=inquieto,= uneasy, restless, worried; =de --,= with (for) uneasiness.
=inquietud,= _f._, uneasiness, anxiety.
=insaciable,= insatiable.
=insalubre,= unhealthful.
=inseguro,= unsteady, faltering.
=insensato,= mad, insensate.
=insensiblemente,= insensibly.
=insigne,= notable, ill.u.s.trious, distinguished.
=insinuacion,= _f._, hint, suggestion.
=insinuante,= insinuating, obliging, ingratiating.
=insistir (en),= to insist.
=insolencias,= effrontery, forwardness.
=insolito,= unaccustomed.
=insomnio,= insomnia.
=inspeccion,= _f._, inspection.
=inspirar,= to inspire, cause.
=instalacion,= _f._, installation.
=instantaneamente,= instantly.
=instante,= _m._, moment; =por --s,= continually; =en -- tan supremo,= at this supreme moment.
=instinto,= instinct, natural tendency.
=inst.i.tuto,= inst.i.tute (_a government school of secondary instruction, where students prepare for the university. It is about equivalent to a high school_).
=instruido,= instructed, learned, educated.
=insufrible,= intolerable, unbearable.
=insulto,= insult.
=intacto,= untouched, undisturbed, intact.
=integro,= complete(ly), integral, unbroken.
=inteligencia,= intelligence, understanding.
=intemperancia,= intemperance, excess.
=intencion,= _f._, intention, design, view.
=intensamente,= intensely; =-- azul,= deep blue.
=intenso,= intense, violent.
=intentar,= to try, attempt.
=intento; al --,= on purpose; _adj._, intent.
=interceder,= to intercede.
=intercesion,= _f._, intercession.
=interes,= _m._, interest.
=interesa.r.s.e (con),= to be interested (in).
=interior,= _m._, interior, mind.
=interiormente,= internally, in one"s heart.
=interlocutor, -a,= speaker, questioner; =su --,= the one who spoke to him.
=intermedio,= intermediate, interposed.
=interminable,= endless.
=interna.r.s.e (en),= to extend toward the interior of the country; enter, penetrate into.
=interpelado,= one appealed to, person, questioned _or_ addressed.
=interpretacion,= _f._, interpretation.
=interpretar,= to interpret, explain.
=interpuesto= (_p. p. of_ =interponer=)=,= placed _or_ situated (between).
=interrogar,= to question.
=interrumpir,= to interrupt.
=intervenir,= to intervene, mediate, a.s.sist.