Her Boss

Chapter 17


"You can always visit"

"No you don"t get it. She"s everything to me now and I don"t want to stay away from her. One week is way too long and you know that and i--"

I was caught short when his lips came crashing down on mine. It felt so genuine. His lip is soft against mine and h.e.l.l he stole my first kiss.


Anna"s POV...

I know it"s weird and all but hey! it ain"t my fault everyone disliked me then. Who would want to kiss a fat ugly Betty. Definitely not me of course. He slowly pulled away from me smiling, flashing his perfectly white teeth.. so intoxicating. He leaned his forehead against mine and his minty breath fanned my face. I quickly regained myself and pulled back a bit. That did not just happen. I kissed not just my college crush but my boss. Holy s.h.i.t! now this has gotten COMPLETELY awkward. Thanks Sherlock and I mentally smacked my head severally.. such a fool.. such a fool. The redness of his cheek did not escape me. Oh d.a.m.n he"s so cute. C"mon don"t go all "smoochy doochy" on your boss jeez *face palm*

*clears throat* "Well that shut you up quickly".

s.h.i.t of course he only did that to shut me up. He doesn"t feel anything for you.. he doesn"t feel anything for you... it"s just a shut-up-kiss... nothing more, nothing less... I tried to convince myself...Right? "This is gonna be a LONG week" sighing.

"Of course it will be" he smirked before shutting the door behind him.

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I can"t believe all that has happened for the past few days. First a plastic surgery, then a promotion in the club which I no longer work in since my debt to Mr Phillip has been paid off by my boss who I just found out was my college crush and he"s going to babysit me for the next one week while I"m recuperating. As if that"s not enough, we"re gonna get new clothes tomorrow as well as my stuffs from the apartment, then leave my roomie there for the next one week.. ALONE. Okay so my life pretty much is turning into a movie, GREAT.


I took a shower and was drying my hair out with a towel when I realized I have absolutely no clean clothes to wear. So I have three options here; 1. Sleep in towel. 2. Sleep in my old clothes or 3. Which is literally the worse, borrow some of Ben"s clothes. That"s quite weird because I"ll be wearing my boss" clothes and I"ll look like a fling. h.e.l.l No! So option three is out of the list which leaves me with two more. I can"t sleep in a towel, this room is so cold. I can"t wear my dirty clothes either, I"ll look like a mess. Oh well, I"ll have to wear his clothes then. *hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray!* okay so there"s like a party going on in my subconscious at the idea of wearing my boss" clothes which makes me blush.

I walked out of the room and down the hall to his room. I recalled what room was his from the earlier tour. I knock slightly once but no response, again but still no response. Bad thoughts started crawling up into my head and before i knew it, I was standing in the middle of the room staring at a muscular feature without a shirt and sweatpants hanging low exposing his V-line while staring intently at the laptop in front of him. His back against the bedhead and legs stretched out in front of him. G.o.d he"s so dreamy and cute when serious. Okay, I seriously did not just say that. It seems he must have noticed my presence because he lifted his gaze from the laptop and stared deeply into my eyes. d.a.m.n those brown eyes. Wait... brown? They were blue earlier today. How can somebody have blue eyes during the day and brown eyes at night? Well it"s cute though. His gaze dropped down to my legs and I realized I had just towel on.