=triunfalmente,= triumphantly, in triumph.
=triunfo,= triumph.
=trocar (ue),= to change, barter, exchange; =-- todos los frenos,= to get everything twisted.
=troje,= _m._, granary.
=tronco,= trunk of a tree; =como un -- que se desploma,= flat to the ground like a log.
=trono,= throne.
=tropa,= troop.
=tropel,= _m._, crowd, number, flood.
=tropezar (ie),= to stumble; =-- con,= to come to, to meet accidentally.
=tropezon,= _m._, stumbling, tripping.
=tropiezo,= obstacle, difficulty.
=trote,= _m._, trot; =tomar el --,= to start on a galop.
=trozo,= piece, selection, air; =--s,= s.n.a.t.c.hes.
=trucha,= trout.
=trueno,= thunder-clap.
=trueque ; a -- (de),= in exchange, in order to, for the sake of.
=tu,= thou, you; =hablarle de --,= address with =tu= (_the more familiar way_).
=tuerto,= squint-eyed; =el --,= Squint-eye.
=tumba,= tomb.
=tumbar,= to fall, tumble; throw down, strike down.
=tumulto,= tumult, commotion.
=tunante,= _m._, crafty fellow, idler, rascal.
=tunica,= tunic.
=tuno,= scamp, rogue.
=turba,= crowd, throng, mult.i.tude.
=turbacion,= _f._, confusion, worry, uneasiness.
=turbar,= to trouble, alarm.
=turbulencia,= turbulence, restlessness.
=turno,= turn; =por --,= each one in turn.
=turqui,= _see_ =azul=.
=turron,= _m._, nougat (_a confection made with almonds and honey_).
=tuve, -iste, -o,= _etc._, _pret. of_ =tener=.
=tuviera, tuviese,= _imp. subjs. of_ =tener=.
=tuyo, -a,= thine, your; =los tuyos,= thy (your) people; =hacer de las tuyas,= to be at your tricks.
=u,= or (+ =o-= _or_ =ho-=).
=Ujarraz,= _prop. noun_.
=ultimado,= finished.
=ultimo,= last, latter; greatest, highest; =por --,= lastly, finally; =esto --,= this last thing; =de --,= the last of all; =en -- termino,= lastly.
=umbral,= _m._, threshold.
=unanime,= unanimous.
=unicamente,= only, solely.
=unico,= only; =lo --,= the only thing.
=uniforme,= _m._, uniform; =los de --,= the soldiers, officers.
=unir,= to unite, join, meet.
=universo,= world, universe.
=un(o), -a,= one, a; _pl._, some, the same; =uno al otro,= each other; =no son unos,= they are not alike.
=untar,= to grease, rub; =-- las manos,= to bribe.
=una,= finger-nail; =echar la -- (a),= to get hold (of).