Guild Wars

Chapter 692 - Misery"s Revelation

Chapter 692 - Misery"s Revelation

"You"d better not be lying, Justin, or I will extract your soul and refine you into a popsicle." Misery warned Justin Davis Banks as the two of them sat in a luxury sedan that was heading to Purgatory"s office building. 

Justin seemed unbothered by the threat, especially since this wasn"t the first time during their ride he had heard it. 

"You"ll see." He replied automatically, reverting to his usual n.o.ble elegance now that they were closer to the company and Boundless, which gave him endless security. 

Misery harrumphed and looked outside, taking in the sights of the city. He had to admit, it was far more bustling and developed than his little community in Arizona, but it also lacked the sense of peace that he had gotten used to. 

Soon enough, his reverie was broken by the sound of the vehicle parking in an underground s.p.a.ce. Once settled, the two got off and took the elevator upwards. 

It was a crisp morning, around 8 am at this time. When the duo entered the company, they encountered many members of Umbra chatting in the lounge and also coming over from their residences or apartments in the city that Akainu had procured for them. 

Misery saw some beauties come in that made his heart thump. Among them were Bella who was clinging to Cobra, Sheila Banks who kissed Fitter shyly, Rina who seemed determined as she resolutely entered her special cabin, followed by her mother Helen who looked worried about something. 

"Beauties! Absolute beauties!" Misery roared in his heart, though he didn"t make a move. 

Right now, his mind was focused more on those digital girls that Justin had described, for they broke the barrier of s.e.xiness that limited human women in reality. 

It was a well known fact that a 3D modeled woman could be created to have the perfect curves at the cost of biological functioning, popularly stylized by angry Internet feminists as "unrealistic beauty standards" and "where are her organs". 

Fortunately, Boundless was made with many different races and bloodlines who could look however the d.a.m.n h.e.l.l they wanted, putting stress on the realistic beauty standard. 

But hey, it"s not like it was one-sided. 

Women who played Boundless were able to enjoy males of different species with features that no real male could have, such as elongated tongues, orc d.i.c.ks, tentacles, etc. 

That was the allure of Boundless, no matter your fetish, there was something there for you… even if you might be unaware you had one. All you had to do was grasp it, and no one could judge you! 

Misery"s desire was nothing extravagant. He did not care about getting himself some Phoenix wife or some heavenly celestial beauty. 

No, what he craved were bad b.i.t.c.hes with big booties who had stamina! 

As a Lineage descendant, his physical body was far superior to all humans, not to mention that his stamina surpa.s.sed most men. As such, he often encountered cases where his partner would climax before he did. 

Of course, this gave him a smas.h.i.+ng reputation with women. In fact, it was to the degree that most threw themselves at him due to curiosity and a need for satisfaction, but Misery himself lived up to his name each time as they would climax and complain about soreness after. 

Just as there were fellows out there who would hook up and not get their partners to the finish-line, women like that existed as well. 

Very few were kind enough to use their other parts to finish Misery off once done, as most would just turn over and sleep in satisfaction. 

Of course, such women never heard from him again, no matter how much they wanted a second round to scratch that itch. 

So if you"re a fellow out there wondering why she ghosted you, you now know why. 

His goal in this VR game was to find women of all types that fit his tastes, coax them using his usual means, and have s.e.x with them to test out the difference between them and real girls. 

Justin a.s.sured him that most could match his stamina and more, as the average woman in Boundless were more durable than the real ones due to Worldly Energy and all that. 

As for this matter of joining Umbra, Misery just took it as a price to pay for his own goals. He would not disgrace Justin, who seemed invested in this group and certainly do his part, but the heart was not there. 

That was until Misery and Justin reached the floor for the special cabins for the core members, and he saw two blonde-haired kids messing about, one pestering the other. 

He froze with shock and confusion, calling out the one he recognized. "Tiny Princess?" 

Sublime Notion, who was pestering Kiran as per her daily routine, shuddered when she heard her old pet name, especially since it was exclusive for one of her dearest family members who she hadn"t seen in years. 

She turned around and saw a shocked Misery who was in disbelief of her presence here. Seeing that face that hadn"t aged a day since she had been a wee tot, she rushed over and threw herself at him. 

"Uncle DB!" She cried out happily. 

Miz received her hug easily and smiled with joy. "Hahaha, glad you still remember me!" 

With tears in her eyes, Sublime looked up at her favorite uncle. "Of course, how could I forget Uncle Drunk b.a.s.t.a.r.d?" 

Miz roared with laughter, not at all bothered by this name that his little niece had given him one time when she had been unhappy with him because of his constant bullying. Now, it added a flavor of nostalgia that warmed his heart and made him think about family. 

"Look at you… all grown up! Well, your height is still s.h.i.+t, but you"ve become a milkmaid. Are you trying to suffocate your future husband with these?" Miz joked, shocked that Sublime had inherited her mom"s nonsensical breast size. 

Sublime coughed with a blush. "Who asked me to be so outstanding? I just saw that mother was suffering alone and decided to make her proud." 

Miz"s lips twitched. The reason he had loved his dear niece so much was because she had been so cute and stupid when had been little. Now, after so many years, the brat was a shameless little mink. Of course, he would still love her, but he would need some time to get used to it. 

Miz then noticed Kiran who was gazing at them suspiciously, remembering that this was the bloke Sublime had been pestering before. With a smile, he asked. "And who"s your little boyfriend over here?" 

Having seemingly forgotten Kiran"s existence for a moment, Sublime let go of her uncle and showed him off. With a gentle smile unbecoming of her, she introduced the two. "Protagonist Haircut, this is my Uncle, GS Misery. Well, his official name is Nicholas Spencley, but he prefers to be called Misery." 

"He is also a member of the English Royal Family, a cousin to my father." Sublime finished. 

Hearing this, Kiran bowed with respect. "Great to meet you, Sir." 

Misery smiled but did not reply right away. Sublime then continued. "Uncle Drunk b.a.s.t.a.r.d, this is my newest plaything, Protagonist Haircut. He thinks he is my boyfriend - probably - and I like to keep it that way. His real name is Kiran, and he"s from the Buddha Lineage." 

Kiran seemed numb to Sublime"s nonsense, as he did not react much, which made the lolitician pout. As for Misery, he rubbed his beard with a strange smile as his eyes flashed. 

"Buddha Lineage, huh…?" He murmured. 

Misery looked at Sublime, then looked at Kiran, then looked at Sublime again, before letting out a deep sigh. 

"Say, boy, does your mother go by the name Juno, by any chance?" 

Kiran was flabbergasted that he might encounter someone who knew her. He didn"t say, anything, but that was enough for the newcomer to understand that he must have hit the nail on the hand. 

"I"m guessing the two of you don"t know, otherwise you wouldn"t even be in such a relations.h.i.+p, much less close to each other." Miz let out another sigh, startling the two blondies. 

"Uncle, what do you mean?" Sublime inquired with a puzzled look. 

Kiran also gazed at Misery with surprise, wondering what he was on about. Was there some sort of beef between their Lineages? 

Of course, Kiran and Mary were aware of the events all those years ago, but it had long been mediated by the Pangu Lineage and suppressed since both Lineages were part of the Pangu Alliance. 

Misery confirmed that, really, the two brats were clueless. 

As such, he decided to be the devil and enlighten them. 

He pointed at Kiran. "Little Princess, to make matters short, that fellow is your half-brother." 

Hearing this, an explosion erupted in the minds of Kiran and Mary, their IQs deteriorating rapidly as their enhanced brains tried to calculate this revelation fast enough to keep up with their sanity. 

"H-how…?" Was all Kiran could sputter in response. 

Misery folded his arms. "I"m her uncle, a cousin to her father, Walter. Around two decades ago, Walter fell in love with the prodigy of the Buddha Lineage and bedded her. They gave birth to a child with dual bloodlines, but one Inheritance each." 

"It was the generation of inbreeding, so this triggered both Lineages greatly and a battle erupted. The Buddha Lineage prodigy, in other words, Kiran"s mother, was killed and Walter was captured and brought back to the Merlin Lineage. As for the child born out of wedlock, it was sent back with the Buddha Lineage group as compensation for the death of their own prodigy." 

"Walter was then brought back and detained for a while, but given the loss of his wife, he entered a hunger strike, unwilling to end it, lest his son be returned to him." 

"My cousin had always been a headstrong b.a.s.t.a.r.d, something which seems to run in our family, so none of us doubted he wouldn"t continue that to end his own life and join his beloved." 

"However, we couldn"t afford to lose him. As weak as he was from hunger, he was unable to resist when he was drugged with an aphrodisiac one night, when the originally chosen candidate to be his wife laid with him and later bore another child. A girl." 

Misery calmly pointed to Mary. "That"s this brat here." 

"Walter was initially furious about everything, but once he saw his daughter, he eventually softened and decided to keep living, at least for her sake. He agreed to the marriage and decided to be there for her, though his parenting skill left much to be desired, as I"m sure Mary can attest to." Misery ended with a shrug. 

Kiran and Mary were deathly silent. Both were already 70% convinced because Misery"s story matched up too perfectly with what they both knew and had found out. 

Kiran had only known up to the point when his father had been taken away, and Mary had only once overheard that her father had another child out there, but not specifically where. 

"How were you able to tell?" Mary asked slowly. 

Misery scoffed. "I am the strongest of my Inheritance! I could easily sense our Merlin Lineage blood in this brat, along with his Buddha Lineage"s blood. The fact that he looks like a miniature Walter and given his age, it was easy enough to put two and two together." 

Kiran and Mary were silent for a long time, staring down at the floor but unable to look at each other anymore. Misery saw this and smiled. 

"What, weren"t you brats so close before? Something about boyfriend and plaything? Don"t you know incest is a crime?" 

The two s.h.i.+vered deeply, still not bringing their heads up. Misery"s casual smile disappeared as fear entered his heart. 

"Don"t tell me… the two of you… have gone all the way…?" 

Kiran and Mary remained silent, both unable to raise their heads. 

Seeing this, Misery couldn"t help but cough out a thick wad of blood. 

Holy f.u.c.king Merlin t.i.tties, this was a Mega Disaster!