Hitsugi no Chaika

Chapter 22

She woke up in the middle of a strong stench from rust.

– Ugh ….

Her first feeling – dissatisfaction.

Too dense was the smell. Breathing given so heavy, as if the air turned into a viscous liquid. It seemed, as if the throat and nose her something zabilo.

– Ahem … – briefly coughed girl.

Only then she realized that standing on his feet.

It seems that she lost consciousness, standing still in one place. A very rare event … but is not that exactly unheard of. Tired, but man is capable of overpowering yourself to sleep even on the move.

– ..

Aimlessly running around the eye the girls started to focus.

She blinked a couple of times … and then gradually began to perceive visual information. Muddy outline before his eyes became clearer.

She was standing inside of a building.

And small.

Someone’s home … maybe even shed. The windows were small and were under the ceiling, which is why the room did not seem to residential and leaves a strong sense of alienation.

Just a s.p.a.ce separated from the rest of the walls and ceiling.

Through the small windows the moonlight penetrated by diluting a darkness.

As her eyes adjusted to the darkness of a rarefied, she looked at the floor around him.

And there…

– ..

From the shock of the girl froze.

Arms. Legs. Head. Bellies. Chest.

All of them were scattered around her.

Not one person. To create this horrible sight, it would not be enough either two, or even three bodies. Such a situation could arise only after the cut is not less than five corpses.

But what is happening is not a scene reminiscent of “murder.” There was no trace of anger or hatred. No hint of resistance. Just someone’s work on the separation of the bodies into pieces.

There was “a ma.s.sacre.”

Looking closer, she saw that among the body parts wormed his hands, gripping short swords, armor and feet. Among the human remains littered with the wreckage of armor.

In other words, these five (at least) of armed men … likely killed instantly, without giving them a chance to resist. Somewhere I must be the one who did it.

But … who?

How would it be desirable to know the answer to that question, ask it to no one. She looked around, but the room besides herself and remains there was no one.

– I … I … – incoherent dropped it and went ahead.

She did not know where he is going. Not even felt that he wanted to escape. Perhaps seen a nightmare so shocked her. Maybe her mind had not yet awakened to the end. But the feeling of fear and anxiety as if paralyzed.

It was simply because it could no longer stand still and do nothing.

A few steps unsteadily. She stumbled on the remains and almost fell, but reflexively threw out his hand and kept himself from falling.

Her hand touched something cold and too smooth to be a wall.

The girl turned her head to look at his hand.

– A…


She did not understand why this looks like a storage room turned the mirror. I do not even understand where all is. I could not remember absolutely nothing. So dull were her memories.

By running a mirror diagonal crack, but do its job it still could.

And thanks to the dim light image it seemed particularly clear.

Image … girls.

– I…

Long, obedient, brilliant silver hair.

Pale face, had not lost the baby roundness.

Round purple eyes, like two amethyst.

And … wet blackened blood, stained with her body.

She felt no pain, no gravity, which means that the blood did not belong to her. Most likely, this blood drawn on her body ugly spots, once supported life in the bodies that now lay on the floor.

– I…

– I see you’re awake.

The voice spoke to her, came so suddenly that the girl was not able to respond.

Even knowing that the voice did not belong to her, it took some time. Blinking a few times … girl turned slowly.

The room was a little boy.

When he got here? This question and did not come to her.

In the dim light floated golden hair, blue eyes, charming … but no storage ent.i.ty, as well as half-smile. Maybe he was wearing black clothes, but it seemed as if said left elaborate mask in the room.

– …

The girl focused look at the boy.

At first … it does not even take him as a man.

The faces of most people’s easy to see the imprint of all the events with them for a lifetime. Even twins living in different conditions, it is easy to distinguish the trail. This reflects the nature of the mark, as the one with which the person was born, and one that was raised by life experience.

But the boy’s face expressed nothing. It even seemed transparent.

Emptiness. Except for the fact that it is a boy, his face did not appear.

It was something, depicting man.

These things are called puppets.

– …

Who is it? No, what is it?

But the girl did not have time to ask it, her lips already asked the most important question swirling in her head all the time:

– Who am I?..

Who is she?

What is her name? Where is she from? To begin to answer precisely these questions.

She still did not have a clear understanding of the “core”, which is the basis of all thoughts, his “I”. Therefore, her mind running on empty, and thought does not develop. All emotions – fear, sadness, and loneliness – as if soaked through his fingers.

– Unfortunately, I do not have the right answer to this question.

The boy refused to tell her.

He continued to gently smile, but a smile was not for the proper content. This gesture silly to call even polite – he simply imitated form.

– But you can be calm – the boy said. – Over time, you yourself understand this.

– …

The girl said nothing. She did not know what to say.

In fact, the boy did not say anything to her.

– First, you need a “coffin”, – he said after that.

– “Coffin” ..?

Really for the remains scattered on the floor?


– The box, which lay a corpse, – said the boy indifferently. – It will become not only a symbol, but also the person for you.

– ..

The girl frowned, not understanding the meaning of words.

But the boy just kept smiling, not saying anything more. It seems that on this the explanations that were part of his “rights” over.

And then…

– …

It is difficult to say how long they looked at each other.

But in the end, the girl lost interest and went forward again.

Although she did not know who she is, other people also did not cause her interest.

Leaving behind the scattered corpses srebrovlasaya girl left to wander in the darkness of an uncertain, staggering gait.