=entereza,= fort.i.tude.
=entero,= whole, upright, undiminished, firm; =por --,= entirely.
=enterrar (ie),= to bury.
=entierro,= burial, funeral.
=entonar,= to intone, sing.
=entonces,= then, at that time; well then!
=entornar,= to turn.
=entrada,= entrance, admission-ticket (_the_ =entrada= _is not numbered, and does not necessarily ent.i.tle the holder to a seat_).
=entrambos, -as,= both; =-- a dos,= both of them.
=entranas,= bowels; heart; =de sus --,= beloved.
=entrar (en),= to enter, approach; undertake; =-- en razon,= to listen to reason; =la entro un colico,= she was seized with cramps; =mes que entra= = =proximo mes=.
=entre,= between, among; =mira.r.s.e -- si,= to look at one another; =-- tanto,= meanwhile; =-- asombrado e incredulo,= half amazed and half incredulous.
=entreabrir,= to open slightly, leave ajar.
=entrecano,= grayish (_of the hair or beard_).
=entrega,= delivery, giving over.
=entregar,= to restore, deliver, hand, give over _or_ up.
=entretener,= to entertain.
=entretenido,= occupied, busy.
=entrevista,= interview, meeting.
=entristecer,= to sadden.
=enturbiar,= to dim, trouble.
=entusiasma.r.s.e,= to become enthusiastic.
=entusiasmo,= enthusiasm.
=entusiasta,= _m. or f._, enthusiast.
=enviar,= to send.
=envolver (ue),= to wrap.
=envuelto,= _p. p. of_ =envolver=.
=epico,= epic.
=epidermis,= _f._, epidermis, cuticle.
=epistolario,= epistolary, by letter.
=epitafio,= epitaph.
=epoca,= epoch, time.
=equipaje,= _m._, effects (_which a sailor takes with him on a voyage_), luggage.
=equivoca.r.s.e,= to be mistaken.
=era,= _imp. ind. of_ =ser=.
=erigir,= to erect, build.
=ermita,= hermitage.
=ermitano,= hermit.
=errante,= errant, wandering.
=errar (ye),= to miss.
=erudito,= learned.
=esbelto,= tall, slender.
=esbirro,= bailiff, constable, policeman.
=escabullirse,= to escape.
=escalar,= to scale, climb (into).
=escalera,= stairs; =-- de mano,= ladder; =por las --s abajo,= down the stairs.
=escalinata,= steps.
=escalofrio,= shiver, chill.
=escalon,= _m._, step.
=escama,= scale (_of fishes_), scaly piece (_of a coat of mail_).