
Chapter 14

 The long-awaited graduation day has finally come. The trainees were called up after the morning march. They aligned in their position with haste, forming perfect lines in rows and columns.

 “Everyone, you went through a lot but you did really well! We trainers were glad to see huge improvements in your physical ability, and you have proved that your training was not meaningless.”

 Schultz gently gazed upon the trainees.

 “Today, the Talent show will be held to see the result of your training. Take this opportunity to show the guests your capabilities, and this would be the time that you will be able to check how much you have improved compared to yourselves 3 months ago.

 They were annoyed by being called up right after the training without being allowed to have some rest until Schultz has mentioned about the talent show. The faces hearing Schultz’s word was bright.

 Talking about the training, there were no trainees getting exhausted in 10 laps of running anymore. Also, there was no dropout in this term. There used to be about 10 dropouts in every term. Most of them were from the magicians. But the trainees of this term didn’t even dare to drop the course because of one trainee, Haroon. The magicians who tend to have negative thoughts on their physical ability were heavily motivated by Haroon who showed most superb will, and it ultimately led to an achievement of no dropouts.

 Now, the only schedule left for them was the talent show, where trainees get a chance to show the fruit of their efforts and sweat. The weak trainees chosen to perform on the talent show were able to show the confidence they gained along with the physical ability, and it will provide a solid base of their mercenary life awaiting them.

 “You have shown most astonishing work in the history of this course, and this academy. Not only how you took the course, but the result of it had great difference compared to the trainees before. The training department a.s.sessed your att.i.tude and will as the best. Saying that, rather than how we used to choose among the top trainees, we decided to put every one of you on the stage in the talent show”

 Thundering applause and roaring cheer filled the training ground. Everyone was able to receive the extra reward on their effort and sweat of the course. The talent show of this term would be the celebrating party that everybody can join, rather than it being a party only for the few selective ones.

 “Return to your room for now, and change your clothes. After the meal, gather at the square. Many visitors will welcome you in the square in front of the Academy. Who knows, you might meet your true love today, so be clean and neat as possible.”

 The trainees couldn’t resist the laughter intended by the joke, at least not in this cheerful mood. With a habitual haste, they exited the training ground.

 “Hey, Haroon.”

 Haroon turned at the direction the voice came from. Some trainees were waiting for him, and among them, it was Sevona who stopped him. For some reason, the Quad w.a.n.kers were not there.

 “You must be nervous. Aren’t you?” Said one of Sevona’s follower.

 Haroon didn’t even bother to answer that. He had no reason to be nervous anymore, as he was prepared. It was the another follower answering that instead of him.

“Hoho, Can’t you see him shaking even if he pretends not to be? Why are you asking him something so obvious? Don’t you know how everything will be revealed and the one who recommended him will be kicked out of the mercenary world? Do you really think he can think clearly enough to answer you?”

 Haroon felt no more need in answering nor listening to their conversation. The ‘threatening’ they’ve made with the Quad w.a.n.kers continuously pressured his mind like a big boulder, and being reminded of it made him upset for a moment. He was able to clear the mind just by gently shutting his eyes and opening it again.

 “Hohoho, I will show you what is the result of cheating on the others.”
“We don’t have much time left who is behind this cheater. Hahaha, I can’t wait to see who it is.”

 If Haroon wasn’t in this term, they would have been enemies to each other. But as everybody knew Haroon was the top trainee, they mocked and kept humiliating Haroon with jealousy. It seemed they are quite upset for missing the t.i.tle of the top trainee.

 “Well, see how it goes.”

 With carefree emotion, Haroon stared at them for a moment and continued his way.

“It won’t be long until the talent show. If anything goes wrong, you always have your fireball, you know.”

 Galli patted his shoulder.

 “Galli is right. I will help you too. They just hadn’t burned their fingers yet. I mean, yes we are same equal trainees ‘here’. Once we get to the outside of this academy, we are THE magicians. They probably know this clearly, and they’ve mocked on you, the representative magician of us.”
“Mmmhm, I really wanted them to taste my magic too.”
“Yeah, Let’s wreck ’em.”

 Including Moogle, his magician friends cheered him up. Haroon smiled back feeling their warm hearts.

 For the ordinary people, it isn’t easy to see a complete stranger as their friend or a companion. But every single one of the magicians had a common thing without an exception. It was how they fall love with their magic or their studies. It wasn’t exactly same, but Haroon had a similar point too. It was how he easily concentrates on the training, so much that he could become a deaf to what others say.

 In magician society, the rivals compete with each other, but once one thinks another one is better than one, magicians will change their mindset and will respect the other with all their heart. Like this, magicians had special and interesting relationships.

 The magicians didn’t know how great Haroon’s magic was, but seeing how great Haroon is on the strength, swordsmanship and throwing knives, they chose Haroon as their pride. Haroon couldn’t stop smiling because of the warmth coming from their hands holding Haroon. It was the first time Haroon actually felt closeness in his personal relationships. Until now, Haroon has been busy with his training, so he didn’t have enough time to care the others. But seeing how they care him, he was overwhelmed with happiness and it shed tears on Haroon’s eyes.

  “Let’s go for now. We can show what real fire is later on too. But for now, we need to take shower. Who knows, our boss may have brought an Amy. Well, Should I shave? or should I just trim a bit?”
“Haha, you don’t have to. You look good, Galli”

 Haroon and Galli went back to their room, walking shoulder to shoulder.

 On their way, they happened to see Nemion and some other magicians ignoring them. Their face went dark. Haroon was hurt by Nemion’s complete change of her way how she treats him. It seemed that Nemion is completely disappointed about Haroon keeping his secret, and moreover, she seemed that she decided not to believe Haroon is a magician. Did she feel betrayed by him keeping the secret? There was no way to find it out anymore.

  ‘Nemion, but you still had to trust me. If you thought I was your friend……’

 Haroon headed to his room, with a bitter emotion.

After changing his cloth to cleaner training clothes, he headed to the square. As he arrives, he saw how the tables and chairs are prepared and positioned in a semi-circle shape. There were so many people gathered. They were mostly high ranks of the mercenary groups or guilds.

 It felt like Haroon wasn’t supposed to be there, and felt nervous about being in that kind of place for the first time. With a deep breath, he cleared his mind. But it boiled once again when he found Elser. It’s been 3 months and her face was somewhat worn.

 ‘Has she been sick?’

 Their eyes had not met yet, but she seemed she was looking for him. Her eyes were smiling but her face wasn’t. She seemed pale too, she must have been sick.

 In fact, Elser heard in prior that Haroon was selected to be a top trainee, so she was worried about the expected commotion of reveal that Haroon is not a magician. But as soon as she found Haroon, she smiled brightly and waved, calling him, almost shouting.

 There probably was many people know her. From her action without any hesitation, Haroon knew she really cared for him. Everyone else gently sitting on the table was looking at her. Her action was so wild and her voice was so loud. Haroon knew that she will keep shouting if he didn’t wave back, so Haroon did, with a giant smile.

 “Wait, do you know Silver-haired Witch?”

 A magician she didn’t know the name of asked him. He seemed to know her.

 “Yes, she is my friend. We are very close.”

 The people around him sensed the closeness in his voice.


 It didn’t take long until the atmosphere went down and everyone went silent. Haroon felt it strange, but he didn’t know why. Even until then, he didn’t know how famous Elser was.

 “Well, seeing how he trained, she could be his friend…….”

 Somebody grumbled with a low voice, and everyone nodded.

Elser, the Silver-haired Witch!

 She has made quite a name even from her young age, killing so many monsters and defeating a lot of thieves. But she was also famous for being hot tempered and not fearing to fight with mercenary guilds, alone. To be her friend, one will need quite spirit and ability. And Haroon’s ability was somewhat close to that.

 It didn’t take a long time for the rumor to reach Sevona, Nemion, the Quad w.a.n.kers and other few trainees, and it made their face pale.

 “Se, Sevona, did you hear that? He is a friend of the Silver-haired Witch.”

 The members of the Quad w.a.n.kers, who became allies because of their common enemy, Haroon, their body shook like a branch facing a blizzard.

  “Then wouldn’t it be that old man, her father who recommended Haroon? What if he finds out  we’ve been making conspiracy and scandal of hi…….”
“Cut the nonsense! It was YOU who said it. It was YOU who said you were sure that Haroon has joined the course by cheating. If it turns out to be your lie or you trying to set him up, don’t expect me to be on your side,” Sevona sharply said.

 Sevona bit her lips, staring the Quad w.a.n.kers. She bit it so hard, that it went white. She’s been thinking that the Quad w.a.n.ker’s words were right because Haroon couldn’t, no, hasn’t been answering her. And now, there is a possibility that Haroon is that the person they talk of.

 ‘Haroon, a friend of Elser? The Elser?’

 Elser once has completely destroyed a small mercenary guild, all alone. The reason was that the guild has been making rumors about her words. On that day, that mercenary guild that had 32 members was disbanded. 10 of them were advanced cla.s.s mercenaries. No one went out the guild without getting injured.

 Even in the metropolis, she dared to handgrip the Silver Wing Knights, one of the imperial knights. It was because they mocked on her face, and she broke arms and legs of 4 knights and 12 knight-apprentices right on the site she was mocked. The Knights couldn’t do anything officially since they were beaten up by one female mercenary.

 But that wasn’t the end. Elser was enraged to see a bunch of knights have shadowed her, and invaded the headquarter of the Silver Wing Knights and had a sword fight with the vice president of the Knights. The result of the battle wasn’t revealed, but there was a rumor saying that she has defeated over 10 knights.

 This rumor has raised a commotion in the metropolis. Because of her, an Imperial committee was held, and they conducted an inspection of the entire knights positioned in the Metropolis. Those knights who mocked on female citizens, and those who made fun on the citizens’ appearance was dismissed reasoning their violation of the code of chivalry, and high ranking officers defended for them was dismissed for the same reason. Only after then, the commotion was calmed down.

 The official level of Elser, who hasn’t reached an age of 20 yet, was Advanced Sword Expert. Hot tempered, but trustworthy and loyal Elser has accepted Haroon as a friend. That made Sevona and other trainees who found Haroon suspicious to think of many things. Sevona finally realized that Haroon may haven’t been lying at all.

 ‘Come to think of it, he couldn’t have been lying since he kept his silence all the time. Then, was it really the oath of mana that he wasn’t able to say anything at all?’ Sevona thought.

 She was chilled. She could have been making Elser as her enemy. She was making a position in the mercenary world just by herself, without any his fathers help. If Haroon really is a magician, then what she has been doing was only jealousy of missing the t.i.tle of Top Trainee.

 Nothing was revealed yet, but her face turned red already because of the embarra.s.sment and shame on herself.

 This was same to Nemion. She was also a young, female rising star in the Mercenary world, so she had some acquaintance with Elser. She knew very well who Elser is. But that wasn’t entirely why she was blaming herself. It was because she felt terrible that she didn’t trust Haroon, even he said he has sworn an oath of mana. She only could think that in the deep part of her mind, she was feeling jealous of him.

 But that wasn’t entirely why she was blaming herself. It was because she felt terrible that she didn’t trust Haroon, even he said he has sworn an oath of mana. She only could think that in the deep part of her mind, she was feeling jealous of him.

 He can’t make this much improvement if he is really a magician. That was the reason why she and other trainees couldn’t trust Haroon. But was it really the logic they had? Couldn’t it from their childish conceit that no other magicians can be better than them? What she only could do is lower her head and leaving a deep sigh.

 Meanwhile, the graduation ceremony was heading its end quite swiftly. As if the ceremony was reflecting the personality of mercenaries who don’t like empty formalities and vanities, the simple speeches were done in short time, and the talent show everyone waited for was the only schedule in order.

The host, Trainer Schultz’s loud voice was stimulating the trainees’ pa.s.sion.

 “The people standing right front of us are the trainees who just have completed their basic training course in last three month. There was no one like them who had shown the best will to train, sincerity and the performance in the history of our academy. Please, give these young mercenaries a big hand.”

 So the audience made a loud applause that could be heard in any place in the metropolis.

 “The time has come, the time that the trainees can show you their talent, or their result of taking the course. Their level is still low, and they are young, but I don’t think there would be anyone consider these youth worthless. These trainees here are the rising stars of the mercenaries, so please, show them a lot of encouragements.”

 The trainees went up on the stage in their order and introduced themselves their recommender and the group they belong. And then they started performing their talents to the audience, alone or in groups or two or three. It was the non-magician mercenaries who started performing first on the show. As the trainees of building B and C didn’t have any special abilities like the magicians, they showed their swordsmanship or throwing knife skills that they learned from the course. Since what they performed was so low level, it wasn’t something the mercenaries would enjoy, but they gave the performer a big hand of encouragement. They knew that it’s only the efforts that count, not the result.
If you see this message, there is a good chance of this text to be a copycat of Channy’s  Some trainees’ act did attract peoples eyes. Most of them were the ones who had or have a hostile expression to Haroon. They were the trainees that their group had expectations on them. They showed the audience what they’ve been practicing since their young age, and gained a look and applause of expectations.

 Sevona showed a terrific throwing knife show. Because of her father’s will, she wasn’t able to be a combat mercenary. But even at her young age, she showed an outstanding work handling various office work that she was able to contribute managing the guild.

 Her talent was known to be a swordsmanship, but she unexpectedly chose to show her throwing knife skills, and her performance was astonishing. She threw her knives 30 steps away from the target, and she hit all 10 targets. This was almost like a superhuman skill, and this made every audience to jump up out of their sit in surprise. The rumor, saying that some trainees saw an aura in her throwing knives, was right.

 Throwing knives or daggers was only effective for the targets in range of 20 steps. It is because the weapon itself is too light, but she used an aura to increase the range and hit the target. The guests couldn’t close their mouth. It was amazing to see her using aura at her age of 20.

 A trainee named Libora’s act was a tightrope performance, walking on the tightrope held high up above one’s height without any tools, just a folding fan. She even jumped on it, and it draws exclamations of applause from the audience.

 The Magicians’ turn came.

 The highlight was on Galli who was the oldest among the trainees. Galli was from Rusoul Mercenary Guild, a famous guild of the northern part of an empire. He was one step away from mastering 2 circle magic, and he was specialized in combat magic. For 3 months, he wasn’t able to train his magic as he was busy training his body and sword. Despiting that, he performed a powerful Fire Wave, which meant he became a beginner of 3 circle.

 But that wasn’t the end. Most of the magicians showed that they have surpa.s.sed their level, and it was a satisfying result to themselves, and to the groups they belong. They showed the audience why the magicians need to take the course; to break the wall they face, they need an experience they never had before.

 And finally, it was Haroon’s turn.

 “And last but not least, this is our Top Trainee. This is the trainee that every trainer gave the highest score. He joined as a work trainee and earned this t.i.tle by giving effort several times more than the others. Please, give him a big applause.

 As if he made his name without knowing, the square went silent after a short, but loud applause. The audience eyes were fixed on him. Everyone knew that he pa.s.sed the course with an outstanding score as a magician, so they were interested which group he belonged, and who recommended him.

 “The name is Haroon. I do not belong to any group yet, and the recommender is……”

 Haroon paused there. He couldn’t continue. He wasn’t sure if he can reveal that the recommender is Elser. He didn’t want any harm to her so he couldn’t help but to hesitate.

 “I recommended him. A friend of my daughter and a magician who Mckin admits.”

 A man who was sitting in the middle table stood up. His word broke the silence, and the audience went noisy. It was because the recommender was the man out of their list. So the man cringed his face and shouted at the audience.

 “What, is there any objection I, Piel’s recommendation?”

 And that made the audience silent once again. Who would ever dare to object the Brave of the Black, Piel? He was born mercenary, and he was one of the 12 senates of the Headquarter of Mercenary Guilds of Teronn Empire. He was a living legend, well known as the only human came out alive from the Black Forest, the forest of devilish monsters.

 A few trainees’, including Sevona and Nemion, went pale. There was no reason that Haroon couldn’t be a magician if he was recommended by Piel.

 “Huh-huh-huh! Would there be, sir? They are just surprised to hear that you have found a talented one and recommended him yourself.”
“Hum, Hmm!” ranslation

 Piel made his face bright again hearing Nike’s word, the president of HQ. But in his mind, his face was getting dark as the time goes. He heard the truth from Elser and McKin, and he still partic.i.p.ated the ceremony, daring to buy all the disgrace instead of Elser.

 ‘For my d.a.m.ned daughter’s sake, I’m finally getting humiliated. d.a.m.n it! Once the ceremony is done, I’m going to kill him first. How dare you seduce my little girl with that good face and body? How dare you!’ he thought.

 Haroon was standing there surprised by Piel’s claim and shivered seeing Piel’s murderous stare that he didn’t know the reason for. He knew something went wrong, but he didn’t know why and it made him uncomfortable.

 ‘So is he Elser’s Father? But why is he staring at me like he is going to kill me?’

 But it wasn’t time for that. Everyone was watching him with interest, curiosity, expectations. But not everyone was watching him with good intention. He could feel someone was watching him with a hostile expression, like jealousy or curses.

 ‘Alright, then I will show you a true display of skills. This is what I got with Elser’s help. Elser, take a good look!’

 “So he really was a magician? We certainly checked his mana after he took the cuffs off, and it wasn’t enough to be a magician,” grumbled Nemion.

 Her legs were already trembling. She saw a person wrongly. She used to say she could see one’s mind clearly using a spirit’s ability.

 “What I’m going to show you is a throwing knife act, not a magic act. What you are going to see is something I learned to do. It isn’t much to show, but please enjoy.”

 Noise aroused among the audience. All other magicians showed their magic. Everyone thought a question in their mind. ‘Is he thinking his throwing knives are better than his magic?’

 The trainers serving as a stage crew set up a target dummy 30 steps away from Haroon, and 7 more dummies, setting them on in every 5 steps. They set them in line, so in Haroon’s perspective, he would only be able to see the front dummy.

 “Gosh! How is he supposed to hit that with his throwing knife?”

 The furthest dummy was 65 steps away¹. That wasn’t easy to reach even with a bow and an arrow, much less with a throwing knife, which is very light and is thrown with a bare hand. On top of that, he couldn’t see the targets except for the first one. n.o.body could guess what he was going to do.

 “Isn’t he just driven by his youthful bravery?
“If he throws while moving, yes he will be able to but the last one isn’t even clear to see.

 The audience some when all stood up and started talking about their guesses. For their eyes, it just seemed Haroon selected impossible challenge to perform.

 The distance of 65 steps were not even easy for the skilled archers. There was no possibility that the throwing knifes would reach the target that far. Sevona was able to reach the target because she used aura, but Haroon was a magician. Everyone thought he was just trying to be heroic.

 In fact, Haroon knew it was impossible for him to hit the target that far. But those worries never come to Haroon’s ears, as he was already focusing on the throwing knives hold in his belt and the target. If he uses the power of elemental spirit, he certainly could. That’s why he trained for last few days and nights, being poisoned for few tenth of times.

 With the audience’s attention, Haroon stood in front of the dummies. With an aslant posture, he took a knife and held it with his right hands, and he readied his left hand to throw the next one.

 “Brat, come out.”

 With a low voice that n.o.body else could hear, he summoned Brat. Brat appeared and sat on his shoulder. Of course, no one else could see it. But there unexpectedly many magicians who felt some kind of unfamiliar mana has moved around him. They were high-ranking magicians who came as the guests. A buzz of excitement ran through them.

 “I can sense the mana current!”
“What is it? It doesn’t seem to be a magic.”

 Haroon didn’t care about those noises. It was time for him to focus, which is one of the best things he can do.

 “Huhu, is it finally the show time? Alright, alright, I will fill what you lack and make the audience crazy.

 Yes, his talking was still very b.i.t.c.h, but Brat knew what Haroon was going to do. The given time was short, and his affinity was still low, so the last rehearsal went fail too. But Brat knew Haroon. Brat knew very well that he will make it for this time with his concentration and his will. Considering how he has such a low mana and Elemental force, Brat admitted his persistence and concentration.

 “By the pact of the string connecting the two worlds, I summon you, Sylph.”
“Huhuhu, I knew you were planning a scam. You master are so evil.”

 As Haroon’s clear voice echo down the square, Brat cast 8 small whirl winds. Even the spirit hasn’t revealed its appearance, the audience still could find out that Sylph, the spirit of wind was in presence. Even in Nemion’s act, they couldn’t see the sylph. This presentation has led such a reaction.

 “It’s the spirits!
“He was an Elementalist!”
“Oh gosh, An elemental magic?”

 The crowd went crazy because n.o.body couldn’t even think that he is an Elementalist. Normally, spirits don’t reveal themselves unless the Elementalist make them do so. So people couldn’t ever know it was Brat making 8 whirl winds moving 8 times. After all, Elementalists are not easy to find, like Nemion is.

 “There is ei, eight of them! But how……?”

 Nemion couldn’t close her mouth seeing Haroon summoning 8 sylphs when she barely summons 2 of them.

 Brat stopped making whirl wind and stuck on the throwing knife. Creditably, It even didn’t forget to make the knife shake a bit, to make the audience to think that a sylph has stuck on it.

  “Here we go!”

 The knife Haroon threw flew up and down like a fish swimming in the ocean and headed to the first target. Haroon took another knife and threw at the second target and Brat guided it. His hands threw knives with a perfect interval. The third, and the fourth……. And the last one left his hand.

 “Huhu. Believe me, Master. It will be amazing.”
“Good work.”
“Since now you know how good I am, mind your way of talking and your att.i.tude. Then I will make you a great person.”

 Haroon punched in its face.

 “Stop chattering and go back to your place.”

 Haroon dissummon it and quickly took an antidote. It would seem strange if they saw him doing that in front of him, but n.o.body gave attention to his actions since they were seeing his back.

 The first one he threw flew slowly, almost drawing a semi circle, and the last one was very fast, almost flying horizontally. Every knife had different speed and a different trajectory. Of course, it was all by Brat’s ability, trained by verbal and physical abuse of Haroon.

 But in audience perspective, seeing all 8 throwing knifes flying at the target was so unreal. The trainers’, trainees’, and the guests’ eyes couldn’t be any wider, and their mouth didn’t seem to close in the near future. They were speechless to see the throwing knives, which was a non-living object, was swimming in the air like living fishes.

 But there was only one sound. Only one hit, they thought. The fantastic throwing knife skill is worthy of praise, but it was no use if it doesn’t hit the target. This drew heavy groans of the crowd.

 “It is sad to see only the front dummy was. .h.i.t.
“Even though it was an overdo, it was awesome to see throwing knife skills with spirit’s ability applied.”

 When the crowd was talking in a whisper, there was a UI sound going on in Haroon’s ears.

 – You have learned new skill ‘Spirit-guided throwing knives‘
– E.S.P. is increased by 1 point
– E.F.P. is increased by 30

 It was at that moment when the trainers ran at the each dummy and started carrying them. There was 7 of them moving at the same time. They set the target dummies in rows so the audience could see it clearly. Then the thundering applause roared up.

 “That’s awesome!”
“He is great!”

Somebody even whistled.

 There were 8 knives stuck in the dummies, one in each. All 8 knives. .h.i.t the different vital spots. Even though they were not at the bull’s-eyes, it didn’t hit the outside of circle indicating the vital spots. One short sound meant only one thing; that all 8 knives. .h.i.t the dummies at the same time. Therefore, it meant Haroon has controlled the speed of the knives using Sylph’s power to make it hit the targets at the same time.

That was never tried by anyone at any time. It wouldn’t be much to say that Haroon has reached the highest stage of throwing knives. No Elementalists were known for throwing knives using their spirits’ power. It was Haroon, who thought out of the frame and showed the application of elemental magic.

 It was Mercenaries’ tradition to use throwing knives as a signal of a sudden attack or a hidden card to rescue themselves in an emergency situation, and mercenary Elementalists were no exception. To them, Haroon has shown a new world. Unlike the trainees making pure exclamations, the high ranking officers or mercenaries were speechless seeing the value and the meaning of Haroon’s throwing knives skills.

 “What kind of throwing knives on earth is that elaborate?”
“That’s, that’s scary. I got the goose b.u.mps.”
“Is that even possible? I never heard they could put spirit’s power in daggers.”

 As if they still think it unbelievable even after seeing it with their very own eyes, the guests were still standing up as with a look of waking up from some kind of strange dreams.

 “Who is that pal again?”
“He is Haroon, remember? I can see why Piel recommended him. Thinking how he came up with compounding the throwing knives and the spirit, he is amazing.
“And he did say he doesn’t belong in any guild, right?”

 Their eyes were burning bright.

 No matter what kind of princ.i.p.al was behind that throwing knife skill, with that he could be considered as an advanced cla.s.s mercenary. On top of that, he had a brain of applying his elemental magic. They haven’t seen his swordsmanship or any other skills, but they’ve seen one, and that meant they’ve seen them all. Especially some mercenary guild leaders’ eyes were burning bright.

 Some smart ones were already running at the mercenary guild HQ president and Piel.


¹ 65 steps away: In the raw text, it was written 70 steps away. I believe the author did the math wrong. Counting dummy to 8, from 30 steps away would be 60. (30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65), whereas I believe the author just did 30 + 5×8 = 70

TL Note:

I will be away from my computer for a week, so I can’t promise you when the next chapter would be released. Now that I mention this, now I see I should have saved up some translations. I will, eventually, to prevent this from happening again.

So I decided to spend more time on translation and make an early release of this chapter. Please take this chapter as my apology, and please go easy on me. Thanks
