=urbanidad,= _f._, civility, politeness.
=urbano,= urbane, polite.
=urgir,= to urge, be urgent; =me urge,= I am in haste (to).
=urna,= urn, gla.s.s-case (_for images_).
=usar,= to use, wear; =-- de,= to make use of.
=uso,= use, custom.
=usted,= _pl._, =ustedes,= you.
=util,= useful.
=utilidad,= _f._, utility, service.
=V., Vd.= = =usted=; _pl._, =V. V., Vds.= = =ustedes=.
=vaciar,= to empty.
=vacilante,= wavering.
=vacilar,= to stagger.
=vacio,= empty.
=vagar,= to wander.
=vagido,= utterance (_of a new-born child_).
=vago,= vague.
=vaho,= vapor.
=vaina,= scabbard, sheath.
=Valdepenas,= _prop. noun_ (_town in the province of Ciudad Real; famous for its table wine_).
=Valdivia,= _prop. noun_ (_a town in Chile_).
=valedor,= _m._, protector, defender.
=Valencia,= _prop. noun_ (_Valencia, pop. about 160,000, is the third largest city of Spain. It is on the east coast, and is an important seaport_).
=valer,= to be worth, procure (_as a name_); =--se (de),= to make use (of), employ; =hacer --,= to insist, claim; =vale mas,= it is better; =me valga Dios!= bless me!; =valierame mas,= it would be better for me.
=valeroso,= brave, heroic.
=valga,= _pr. subj. of_ =valer=.
=valiente,= valiant; (_coll._), big, excessive.
=valor,= _m._, value, valor, courage.
=Valverde,= _prop. noun_ (_lit._, green valley).
=Valladolid,= _prop. noun_ (_capital of the province of the same name; pop. about 70,000_).
=valle,= _m._, valley, vale.
=vamonos, vamos=; _see_ =ir=.
=vanidad,= _f._, vanity, ostentation.
=vano,= vain, in vain; =en --,= in vain.
=vapor,= _m._, vapor, fume, "bouquet" (_of wine_); steamer.
=vara,= yard (_about 33 inches_), rod.
=varar,= to run aground, be stranded.
=variacion,= _f._, change.
=variar,= to vary; =-- de sitio,= to shift, move about.
=vario,= varied, changing, fickle; _pl._, several, various.
=Varmen,= _f._, _prop. noun_.
=varon,= _m._, man.
=varonil,= manly, vigorous.
=vas,= _pr. ind. of_ =ir=.
=vaso,= gla.s.s.
=vaticinio,= prediction.
=vaya,= _pr. subj, of_ =ir=; _exclam._, well! indeed! what a question!; =-- un modo de despedirse,= a nice way of taking leave; =-- con Dios,= good-bye and may G.o.d keep you.
=ve,= _imper., and pers. sing., of_ =ir=.
=vecindad,= _f._, neighborhood.