=sabo = se;= _see_ =saber.=
=sabor,= _m._, taste.
=saborear,= to taste, enjoy (_as eating and drinking_), relish.
=sabroso,= savory, palatable; cozy.
=sacabo = se acabo;= _see_ =acabar=.
=sacar,= to draw, take out, take off; obtain, win, gain; =-- en limpio,= to understand; =-- motes,= to invent nicknames; =saca medio cuerpo fuera de,= she leans half over.
=sacerdote,= _m._, priest, clergyman, minister.
=saco,= sack, bag.
=Sacra Familia,= holy family (_Joseph, Mary, and Jesus_).
=sacramental,= solemn.
=sacrilegio,= sacrilege.
=sacrilego,= sacrilegious.
=sacristan,= _m._, s.e.xton.
=sacristia,= sacristy.
=sacro,= holy.
=sacudir,= to shake; =-- el polvo,= to shake.
=sagrado,= sacred.
=sal, _f._, salt.
=sala,= parlor, room, hall; =Sala,= court.
=saldar,= to settle.
=salgais,= _pr. subj. of_ =salir=.
=salgo,= _pr. ind. of_ =salir.=
=salida,= departure, exit; =a la --de,= on going out from; =dar --,= to give vent.
=salir,= to go out, leave; =-- del paso,= to get out of a difficulty; =-- a flote,= to be afloat; =le salieron amigos,= he made friends.
=salomonico,= _see_ =columnilla=.
=salon,= _m._, salon, drawing-room.
=salpicado,= flecked, sprinkled, studded.
=salpicar,= to bespatter.
=salsa,= sauce, gravy.
=saltar,= to leap, jump, dash, hop, rebound; =-- a,= to jump from.
=salto,= leap; =dar un --,= to spring, leap; =de un --,= suddenly; =--de mata,= dodging about (_to escape justice_).
=salu = salud.=
=salud,= _f._, health.
=saludable,= salutary.
=saludar,= to salute, greet.
=saludo,= salutation, bow.
=salva,= salute of fire-arms; =-- de aplausos,= round of applause.
=salvaje,= savage, wild.
=salvajino,= savage.
=salvar,= to save; =--se,= to escape.
=salvilla,= salver, tray.
=salvo,= excepting; =en --,= in safety.
=Sanios,= _prop, noun_ (_an island in_ _the Aegean Sea, near the coast of Asia Minor_).
=San = santo.=
=sancion,= _f._, sanction; =-- penal,= solemn confirmation of a penalty by law.
=sandalia,= sandal.
=sangre,= _f._, blood; =-- perdida,= loss of blood.
=sanguinario,= blood-thirsty.
=sano,= healthy, wholesome.
=Santa Cruz,= _f._, _prop, noun_ (_of a plaza in Madrid where figures for Nacimientos are sold in numerous small booths before Christmas_).