Hitsugi no Chaika

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

When a person is on the verge of death before his eyes sweeping all life lived.

Thor did not know what exactly was the point of this.

Nostalgia? Regret? Repentance? Or self-gratification?

Or maybe … it’s just fragments of memories that pop up in the minds of clouding the proximity of death, and in fact meaningless. Just as the life and death of a person – a phenomenon in which there is not much sense …

“In the end … a belief – it is strictly a one-way thing.”

Under the “Zheleznokroviem”, with whom he reached an extraordinary tension and concentration, along with a feeling of slowly trailing time, the Torah suddenly remembered the words of a very distant past.

Words that told him Hasumin.

Thor did not know why suddenly the memories that would normally never occurred to him, suddenly surfaced in such a crucial moment. Perhaps his subconscious has found some cause to remember them, or maybe it was a simple accident.

However, for the chance it is already too much.

It seems that in the unconscious, he still realized.

Those words that she said to him at that time, and that he remembered to once understand their meaning, just waiting for that moment.

His betrayal.

And for this it was necessary that he believed.

What is the meaning, what is the meaning of this?

“Then I do not understand the meaning of the phrase Hasumin …”

He was too young.

Too little knowledge of the world.


“Yeah. So that’s it. “

He realized, albeit vaguely.

“Vera”. What a beautiful word.

But is not beautiful too? Does it deviated from its original meaning?

“But I believe you!” – Shouts most dedicated individuals.

But … what is the essence of the action, which is called “faith”?

Is not it strange that faith involves laying the blame for the failure on the object of faith, not of the subject? Is not there a sense that the word “faith” is only decorated with expectations from anyone, and at the same time that someone can accompany responsible?

Who is the man that believed?

Who should be responsible for what you believe in someone?

“I believe in you”. It is after these words there is no feeling that the source will not betray you?

“Because I believe in you.” Do these words not confer on him the entire responsibility for the failure?

And if so … then it’s unheard of arrogance.

“So that’s why Hasumin …”

Torah thought that the meaning of the word “faith” is not the point.

Indeed, this is a purely one-sided thing.

And that’s why … do not blame someone for betraying your trust. Vera – no more than manage their feelings.Suppression of unpleasant, painful doubt in his heart and trust someone.

And so the thought and the true essence of the object did not have to do with it.

You yourself decide to believe.

You yourself are reaping the fruits of faith.

And if so, then you bear responsibility for it.

Through faith in the Torah Seagull he could escape from the senseless and purposeless life. Yes, it was dangerous, difficult way, deprived of his Akari. Yet belief in the Torah Seagull helped gain a sense of usefulness.

He was like a blade, rust-sheathed, and then get a chance to prove themselves in battle. So if he himself is not doing this for myself all the time? And if it comes to that … if not for the satisfaction of his he wanted to fulfill the dream of Seagulls?

Purely unilateral action.

Well, let. So it should be.

He decided to believe in himself.

And if so …

– Toru ACURE!

On him fell the sword Alberic.

No frills, no doubt – a blow so straightforward that pleasure to watch … and at the same time frighteningly fast.

But Thor persistently moved forward.

As he went to his death, and then concentrated so that finding the optimal action at the speed with which could not match the speed of even chop Alberic.

Since the attack can not defend themselves, then this should not be done.

What is its purpose? Do not get hit?

No. Then why worry about what he will miss it?

Just think of this: if the blow does not hurt to fulfill the goal, then it is a victory!

– ..

At the last moment (although there is a little earlier) Alberic enemy was completely see-kick.

Thor raised his left komboklinok, taking the sword Alberic. But the power chop was so great that it knocked the Torah stiletto out of his hand, and the blade bit into his shoulder, barely changing its trajectory.

Splattered blood.

But the Torah is not stopped. He lost his left stiletto blade digging into his flesh and bone sawing. But in spite of the wild pain, Thor continued …

– Fx on … ..!

And, finally, enemy blade completely severed left arm Torah.

But let him and cried out in pain, the Torah could run past Alberic.

Loss of hand almost knocked the Torah out of balance, but it is the power stay on his feet.

And then he rushed to the Seagull.

For a moment it seemed to him as if her figure … forked.

Moreover, next to it though he flashed figure Akari.

Visual hallucinations, caused by loss of blood? Or the nostalgic memories of life flashing before your eyes?

Whatever it was, the moment the last jump. Torah could neither stop nor change its trajectory. He has not left this force.

– ..

Seagull cringed.

Naturally, her body would not have enough capacity on it to jump to dodge the Torah.

And then…

– Revoke the barrier! – Exclaimed sharply Akari. – Brother, I’ll stop!

Akari stood near Seagull, clutching a hammer in his hand.

She was aiming not at the Torah itself, and on its komboklinok. We just need to fight off a blow, and then not so difficult. It is unlikely that the Torah will be pulled over the other weapons.

The only question is … Is Akari will be able to protect themselves from attack, in which the Torah has put all his strength.

Of course, it does not help the fact that he used “Zheleznokrovie” … but more importantly, that it is impossible to predict exactly what will blow desperate Torah.


– Um …

Seagull recalled “Guardian” without hesitation.

Maybe she trusted the words of Akari. Perhaps her most disturbed state of the Torah. Maybe then, and more. Whatever it was, the Torah view that the right moment Seagull capable of tremendous concentration, proved correct.

Concentration – The ability to make decisions based on the priorities.

And Seagull was able with confidence to do just that.

And that means …

“Now it’s my turn.”

From stress and anxiety while for Akari dragged slower than usual. She stood in front and slightly to the side of Seagulls, his eyes fixed on the approaching komboklinka Torah.

And then she lifted her hammer, that he was on the path … the expected trajectory of his blade.

Akari strained hand, ready to feel the force of impact …

… … Which turned out to be weaker, much weaker than she expected, and only slightly slid down her hammer.

It was not a hit.

At the last moment the Torah dropped their weapons. Hammer Akari touched just flying in the air without any support blade.

– Brother ?!

Slip into a thread from Akari, unarmed Torah rushed to the Seagull.

Saboteurs – do not swordsmen and knights.

In combat, they do not cling to the blades.

In other words, they can kill the enemy with his bare hands, and explosions and poison. If the Torah wanted to, he could with his bare hands wring the neck of Seagulls or blow himself up along with it by means of gunpowder, which is kept in a pocket.

Akari greatly miscalculated.

– Seagull ..!

– Hya ?!

Toru Seagull pressed to the floor, like a beast of prey – prey.

Gull exclaimed in amazement.

And then…

… There was an explosion.

– ..

Akari dumbfounded turned toward the sound.

The explosion was heard … not from the Torah, or the Seagull Akari, and a little farther.

Similarly, from the place where he stood Alberic.

Naturally, the young man was only a fake, created from matter, since he and his servants, and Seagull immediately blurred and vanished into thin air.

– What are you stupid … – there was a surprisingly soft voice.

Akari did not understand that he came from the Torah, so the tone does not fit the situation.

Gentle, caring voice.

It did not feel despair, anger, hatred and human sorrow, betrayed at the last moment.

– Where at least one proof that it will leave you alive after the completion of the transaction? Oh, you must be treated in such cases thoroughly, – said Thor, continuing to press for land and Chaika like closing her from the explosion with his body.

Rather exploded a bomb, which he threw in Alberic when bypa.s.sed it. Torah from the beginning was not going to kill Seagull – he just wanted to destroy the bomb squad Alberic, and the very Seagull protect themselves from the shock wave.

– Surround you, so to speak, undisguised – Thor said with a tight smile, but Chaika all dumbfounded continued to look at him.

– Torah ..?

– Seagull – he said, looking at her for sure. – Thank you.

Hearing the unexpected words, Seagull’s eyes widened.

Thor has not yet escaped from the illusion of power and everything should still consider it “a traitor.” He hardly noticed when the real gull changed false.

– It was fun – Thor said with nostalgic view. – In any case, just a few tens of times more fun than if I rotted in that city.

– Thor …

In other words, he does not hate to betray him Seagull.

I do not feel anger towards what is his trust trampled.

– It is unfortunate that, in the end, to fulfill your wish could not be me.

– Torah Torah ..?! Torah ?!

Chaika held out her arms and grabbed the Torah cheeks.

As if he was going to go somewhere, and she tried to stop him.

– I would like finally to thank you all the same – with a smile said, the Torah, and then added, – Good-bye.

A more clear words of parting and not think.

Toru closed his eyes, about to fall helplessly to the Seagull …

– Hmph!

– GHO-on ?!

…But could not.

Looming over Chaika Torah suddenly saddled Akari grabbed his hands behind his jaw and pulled with force.

Naturally, he had nothing left but to bend almost shrimp.

– GHO-oh-oh-oh-oh ?!

– Brother! Are you okay?!

– H-ngho-oh-oh-oh ?!

– Brother! You have no pain ?!

– Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Right now I have a sore back wildly-ah! .. And in general …

Thor grabbed the hands of Akari and spread them apart. Erstwhile force clearly has returned to it, because after that he immediately threw his sister from the back.

But she did not resist, deftly flipped in the air and landed with ease.

– How can I be okay ?! What’s gotten into you ?! – Howled Torah, rising.

– You know … – Akari raised her hand, as if about to read the oath. – Because you were ready again forced Seagull kiss on the lips, I had to stop you. I’m not out of malice.

– Why do you say that, if I keep doing this ?! I have never … ah … – Tohru blinked. – … Eh?

Thor looked at Akari with dumbfounded, looking as if his spirit has just released a demon.

– Akari? How…

– What’s up, brother?

– Why are you still alive?

– …

Akari squinted at his brother … and then turned sideways and his head hanging.

– Brother … you so much want my death ..?

– Eh? Of course not. Uh-uh …

Confused Torah began to turn his head.

Taking advantage of the moment, continues to hold in the hands Gundo Seagull got out from under him, and cast a spell again deployed barrier “Guardian.”

But even then …

– Is my brother hates me? .. – Dropped Akari.

And on her cheek … tears glistened.

– … Hey ?! – Here the Torah already panicked. – I … I did not say that!

– …

Akari hid her face in her hands and turned away.

And right she belonged to the often tearful girls, but most of Akari’s face did not express any emotion, and it seemed even too calm. Therefore, this scene has produced a particularly strong impression.

– No, you know … … I do not say that you’re in my way … – nervously said Toru.

Surely the role played and the chaos in the mind after the reality and fiction are intertwined together. He still did not understand what was happening.

– Just you never had … and why … and in general … – and then froze the Torah. – Akari …

Then he went to her and twisted her right arm.

It Akari squeezed impregnated silk scarf water. She pretended to wipe his eyes, he quietly squeezed and thus simulates tears.

– What is it?

– Sweat of my soul.

– As if a strange excuse will work!

With these words, the Torah grabbed a handkerchief and threw it.

And then he finally calmed down and looked around.

“The Guardian” The Seagull has already fully restarted, and shielded from the surrounding blue barrier in the world. Lost in the time of the castle wall at some point recovered, re-creates the feeling that they were in a maze.

That’s just not the detachment Alberic or false gulls were gone.

– What’s going on here?

– Fictions. Fakes. Illusions, – he said the seagull, still clutching Gundo.

– Fictions?

– Magic. Matter. Scene. Characters. All … fake.

– … – Thor raised his left hand to his face and looked at her. – Fictions … where they end up?

Alberic cut off his hand, but she was now in place.

Seagull … or rather, its fake, cut back the Torah, but the wound was gone.

And more. Even wounds that he got in a fight with Alberico before falling into the “valley” …

– Oh, how dangerous it was.

– … Oh ?! – He said Toru suddenly heard a voice very close to her ear.

He immediately jumped to the step (further it would not have missed the barrier “Guardian”), but the feeling of being behind someone that is not lost.

Then Thor realized.

– Frederick ?!

All the while sitting on his shoulder the size of a doll girl.

The next moment, it enveloped the blue glow, and Frederick rose to its usual state (however, the Torah still considered her miniature). As always, the change of appearance was not for her no trouble.

– However, the implication was that the wound appeared strange.

– Strange?

– Um … probably not. Maybe it was you were strange, the Torah – Frederick said thoughtfully.

– I? Strange? What are you?

– When I bite you, you become one.

– Yes … you called it a “temporary contract”, right?

Magic Dragoon – the ability to change your body.

It was not just about appearance, but also the size … and what’s more, after the commission of a particular rite called the “contract” that they can control the body of another person as their own. Management body could heal the wounds as if they were not, and so the riders on the dragoons, who have concluded contracts with the dragoons, were virtually immortal.

But … the use of someone else’s body as part of its own led to some side effects.

The most notable – partial destruction of the boundaries of his “I”.

In his time between Frederica and her rider Dominique boundary erased so that Frederick continued to win back Dominique, after the death of the latter and tried to fulfill her dream … and “temporary contract” (which, unlike the present, expressed only in a prolonged bites someone) led the same effect.

If short bites is not so noticeable, then the longest in at some point begins to be confused in the ownership of the thoughts that are carried in your head.

– You’ve got to “inventions”, is not it? – Frederick shrugged. – So they influenced me. You convince yourself that you cut off his hand. This belief was transmitted to me, and I still could not get to focus on treatment.

Therefore, even though she was able to quickly heal the wounds received in the battle over the valley and in the fall, her magic instant treatment is not working after the Torah was dominated by fiction.

By the way, his hand is not really cut off.

Torah simply convinced himself that, given Alberic skills he would lose the hand, and this conclusion was wrong. Matter managed to create a puppet, which simulates the appearance of a Alberic, but not the ability.Yes, the wound to get deep, but, according to Frederick, to complete loss of the hand is not reached.

– Make yourself …

– Most likely, this matter is not used in order to take control of the mind with the help of magic. I think in fact it, like a mirror, reflects the state of your soul with the help of fiction.

– …Really?

– Mmm. I totally agree. Probably – Chaika confirmed that Tohru turned to her.

– Of course, these fictions you somehow pushed, but … it seems to me, by themselves they are – something like your sleep.

– … My dream.

Thor clenched and unclenched his hands, as if trying to grasp the elusive memories.

Neither the left arm or abdominal or back pain does not remain. Of course, for this cost thanks to the magic of Frederick, but due to the fact that these wounds since disappeared without a trace, the word “dream” takes on special meaning.

And then…

– Do you like to watch the same dreams you, brother – said Akari, arms folded.

– Enough stuff to carry! – He said in response to the Torah.

Fog filling the “valley from which no one returned ‘, composed of matter.

He performed two roles – of which consisted of the scene and the actors of fiction, and it also served as a medium for the magic intervenes in the mind and control the mind of people who fall into it.

– In other words, inside of me still remains the matter? – Grimly said Toru, feeling his throat.

The unsuspecting person could quickly breathe in mist, finding themselves in the valley. And if it is poisonous, then you need from him as quickly as possible to get rid of …

– Matter. Not poisonous, – said Gull, realizing fears Torah. – It is used in large-scale magic. Often. Sprayed … strongly. Toxicity is bad.

Or: “As originally matter it is often used in large spells, but dispose of it after use difficult, one of the main principles of creation of matter – to make it non-toxic.” Even for the sake of victory in the war to spray toxic materials and make the earth uninhabitable enemy is not necessary – within the land can not be used as a reward, which violates the principle of military benefits.

– By the way, I heard a lot about it – joined Frederick. – In the case of large-scale exterminating spells, like “Hard Rain”, previously created a magical substance to facilitate the creation of the “strikers”. A cloud of matter is set on the desired site, and then use the main spell.

Because of this, among the soldiers went warning that you need to carefully ensure that you are not turned over clouds unnaturally silver.

However, from the silver gray differs slightly, and to distinguish from the usual cloud of matter thundercloud almost impossible.

– That is, the spell needed preparation? Somehow it is not very convenient.

– Magic, in essence, a “force”. No more and no less. Create something out of nothing is impossible in principle.

– It’s true? – Toru asked, turning to the Seagull.

Not that he doubted the words Frederica … just heard that there were some differences between magic and human Feil. Or, more precisely, that differences existed between magic that is the property of the ability of some creatures, and the one developed by other technologies. Not the fact that the words Frederica applies to people of magic.

– Fire. Lightning. Shine. Compress indefinitely. But solid … not get – Seagull nodded, still clutching at Gundo hands.

No matter how much squeeze burning fire, it will not be “hard”.

Draw illusion – is one thing, but to create something tangible needed resources.

Their role was played by the matter.

– At least from our magic and might get the impression, we also do not create something out of nothing – added Frédéric, not at all offended.

Indeed, it may seem that the magic of dragoons creates something out of nothing … but in fact they only seize materials from the environment and change them. Since all living things are made up more than half of the water, basically it means the absorption of steam and moisture from the air, although in appearance and can not be said that they are just “absorb the materials.”

– And yet … – Tohru looked again at what is happening outside the barrier. – What is the type of thought that sprayed this matter?

It is not known whether they had to deal with by Simon scans, but fill this valley only a magician could matter.And given the scale and how difficult is to be a system of management of this spell, the mage had a good source of magical energy, large-scale high-performance Gundo, as well as the necessary knowledge and experience to use such magic. If this is not the Scania Simon, then at least a very skillful magician.

But … the magician of this level there is no need to operate such a roundabout way.

If he wanted to kill the intruders, he could simply use matter as a weapon. You do not need any poison or any puppets. Simply turn the matter, which the enemy had time to breathe in the blades. The victim simply burst from the inside.

However, their opponent did not.

Instead, he tried to force the detachment Torah pereubivat each other by means of illusions.

Create puppets, scenery, mind control, un.o.btrusive instigating mutual destruction … Even the Torah, poorly versed in magic, knew that, even if these actions do not go beyond the magic formula that is similar to the spell should strongly exhausting magician.

– Hobbies? – Seagull asked thoughtfully.

– What is it a hobby?

– Brother. They say that this world is full of people with the strange taste, – Akari said. – And I think that the main feature of all these interests – that is, he does not share the interests of their people never will understand.

– Well … yes, indeed.

Maybe there really are people who like to watch other people kill each other. A sort of a form of sadism. And indeed, since everyone has different tastes, look at this any logic sense.

– However, be that as it may, the – Torah folded his arms across his chest. – If we do not do anything with this fog, after the withdrawal of the barrier can again be ruled by fictions.

– I agree – Seagull nodded.

So far, the effect of the fog, or rather, from interfering in the psyche through matter, they defended the barrier “Guardian.”

However, as previously mentioned, it is impossible to move the barrier. In general, since many spell dependent on temperature, air pressure, humidity, position of the stars, power lines, and many other parameters, their application on the move is so complicated that in practice is not performed. And the more complicated or magic, the brighter it appears.

In other words…

– But we can not sit here forever.

… Detachment of the Torah could not budge.

Naturally, the “Guardian” also can not be maintained forever, but the main thing – is to have had neither food nor water. If as soon as possible come up with a plan to escape from the valley filled with matter, it’s over the fact that they fall into the power of illusions and pereubivayut each other.

– Matter … – Chaika said thoughtfully. – Clutter Control. Maybe … maybe.

– You can?

– Partially. Probably – Seagull nodded. – Control. Forceful intervention. Excluding the effect of. Stop action.

Her speech, as always, sounded shaky and full of terms, because of which the Torah did not understand it, but …

Matter is responsive to the magic.

In practice, however, if some want to use the army attacking or defensive spell using a sensitive matter, their opponents will be able to easily seize control over it. So often when you create matter its “train”, she responded well to only spell a particular magician.

But … it does not mean that the intervention of other magicians can be completely eliminated.

Depending on parameters such as distance from Gundo accuracy spells, magical quality of fuel and other forcibly can try to influence the matter, ruled by the enemy. Of course, to seize control of it will not work, and have to rely on the maximum interference.

Naturally, the fact that Simon Scania drove so many of matter that it covers the entire valley, pointing to the use of powerful Gundo, much more productive than the portable model, which used a seagull.

Therefore Seagulls intervention in the matter and its disposal should be severely limited, both in time and in scope.

– Good … but still the question of where to find Simon scans.

– Probably, in the center – a surprisingly firm voice said Gull. – Easier. To govern.

Chaika pointed a finger deep into the mist.

Apparently, she meant that the whole matter easier to manage, while in its very center.

– But we do not even know whether he is acting alone.

If Scania Simon settled in the valley, along with any allies, it is not necessarily located in its center.


– Um … – Seagull thought briefly, then said, – probably … one. Simon Scania.

– What makes you think that?

– … Intuition? – Chaika said, as if she is not fully trust his words.

– It is not encouraging.

Tohru sighed.

However, it was not just about “Intuition” and intuition expert. In the absence of other good ideas and serious counter-arguments it is quite possible to rely on.

– Okay. Let’s try to believe … “intuition” Seagulls.

– Torah – Seagulls face brightened.

This in itself was a girl open, but sometimes her emotions manifested directly childishly sincere. And this smile refers specifically to such cases.

Or … after she saw the illusion of betrayal, the word “believe”, even said with a light heart, really pleased with it.

– But …

Thor cleared his throat, carefully trying not to show any emotion.

Smile Gulls was so contagious that he almost did not smile. But … the embarra.s.sing happens.

– If you make a mistake, then you will have to answer for it in full.

Although, in the worst possible case would die and “defendant” and “plaintiff”.

– M … uh?

– Do not worry. Relax, – said Akari, soothing strained Seagull. – My brother does not resort to force, when it will get you nowhere.

– Um …

Seagull looked at the Torah, and in her violet eyes clearly read the question: “Is it true?”

Standing next to her Akari slowly nodded and added:

– At most … he makes you do something that I am ashamed to say aloud.

– How this should calm her down ?! – Exclaimed Thor, and The Seagull trembled.

– Severe anxiety ..!

– Yes, you do not listen to her! And Akari at all …! When you’re already tired of repeatedly bear whatever came into your head! ..

– I do not like the word “climb up” – Akari reluctantly shook her head. – I just think “would be good if …” and voicing these options.

– So this is called “climbed up”! – Toru cried, striking his fist on the barrier “Guardian.”

Sensations were such, as if he punched the dirt. Most likely, such a soft barrier structure allowed him to effectively repel the attacks, rather than a hard sh.e.l.l.

– Come on, Come on, – with curiosity in his voice said Frederick, looking from the Torah, then at Akari. – What is it you are ashamed to say out loud?

– You know, I can not tell, so let’s draw …

– Well stop !!! – I exclaimed the Torah when Akari pulled out his brush and paper.

Blue surface barrier … faded and disappeared.

And at the same moment the Torah with Akari darted forward.

They both rightly proud of their sprinting abilities. One of the fundamentals of combat style saboteurs – the trace of opponents around the finger at the expense of speed and dexterity, so many of them, including the Torah and Akari, could some time to escape from the horse’s speed.

– Do not lag behind.

– You too, brother.

After exchanging these words, the two young commandos ran forward.

Despite the impressive size of the valley and a few bends, the road was straight through it. If not for the labyrinth of matter, to the magician managed to get in a straight line.

And here…


High, almost inaudible sound rushed past the Torah and Akari.

– So … now we know if worked.

They ran straight to the wall.

On their way stood a formidable obstacle, but not saboteurs slows.

And at the very moment when they are about to hit it in a stone wall … all of a sudden there was a huge hole.wall surface distorted, it ran on a wave, and then opened a pa.s.sage large enough for a man.

Wall reversal like wax hot blade.

Without hesitation, the Torah with Akari jumped into the hole.

– Not bad – Toru smiled, though his face and closed the two-layer mask.

That sound is the magic of Gulls.

But it is not applied the attacking spell. Initially magic “ruler” was used to gain control over matter, the making of it simple “wall” or “soldiers” to help in the battle, but now it only hindered mist.

two contradictory orders to receive the matter turned into a mist, its original shape.

– …

Toru briefly turned.

Fog has to plug the hole in the wall of the maze.

Chaika could alter matter just for a moment. Within a matter of a few seconds ‘wakes up’ and again forms a maze, performing original order.



Seagulls Magic again done a hole in a maze.

In the next hole seemed to figure running beast hanging from his mouth which Seagull, resembling a kitten, which drags the mother cat.

Although there is no word “beast” does not fit here. Let his form he is a little resembled a wolf or a tiger, but his skin was covered with strong armor of silver in the form of scales.


As Feil-dragoon, it could take any form, including a human.

Typically, the most convenient for battle and movement provided a form of “dragon”, but the big body and the wings would be advisable to go through the valley. So now she took animal form, which carry Seagull easier.

Gull is totally focused on the magic.

Whenever Frederick stopped, it adjusts the “Ruler” and shot them.

Torah and Akari ran straight “road”, which paved the Seagull.

Their ultimate goal – to find the magician controlling mist.

And for that, they came up with this plan.

– …

Forward. Only forward.

Run. Run. Run. Run and do not look around.

Just run there, where they point.

And this…

“The reward for their trust,” – thought the Torah.

What a pleasant feeling.

How refreshing to the soul when you can forget about everything and just carried on.

Of course, there was the danger.

If you betray you and come running at full speed into the arms of death. Or if there is no one to whom you could trust. And if you deviate from the course, then himself and pribesh.

Therefore, the first thing to do – to doubt.

Think struggling … and decide.

Faith – this is a difficult choice that needs to be done before the start of operations.

So when you decide to become so good at heart.

Just believe human easy. We just need to give up all the unpleasant thoughts – of doubt and speculation about whether this man be trusted.

But only those who have pa.s.sed through the flour, can experience the true pleasure of faith.

Even if they betray, they just smile and think “that’s a surprise.”

Because there is a balance between pleasure and torment.

– Hey, Akari, – said the Torah through the mask.

– What’s up, brother?

– What would you do if I gave you for the sake of Seagulls?

– If you … – Akari thoughtfully tilted her head, without reducing the speed. – Something I can not imagine such a situation.

That’s how she trusted the Torah.

– Well, let’s say, for example … when we find the last “remains”, you would be dying, and I have to leave you.

– … – Akari frowned. In a moment she thought, and then, – Are you saying it would be a betrayal?

Instead of answering the question Toru heard uttered thoughtful voice.

– Life is made in exchange for the purpose – and our dream that brings glory saboteurs … is not it?

– Well … that’s the way it so …


Torah and Akari jumped through another distorted wall.

They happened almost simultaneously.

– If it is set in front of you for the sake of the goal, then perhaps you should not carry it out?

– Well … from my point of view it can, and will, but I’m asking about you, Akari.

She could become a victim for the purpose of the Torah.

Did she considers it natural?

– Brother, you are so selfish … but, no. Maybe you lack horizons – suddenly said Akari.

– What did you say?..

– Remember when you said “my goal – to the man achieved his goal”? That’s what I thought as well.

– But … these are my thoughts.

– I’m your sister. Of course, you and I thought the same.

– …

In other words, the Torah, “the man” was a seagull.

And for Akari – the Torah.

And then …

– Oh, brother, what are you reckless – Akari said with a hint of brokenness in her voice. – Feelings take over the top of you, and you rushing forward. And yet … you can not stop thinking, and then stopping and thinking.For this, I love you and respect you, but to be honest, sometimes I think that you’re not really pull on the saboteur.

– … – The Torah found in her words are so many things that he could agree that the answer did not come up.- They say that their young adult boys the same age. Apparently, not in vain …

In a sense, the thought Akari were several times ordering than the Torah.

That conclusion, which the Torah came only after being in illusions, Akari gave a long time ago.

– What’s up, brother? Did I say something wrong?

– There is nothing.

Tohru smiled, then jumped with Akari opened in another hole.

Most likely … once it was a big machine.

However, after several modifications and due to the fact that several layers of fabric enveloped in it, resembling blood vessels, it is completely lost its original form. Only a few of the remaining wheels gives an indication of what they saw.

It stood on a platform, surrounded on all sides by stone walls.

Many Gundo, located in the heart of the valley.

It was like a giant heart, and entangles its matter is continuously pulsing blue light. In some places penetrated projections like horns between vessels. Around on the ground littered with old parts, apparently, no longer required after the modification of the machine. Because of them, the feeling of abandonment.

This picture came up only one word – unnatural.

A huge heart that beats in the depths of the labyrinth.

Of course, through it is not circulating blood, and the most ominous fog, which kept the magic valley.Therefore, around the “heart” of the fog was particularly dense. Careless attempt to get close to clearly hit a power over illusions.

And besides …

– Clearly, – Torah, squinting said. – Initially, it is the same spell as that of the Gulls.

– Um – standing next to him nodded Seagull.

In other words, all illusions “of the valley, from which no one returns,” held on a single spell – a large-scale “Ruler”. Or, at least, in the spell of the same type and works on the same principle. Of course, the power of spells and scale varied dramatically – affected huge Gundo made out of the car, as well as, most likely, a much more powerful source of magic.

A fog played only two functions – media management and intelligence material to create designs.

Of course, this spell could operate as usual “ruler.”


– I never thought that this comes up …

– … I think there are about 50, – I figured Akari’s eyes narrowed.

Directly in front of a detachment of the Torah (which only managed to enter the territory of the site) stood somewhere 50 pieces, block the pa.s.sage to the “heart”.

Weak melee mages needed protection.

It is therefore natural to a.s.sume that the magician has attended to search for a method to fight in close combat, like the Seagull, hired spies.


– Brother, we are with you … Seagulls and Frederica is not too small? – Akari whispered.

All of these figures were in the form Thor, Akari, Seagulls and Frederica. As is the fictional Gull, they are actually composed of matter.

– They copy the look, but not technology, – said Thor, recalling false Alberic. – This is just a puppet.Individually, they do not represent themselves. That’s just …

Puppets together took up arms.

Torah and Akari stood with stilettos and hammers, but the Seagulls were armed with spears and axes, because of what looked ridiculous and absurd. Most likely, the Magic could not simulate Gundo and therefore replaced it with a similar weapon. As for the false Frederick, they were unarmed.

– Here, apparently, the idea is to confuse us?

– Confuse? Than? – I surprised Akari.

– Well, would not want to fight against friends and family … – I began the Torah, but … – Although there is. Not in this case.

Sister Torah wake him, throwing in the morning with a hammer. He has repeatedly had to fight with her, and a few copies of it would not be confused. With the illusion of seagulls, he also had an affair and did not feel any doubt at the sight of a puppet with her appearance. On the contrary, small differences like the same weapons, aroused in him a feeling that this is fake seagulls.

But Frederick certainly would gladly pereubivala all illusions Torah.


– What a dangerous enemy – suddenly said Akari. – Beats right in the weak spot.

– What? Do you want to hit me in the face? – Thor grinned.

But Akari immediately shook her head.

– Why? No.

– …

– On the contrary, I can not wait. Not sure I can keep calm.

– … It is clear, of course, – the Torah sighed, once again berated myself for what to expect from it is impossible.

– Although, no, brother, wait a minute – Akari said, clutching his left fist to his chest, as if trying to stop shivering. – In your words there is a grain of truth.


– If they are now together undress …

– … You think about it?

– Well, can you be excited that you can not fight, brother.

– Here’s another!

All of these “soldiers” consisted entirely of matter, so that the clothes they have, you might say, was not. It turns out they are already naked.

– Can not be. If my brother undressed, I … – Akari paused for a few seconds, something intense thinking. – Invented.

Coming finally to some kind of conclusion, she clapped her hands.

– Let’s finish them off, and then I’ll do all I can and stuffed consider carefully.

– … Maybe it’s better to forget about the trust and kill you until it’s too late? – Growled the Torah, and then s.n.a.t.c.hed komboklinki.

Seals on the palms touched the seals on the stiletto, activating the extension of the senses. Thor turned into a living weapon with blades instead of nails. After using the “Zheleznokroviya” it was still very little time, and in this battle will have fight as usual … but this is not a problem.

In the end, though, “Zheleznokrovie” and trump card is just one of the techniques in the a.r.s.enal of saboteurs.Moreover, it is not a panacea that can save any situation. In the battle against a large number of enemies is more important than, for example, to save power, rather than spending it in seconds.

But back to the topic …

– Seagull. Fakes we will undertake – Tohru said, looking at how the “soldiers” has gradually become a semi-circle around them. – Your goal – base.

– Base?

– That one gizmo – the Torah have to continue to pulsate blue “heart”.

If the magic works in the same way as the “Ruler”, the vulnerability “soldier” was not in their bodies, not on the matter, and in the Gundo. If the mechanism will be able to break down, it will stop immediately “soldiers”.

The only question is, how to destroy it “heart”.

Even though they were on a large site on all sides was surrounded by a wall. Rebounding from a powerful spell could hurt the squad Torah. In addition, the preparation of powerful spells require time.

So count only accounts for a surgical strike.

And no one, except seagulls, did not know exactly where to apply spot-kick when it comes to magical equipment.

– I have no idea where he had a weak spot. You’ll be able to understand something, The Seagull?

– Realized – Seagull nodded.

– I expect you … my mistress.

– Mmm. Mastering … – she replied … and then added with a smile, – My liege ….

– Heh – Toru smiled slightly and nodded, then turned to Akari. – Come on.

– Yeah … – Akari responded somewhat acidly.

Admittedly this “feeling” it proved so weak that it could only make out the Torah through their experience.

– … And try not mistakenly hit the “original”, – he added the Torah with a forced smile … and Akari sour nodded.

– …I will try to.

– Wait, what it means to “Try”?

“I’ll try” means “do not be offended if suddenly will not work.”

Or, if you get on the other hand, just the words that she would have said, if expected to hit him.

– Are you mad?

– Do not get angry, – Akari said. – Just duyus.

– …

“I do not understand anything, but currently do not say,” – I was about to answer the Torah …

But at this very moment 50 fakes amicably rushed to the attack.

Return here. Return here. Return here.

Torah, Akari, Seagull, Frederica.

Odnolikih figures with prodigious speed changed places, like images in a kaleidoscope. It looked ridiculous happening.

– Um … – handed Seagull, aiming Gundo.

Own clones it is not particularly bothered. Seagull well aware that it is real, and all the rest – fake, and therefore not afraid of accidentally hurt themselves spell.

The same applies to Frederica.

This Frederick remained near Seagull in the form of an animal.

According to the Torah, he did not understand what this girl thinks, rather, feil, and Seagull fully agree with him. However, if we a.s.sume that it is not an enemy, it is easy to believe that she has decided to protect the Seagull.

Therefore, all other Frederica immediately turned out to be fakes, which you can not hesitate to fire at the attacking magic.

The problem lay in the Torah and Akari.

In general, the “soldiers” were slightly different from the originals.

This concerned Gulls Frederick. Small differences in dress, slightly different facial features, slightly modified growth or parts of weapons. Perhaps this mist operation costs. Perhaps the error memory the Torah, which is extracted from the images. But the fact is that there is imitation imitation, fake fake there, and if you put them next to the originals, the difference is not difficult to notice.

But as soon as they begin to move, the situation has dramatically complicated.

Stop them still – and Seagull easy to determine where the real Torah and Akari are. In this comparison the original differences perforce conspicuous.

But now they are moving without stopping among the fakes, flickering into view only for a moment.

And more than that – at least those “soldiers”, which won the Torah and Akari, and turned to mist, thereupon they immediately restored. Their lifeless opponents had a significant advantage – the ability to resp.a.w.n infinitely.

Because of this, to make out who is who, it became very difficult.

Hinders and what Gundo sight even more narrowed field of vision.

– M … um …

Of course, the “fakes” a lot more originals.

Moreover, Seagull was aiming not at all “soldiers”, or their originals, and “antenna” that huge Gundo, which most likely took refuge Simon Scania.

The chances of a shot touches the Torah or Akari, small.

And, nevertheless, it was a spell to destroy the metal antenna. If gull suddenly miss and fall into the Torah or Akari … at best they get off serious injuries, and probably just die on the spot.

– Um …

Seagull has cast a spell. Even adjust the settings.

It remained only to read the run spell and pull the trigger, but …

– What? You doubt? – Suddenly I heard a voice next to her.

There was no need to turn around. She said Frederick.

Even without being in human form, she went on to say quite flatly, what causes confusion and dissonance. It was as if the creature does not use human language on a par with them, but simply learned human habits and looks at them with a bird’s-eye view.

– … Uh.

Seagull really doubted it.

Although she said that the “right”, it turned out that act in a situation where her own actions can seriously injure or kill someone, very hard.

Of course, she already has behind him the experience of a serious battle – a battle with Dominica – but this time it has been reduced to the role of the support, and the main battle (or at least its roleplaying) fell on the shoulders of the Torah.

But now it’s different. Now the Torah and Akari just won her time.

The key to victory was in the hands of the Seagulls.

– But you are unlikely to accidentally zadenesh and kill them, right?

– …Agree.

But … but what if touches?

These thoughts gave rise to doubts, postpones the moment of firing.

Although the Torah and Akari said they only “dealers own life,” Chaika is not so stupid as to take these words literally. On the contrary, it is most did not want to hurt them just because they talked about themselves.

How hard … when you believe in.

– And what are you going to watch and not do anything?

Her words did not sound like an accusation.

They sounded like the words of a stranger … a surprisingly indifferent to what is happening man.

– …

Naturally, Seagull was not going to do nothing.

Because then efforts will be meaningless Torah and Akari, distracting themselves “soldiers”. Let their opponents are weak, but armed and numerous. Saboteurs risked their lives fighting against them.

– How did you wonder – all kept telling Frederick, in spite of the situation. – With people.

– …

– It’s because you, unlike us, can not be united in “one”, right? Even the magic of transfer of feelings, or mind control will not give you access to the consciousness, emotions and memory of another. You can never understand each other to the end, and at some point you have to judge someone or yourself.

Perfect true.

Then Frederick said:

– You call this judgment “faith”?

– …

Seagull blinked several times.

And then…

– That is, – she whispered in the northern language. – If they believe in me, and I should.

She focused on the image in sight.

And then … he pulled the trigger.

On the site there was a high-pitched sound, as if something had shattered.

Standing in the heart of a powerful magical equipment … or rather, all sticking out of his projections, once cut through at the base.

Combat Magic slashing like “The Ripper”.

Thor has had to see her.

Spell with awesome precision flew next to him, raspolovinit the path of one of the false Frederick, is going to pounce on him.

Do Torah only half a step, dodging attacks or blocking its komboklinkom, the spell would be deprived of all his right hand.

It is a dangerous shot.

In the Torah … but what’s there, in the movements of any person has their own characteristics.

The same Akari knew how to move the Torah. She would have immediately realized that an attack of that Frederica he would not stop, and be dodged, stepping aside.

But what about the seagulls?

– …

Thor turned in her direction.

She fired because surmised his movements?

Or was he just lucky to survive?

– Well … it does not matter – the Torah muttered with a forced smile.

The result is still important.

Crossing in front of a komboklinki, it took them a blow hammer Akari nakinuvsheysya side. There was a ringing metallic sound, and hands a little Torah shifted under the weight. Heavy, sharp, sincere blow, it is not pulling on the “welcome”.

– Hey …

– What’s up, brother? – Akari responded as always in a calm voice.

– Did not I tell you not to attack the original by mistake?

– I am not in error, – she said confidently. – I deliberately attacked his real brother.

– That’s even worse! – Exclaimed the Torah, but did not think Akari and clean up his hammer.

The outlines of “soldiers” around them quickly blurred in the air, and they broke up, dissipated and disappeared. Shot Seagulls destroyed part of magical equipment, and it could no longer manipulate matter.

– I’m worried about you. This is a warning that the sides of dangerous stare.

– It’s there for you to be dangerous! – Once said Toru and waved swords, throwing the hammer. – And in general, I’m not staring … just briefly turned toward the Gulls.

– So you can not too.

– Why is that?

– My dear brother can make a girl pregnant at a glance.

– Yes, I have no such super powers!

In the meantime, the Torah and Akari exchanged commonplace – even too commonplace for them – a phrase, the landscape around them has changed dramatically.

Initially collapsed stone walls, and behind them – the stone ceiling, all the time hanging over their heads.They all turned to blue mist, and then he slowly sank to the ground, as if the ashes from the fire.

Overview improved.

Became visible heavens and the sheer rock walls of the valley.

It seems that after the loss of control of the machine could not support the matter even in the mist condition.

– Sorry … – dropped Akari.

– What a pity?

– I was hoping that at least one false brother left.

– Why did you … but, no, I do not want to hear it.

– No, let me tell you.

– Shut up.

– First, I would part.i.tion it, and thoroughly washed.

– I said, shut up.

– Then thoroughly dried.

– You do dried human gathered?

– Ability to make a light, compact, mobile version of my brother would be a landmark moment for me.

– You should ask someone what is called epoch-making moments – angrily threw the Torah, turning in the direction of a huge magical Gundo.

Although it has lost the ability to control matter, the rest of the machine, which served as the basis of the mechanism is not affected, and therefore entrenched within the magician must be intact.

If this magician has in store and portable Gundo, he can still fight.


– Something he had not prepared …

Thor took a throwing knife and threw it into the car.

Little black blade flew in a straight line, the car hit the wall, which is still crumbling matter, I carved a few sparks flew off to the side.

That’s all.

There was no reaction. Flown away throwing knife flipped in the air and stuck in the ground covered with fallen matter.

– Stay where you are, – said the rest of the Torah and walked toward the huge Gundo.

And here…

– Thor! – I heard a cry of seagulls.

There was a grinding of metal … and then all the exterior walls Gundo fell off and fell. It seems that a sharp change of climate has broken the delicate balance. The steel plates fell on the ground covered with the matter raised in the air of dust.

– I’m fine – not taking his eyes off the car, Toru waved his hand, warning his comrades.

The dust has settled quickly, and the eyes Torah detachment appeared insides collapsed car.

– It…

… Dry corpse.

Apparently, the adult male. Age does not define.

It completely disintegrated – it seems that were buried directly in the machine. Most likely, he died long ago.On the neck wound cord, like a seagull, indicating that he was a magician.

– What is it?

Thor went up to the corpse and dropped to one knee.

Other magicians were not there. So, this “valley” ran corpse? ..

– Thor!

Seagull ran to the Torah with the others.

– This Scania Simon? – He asked, standing up and looking around the body.

– … Unknown – Seagull shaking her head with a puzzled look.

Well, in this form, and his mother would not recognize my own.

– Hmm .. – Frederick newly converted man looked over his shoulder and looked at the Torah corpse. – A. These bracelets I had seen several times.

With these words, she pointed to the bracelet on his left hand of a corpse.

Upon closer inspection it turned out to be a bracelet Army markings. Thor reached out and brushed the matter, find below the eight-digit number and an engraved name: “Simon Scania”.

It turns out that this is still a corpse Simon Scania.

– So, the remains should be somewhere inside the machine? – I suggested the Torah and tried to touch the cord sticking out of the neck of the corpse, when suddenly …

– Do not touch!!! – A voice.

Toru reflexively stood in a fighting stance.

The voice belonged to a very nervous man.

Of course, this was not the Torah and have much less Seagull, Akari or Frederick.

But then who could say …

– Can not be…

Squinting, Toru examined the corpse.

And then between himself and the lifeless body suddenly a shadow appeared.

Blue, Transparent, similar to the illusion.

Perhaps the remaining near Gundo matter responded to the still active spell. In the end, Seagull destroyed because only that part Gundo that was responsible for the spread of effect. Matter, remaining very close to the engine, it is still able to respond to the magic.

– Do not touch! Do not touch! Do not come! Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo! – I yelled shadow, waving his arms and wandering around the corpse.

In appearance it resembled a middle-aged man.

In itself, his face was serious … but if wearing a mask of madness. Torah is often heard about people losing my mind because of its seriousness, or rather, the inability to make concessions and compromises.

– Do not come! Do not come-and! – Shouted an illusion, still roam.

It’s not like she was trying anything to do with a group of Torah. Moreover, she did not even look in their direction.

– This is the guy I remember – Frederick said. – He was in the same squad with Dominica.

So … this is really Simon Scania.


– What does it mean?

– Probably … – quietly dropped Seagull. – Death. Connection.

– Do you think he died while using the spell?

– Um – Seagull with a grim nod. – Run the spell. Requires … will. But only starting.

magic activation requires the will of the one who uses it … namely – a living person.

But powerful automated Gundo may own to consume fuel and maintain the spell, and after the death of magician run them. Moreover – they say that sometimes fragments, echoes the will of the magician may get stuck in them.

– Do not come closer! Do not touch! Do not come-and! What, what are you going to do with me ?! Back!What are you up to ?! Dont touch me!!! Oh, and the remains, you come to pick up the remains ?! I do not give, do not give it! – She continued to scream shadow distraught Simon Scania.

Although … maybe he himself was insane.

– Is he…

Thor looked at the dried-up face of a corpse, where frozen grimace of horror.

He had imagined about how this man died.

Scania Simon did not believe anyone.

So he sat down in the deserted valley … where something happened to him.

But as Simon Scania, in principle, I did not trust the people, he had no one to ask for help. Even in trouble, he could not rely on anyone. Most likely, he had convinced himself that all the people around him – the scoundrels, who will surely betray him.

As a result, Scania Simon and died alone, without waiting for salvation.

– Is he…

– Thor …

Chaika pulled out an object, which is found among the machinery.

Book … or rather, the magazine.

Seagull opened it and began flipping. Pages were full of detailed diagrams and a variety of magical notes.

– Still … the truth, – said Gull, frowning.

– True? What exactly?

– … Enjoy.

With these words, the rest of the magazine held Seagull.

Of course, the Torah, as a layman, it is not understood graphs and technical explanations … but even he said the word “betrayal” and “boost” here and there in the text.

– Hobbies Simon Scania. Betrayal. The destruction of trust. … Watch and enjoy.

– Bad taste, as it is, – summed Akari.

It seems that Simon Scania enjoyed how wandered into the valley people in anger and hatred were killing each other, believing that they had been betrayed.

Therefore, the only reason this man has developed monstrously ma.s.sive and elaborate spell that sought in the mind and memory of human images of those he believed to extract them, create puppets and played out scenes betrayal … The whole complex system existed only for this purpose.

And spell continued to work even after the creator’s death by feeding within the valley people of their own illusions. In the minds of all the peop