Guild Wars

Chapter 642 - (1/2) The Raid 8

Chapter 642 - (1/2) The Raid 8

There was no helping it, only pain would allow them to flourish. The members of Umbra had to suffer through some intense agony in order to eventually unlock the Body of G.o.dliness.

The Avatar"s precision helped immensely and was in fact the key factor behind this. He wasn"t just hitting them and moving on, but striking their acupoints and meridians with enough force to jolt them open.

While it may sound tedious for acupoints and whatnot to be involved with Control, it was inescapable. After all, it had been the Oriental martial artists who had discovered the Body of G.o.dliness since the ancient era, though they had called it "cultivation", keeping it a secret from the world until the modern age.

It was only once the westerners had similarly unveiled their secret Void of Perfection that their ancestors had used for "magic" and "psychomancy" that a relations.h.i.+p had been discovered between both.

This brief history lesson aside, after a period of 4 hours, everyone Draco worked on had managed to unlock the Body of G.o.dliness. The first had been Cobra, whose unique body const.i.tution had allowed him to achieve this feat with ease.

Next had been Essence Stalker, then Lucian, before many others had followed. When they unlocked the Body of G.o.dliness, they were dazed for a bit as they processed the newly released bloodline information.

Draco casually sent them to the grave to ponder deeply while turning to his favorite targets, the non-members of Umbra. Most of them had chosen to completely retire from the battle, but a few like Ao Potian and the Lucifer Lineage members had returned at the start of each new stage to try their luck.

Someone might argue that it should be against the rules for anyone who has left in previous stages to return, though at this point everyone knew that Draco was the one to decide what was okay and what wasn"t in this event. If they came back to suffer, who was he to deny them?

Just as well, Draco punched the teeth of the Pangu Lineage member until they broke, before beating the fellow up like he was a drunk father that had caught his son being happy. Potian was extremely resilient thanks to his bloodline and Draco made full use of that.

He punched Potian in ways that caused pure pain without any effect of stimulating his subconscious. Otherwise, anyone who suffered a beating could unlock Body of G.o.dliness and Control wouldn"t be that hard to achieve.

Basically, when he was beating Ao Potian, he was beating him. When he was beating his members, he was beating™ them. There was a significant difference.

Ao Potian continued to take blows for about 30 minutes until Draco was satisfied, then he smashed his head open. There was no filter in this, it was clear to anyone that Draco was just being brutal and evil, which traumatized the watching crowd more.

Many had wanted to leave as they couldn"t take it anymore, but Amber had smiled evilly and disabled log-outs, be they manual or due to the time limit. She also got the Virtua Helmets they were wearing to release some chemicals in their brains that reduced their resistance, and made them more compliant.

She wanted these normies to witness this brutality, before they entered Boundless, got beaten, raped, or worse, and began screeching again. This was how Boundless was, if you were weak, it depended 100% on the whim of the stronger party as to what fate you would suffer.

Of course, most wouldn"t do anything because they had grown up with morals and lived in a society with law as well as order. However, there were those who, once the law was no longer applicable, would become no different from beasts.

Boundless didn"t discriminate between both parties, and welcomed all!

If you are strong, force down who you like! If you are strong, rob who you like! If you are strong, kill or torture who you like!

The option is yours!

Boundless promotes FREEDOM.

Not controlled freedom where the illusion of choice was given, but TRUE FREEDOM in every sense of the word!

Do whatever you like!

Be whatever you like!

See whatever you like!

Amber floated up in the air, a cruel light in her eyes. In truth, the players were extremely lucky they had Draco and Eva leading them. According to her and the AI"s initial projections, there was supposed to be a LOT more suffering and hatred floating about on the daily.

However, most of it had been directly or indirectly resolved by the actions of Draco and Eva, as well as their guild Umbra. In some ways, Amber was dissatisfied because the purpose of the people suffering was to unlock their cruel and hard nature in the face of adversity.

However, this dissatisfaction had disappeared when she had watched how evil Draco and Riveting Night could be, rather making her feel that this was the perfect balance between pain and pleasure for players.

When Amber thought of the day she had looked into Evil Draco"s eyes as he had gripped her neck and had been about to kill her, she couldn"t help but squeeze her legs tightly.

She deeply regretted wearing these shrine maiden robes that were too short and slightly revealing. If anyone focused on her, they would be able to see a small trail of glistening fluid leaking down the side of her thighs.

Luckily, Amber made sure she was inconspicuous, and the Avatar commanded all the attention. She also squeezed her legs tight to stifle the flow, but rather made things worse in a way.

She couldn"t help but pant with discomfort and pray for this event to end.

Draco then waited for the fellow to resp.a.w.n before raising his hand. "Now that you have comprehended the Body of G.o.dliness, make use of it and your Void of Perfection to fight me at full power!"

"From here on out, there will be no more training. You will have to advance yourself as there is no easy path. I will also stop being nice and go back to how cruel I was in the first few stages, so get ready." Draco informed them seriously.

The members of Umbra nodded and activated their newly acquired Void of Perfection and Body of G.o.dliness. They marveled at the kind of power they were feeling, the precision of thought and skill that the VoP gave, and the increased physical damage, physical defense, and speed that the BoG rendered.

However, they made optimal use of Control by combining it with the skill of their current Archers became deadly precise, fighters became faster and packed heavier punches, weapon users swung their blades and tore through the fabric of the air.

Immediately, the Avatar started to become suppressed despite having Tier 4 Control. It didn"t sound pleasant, but losing 50% of his power and being limited to only one power was usually still enough for him to kill even 1 million foes, much less these lot that numbered less than a thousand.

However, as stated many times, even the presence of Tier 1 Control changed this totally. Against hundreds of Control wielders, albeit not at the level of masters yet, it actually forced this Avatar to go all out just not the be slaughtered in a single round.

Now, this was a true Raid, not that slaughterfest from before!

Still, despite their power boost, you could be sure that Draco made them pay for every drop of sweat from his brow. Even if they were now competent, they were new to Control compared to him who was so proficient that he could easily train new Control masters.

This was not even factoring Tier 4 Control, which allowed one to overstimulate their body to increase all power by at least double itself, forcing the blood to flow faster for the BoG and for the VoP, one had psychic abilities at 30% the power of the Evil Duo"s bloodline and could slightly peer into the atomic realm.

With these boons, Draco was able to remain on top, and since he was an Avatar body, he could especially keep them up indefinitely as the AI was supporting him, not Draco"s brain.

What made Draco cough blood was that these disrespectful fellows were adapting fast by copying him! Literally monkey see, monkey do!

They didn"t have a high enough Control realm to do a quarter of what he did, but they recorded it and used it to give them ideas on how to manifest their power better.

To reach Tier 2 Control would be harder than unlocking it, so by the time they managed to vanquish Draco, they were only some way through Tier 1.

Stage 4 of the Raid ended up lasting 30, for a total of 8 and a half hours. The first two had been super long because that was when Draco had trained them, the raw fight had taken far less.

Once they had bested him, he ordered them to take a break as he sighed. Things would not be easy anymore, but he preferred it this way. It was tiring when he could easily beat these fellows like trash.

Now that they posed somewhat of a challenge him, he could more easily interact with his guild members, train them and make them reach somewhere close to his level of power.

Because let"s be brutally honest, even if Draco and Eva used all their means, it was impossible to make any of them catch up to their level of power and talent. The best they could do was bring them as close as realistically possible.

When the fellows came back from their break, they looked no different. After unlocking Control, they would not suffer the same kind of stress from battle in body and mind.

They were wholly different existences now.

"Hmph, you may be powerful now, but you are too green. This next stage is not something you can"t survive just because you have Control at Tier 1. If you want to win without spending more than a hundred rounds, you will need to reach Tier 2!" Draco informed them before his body began to s.h.i.+ft.

Devil Form!

「Devil Form (Rank 3) – Active skill

Effect: a.s.sume your True Devil Form temporarily.

Duration: Unlimited for Raid Stage 5

Cooldown: None for Raid Stage 5.」

Draco"s body began to change as his hair became silkier and longer, reaching his lower back. His features became more feminine and perfect, encapsulating the perfect balance between masculine beauty and feminine attractiveness.

His armor s.h.i.+fted into a sort of battler wear that looked like something a powerful warrior from some alien civilization would wear. Draco"s red pupils glowed with the light of blue as the color soon outlined his form.

The fellow smiled and spoke evilly.. "Now, let me show you the true power of the dark side."