Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories

Chapter 146

=vecindario,= inhabitants.

=vecino,= neighbor, resident, inhabitant; =-- de,= verging on.

=vega,= (fertile) plain.

=vehemencia,= vehemence, violence, fervor; =con --,= vehemently, violently.

=vehemente,= impetuous.


=veinte,= twenty.

=veinticuatro,= twenty-four.

=veintinueve,= twenty-nine.

=veintiun(o),= twenty-one.

=vejetal,= vegetable.

=vejez,= _f._, old age.

=vela,= candle, sail; =gran --,= main-sail.

=velada,= watch, wakefulness.

=velar,= to watch (_at night_), wake, be watchful.

=veleta,= weather-vane.

=velis nolis= (_Latin_)=,= w.i.l.l.y-nilly.

=velo,= veil, curtain.

=veloz,= swift.

=velozmente,= quickly, swiftly.

=vena,= vein.

=vencedor, -a,= conqueror, victor.

=vencer,= to conquer, win, overcome.

=vender,= to sell.

=veneno,= poison, wrath, pa.s.sion; =hecho un --,= furious.

=venerar,= to venerate, worship.

=vengan,= _pr. subj. of_ =venir=.

=venganza,= vengeance, revenge.

=venida,= coming.

=venir,= to come; fit; =--se,= to come; =si viene a mano,= if there is a chance; =un poco ancha te vendra,= it is probably a little too wide for you.

=venite adoremus= (_Latin_) = =venid y adoremos= (_the beginning words of a prayer_).

=ventaja,= advantage.

=ventajosamente,= advantageously.

=ventana,= window.

=ventilado,= ventilated, airy.

=ventilar,= to ventilate.

=ver,= to see; =a --,= let us (me) see; =-- la cara a la muerte,= to face death.

=vera,= earnestness.

=verano,= summer.

=veras; de --,= truly, really, sincerely.

=verdad,= _f._, truth; it is true; =no es --?= is it not true?

=verdaderamente,= truly, really.

=verdadero,= real, true, genuine.

=verde,= green; perverse; =poner --a alguno=, to accuse one of perversity.

=verdura,= vegetables.

=verguenza,= shame, sense of shame, embarra.s.sment; =me da --,= I am ashamed.

=veridico,= truthful, authentic.

=verja,= railing.

=verosimilitud,= _f._, probability, likelihood.

=verso,= verse; _pl._, verses, poetry.

=verter (ie),= to shed.