, as well as monitored them.

Draco rubbed his chin with amus.e.m.e.nt. "Well, it doesn"t seem like I"m too welcome here."

After all, ever since they appeared, each angel had been glaring at him darkly, their eyes filled with hostility. Then again, it would be surprising if they had simply accepted him within their ranks. Draco was the personification of darkness and evil, the ant.i.thesis to Heaven and the ruler of h.e.l.l.

The only reason they didn"t dare to do anything was partly because of Eva and partly because they feared Draco. Even if they didn"t like him, he was a t.i.tan for Eva to fight, not mere angels like them.

Basically, the opposing party"s final boss.

Eva frowned at the reaction of her angels and was about to chastise them for their actions when Draco patted her shoulder gently. When Eva gazed at him, he shook his head with a knowing smile.

"They are only following their nature and this is the true order of things. Heaven and h.e.l.l are not meant to mix, but they are only a part of what we represent."

Eva was surprised at first, then nodded. She then sighed as Draco left the realm, giving her time to get to know her angels in preparation for dealing with the real version in the real world.

By the time Eva was done, three more days had pa.s.sed. When she came out, she saw notifications from the system about her cla.s.s and bloodline.

「System to Player Announcement

Warning! It has been detected that Player Riveting Night has made fundamental changes to their bloodline within Boundless that conflicts with their bloodline in reality! In order to allow for smooth usage of Player Riveting Night"s cla.s.s and abilities, you will be f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y logged out in 1 hour to resolve the bloodline conflicts in reality as well!」

Eva was not bothered by this as she sympathized with the AI. The relations.h.i.+p between it and how it managed their bloodlines in the game and reality were extremely delicate, and even the slightest deviation could cause irreparable mistakes in its calculations for their future cla.s.s advancements.

After this, Eva and Draco then bid a final farewell to their family before logging out at the same time. Draco then called Akainu out of the game to come over and explained what they would be doing over the next month.

Akainu a.s.sured them that he would have everything managed properly in their absence, which the Evil Duo then dismissed him. Rubbing Eva"s large belly, Draco played with their child for a bit while Eva looked on with a smile.

Then they both wore serious expressions as Draco laid Eva down in a comfortable position. He himself entered an uncomfortable position that made his joints creak and placed his hand on Eva"s c.h.e.s.t before they both closed their eyes.

Soon, they entered the very same realm that was in Boundless but this one was still pitch black. However, Draco and Eva were surprised to see phantoms of the cleansed angels fighting their eldritch forms furiously.

With this help, Draco and Eva sat in their lotus positions and began channeling their energy into the realm. The duo noticed that with the help of the angels who battled the void versions of themselves, the progress was much smoother and easier.

Also, as mentioned before, there was a buffer when using their bloodline in Boundless since it was a digital world, but it was much smoother and easier to use in the real world.

As such, the time they needed to clear the realm was directly halved at best, which pleased the duo for they had not factored any of this in their calculations. In fact, they could further speed things up by consuming NuSmoothies to replenish their bloodline Energy, but that was a waste.

After all, Eva was already suffering from intense resistance to it and would not be able to consume it anymore in a matter of months. Why would they bring that date forward when patience was all they needed to get the job done?

Just like that, fifteen days pa.s.sed.


Today was the 5th of September and the 165th day of Eva"s pregnancy.

Draco and Eva both opened their eyes and breathed out a mist of black and white air respectively. They had been working on the cleansing nonstop and were quite bushed, but were glad to see that their efforts had finally paid off.

Eva"s Heaven was just like within the game, with the same angels and same layout. However, just like with Draco"s h.e.l.l, it did not work autonomously and required her to reap souls herself to place them within.

This made the Evil Duo frown as they understood that something was missing, but not what it was. As such, they could only share a look of uncertainty and enter their pods once more, entering Boundless again.


In the void of s.p.a.ce, more than 200 quadrillion light-years from Earth…

A powerful being that was meditating on an asteroid that was gently spinning in s.p.a.ce opened his eyes after many hundred years.

The being had thick silver-white fur that coated his neck and body, as well as Draconic scales that gleamed under the tufts.

The being had three sets of eyes on his face that were a lovely teal color with gold around the irises. The being also had the legendary third eye on his forehead that was closed at the moment.

He was extremely tall even for human standards standing at over 7 feet with a tight body packed with compact muscles. On his neck was a golden necklace with a Celtic-knotwork mixed ankh surrounded by 3 sets of wings at its center.

The being wore a kilt-like attire covering his lower body. He had pitch-black claws that gleamed with insane sharpness as well as a dark nub that formed his nose. His horns were curly like a unicorn, black with golden highlights.

The being rose to his feet and blinked his sets of eyes with surprise, gazing into the distance, where the earth was located. Then in a powerful voice that seemed to echo upon itself, he mumbled.

"Finally, the universe"s origin has been activated and the cycle of the universe has begun. Why did it take so long? The two who were chosen before to do this failed in their task, but they knew what they had to do. Was it intentional?"

The being then glowed with a huge red light as he blasted forth, shattering the asteroid beneath himself to pieces. He flew towards earth so fast that s.p.a.ce itself seem to warp around him, trying to open a wormhole.

"No matter, all I have to do is arrive and warn them. They have a great obstacle ahead of them."

As the being talked to himself, he then disappeared into the darkness of s.p.a.ce. Near the asteroid where he had been mediating an ethereal form that had a similar outline to the one who had just left appeared and spoke in a sultry voice that made the blood boil.

"Oh my dear silly husband, how predictable you are. Now, you shall lead me to the source of origin and I shall claim it all for myself!"

With a dark-black light, the ethereal form also blasted off, following after the first.