Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms

Chapter 1: The Chu Clan"s half of Gai province

Chapter 1: The Chu Clan"s half of Gai province

In the desolates of the southwestern border of the Great Jin, on the side of countless, neglected weeds, Gai province was a new country established of not even a hundred years, monopolizing the fertile lands of the myriad great mountains. The lava blended together with the iron-ichor ramparts to form the all-encompa.s.sing pitch-black city walls of Gai province. A bend of silver hooked outwards to display a faint, clear splendor. Beneath moonlight, Gai City appeared to be the head of a black behemoth calmly creeping among the mountain ridge.

"The heavenly stems are parched, be wary of fire and candles!" The voice of the on-duty night watchman  reverberated dispiritedly everywhere amidst Gai City. Several vagrant cats and dogs within the city confronted each other, the sound of barking, the sound of mewling, moreover, the roadside courtyard wall roof tiles fell over due to being trampled upon by a fleeing kitten. The tiles fell to the floor causing a shattering, crisp sound. From the street alley, several shadows turned came about. Stopping by the roadside towards the empty s.p.a.ce, they observed both sides of the shadowless road a bit. Noiselessly taking out a cast-bronze short staff, they inserted it into the street. The three foot-some short staff shone, revealing a fantastic veined pattern like a living beast that circulated along the short staff. The short staff spat out faint rays of azure light, quickly merging into the hazy moon light. A diameter long enchantment took east of Gai Prefectural City, enshrouding within an immense mansion.

This enchantment not only sealed off the sky, but more over permeated through the earth. Transforming into a ma.s.sive sphere and thoroughly sealed off the underground. The interior of the immense mansion was brightly lit, covering all four vital directions. Countless st.u.r.dily-adorned servants guarded their breaths with both hands drooping downwards, cautiously standing tall and proud. Over ten squadrons with flexible armor draped across their shoulders and sabers strapped at the waist of bodyguards lead along a robustly-built, tiger-headed mastiff wandering back and forth alongside the courtyard walls. Endless gorgeously-adorned servant girls, maids dressed in flowery styles fluttered about like b.u.t.terflies, revolving around the center of the immense mansion and entered the courtyard with rushed about small steps. With pretty faces tightly taut, a formless, penetrating whiff could cause men to choke nervously upon their breaths.

The master of the mansion, Gai province"s Chu clan, once known as "half of the Gai province". Nine generations ago, the high ancestor of the Chu clan was a mere street peddler, but with great luck of unknown origins, the family properties were like a rolling s...o...b..ll. In general as it continued to roll, it became even grander. Afterwards, he furthermore took part in the Great Jin"s establishment of Gai province"s agricultural master plan. In a single move, he established Gai province"s number one aristocratic foundation.

Presently, the Chu clan monopolized Gai province"s salt, iron, unprocessed medicinal herbs, furs, timber, silkworm cla.s.s livelihoods, beneath the sects: salt workers, miners, pharmacists, carpenters, hunters, weavers, and countless other professions. Each and every person of the province said, "the Gai province is utterly outstanding, the Chu clan monopolizes half the province".

Among the center of the courtyard, several tens of strongly-adorned, heroic women with hanging hands stood tall and majestic. Stationed under the courtyard corridor, none dared to make a sound. Within the courtyard, there was a lofty, purple brocaded-robed man. His gown was completely embroidered with manifold characters of festive, decorative designs. He appeared to be fifty-somewhat yeared, dragon-whiskered big shot intensely trembling from head to foot. His eyes were firmly fixed to attention upon the door of the courtyard"s central building.

Once in awhile, several servant-women and maids would quickly step out. At the side of the dragon-whiskered big shot, an intense, jeering sound suddenly came forth. It seemed like a brilliant swordsman was rapidly waving his sword ordinarily. Another refined youth with born handsome and bright features donned in an azure long robe then carried on his bath with both hands like a lantern designed with a carousel of horses moved about the courtyard in disarray. This man"s pace seemed dispirited; his silhouette yet dragging to become a long, azure shadow. The only thing that could be heard in the courtyard was the swooshing sound of the wind. Ordinary people could simply not clearly see the youth"s figure.

Suddenly, the dragon-whiskered big shot ferociously stamped his foot. Pointing towards the quick-stepped, disorderly-moving youth he sternly shouted, "Disgraceful thing, no matter how many times I say, every time a major event has calm essence, calm, calm, clam, calm essence, calm mind, calm spirit!"

His tone not yet fallen, the door of the central building suddenly opened. A robust, old woman dashed out. With a great voice she barked out, "quickly, quickly, boil the hot water! Quickly, quickly, the cotton towel! Call the physician to carefully prepare it, aiyo!"

"Gudong!" the sound of splashing rang out. The dragon-whiskered big shot softly knelt on the ground. He raised both hands, looked towards the sky, and lowly murmured, " aiyo, arrange the ancestors, arrange the clan to bless and protect. My Chu clan"s Ninth generation legend, Ninth generation legend ahhh! Must a.s.sure the young and old are safe and sound! Must have a big, plump grandson!"

The youth stopped at the side of the dragon-whiskered big shot, producing a "shua" sound. Both hands pressed upon the shoulder of the big shot and he forcefully laughed, "Dad, every time a great event has a calm essence!"

The dragon-whiskered big shot suddenly jumped up and slapped the youth"s shoulder. "Disgraceful thing, this is in fact a great matter. This is a gigantic matter! My Chu clan"s Ninth generation legend! Arrange the ancestors, arrange the clan! This time can certainly not be missed! (1)"

The sound of urgent footsteps could be heard. A thin, azure-colored long robed elder hurriedly entered the courtyard. He gathered at the side of the dragon-whiskered big shot and the male youth and spoke urgently in a low tone, "Lord, young master, Sir Jiang has come."

"Which Sir Jiang?" The youth had still not uttered a word. The dragon-whiskered big shot"s gaze had already widened. He ferociously looked towards the thin, old man and gave him a harsh glance.

"Sir Jiang!" The thin, old man"s neck shrunk back. He hollowly laughed, "This old slave knows these several days…"

The dragon-whiskered big shot rudely interrupted the thin, old man"s words: "To know these several days our household has a great event, yet still come here to announce something? Return to him and tell him one thing. I, your father, have no time; forgive me for being unable to see a guest! If he remains unconvinced, ignore the rest and tell this daddy!"

Just as he finished speaking, a long laugh came from the courtyard door, "Lord Chu Ye, this official has come a long way in the night to make a visit. Lord, how can you close the door and refuse a guest? This does not conform to custom. This official however brings public affairs."

Following the sound of laughter, a vermillion brocaded, long robe-wearing man with a square face suffused lightly with a purple tinge appeared. His large eyes held a lively expression and his entire person was dignified. The stern-aired, middle-aged big shot made great strides into the courtyard.

The dragon-whiskered big shot immediately became furious. Point towards the purpled-faced big shot he angrily said, "Jiang Kui, I, your father, gave the order to close all the doors. Why did you enter?"

The purple-faced big shot Jiang Kui faintly laughed. Pointing towards the ground he smiled. "Naturally, I came in from below!"

The dragon-whiskered big shot Chu Ye"s old face stiffened. "I, your father"s home has matters to attend to. These several days, whether you have public affairs or not, daddy doesn"t have the mood. Come again in three days!" He snorted coldly.

Jiang Kui"s brows slightly wrinkled. He took great strides until he was in front of Chu Ye and in a heavy, low tone asked, "I need not wait three days later. This time, this official has come only to ask you a single thing. Five days ago, the letter you sent, is the information indeed true?"

Chu Ye"s brows raised. With a deep tone he asked, "What affair?"

Jiang Kui lifted his gaze and coldly said, "The Desolate Weeds lost of citizens!" (2)

The youth by the side came over and frowned. "Sir Jiang, this matter is absolutely true. Their emissary is outside the city walls in the mountains. We can meet at anytime!"

Jiang Kui suddenly wrinkled his brows. He looked at the young man and thoughtfully said, "Sir Chu Feng, is what you"ve said indeed true? Their emissary is outside the city walls in the mountain? Ah, this affair still must be deliberated. You two sirs, please look after me!"

Jiang Kui"s two hands flipped over and both hands formed a fist in front of the Chu Ye and Chu Feng father-son duo…

This part was slightly confusing. I"m not sure if the author literally meant basket or meant another word which has a similar pinyin structure that I decided to go with

Unsure if I understood this properly "莽荒遗民"

How do you guys feel about overall translation quality? Mainly what I want to ask is do you prefer a preservation of the original sentence structure closely translated into english or just the the original intent/central parts in a better flowing sentence?