=enfermedad,= _f._, sickness, disease.
=enfermeria,= infirmary.
=enfermero, -a,= nurse.
=enfermito, -a,= little patient.
=enfermo,= sick, ill; _noun_, patient, sick person.
=enflaquecer,= to make thin, weaken.
=enfrente,= opposite, across the street; =de --,= on the opposite side, in front (_of_).
=enfria.r.s.e,= to grow cold.
=enfurecido,= infuriated.
=enganar,= to deceive, cheat, disappoint; =--se,= to be mistaken.
=engolfado,= lost, absorbed.
=engorrosisimo= (_from_ =engorroso=)=,= troublesome, c.u.mbersome.
=enhoramala= (_lit._, in an evil hour); =echar --,= to treat with contempt.
=enjalbegar,= to whitewash.
=enjaulado,= caged.
=enjuto,= thin, spare.
=enlazar,= to intertwine.
=enmaranado,= entangled.
=enmendar (ie),= to repair, amend.
=enmienda,= amendment, correction, reform.
=enojar,= to vex.
=enojo,= annoyance, anger.
=enojoso,= troublesome, annoying.
=enorme,= enormous.
=enormidad,= _f._, enormity, gravity.
=enrabiado,= enraged.
=enramada,= arbor, foliage, trees.
=enredar,= to play pranks, entangle; =--se un dialogo,= to begin a confused dialogue.
=enrevesado,= stubborn, intractable.
=enrojecido,= red, reddened.
=enrollar,= to roll up, wrap around.
=ensangrentado,= covered _or_ stained with blood.
=ensanamiento,= rage, fury.
=ensartar,= to string together.
=ensayar,= to try, practice, rehea.r.s.e.
=ensayo,= trial, attempt.
=ensenanza,= instruction, teaching.
=ensenar (a),= to teach, show.
=ensordecer,= to deafen.
=ensuciar,= to soil, dirty, stain, waste (_as paper_).
=ensueno,= sleep, dream.
=entablar,= to begin (_a conversation, acquaintance_), bring on the tapis; establish.
=entalle,= _m._, carving, sculpturing, engraving.
=ente,= _m._, ent.i.ty, being.
=entendederas,= _pl._, understanding, judgment.
=entender (ie),= to understand, hear; =--se,= to understand each other, agree _or_ be agreed; =da.r.s.e por entendido,= to pretend to understand.
=entendido,= learned, wise.
=entendimiento,= understanding, mind, intelligence, wisdom.
=enteramente,= entirely.
=enterar(se),= to inform, acquaint (oneself); =del que se ha enterado perfectisimamente,= with which he is thoroughly acquainted.