=adonde,= where.
=adoptar,= to adopt, approve.
=adorar,= to adore, worship.
=Adoracuernos,= _prop. noun_ (_lit._, worships bull-fights).
=adormecer,= to lull asleep.
=adornar,= to adorn.
=adorno,= ornament, adornment.
=adosar (a),= to lean, rest, stand (against).
=adquirir,= to acquire, come by, obtain, take possession (of).
=adquisividad,= _f._, acquisitiveness, thrift.
=aduana,= custom-house.
=adular,= to flatter.
=adulto,= adult, grown up.
=adusto,= gloomy, sullen.
=advertencia,= warning.
=advertir (ie),= to inform, warn, take notice, notice, state; =adviertase!= take notice!
=adyacente,= adjacent.
=aerolito,= aerolite.
=afamado,= famous.
=afan,= _m._, pains, efforts, anxiety, eagerness (for).
=afanado,= busy, eager.
=afanar,= to toil, work; =tu has afanado eso,= you have carried that off.
=afanoso,= anxious.
=afectacion,= _f._, affectation.
=afectar,= to affect.
=afecto,= affection.
=afeita.r.s.e,= to shave; =por estas que me afeito!= by my beard!
=aferrado,= fastened; =-- a la silla,= clinging to the saddle.
=aficion,= _f._, affection, inclination; =por -- a,= through love for.
=aficionadisimo= (_from_ =aficionado=) =(a),= very fond (of), devoted(to).
=aficionado,= amateur; =muy -- al toreo,= a great amateur in the art of fighting bulls.
=afirmar,= to affirm, a.s.sure.
=afliccion,= _f._, grief, anguish.
=aflictivo,= distressing.
=afligido,= afflicted, wretched.
=afloja.r.s.e,= to loosen.
=afluir,= to stream, flow.
=aforismo,= aphorism, saying.
=afrenta,= dishonor.
=afueras,= _f. pl._, suburbs.
=agarrar,= to grasp, seize, take hold (of).
=agasajo,= kindness, caress, politeness; =hacer --,= to show politeness, give a kindly reception.
=agil,= quick, nimble.
=agitado,= excited.
=agitar,= to agitate, move, shake; =--se,= to be busy, writhe, move.
=agobiado,= exhausted.
=agonia,= suffering, death struggle.
=agonizar,= to be dying.
=agosto,= August.
=agotado,= exhausted.