Hitsugi no Chaika

Chapter 21


“Svetlana” was driving on the road, breaking the silence of the night the quiet hum of the motor.

Given the fact that they were traveling at night, on a rough dirt road with poor visibility, but still hard to resist sleep, risk of crash or tip came out real hard … but the fugitives rarely think about their safety.

And with the possibility of meeting with a group of Gillette in Rademio now any danger had to close his eyes – it was necessary to break away at any cost.

– Uh … – I sighed, sitting on the pa.s.senger seat of the Torah.

On the way back from “the valley from which no one returns” Gillette squad they are not met. Maybe … they also caught and firmly immobilize the illusion. Ideally, they could have pereubivat each other … but the Torah was not going to succ.u.mb to the optimism and forget about caution.

– The Torah. Tired? – I asked, tilting his head, seagull sitting in the driver’s seat.

– Well, a little bit.

Despite the fact that he was tired and had Seagull, she did not seem sluggish. On the contrary, “Svetlana” she ran very briskly.

– And how are you?

– Um – Seagull thought for a moment, then replied, – Endurance. The magical energy. Different.

– So that’s it.

– Mmm.

Seagull as a magician, know better.

Since the machine can only control the magician, the Torah could not tell her that it rested. He could only help her not to sleep with endless conversations have been going half the night.

– By the way … – Tohru began recalling huge Gundo of the “valley”. – You’ve said that after the launch of the magic can operate without a magician?

– Um … I confirm. But the movement. It requires adjustment.

– Ah, I got it. It worked because Gundo not move.

Location influenced the magic.

To take it into account, required knowledge and experience magician. Magic mechanism drives the car, was not an exception – if the manager is not a magician they will periodically adjust it, he quickly stopped.

In contrast, the mechanism of the “valley” stood still and did not move.

This spell is not dissipated, even after the death of the magician, and continued to work.

– Something here does not add up … – Thor said, stretching himself in the pa.s.senger seat. – He’s earned the t.i.tle of hero. He had enough money to carefree life. Besides, it had “remains”. But he kept to his disbelief and eventually rotted at the bottom of the valley. Even though I had personally and I do not know … but still, what he had for life was that?

– …

Gull said nothing.

Scania Simon – one of those people who killed her father … but even Seagull certainly imbued with compa.s.sion for the way he died.

– And here I thought … – Thor continued, looking at the night sky. – Seagull, you said that Simon Scania has developed the magic of illusion, because it was his “hobby”, right? But does he really enjoyed it …?

– .. – Seagull tilted her head questioningly.

– Well … I mean, that all of a sudden really …

Thor picked up a magazine that was lying next to him.

The same journal that they found next to the corpse of Simon Scania on the valley floor.

– He wanted someone once destroyed by their illusions ..?

– I wanted to ..?

– As a little too hard to believe that a person has lost the faith … will only make fun of people who believe as fools.

Anger and hatred are like a flame.

At some point, the flame becomes so strong … that begins to absorb everything around you to continue to burn. So maybe Scania Simon was trying to do something with this whirlwind raged inside him?

He could not believe it.

But he wanted.

– Therefore, it is most …

Oh, if he was not expecting … someone who could break through his beliefs?

The one who does not like to break the betrayal of a loved one who would be able to believe again and move forward?

Someone who would give him to believe in the notion of faith?

But … the longer he was looking for, the more scenes of betrayal seen. Maybe, in the end, Simon Scania simply despaired of people?

Then it turns out that the magician threw his rank, his fame, his money for the sake of desire to regain their “faith” … but in the end, he died, it is completely desperate.

– Now it does not matter. If we … met him earlier …

They did not know when he died Simon Scania. But if you found it while he was alive … then maybe the Torah and be able to take it out of desperation.

– Torah … good, – said the seagull, smiling gently.

– Hmm? Do you think so?

– Mmm. Not like that. On the saboteur.

– Akari … I have something to say in this spirit.

In fact, the Torah itself is not a good thought.

He just thought that if it was in place Scania Simon, then could not bear it. To some extent, he also knew what it was like – to feel the thirst for revenge and despair. Therefore, he could imagine the torment Simon.

– The death of trust or death in doubt … – Tohru whispered, staring into the night sky. – Death still can not avoid, but I want to die, proud of the fact that believe.

– …

– Anyway.

Thor shrugged.

What happened, it happened. There is no need to mourn the dead man’s grief.

– The Torah.

– Yes?

– … Illusion. We Torah. Together … – Seagull suddenly tilted her head and blushed.

– Eh? A. Ah – the Torah scratched his cheek and smiled awkwardly. – So you saw it? Oh, sorry, never mind.

She spoke about the relationship Torah and Seagulls in illusion.

In preparing the desired satellite, which the Torah would be unconditionally trusted illusion chose the scenario of love Seagulls and the Torah. Why not on Frederick – clear, and Akari is apparently not chosen because the beloved betrayal felt more painful than a betrayal of the sisters … or the case simply that Simon and scans betrayed spouse.

But it was only an illusion.

In reality, with their Seagull does not a.s.sociate anything … probably.

– Ya No way. Not. Pre …

– An incredible story is true? – Interrupted the Torah Seagull, not noticing her whisper. – So we like that with you, huh?

– Mmm?

Violet eyes Seagulls blinked.

– Oh, that’s that, and it’s complete nonsense.

– …

– It would be an illusion, choose the scenario porealistichnee.

– …

– Well, maybe Akari on the role did not suit. But Frederick did and said the first thing that will kill me. Here you by exception remained.

Given the fact that the Torah completely bought into this “unrealistic” the illusion, his words sounded like an excuse.


– Seagull?

– …

At some point, she turned back and frowned.

It seems that her mood was spoiled.

– What?

– …

Seagull remained silent and sulking.

– … I do not understand.

It is impossible to understand the other person. And as a man a woman – even more so.

But … believe – possible.

Not resetting all the responsibility on the person, and answering himself.

Believe for its own sake – it’s wonderful.


– One-way, then …

Well, let.

On the contrary, since it even more sense.

“Surely Hasumin words meant exactly that.”

Continuing to look into the night sky, Toru smiled slightly.