Guild Wars

Chapter 640 - Nine 2

Chapter 640 - Nine 2

Draco burst forth, appearing before Vine, the burly female Demon Lord. She was similar to Belial in size, a hulking ma.s.s with giant t.i.ts that were shaped by her red steel breastplate, huge abs that were on display, and a battle skirt that couldn"t hide the tree trunk-like thighs.

She wasn"t ugly, far from it. Vine was just very masculine in terms of body, but her face was well-shaped and very attractive. She looked like a tough female adventurer who had once been a simpering beauty, though life had hardened her.

This Demon Lord used a great axe to fight, but couldn"t reach for it with how quickly Draco had appeared before her. Draco directly headb.u.t.ted her, creating a small shockwave as her head flopped back, almost breaking off her neck.

Vine hastily blocked with her two arms, relying on her bracers with what little mind she had as Draco punched forth towards her face. His punch collided with her bracers and ended up not breaking through.

Rather, Vine was knocked back almost 1 kilometer while maintaining that position, dragging a ditch on the ground below her. She could not even move her arms away to look at Draco, as they were s.h.i.+vering with pain.

A bit of smoke came off where Draco had punched, the sheer force of the punch almost setting her aflame right then and there.

Draco ignored Vine and dodged an attack from Zagan, the Demon Lord presiding over the second level of h.e.l.l. He was a svelte demon like Draco, but with muscles that were too huge on his legs and arms. It made him look disproportionate in a way, like he was inflated.

(Author"s Note: He is similar to False Super Saiyan Trunks.)

He had a pair of gauntlets on his arms as he punched out toward Draco while roaring with power. The Demon Supreme dodged without moving his feet, and continued doing so as Zagan launched a flurry of super-fast punches that left afterimages.

Yet, Draco avoided them all with the slightest movement, as if his body itself was moving before he could think. Well, it wasn"t exactly the case. Given the Eyes of Caelo, he could see the fellow"s every thought.

With his Void of Perfection, he could see even the atoms in the fellow"s body, much less trace his movement. With his Body of G.o.dliness, he could even gigantify his muscles now or permanently reshape his body. Using the least amount of energy to move was frankly child"s play in comparison.

This was just the tip of the iceberg for Draco. He continued dodging until he closed his eyes, trying to live using only his Control. It was obvious that edgelord Draco would be most comfortable using this out of all his powers as it was what he was the most familiar with.

That and the Innate Technique Generator. When he saw that the other thoughtstreams had largely abandoned it, he became furious. It was their key to success, and yet they had only recently started taking it seriously!

By now, he should have already come up with spear, axe, s.h.i.+eld, fist, and more techniques! He could create far better movement techniques incorporating his Void of Perfection new abilities featuring the atomic and quantum realm, creating footwork that even quantum computers would not be able to easily calculate!

Yet, he focused more on the bloodline!

Those bunch of d.a.m.nable fellows!

With that, his pleasant mood to think while dodging was gone. He roared and released a shockwave from his body that blasted Zagan back, dragging his feet across the ground.

Draco then seemed to glow with demonic red energy as he clenched his fists. He then gazed at Zagan who was closest and charged at him, his eyes glinting with something special.

"If I don"t who will? Empyrean Fist Style, Fist Skill 1: Draconic Punch!" Draco roared as he paused halfway during his charge, his demonic red aura exploding forward as it formed a red-colored western dragon shape that roared.

It then launched forwards and swallowed Zagan before exploding terribly, leaving a small mushroom cloud. When the dust settled, Zagan was only left with a terribly charred body missing all its limbs, laying in the crater weakly.

"Zagan!" Balam roared, the Demon Lord who presided over the third level of h.e.l.l. He was similar to the others, bulky with two horns, but he was slightly shorter and more agile, as well as wielding a pike in hand.

"Before screaming someone"s name like some side character in an anime, you should best take care of yourself." Draco stated as he appeared beside Balam, lightly grasping the fellow"s shoulder.

Balam could only scream in utter fear internally before Draco suddenly punched him squarely in the face. His nose caved into his head, and his eyes popped with a squelch.

Draco then kicked him up into the sky and appeared above him before knocking him down to the ground, creating a dustcloud. Balam was kneeling while bleeding in that cragged earth, where Draco once again appeared.

"I"ll beat you to death!"

He lifted Balam by the arm and punched him in the gut before tossing him into the air at an inclined angle. Draco then gathered torrents of Aetheric Energy from outside into his body rapidly, ama.s.sing a huge amount for a certain technique in mere seconds.

"Demon Energy Gun!" He roared as he spat out a huge red beam of light from his mouth that dyed the entire area with its color. The beam enveloped Balam fully, exploding when it did.

When it subsided, the Demon Lord"s body plopped to the ground, he too charred beyond recognition and missing many parts of his body.

In a matter of seconds, two Demon Lords had been thoroughly incapacitated! Just what kind of power was this?

"I-Is this the power of a Demon Supreme?" Vine muttered as she finally managed to split her arms apart, but could not lift them up to do anything as the pain still resided and made her grit her teeth.

"What… have I done…?" Belial muttered weakly as he lay on a crater, still coughing blood from his earlier beatdown. He could barely watch what was going on after expending his energy to help resist the Lightning Orb.

Draco cricked his neck lazily and observed the remaining Demon Lords, Baal was purposefully knocked far away so he couldn"t come to help the rest, and since he was the strongest, Draco was saving him and one other Demon Lord for last.

"Arrrghh! Dieee!" Beleth, the Demon Lord of the sixth level, roared with hatred.

He was one of the more svelte kind of fighter, but was as tall as Baal. He wielded two long swords in each hand and wore a set of hide armor that was crafted to fit him.

"Oh? A sword wielder? Dual swords like me too. Interesting." Draco commented idly as he simply dodged the swing with ease.

Beleth didn"t stop there as he flourished his blades rapidly and precisely, showing the skill of an adept swordsman fully.

"I too wielded swords primarily, and would have liked to compete, but I have limited time in this form and would like to make you experience excruciating pain. As such, I have to make it quick." Draco explained with a sigh, as if he was lamenting this chance to practice his swordsmans.h.i.+p on someone else.

As such, he simply punched twice, his fists connecting with the incoming blades. To Beleth"s shock and horror, his prized demonic swords were smashed apart with ease, before the fist connected with his face and body.

Draco didn"t stop there, like a boxer going on a spree, he unleashed blow after blow onto Beleth, each one of them causing a minor shockwave that forces all others back from helping him.

Each one would have sent Beleth flying if Draco didn"t control his force for the damage to mostly stay within, not to mention his chain of punches perfectly negates hid momentum with each consecutive strike.

In other words, his second punch was done in a way that prevented him from flying from the first punch by hitting a spot where it would cancel out the force, and so on for the following punches, making a whole new sequence.

Draco continued like this until there was no part of Beleth"s body that wasn"t mangled or broken. The fellow just stood there when Draco paused, trembling weakly as he bled from all over, being unrecognizable in every way.

Draco stepped back a little a raised a palm towards Beleth. From it, a blast of Light Energy emerged that covered the entirety of Beleth"s body, tearing the ground behind him and forming a huge gully.

Where Beleth stood was left with another charred body that was even uglier to look at than the others.

Draco then turned to see that Baal had teamed up with Purson and Paimon to rush at him. Purson was a buff demon that was quite handsome, not being as overripped as the others.

Even moreso, he rode on a horse that was black as night with glowing red eyes and sharp canines for teeth.

Beside him was Paimon, and she was the exemplification of why humans wanted to f.u.c.k demons. With a height of 6"1, she had what was easily G-cups or more, b.r.e.a.s.t.s the size of Zaine"s and Hikari"s, as well as a slender body.

Her backside was even more impressive, a solid S+, which was almost impossible for human females. Everything about her was the kind that would make even a devout fellow secretly break No Nut November, much less the real thing before him.

She wore a long red robe that hugged her body tightly, holding a staff in another hand. It seemed like she was less of a physical fighter and more of a magical or ranged one compared to the other Demon Lords.

Paimon began casting a spell when she got into range, red lights and motes swirling around her as her expression was fierce.

Whew, seeing a beauty on the level of Bella and Natasha staring at him like that was really blood pumping! And not in the right area!

Or, ken ken, was it really the wrong area?

Purson rode Draco down with his large lance pointed towards his head, while Baal struck on the other side with his greatsword. Draco simply disappeared from the range of their attack and appeared before Paimon, who was thoroughly shocked.

He then raised a hand, as dark tentacles rose from the ground and bound her up in a very questionable way. She struggled against them, but all it did was highlight her lovely a.s.sets that would definitely trend on R34.

"Wait your turn woman. I will "deal" with you properly at the end, heh heh." Draco spoke chillingly.

Paimon felt her body tremble as she knew that she would suffer a terrible fate, but she continued to struggle futilely. Draco waved and sent her flying back with her bindings, attaching her to a wall on a nearby mountainside.

He then jumped up, avoiding the slash from Belial who tried to sneak up on him. Draco then spun in mid-air and delivered a kick right to the top of Belia"s head, sending him cras.h.i.+ng into the earth.

The Demon Supreme then landed and casually stepped on the back of Belial"s" head, pus.h.i.+ng his face further into the dirt.

"That reminds me, you were the one to start all of this. I"ll let you stay awake to witness the horror that is to come. It"s the most fitting punishment to see your fellow Demon Lords suffer because of your own stupidity."

Draco then kicked Belia brutally, sending him cras.h.i.+ng into the mountain beside Paimon. Unlike Paimon who had to be bound, Belial was left as-is since he was too beaten and battered to move again after this.

"And then there were only three." Draco muttered as he gazed at Purson, Baal, and the final Demon Lord who had yet to partic.i.p.ate in the fight, Asmodeus.

"You have gone too far, Demon Supreme. You have proven your might with the first attack, but yet you have continued to torment us Demon Lords! I refuse to accept your rule. Today, either I die or I kill and replace you!" Baal spoke coldly, his voice echoing on itself as he breathed out embers.

"Among Demon Supremes of the past, you are the strongest, but the least deserving! I will gut you with my lance and hang your entrails above my mantle." Purson promised as he pointed the tip of his lance at Draco.

"…" Asmodeus didn"t say a word, but he glanced at Draco gravely as he held his whip. He was an outlier among the Demon Lords, as he was the closest in looks to Draco, which was basically a well-built human with red skin and two horns as well as long black hair and a handsome face.

Draco gazed at the three slowly before laughing. "You clowns think you can handle me alone? Fine then, I have about 3 minutes left in this form. Let"s make it count!"

With that Draco suddenly disappeared, and the there Demon Lords became alert, aware that his speed was too for them to easily follow. Nevertheless, they could certainly predict where he would be using their advanced combat senses.

Purson was shocked though, when he felt his helmet gripped by someone who stood behind him, right on his horse.

"You fellows think every time I do that, I run? Then you would have heard an explosion, the sound barrier cracking. Since you didn"t, it obviously meant I used a teleportation skill. What, did you think I was not allowed to have those?" Draco explained while grinning.

"Purson!" Baal roared in horror, knowing that the Demon Lord was done for, though he still rushed over in an attempt to save him.

However, Draco simply manifested his h.e.l.lfire Wings again and flapped, blazing a trail of dark fire as he launched into the sky. He still casually held Purson by the helmet, his fingers dug into the fellow"s skull like a bowling ball.

He occasionally moved them, mus.h.i.+ng up the fellow"s brains which caused him to lose all motor functions, and just hung there limply in his grip. When Draco reached a height that made him a dot to those down below, he stopped.

Outside, torrents of Aetheric Energy were gathered once more, converging into Draco"s body. He then pressed a palm of Purson"s chest, and soon, the entire fellow"s body was enveloped with a bright glow.

The glow grew and grew until it became the size of a small house, by which Draco let go of Purson"s skull and pushed the ball of light in which he was encased down towards the ground.

"Light Bomb!"

Purson and the Light Energy that encased him hurtled towards the ground as fast as a meteorite, eventually cras.h.i.+ng into the earth and exploding. The light it emitted was so bright that all others had to cover their eyes, but the explosion was nothing less than what the other three who were burnt to a crisp suffered.

While Draco floated and smiled, he suddenly paused as he realized something. The numbers didn"t add up! He had incapacitated three Demon Lords, was currently fighting two, had bound two in a wall, and had just dealt with one.

One Demon Lord was missing!

Draco scanned the battlefield and realized that Vine, the Demon Lord whose arms he had almost smashed into flame, had fled the battlefield and returned to her level of h.e.l.l while no one was looking!

No, there was no way Vine would escape so easily with his Control active.

Draco"s eyes narrowed as he glared at Asmodeus, the one Demon Lord who had been "AFK" this whole battle, and felt his mind quake. He just noticed it, but he had never noticed Asmodeus with his Psychic abilities or his Void of Perfection.

He could only detect Asmodeus when he was in eyesight due to the Eyes of Caelo being able to see anything. This made Draco realize that there was something different about this Demon Lord, and it likely stemmed from the fact that he was most similar to himself in terms of looks.

When Asmodeus saw Draco focusing on him so intensely, he rather smiled and bowed respectfully to Draco, before slowly disappearing. In his place appeared Vine, who looked terrified that she had returned to this place.

Draco noticed that neither Baal, Paimon nor Belial seem to have noticed Asmodeus" actions or his leaving. It was as if they couldn"t sense him as well!

What an enigma!

Draco felt Asmodeus was interesting and definitely deserved to be given leeway as he had shown great tact during the battle. Even the current thoughtstream greatly valued such a subordinate who was visionary, so he would deal with the others to the exclusion of him.

Draco then flapped his wings and crashed into the earth feet first, leaving a small crater where he landed as he retracted them into his body. He casually gazed at Vine and Baal before sneering.

"2 minutes left, let"s get rid of the outliers, shall we?"

Vine felt the aura of death upon her, gooseb.u.mps erupting all over her skin at this Demon Supreme"s words. She tried to muster what energy she could to defend herself, but soon found that Draco had already appeared before her.

He placed a palm on her abdomen, and his slightly bent body meant she wouldn"t be able to block his next move even if she could. She simply looked downward helplessly and with horror in her eyes as she knew intense pain was coming.

"Lightning Magic: Sealing Bomb!"

(Author"s Note: Move is similar to Jiren"s Counter Impact.)

Immediately, Vine screamed out in pain as she was wrapped in a ball of intense red lightning that was frying her blood, body, and mind all at once. She was shocked and cooked while within, her voice cracking until it became a soundless screaming.

The orb then exploded, sending her large body that was blackened into the distance, cras.h.i.+ng somewhere in the realm.

Draco then relaxed and turned to Baal who was gripping his greatsword and great ax with sweat hands, his entire body trembling with a mixture of anger, regret, and hate.

"Now, it"s just the two of us."


Author"s Note: It has come to my attention that some readers are complaining about "wasted" coins on chapters with a lot of menus or misc text used to enhance the experience.

There"s a lot I can say, but there is no need to fight with my own readers over this.

I offer a simple solution. Send me a link to your Paypal and I will pay back that $0.06 that makes up 3 coins or less.

I don"t wake up and spend 60% of my waking hours and sacrificing my social life writing daily so that someone can point at me like I want to purposefully steal your $0.06