Guild Wars

Chapter 645 - (2/2) The Raid 11

Chapter 645 - (2/2) The Raid 11

「Name: Draco (Avatar) - Rank 3 Black Dragon

Str: 1,000 (2,000)

Dex: 1,000 (2,000)

End: 1,000 (2,000)

Int: 1,000 (2,000)

Spr: 1,000 (2,000)

Cha: 100

Lck: 100

Combat Skills: Destruction Claw, Orb of Destruction, Destruction Wave, Destruction Blast, Destructive Field.

Non-Combat Skills: Dragobond, Aether Conversion, Draconic Superiority (Rank 3), Destruction Aura, Bloodline Control, Magical Perfection, Physical Perfection.」

「Destruction Claw – Active Skill

Effect: Strike with a claw coated with Destruction Energy, ripping apart the defense of any enemy and dealing 350% (700%) Destruction damage to a single target.

Cooldown: None.」

「Orb of Destruction – Active Skill

Effect: Send out a ball of concentrated Destruction Energy that razes any target laid before it into nothingness. This deals 1,500% (3,000%) Destruction damage to a single target.

Cooldown: None.」

「Destruction Wave – Active Skill

Effect: Send out a wave of purified and deadly Destruction Energy that strikes all targets within an Area Zone, dealing 450% (900%) Destruction damage.

Cooldown: None」

「Destruction Blast – Active Skill

Effect: Send out a beam of concentrated and condensed Destruction Energy that strikes all targets in a straight line for 1,000 meters (2,000 meters). This deals 1,250% (2,500%) Destruction damage.

Cooldown: None」

「Destructive Field – Active Skill

Effect: Spread out condensed Destruction Energy within an area, creating an impa.s.sable domain where all things that enter would begin to degrade into nothingness. This deals 50% (100%) Destruction damage per second.

Cooldown: None」

「Destruction Aura – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Control all forms of Destruction Energy with ease, also possessing a total immunity to it.」

「Bloodline Control – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Subdue and command all serpentine species in the world below your State of Being.」

「Magical Perfection – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: All spells and magical casts deal 150% (300%) more damage and all magical spells cast towards the user are weakened by 47% (94%).」

「Physical Perfection – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: All skills and physical attacks 150% (300%) more damage and all physical attacks volleyed towards the user are weakened by 47% (94%).」

Draco transformed into his Black Dragon Form, his body warping from humanoid to Pure Dragon in a matter of seconds. He stood tall, towering over the contestants with ease as he stood on four muscular legs.

Draco was not like those fat dragons depicted in the western style, but a sleek and muscular one ridged with spiky scales, a crown of horns, and two blood-red eyes that seemed to hide intense malevolence.

It was scary to see a giant lizard or Dragon yeah, but what was even more terrifying was seeing a super fit giant Dragon. Most of them had large bellies and h.o.a.rded their gold, but Draco looked like the Dragon version of the Rock.

The members of Umbra were slightly shaken by this, not just his size and presence, but his aura and bloodline. They were thoroughly suppressed, feeling as if someone was gripping them by the throats while lifting them up, leaving them helpless.

Just as Amber waved for the battle to begin, Draco erupted with his Destruction Field, which spread out over a range of 1 kilometer around him. The condensed black aura within made all feel trepidation, like entering it was no different from jumping into a vat of acid.

Many who wanted to approach him to strike were deterred, while those who fought from range began releasing their payloads. Draco simply roared with disdain and slammed a claw down.

Destruction Wave!

A wave of a black light erupted from where his claw hit the earth, spreading over the entire area as it sought to turn everyone into ashes. However, the members of Umbra would not be so easily beaten this time.

They formed up behind Kicked Bucket who dug his s.h.i.+eld into the earth, using one of his own skills to defend.

「s.h.i.+eld Wall – Active Skill

Effect: Call upon the power of the heavens to create a s.h.i.+eld wall spanning 150-meters in front of you, protecting yourself and your allies from harm for the duration of its existence.

Duration: Unlimited for Event

Cooldown: Unlimited for Event.」

The Destruction Energy struck the s.h.i.+eld and broke it, but found that many other barriers had been erupted to add to this tight defense. Sublime Notion, Warm Spring, Silent Walker, and co had all erected powerful barriers that whittled away at the damage before the final s.h.i.+eld came into play, Uno"s All-out Defense skill!

「All-out Defense – Active skill

Effect: Forgo all personal defense to create a huge barrier covering an area of 20 miles that protects all allies within.

Note: Barrier has 70% damage reduction but no reflection. It also has a damage threshold of 12,000,000 at Rank 3.

Duration: Unlimited for Event.

Cooldown: Unlimited for Event.」

The remaining Destruction Energy could only tear away 1,000,000 HP from the barrier before dissipating.

They had done it! The members of Umbra had blocked an attack of the Raid Target without suffering a single death!

"Hoh! This is good! You have all worked together, overlaying your various skills as well as your refined VoP"s ranges to maximize the amount of damage reduction you can achieve. Since you have no cooldowns, you can always block this skill as long as the right members are still alive, making it somewhat useless."

The Avatar didn"t hold back his praise for them despite being stopped. This was exactly what he wanted to see, his guild members putting their heads and skills together to overcome a challenge, not always getting curbstomped by him.

Sure, it was fun the first few times and it felt good because it highlighted how strong he was, even with merely 50% the strength of the original, but after a while, it got depressing because as a leader, he saw that his subordinates had all been s.h.i.+t.

"Since you can handle that much, let"s see how you handle this!" The Black Dragon roared as he opened his maw, a black light forming from the depths of his body that was about to blast out.

Destruction Blast!

The faces of all the members of Umbra paled. Essence spoke coldly. "We cannot block it using s.h.i.+elds alone. I want to save my transformation for the second half of the fight, but it seems I must do it now."

However, a hand reached out and held Essence"s shoulder startling him. Turning around he saw Kiran who had a serious expression on his face.

"Leave it to me. Set up the barriers and I will do the rest."

Essence nodded and pa.s.sed the command down. For the purpose of the Raid, he was the strongest, so everyone accepted him as the de facto leader. As such, the members raised up the same amount of barriers and even more.

The Avatar then unleashed the gigantic beam of Destruction Energy that looked like it could swallow the whole stadium at once. It was an apocalypse tier energy blast that could even make the Final Flash cower in fear.

The beam first collided with Kicked Bucket"s s.h.i.+eld Wall but tore through it as easily as a certain slayer tore greenskins apart. It went on to tear through almost everything else in its way without losing much power, only about 5%.

At this time, Kiran breathed out and exploded with aura, entering his Super Warrior 2 form. He then contracted his VoP and BoG, using them to condense all the energy into his body and let it flow into his arms.

He then squatted slightly as he stretched out his arms, rotating them parallel to each other counter-clockwise at a 180° angle. Kiran pulled back his arms as an orange glow lit up in between his arms that quickly darkened until it became red like his aura.

The Destruction Blast had just crashed into Uno"s All-out Defense, tearing through the 12 million HP rapidly as it bore down on the entire group of fighters.

Kiran"s eyes glinted. "You mocked me for copying moves from an ancient anime. Fine! Then I will create my own moves, but where I gather my inspiration shouldn"t matter as long as they are powerful!"

The barrier got destroyed, yet the Destruction Blast had only lost a total of 30% of its energy so far. The remaining 70% was more than enough to turn the entire 970 fighters into ashes with more than enough leftover.

At this time, Kiran erupted thrusting his hands out as he roared. "Super Ki Wave!"

His red energy beam that was not smaller in size compared to Draco"s collided with the blackish energy, clas.h.i.+ng with it as the entire arena erupted into bright lights.

"How is this possible?!" The Black Dragon roared with shock, not believing what he was seeing.

The members of Umbra were also flabbergasted to their core, witnessing something they had never believed possible but was occurring right before their eyes.

Kiran… was matching Draco"s power…

Kiran was actually matching Draco"s power!!

"Hnnggh!!" Kiran groaned as he struggled to output more energy to maintain the equilibrium of the clash.

"Hmph, I have played long enough. Die! You and all those weaklings behind you!" Draco cried out as his Inner Dragon erupted, overriding his rationality a little.

He poured out more energy, which joined his initial beam and raised its power from 70% to 150%. Its size almost doubled and drowned out the little Kiran could make, beginning to push back his beam as Kiran struggled desperately.

"No! This can"t… be!! I need energy… more energy…!!" Kiran bellowed weakly, his hands shaking from the exertion.

"Heh… more energy is it? I wonder if I can help?" Asked a snarky voice that usually remained silent during most conflicts.

From the back of the group, Fitter Cleric stood out as he held the Pandora"s Box in hand.

「Pandora"s Box – Unique Item

Rank: Legendary


Pa.s.sive 1 – Metronome: Depending on the user"s luck, their auto-attack will manifest random effects.

Pa.s.sive 2 – A Little Hope: Depending on the user"s luck, destiny might grant them a second way out in fatal situations.

Active 1 – Lucky Draw: Depending on the user"s luck, one random active skill of any type would be used. Cooldown: Unlimited for Event.

Description: This is a box that was never meant to be opened, but was yet unsealed by little Pandora.. After releasing its contents, it now manifests random abilities depending on the luck of the wielder.」