Hitsugi no Chaika

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

– “Heroes”? .. – Have asked the man, frowning.

Inconspicuous in the alley side of the street.

Residents of the city, is well-versed in it, considered it a place of “bad” and pa.s.sed it by. Such places can be found in any city. Not that someone pointed out to them where to appear – just there at some point settled gangsters and thugs.

Of course, outsiders can not guess about it. Especially in the light of the day.

Dull, dirty, and you men lane, it is the s.p.a.ce between the tall buildings. Justify he almost pulled out into the street, but the walls are strongly hindered review. Guess that here someone is, you can only voice. Despite the lack of fences and doors, this place seemed cut off from the rest.

– Heroes is … the very heroes?

– Like those who have distinguished themselves on the battlefield?

Men had six.

All of them were about to 30. Judging by their appearance, they are unlikely to lead a decent life.

Clothes have been very different – from the old military uniforms to rags. Someone too much, someone is too small. One clothes do not fit the style, others wore garments, it is not combined with pants down … The only thing that united all things – dirt and shabbiness.

– Mmm – she nodded in response to a question.

She looked exquisite beauty.

Silver hair. Violet eyes. The snow-white skin.

Low rise and slim body, the apparent (perhaps because of the color of clothing) to horror fragile and tiny.She did not look sick, but it created an impression of made of gla.s.s, which could be broken by rough handling.


– Search. “Heroes”. So name.

As she was very strangeness overtook men.

In the clothing of its particular quirks were not. She wore decorated with black-and-white dress that suited her perfectly.

But … but that’s why it is one piece in the form of even more conspicuous.

On the back of a girl carrying a box.

Actually, not a box.

Lacquered, so much, as if she could fit in it … the coffin.

“Vessel” in which to bury the dead.

The thing that outside cemeteries and funerals are not easy to meet. In any case, these men have never ever seen a man who carried it on his back. Even undertakers did not wear them out in the open and were transported in vehicles or machines.

So he looked unusually … and ominous.

But not burdened by common sense and moral man quickly threw aside anxiety. Instinct gave way to another.

– Speculation. To tell. Please – she turned to him.

The manner of speaking words and fragments of phrases, as if only just started to learn to talk to the baby, made her look like a child. And despite the fact that she looked at 15 years, and maybe a little older.

Most of the men from these girls awoke one of the two diametrically opposite feelings.

Either pa.s.sion for defense, which led to kindness.

Either pa.s.sion for sadism, which led to the violence.

These men fall into the second category.

– …

They looked at each other and understood each other without words. Grinning, they unanimously turned to the girl. Apparently, they decided not to worry about the coffin behind her.

– Oh yes. Heroes. How. We know of.

– Well we know, yes. They are our best friends.

– Sure sure. If you are looking for heroes, and it is necessary to contact us.

– That you were lucky, huh?

In turn, they talked.

And though their words gave falsehood, because they obviously come up with on the fly …

– !.. Require. Spend. Or tell, – said the girl with sparkling eyes.

She had not even questioned the veracity of their words. Either this girl did not know anything about life, or so persistently sought the “heroes”.

– Of course, the girl.

– Follow us.

Friendly grabbing the girl by the shoulder, they took it forward.

Next, in the depth of the lane, where even during the day the sun is not shining.

Podgadat moment to shove the gag in his mouth, and then it can do anything. You can start in an inconspicuous building, to strip naked and “evaluate the product” … or even “taste”. And then the client can be found, which sells its items or herself.

Good-looking girl, but still with a rare combination of silver hair and violet eyes, was to sell at high prices. The faces of the men already in full antic.i.p.ation was read.

And here…

– Can you take me and? – I heard a voice behind them.

– A?..

The man frowned and turned.

Their voice was heard as the discontent prevents a person and a clear threat. Nervous people heard this reaction, be sure to answer “but, sorry, oboznalsya” and hastened to hide …

– This girl – me. Should You’re driving somewhere, then take me.

But it says absolutely not show fear.

– Thor? – Surprised young woman replied.

At the entrance to the alley was a young man … or rather, even the young man.

He appeared to be about 20 years.

Black eyes, black hair, medium height, medium build.

Black cloak, which could be seen under the clothes, again, the black shades.

But despite the abundance of black, the young man did not seem suspicious. Apparently, he played the role of posture – he was standing perfectly straight, as if stretched to attention. This manner often be elaborated in humans for a long time engaged in dancing or martial arts.

Of course, men do not know such details.

They gazed at the young man’s face.

The facial features are smooth, without the distortions … but not too memorable. Perhaps, we can even say that his face was not particularly worthy of mention. It is not too severe, the cheeks or forehead is not characteristic scars. It can be called quite common.

If we put the question bluntly, it seemed rather cute.

Therefore … men immediately decided that this young man is not a hindrance to them.

– …

The men looked at each other again.

Like last time, they came to the conclusion that the silent, and then the young man stepped aside two of the strongest of them.

– What do you want?

– I’ve told. This girl with me.

Although each of the opponents of the young men was a head taller than him, he showed no fear and, on the contrary, speak slightly irritated voice. Despite his looks and age, it is said to be surprisingly sluggish and apathetic. His manner of speech and expression, he looked more like an old man.

– Clear. But now this girl with us – with a grin said one of the big men. – You were released from office.

– Heh, heh, heh …

The remaining four men near the girl’s hoa.r.s.e chuckle.

And on their faces and voices were read smile.

– No, that will not do, – said the young man, scratching his cheek with your finger.

– I tell you – do not go.

– Get lost, punk.

Continuing to look at him from top to bottom, two big men started talking already rougher. They decided that this young man simply does not understand the situation in which turned out to be.

For young people, it is not uncommon.

Due to lack of experience, and the narrowness of outlook, they can not understand a simple truth: “there is always someone stronger.” Once they harden his body a little to get a weapon or as they begin to consider themselves stronger than all the world, and do not allow thoughts of what might someone lose. By itself, this behavior is harmless … but they continue to persist and appear stronger than they are, even during flight, or lying on the ground and begging for mercy.

These men have not seen such fools.

– Oh, and by the way. Things your can also leave here, – said one of the men who remained near the girl.

At the same time one of the big men walked around the side of the young man, blocking his way out of the alley.

He still did not straining, I watched him.

– On the Rights of friendly advice … – he said in a tone as if the thought had just occurred to him. – How about the fact that we leave peacefully and pretend they did not see each other?

– A?..

The men frowned for a moment … and then laughed out loud.

– Hya-ha-ha! Do you realize that talkin ‘about, you fool?

– I thought so.

With these words, the young man put his index finger and stuck it in his mouth.

– You know, man, you now need to say this: “Okay. All give only spare! “

– Clearly, – said the young man, taking out the finger, and nodded.

Then again he put his finger in his mouth. Then he licked it a few times. Why and why he did it?

– What it is?

The men laughed.

– What is it sucks a finger?

– Maybe on my mother’s t.i.ts I missed?

– Hey, look – he still p.i.s.sed! – Said one of them, raising his finger.

Under the feet of the young man poured a puddle.

It seems that men decided that he wet himself with fear.

– And this is after all your attempts to appear strong?

The young man some time stood with half-closed eyes, listening to the taunts, and then …

– As you said there? .. – He drawled, nodding. – “Good. All give only mercy. “

– Hya-ha-ha! Yes Yes. By the way, …

– If you say it, I’ll let you go, brothers thugs.

Laughter men immediately verse.

They realized that this young man is not only still do not understand the whole situation, but it is absolutely not going to obey them. The faces stared at his men started to appear angry.

– The guy … – dull said the large man, who was standing directly opposite him. – The joke is not funny.

– Yes. Laughing is not necessary, – he said nonchalant tone. – Because it’s not a joke.

– Well, you ran! .. – There was a cry, and the two big men budged.

They breathed deeply, and with furious cries fell on the boy …

– A?..

Or rather, tried to.

But they did not. Instead, they abruptly settled on the ground like a puppet with the strings pererublennymi.

– And … what ..?

Two men with a puzzled kind of sprawled on the ground.

– W … what’s the matter ?! – Anxiously exclaimed those four that were near the girl.

– H … not knowledge, but … – said the man behind the young man.

His face and eyes were twitching oddly as if he or laugh, or cry. He could not even speak coherently, let alone to stand or walk.

– Something … power … leaving-I-I … ka-ah-ak … … that with the set-oh-oh …

– Oh you!

Another two men of those that stood around the girl ran towards the boys.

They got on the run from the pockets of the blades – strong army daggers. Because of the long war that ended only five years ago, such weapons have made many … and so it could easily get hold of anyone, no questions asked. Blades looked rusty – apparently men do not particularly cared for weapons.

However, even the rusty weapon is a weapon.

It might well kill a man.

Except … for that you need to get at the enemy.

– …

The boy dodged a brief movement of both blades.

In fact, it is only slightly bent sideways. But only touched the air blade. Their owners immediately lost his balance, and it cost the young man gently slap them on the back, they immediately fell to the ground.

– What the h.e.l.l are you … – had tried to cry out the remaining two, but by the middle of the phrase getting through their amazement. – And … uh ?!

Fallen thugs did not get up.

They lay twitching convulsively, just like the other two that fell to them.

A young man … continued confidently stand still. He still has not made a single step once called them. And, nevertheless, we have four people who tried to attack him, lying on the ground. He did not beat them no arms, no legs, but …

– You … what … you …

The voices of those thugs that were near the girl, and now came the fear.

And no wonder, because they have not yet had time to understand what happened.

– Thank you for submitting the most tremendous first – the young man said with a bored look looking lying at his feet bandits. – The larger the body, the blood flow is slower and more time away.

– Really …

The remaining two twisted thug.

– Poison ?!

– Excellent guess. Alas, belated, – indifferently replied the young man.

Of course, that puddle that spread beneath his feet, was not out of urine.

He poured the poison specifically evaporative.

And he licked his finger just to determine with the help of the wind direction. For the same reason the young man did not budge – he just wound up thugs in the area filled with poison evaporates.

Though the young man himself, and took an antidote, he acted carefully, trying once again not to breathe in harmful substances. Poison he probably used a bit, because it does not spread across the alley.

– You’re a coward … .. – said one of the men left with the girl.

– A? You still dare to call me a coward? – The boy asked, squinting. – Who are you, again attacking one for two?

A weighty argument.

– Ghn … n n!

The remaining thugs s.n.a.t.c.hed such as daggers, like their comrades.

Apparently, they were going to take the girl hostage …

The sharp metallic sound.

The blow knocked the cutla.s.s from the right hand bandit.

The young man knocked his throwing knife, which threw without any warning.

– A?!

– And now … – he turned to the second bandit, froze. – Verify that quickly?

– …

Throwing Knife boys he metnet in a vulnerable place of the enemy?

Or thug weapon that he tries to kill her?

Then the man realized that nothing looked down at the boy. If they had tried to attack him the whole crowd from the outset, it may be, and they would have a chance, but could only regret it. It seems that their opponent did not make use of throwing knives at the outset, preferring poison just to lull thugs.

It is obvious that with the use of force, he was familiar with them much closer.

The absence of unnecessary movements, careful choice of methods, the goal of a minimum of effort – all betrayed by no means a novice. He was not a youngster, who knew nothing of life, and a real expert in violence and its application.

– We … we …

Men staggered backwards.

The girl they left on the spot and in no hurry to turn away from the boys. Most likely, they turn around and waited for opportunities to escape. At the same time feared that the wrong time can fly back outstretched throwing knife.

And here…

– Stop! – Suddenly said hurriedly someone ringing voice.

And the voice is somehow … just came over trying to escape the bandits.

– Stop-stop-stop, wait! Wait for me!

– …

The boy looked up, took him from the thugs.

Sensing opportunity, the men immediately fled. His comrades they were callously thrown. The lack of common sense and morality cool accelerated adoption of these solutions minutes. They jumped up, like a fleeing hare …

– I said, wait!

– Gbho-on ?!

… But they did not work.

There was a heavy, hollow sound.

And in the same second thugs going into the ground. Following the voice from above them flew nailed a huge ma.s.s.

– You’re killing going? Kill?! – I sounded surprisingly happy voice.

The man was on the ground turned to Thor and asked:

– Faye la … ..?

Their voices were as weak as that of the poisoned thugs.

They fell … a great creation.

The silver beast.

In view of the tail, it was 10 times more human. Wings, horns, long neck, sharp claws. His whole body was covered armor, from which creation seemed even more eerie.

Knowledgeable people called them the dragoons.

Such animals can use magic to Ferbiste called “Fail.”

Perhaps the dragoons – the strongest of Feil and the battle against them – the most hopeless. An ordinary person in the form of dragoon soul went into the heel, and nervous and could c.r.a.p one’s pants. That’s how much these monsters scare people.

Under normal conditions in the city to meet the dragoon is almost impossible … and outside the city too.

If it was a busy street, on it would immediately panic reigned. Perhaps people do not even have time to understand what it dragoons. Anyone suddenly appeared monster could make people panic.


– I want, I want too!

Fail reason said call, carefree, girlish voice.

– What do you want there? – With genuine grievances he asked the young man.

– Killing – happily said dragoons, like a child to beg other children to play with him.

– I will not kill. I have all the poison paralyzed.

– Eh?

Dragun turned the long neck to bow his head.

Given the enormous size of the creature, this gesture, rather peculiar little bird seemed comical. Of course, pinned to the ground bandits was not amused.

– Then let’s you and I d.a.m.n it.

– No. Never, – retorted the boy.

– Why did u? – I said with displeasure dragoons.

Due to the huge red eyes, scaly armor and jaws full of enormous fangs of the monster mood had only guess from the tone and gestures.

– Let’s sake-ah-emsya.

Dragun waved his huge fists, as if capricious. Each fist pulled on a steel hammer. Blow this, you can easily break your neck … and a few bones.

– Do you understand the difference between our bodies and weight? This is not serious.

– Ooh … well, I’m going to fight this form.

Immediately after these words … the wind blew.

He called sharply the vacuum. A strong gust made the cloak clap youth.

There was a cloud of white fog … and then suddenly dissipated.

On his place…

– It’ll do?

… Remained …

– No.

– Why did u?

… Unhappy pouting lips … golden-haired pale-skinned girl, quite similar to the dragoon.

Charming. Truly fascinating.

But despite the small body … it does not seem weak.

Quite the contrary – it, like a child, filled with fresh, clean energy. The red eyes of the recited strength and confidence, and between the lips could be seen smiling canine, because of what she looked like either a kitten, or tiger.

It is unlikely that even someone without prompting could guess that this girl – just turn dragoons. Of course, the power of the dragoons – the magic that can change their bodies … but few people know what it allows and such.

Most likely, this girl came here by jumping from the roof and “becoming” in flight. Otherwise it moving around to pick up more hype.

– Because it would seem that I scoff at someone weaker than himself.

– You’re doing it, and so, – said the girl, dragoons, looking at his feet.

Her pale legs, clad in little shoes, pressed to the ground once the bandits tried to escape. Weight dragoon was clearly too much for them – they are now only lying, rolling his eyes, and finely twitching. Certainly several ribs they broke themselves.

– Compared to you, it’s flowers!

– The Torah – suddenly turned to the young man srebrovlasaya girl, who had been silent all this time.

Apparently, his name was Torah. The young man turned to the girl and asked:

– Yes? Are you okay?

– Mmm. In full – she nodded confidently.

And then her face somehow darkened.

– The Torah. Cruel.

– A? Why is that?

– Good people. Informants. The brutality, – she said, pointing a finger at men.

– …

The young man some time looked at the man, then at the girl.

– Listen, Gull.

– M?

– You just almost sold. Do you understand?

– Mmm? – Srebrovlasaya girl blinked in amazement.

– No it’s not good informants! – The young man exclaimed, pointing to the ground writhing on men. – How did you managed to peck at it ?! They do not just suspect, they practically walk around with a banner “We are bandits!” The ha.s.sle us to add!

– … – Srebrovlasaya girl looked dazed men. – … The surprising fact.

– That you’re amazing, – said the young man saboteur named Toru ACURE and a long sigh.

The war was a very, very long time.

So long that the memory of that, which is why it all started, preserved only in the archives and all the people that keep this in mind for a long time lying in their graves.

All Ferbiste to perceive the war as a matter of course, but five years ago, this part of the everyday life has changed dramatically.

War is over.

It is believed that the end of the military put the death pore Northern Empire Gas, which is often referred to as the root cause of the war. If more specifically – the war ended just when the combined army of several countries in the course of large-scale siege of the capital struck the sole ruler of the Empire Gas.

Namely – Cursed Emperor Arthur Strip.

As a result, Arthur Gaza became known as “the man who became the cause of war,” but perhaps it is too categorical judgment. The war dragged on for several centuries, and each country had their own thoughts about it. One man for what could not plan something like this.

But at the same time … even now the ident.i.ty of Arthur Gaza shrouded mystery.

Not only is it in itself was a man secretive Empire stores information about its elite in a strict secret, and very few people have seen the emperor live.

That is why born rumors that he had lived for more than three centuries, was the greatest magician, laid the foundation of modern magic technology, and unrivaled swordsman, able to overcome in the duel of any knight and master of fencing … And since after the death of the Emperor to deny them became impossible, he began to take them all the more incredible and monstrous features.

But … whatever monster it was, the emperor had died.

And he actually appeared as if the cause of the war, because immediately afterwards people remembered the word “peace”, many centuries existed only as an abstract concept … and habitual life has changed dramatically.

But … among people born in war time, were many of those who could not adjust to the new time and were not needed.

Toru ACURE was one of them.

Saboteurs – jack of all trades in regard to the fighting, do work that could not or did not want to carry knights and soldiers. Thor grew up in the village of saboteurs, but the war ended before he was able to visit the real battle.

Unlike the knights who defended the honor of their country, saboteurs can go to any meanness and baseness … so they called the “barn of war”, and so on have stepped back in disgust, it was worth fighting to stop.

Village ACURE killed and forced to flee the Torah.

The next five years he lived by inertia, lost the purpose and meaning of existence.

And then … he met Chaika Trabant.

Lady, which was considered the successor of Emperor Gaza.

Even a person who turned in the dustbin of history.

But she, unlike the Torah, was the goal toward which it was moving.

She set out to collect the remains of his father, who took with him “eight characters”, and disposal. Only then will it be able to take his father’s death, the end of the war and the death of their own country. She did not want anything.

But … whatever she wanted, a brand “the successor of Emperor Gaza” firmly stuck to it.

Because in this world were still people dreamland Revival Gas existence puts Seagulls recently installed the world at risk. Behind it hunted all countries.

However … this is why the Torah and became interested in it.

Perhaps with her he will return to the battlefield, in their native “home”. And with this – to regain the sense of life.

This is how the Torah with his sister Akari and joined the Seagull – Princess with the coffin behind …

In most major cities located just outside the gates of parking.

She gathered all conceivable means of transportation: car dealers, pa.s.senger transport, the personal carriage of travelers. Typically, in the city move on transport, designed for long trips, it was forbidden, although in the case of emergency, you can try to get permission from an authorized officer or a munic.i.p.al administration. Often, certain bureaucratic procedures and required parking.

They were required and the city Soriole.

“Svetlana”, Princess car with the coffin Chaika Trabant and its satellites, the Torah and Akari ACURE, stopped on the edge of the parking lot. Of course, you can try to leave your car somewhere outside the city, so to avoid paying for parking … but in this case, you can splurge on a tax for pa.s.sing through the gates, if the city will have to linger.

– And in general, I told you not to walk alone, – said Thor, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, “Svetlana” and was eating bread.

Lunch started a little later than usual. It consisted of dried meat and pickled vegetables imposed in a small wooden plate. Food, familiar to any traveler. Not very tasty, but a long time stored.

– M …

Near the Torah srebrovlasaya sat sullen girl named Seagull.

She also ate.

But if the Torah was eating bread, casually holding it with one hand, then gently Seagull holding it with both hands, like a squirrel that has found a nut, and before each bite deep breath, as if taking some important decision.

– In fact you hunt.

– … Mmm.

– The unexpected battle magic will not help you. The enemy will not wait for you to gather and read out Gundo spell. So why are you alone go again?

– …

Seagull frowning with his head hanging.

For a while she was silent, and then …

– … Information. No. Aimless wandering … tire, – she said word for word.

– We have so always.

– …

Seagull bit into the bread as if he was her sworn enemy.

Chewed and swallowed a piece, she continued:

– J. Mag. Can … only that.

Indeed, in all (no exaggeration), that did not concern magic, seagull appears to be very awkward.

When she was preparing food, was cutting his hands and dropped her saucepan when sewed clothes, then p.r.i.c.ked fingers … In addition, as already observed the Torah, it could not defend itself in the melee, and do not even know how to make a fire without resorting to magic. Surprisingly, she was living with such clumsy all the time is not yet met the Torah.

That is why most of the household engaged ha.s.sle anyone, but it is not.

Saboteurs – jack of all trades. Therefore, the Torah and Akari did everything quickly and correctly.

That’s just …

– Useless – Gull added, still looking down.

Thor frowned and asked:

– What do you mean? What decided to atone for his uselessness at least those that went to collect the information?

– Um … – Seagull blushed in embarra.s.sment.

– Oh … – Tohru sighed, taking a look to the sky.

He would be happy to praise her for her dedication, but …

Frankly speaking, the effect of its actions turned out just the opposite. Due to the fact that she came to the unpleasant figures, I had to spend time on her recovery.

Saboteurs have done nothing for the form or for the sake of decency, so the Torah and would not dream of trying to do something as an apology for his uselessness. Occasionally I thought that everything would be better if only skilled people were taken for anything, and the others would not bother trying.

But, of course, correct to think of something else – Seagull, by virtue of its nature, can not go on like that.The clumsiness of this girl even extends to the emotions.

– Uh … well …

Toru scratched his cheek, trying to find the right words.

Though saboteurs and knew how much everyone inevitably get something better and something worse than others. For example, one of the most important skills of saboteurs – the ability to just pick the right words in order to deceive the enemy – the Torah did not apply to the strengths.

– Well … type. As if. Never mind.

– M …?

– How can I put it … I do not have to worry so much simply because we have so far about “Heroes” does not come across.

– … I agree – after a short delay Seagull obediently nodded.

Last month a detachment of the Torah could not get the ball rolling.

They were looking for “heroes” – eight members of the special unit, once the ruler of the Empire Gas, Arthur Strip.

Of course, during the war, a lot of people have committed deeds worthy of the word “hero”, but with the achievement of the eight beats one. Of course, the very empire collapsed from a ma.s.sive attack the united army, but you can not underestimate the importance of the victory over its ruler. As the Empire Gas was considered the root of evil, it is sometimes said of heroes and that their act, they put an end to the war.

But … none of the countries did not disclose the names of these heroes.

Thor did not know why. Rather, each country has been at it some of his reasons, but what kind, could only guess. However, detachment of the Torah, these reasons are not particularly interested.

Seagull wanted to bury the remains of Arthur Gaza, his father.

But “Heroes” took his remains as “trophies”.

In order to pick them up, they need to know the owners of the remains.

Of course, it is not difficult to find people who loudly declare that they “won the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned”, but without any evidence. After the war, a lot of magicians and the soldiers left without a job, and they tried in this way add to his prestige and a promotion.

– And in general, this is what it was before – not normal.

– M?

– The fact that we are so lucky.

Tohru smiled sourly.

They have already found three fragments of the remains of Arthur Strip. a.s.suming that each character took the one-shot, they had to find five, and the next would have marked the end of the first half of the journey.


– In general, the bad, so we relied on Guy. Now he’s on the link does not go.

Until now, the Torah detachment operated on the basis of the information provided them with a mysterious boy introduced himself as Guy.

But they still did not know anything about this boy.

Apparently, he had some kind of information network and capabilities, as periodically arose before them, shared valuable information about the “heroes” and “remains”, and then disappeared without a trace. He himself said he did not have the right to tell them anything else … but, unfortunately, other informants in squad Torah simply did not exist.

And lately this Guy did not appear.

– Not sure … he will remain our ally.

– M?

– You do not think that he shared with us information on the goodness of his heart?

– … – Seagull looked away.

– So … learn a minute doubt.

– Um – I handed Seagull in response to the instruction.

– How could he do to show you the “good”?

In fact, as they did not know Ki nothing.

To be honest … Thor doubted even that Guy – man.

Thor was able to roughly estimate the power of the people with whom to talk. Breathing, posture, involuntary gestures – all point to the strength of the interlocutor. Of course, high-end expert could hide its force from the enemy, but …

“Most likely, this is not the case.”

He did not like any man, nor a living creature.

Guy gave the impression of “object”, took on human form.

He felt so weak and unnatural … it looked more like a shadow or an illusion. Perhaps he, like Frederic and other dragoons, was indeed “something” takes the form of a man … but the Torah could not answer the question “and what is it?”. In the end, Frederick produced a very different impression.

– But. Torah … plan. Specific ideas? – Seagull tilted her head questioningly.

– Well … what can I say to that?

Toru long sigh.

If they were going to look for the “heroes”, not relying on the Ki … that they really had no choice but to ask the locals. He could only do the same, she tried to make Seagull, adjusted for the mastery and efficiency.

– But … just ask about “heroes” – so-so plan – Torah folded his arms across his chest. – “Heroes” this is not necessarily the ones who personally killed Emperor. Let us a.s.sume that the types and knew the truth of the “hero”, but this fact could not be the man of the special detachment.

The war was so long that the number of battles, exploits, and distinguished people-heroes defied account.And in general, in the word “hero” can be different meanings, changing the list of people who fall under the definition.

– Too bad we do not know the name … may try to return to the house of Count Abarth?

The first of the “heroes” who have the Torah squad managed to take away “the remains” Count Robert Abarth, was still alive. Due to the fact that the Seagull announced hunt a government agency, a detachment of the Torah was forced to flee from Delsoranta, city Count Abarth … But given the lack of information from Guy, maybe they should be to miss pursuers and return to the graph Abarth to ask him about the remaining characters.

– Five more …

If we a.s.sume that each character took the one-shot, the look was five.


– Hold on, brother.

From the “Svetlana” salon seemed the girl’s face.

She looked like a Torah black hair and eyes … but very different facial features.

In fact, it came to beauty, it is not inferior to the Seagull, but slanted eyes and her hair gathered in a ponytail made stricter impression … as if a sharp blade.

She did not make any unnecessary movements. Like a weapon or tool, born with no frills to get the results, her beauty was functional … Yes, I think this description fits her best.

Akari ACURE.

Like the Torah, she grew up in ACURE, saboteurs village. Akari played the role of the younger sister of the Torah, but the saboteurs put in the word “family” a different meaning than the rest of the world, and the relationship between the Torah and Akari were absent.

– Do not you think that you are too fast you finish?

– You mean who?

– Of course, about you, brother – replied calmly Akari.

As she showed almost no emotion, I could say with a straight face any words.

– Then say “ends quickly!”

– M …? – I surprised Akari. – I have a little say so?

– Strongly not. And anyway … do not you go to sleep?

Torah and Akari often staged changing of the guard. Since the last few days before arriving in Soriol guard worked Akari, but now, when it replaced the Torah, she had to go to bed.

– I’m so worried about you that I can not fall asleep, brother.

– About me?

– Suddenly you’re in my absence again begin to stick to the Seagull.

– You say that if I keep doing this! – Exclaimed the Torah. – Who do you think I do?

– Of course, my dear and beloved brother – confidently said Akari. – After so many walks in the mountains and endless roads we finally got to the big city. Surely Seagull already relaxed. And I believe that my smart brother would not miss such a chance.

– Which is still a chance, if I do not intend to do?

– I can not believe .. – Akari frowned. – When did you become so humble?

– I have always been so! – Once said Toru, then sighed. – And in general, what do you want something from me?

– I’m not going to demand anything from his brother – Akari picturesque shook her head. – I just want you to stay who you are.

– In my opinion, the one who I am in your understanding – this is clearly not the one who I am really.

Habits of his sisters have not changed.

You can rely on it, but to understand what she was thinking – no. Even when fell ACURE and saboteurs escape, fled in different directions, Akari somehow went with the Torah. And then she is so attached …

– Postpone the question, brother. Let’s talk about the remains.

– We talked about it, and …

– We do not know exactly whether they were divided into 8 pieces?

– … By the way, yes – sadly he replied Thor.

For some three centuries on Ferbiste time to arise and develop a completely new technology.


Initially, it was used exclusively for military purposes, but are now set in motion the “Svetlana”, which moved a detachment of the Torah used in medicine, industry, agriculture and many more where. Some things in general have been made possible only thanks to the magic.

Therefore mages even after the war easily found a job and you need to spell the magic fuel was worth a lot of money.

Most often this fuel became fossils Feil (so-called dry fuel), but only due to the fact that these fossils, once impregnated with thoughts of a living being, it is easy to use, and “stones” easy to trade.

But in general, the magical fuel could serve any remains of any rational being.

And so … the remains of the greatest magician Arthur Gaza, reportedly lived for more than three centuries, the strongest fuel could work.

And if we add the factor of the rarity of the remains of the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned, these fragments were appreciated not only their weight in gold, but also more expensive.

And just as the gold bar can be divided into parts … nothing to prevent the owner of a fragment remains divided and sold piecemeal to someone else.

– On the other hand, that “the emperor killers’ eight, there is no doubt.

– At least, Frederick is not denied, – has agreed to Akari.

Frederick, the girl-dragoons, once worked Strider has concluded a contract with her Skoda Dominica, one of the eight characters. But apparently, all the other people did not interest her, because she really did not remember the names of any persons other heroes.

Consciousness has concluded a contract rider on Dragun linked to the very dragoon, so Frederick was enough to see the memories of Dominica, instead of thinking itself, but …

– Speaking of things that we do not know and do not understand … What thinks this drakonsha .. – handed the Torah.

Once Frederick to fight with their squad … and lost.

But this victory ought to thank complex multistage plan – they won it was not in a fair fight. And, apparently defeated soundly velos in Frederick’s head, as it has repeatedly called for their revenge.

However, the Torah was not going to go for it.

The same trick with her would not work again … and, frankly, Thor doubted he could win for the second time.In addition, they have taken away the remains of those that kept at Frederick, so there was no sense in re-fight.

But these words did not rea.s.sure Frederick.

Apparently, she had come to the conclusion that if there is a reason for revenge, it is necessary to create, and decided to find the “remains” of the first to use them to force the detachment of the Torah to fight with her.And because it is still no remains are not found, the conclusion that really does not know the names of the other “heroes”, he suggests itself.

– It also introduces an uncertainty ….

To the level of Ki-Frederik it does not hold, but the fact remained – unequivocally clear her mind did not work.It’s not really surprising, because it is not a person … but the fact that it can not be attributed with certainty to any enemies nor allies, did not add confidence.

– And in general, where is she?

– Unknown – Chaika said.

– Again?

Suddenly it appears and disappears again. Every now and again. It was such that Frederick was gone for a week-plus, and then it turned out that she had a few days traveling with the squad on the roof of the Torah “Svetlana”.

– This is not a dragon, and the cat some …

– I totally agree.

– Agree.

Akari and Seagull nodded in unison.

Toru stuffed in his mouth the last piece of bread, chewed and swallowed hard, and then climbed down from the driver’s seat.

– Anyway. I’ll go for shopping and exploration.

– Sentence. However, – said the seagull, raising his hand.

– No, I … – I tried to abandon the Torah, but then smiled tightly. – Good. Let’s go together.

– Um – happily responded srebrovlasaya princess.

Elegant profile let out a tired sigh.

It is unlikely that the owner has made it consciously, but n.o.ble facial features, blue eyes and blond hair looked in exquisite paintings, even though saddened look. His face did not seem quite so pained and thanks to a touch of yearning looked even slightly more attractive than the usual serious look.

Knight Alberic Gillette.

A man worthy of the n.o.ble t.i.tle of knight and pedigree, and character, and skills.

Only one small detail differentiates it from most other knights. Now he had served faithfully and not overlord country and interstate organizations.

Alberic was to “Kleeman” agency, one of those organizations that dismantled the consequences of the war.

He had just been on the job as commander of five people, but …

– Maybe I’m weak? .. – Whispered Alberic thoughtfully looking out the car window.

He was in the car under the name “April”.

“April”, in turn, pursued Chaika Trabant, “the princess with a coffin on his back.” More specifically – she went to the next town to its pa.s.sengers could try to get to Seagull any information.

– Commander – suddenly a voice came close to Alberic.

But he did not respond and continued to look out the window.

He did not ignore the voice. Just Alberic so lost in thought that the voice simply did not get through to his consciousness. Truly serious people even painful Dumas indulged completely … and Alberic just refers to such people.

– Commander. The commander of the Gillette!

– Uh … yes?

Alberic blinked, as if waking from a dream, and looked inside the car. Right next to him was his lieutenant, Nikolai Autotor, hands on hips and looking him in the eye.

Nikolai – a mercenary.

Close menacing man with a strong const.i.tution and a stern look that could scare your views softie. He looked so powerful that it seemed like an attempt to hit him is not too strong a sword rather break the sword, rather than harm him. Now, inside the car, he wore ordinary clothes, but in combat armor on the battlefield, Nikolai looked even more intimidating.

– What happened? You look thoughtful.

– Oh, no, I …

Alberic shook his head.

Even with a second, he thought about the answer … but in the end smiled languidly, as if determined not to lie, and answered:

– Sorry if I got to worry about.

– I can bother you as much as necessary. It is the job of lieutenant – worry about their commander – Nikolai shrugged and smiled. – But your kind of depressing effect on morale … and if you spit on all sorts of nice words, we are all for you to worry about.

Nicholas turned back half-turned and pointed to what was happening behind him.

Once his huge body ceased to obstruct the view of Alberic, he saw that all his men, placed in the car, looked at him in unison.

Skinhead magician Matheus loaf.

Scout-Blood Leonardo Stora.

Driver “April”, the magician Zita Bruzasko sitting on the driver’s seat and looked forward, but still looked in the pa.s.senger compartment via the rear-view mirror.

– Especially Vivi …

– What am I? – I heard the sonorous voice of a young girl behind Nicholas.

– Nothing … – Nicholas said, raising his hand as if he uttered an oath.

Perhaps he would have his head if his neck will not put a needle.

Just sat behind him on one of the pa.s.senger compartment of chairs and ran a needle to Nicholas blonde girl named Vivi Holopainen.

Her luxury clothes, long well-groomed hair, delicate facial features, and most importantly – the elegance of the movements, the impression of a well-bred lady.

Although in this case it was not her at all.

Her profession – a.s.sa.s.sin.


– Most of us … Vivi only one who did not worry, – said Nikolay, faintly grinning.

– Uh .. And? It’s … it’s not! ..

From the words of Nicholas expression Vivi trembled.

As befits the a.s.sa.s.sin, most often it applies to all coolly and sarcastic … but as soon as it came to Alberic, Vivi often react to what is happening with the naivety of a little girl.

Any obvious that Vivi is hopelessly in love with Alberic … Anyone except the knight, who somehow did not notice anything. It seems that it is simply good manners did not allow her to perceive it as “Honest subordinate, commander of the baking.”

– Hm … also worry … … as much as the others.

– Well, well, – said Nicholas with a grin.

Alberic blinked a few times, and then again around all look …

– Well, if so, then … I’m sorry …, – he said at last, smiling awkwardly and scratched his cheek. – For the fact that you have to endure my worthlessness.

– What?

Nicholas looked at each other puzzled and Vivi.

Following this, a puzzled looked at each other and Matheus Leonardo.

– Worthless … What are you, Commander? – Expressed the common opinion of Nicholas.

Alberic nodded, sighing.

– The second time I crossed swords with the Torah ACURE, but could not overcome him and missed Chaika Trabant. It is an absolute disgrace. I remembered what had happened and tried to figure out whether I admit weaknesses or omissions.

– …

n.o.body in the squad Gillette could not think of a response.

Indeed, the detachment Gillette was able to meet with the Seagull for the second time, but they could not take her prisoner. They managed to catch her near Rademio, the “valley from which no one returns,” but the unexpected intervention of a dragoon and features of the valley allowed it to escape.

Alberic himself fought with the satellite Seagulls ACURE Torah, but could not overcome him.

In other words, it is the second time in a row failed job.

It is an undeniable fact, but …

– Even though I was not at war, but considered himself a full-fledged knight … it seems I’m too much of himself imagines, – said Alberic Gillette, did not allow himself to believe that he was just unlucky.

That’s how serious people behaved.

– And yet, the commander, – Nikolay scratched his head. – I think it’s great that you’re so serious about our behalf. Work because we completely stupid.

– Hmm?

– We’re trying as much as possible to take them alive for interrogation and information-gathering. We give them a good head start by the fact that in the battle they may kill us and run, and we kill them is not allowed.Well, then, that in our second fight broke dragoons … that is to say, force majeure.

– Maybe you’re right, but … I feel inside some kind of doubt. And I think … if it dulls my blade.

– Doubt, you say?

– This Chaika Trabant … I do not know how to describe it, but it does not look like the villain about to plunge the world into a new war. The same applies to the Torah ACURE – said Alberic, and then added, – I think … if they stubbornly moving forward, not thinking about anything extraneous.

– Stubbornly, so …

– Or – detached continued Alberic. – Their “commitment” is so strong.

– Determination?

– Maybe we should even say “faith” …

In activities like Gulls and Toru I looked through some kind of rod. Faith and confidence in their own decision, and following from it “straightness”. I do not therefore whether the Torah could in good conscience say the words that would put him in a society unambiguous villain?

“I would not mind to go back to the era of World War II.”

In turn, he Alberic, finding no other applications knight skills in time of peace, pursued them into line with the order. Deprived principles saboteurs often called “the barn of war”, but who are in fact more like a “mongrel”?

– Maybe I envy them.

To those people who risked their lives to achieve this goal firmly.

To those people who have found a case for which can be burned to ashes.

In spite of the fear. Despite the doubts.

Of course, logically Alberic agree that the maintenance of peace – a n.o.ble mission. And at the same time … he was aware that the development of practically driven into his art rage and asked to give them freedom.

He wanted to fight, not thinking about anything, and without asking anything in return.

But although the battle instinct inherent in Alberic, and idle, he also motivated him to continue to pursue a just cause, and The Seagull and the Torah, and therefore Knight harbored no hatred for him.

– Knights – people able to give his life for his master’s orders, – said Alberic, looking at their own palms resting on his knees. – This is the essence of the Knights, and from this point of view it does not matter in what order is, and who is your master – a man, a country or agency “Kleeman”. Knight must serve faithfully anyway. Of course, not every order a.s.sociated with the victory over the enemy, which you become famous, but it was enough just to wait, and to express themselves necessarily appear …

– But times are not the same – Nikolai shrugged.

Who does not find a simple and intuitive battlefield.

Of course, here and there, minor conflicts still arise, but the Knights could not count on martial battle, where we would have to become famous. From this point of view, for the Knights, like Alberic, in this world there was no place anymore. In order to somehow apply the skills he had to play the role of hunting dog …

– Naturally, the life of knights had to change – Nicholas glanced Alberic sword, lying on his right. – But the man who waves a sword and kill enemies – not a knight … and do not know. Do you have another duty, the commander – you defend the honor of the Gillette family.

Protecting family honor – certainly a worthy goal.

A knight’s duty was not only to gain fame, but also …

– When in doubt … then why do not you retire?

– What ?! Nikolai – Immediately she exclaimed Vivi. – What are you …

– You can in fact retire and trust in the future generation, is not it? It is difficult to say how long the time of peace, and not worth the kind of Gillette interrupted.

– Future generations? – Alberic asked, blinking in surprise.

Nicholas, completely ignoring the reaction Vivi nodded.

– Find a wife, have children. It’s also your duty as a n.o.ble man.

– As long as … I do not feel – Alberic pointedly smiled. – In the end … unless I can, people did not really has achieved, a.s.sign half life of someone else?

– Do not a.s.sign. This is equivalent exchange.

– Yes, and I do not have any candidates. Now the times are such that the daughters of issue for people, successful financially.

– But you are not so need a marriage of convenience, right?

– Hmm?

Alberic so eloquently bowed his head that all immediately realized that he had in his mind did not allow the scenario of “marriage for love”. Not that Alberic denied the existence of such a phenomenon, he just thought that he was such a fate does not shine.

– You do not have to marry a n.o.ble girl. Maybe you and walking is not necessary, and select, for example, the former ace … ah-ah-ah-ah !!!

Nicholas shouted, waving his hand with a needle sticking out of it.

Vivi was flushed and looked at the floor beside him.

But Alberic again demonstrated his slow wits, they looked thoughtful look …, and his subordinates smiled awkwardly, trying to calm them down.

– Well, about that I will have time to think.

In other words, he asked them to close this topic.

Perhaps the constant reflections a little time to exhaust it.

– Eh …

Except for Vivi, silently staring at the floor, and Nicholas, with tears in her eyes to pull out the needle from his arm, his other subordinates could only meaningful exchange glances.

You never know where the information will fall.

It often happens that the route of an important person or a secret path in the impregnable castle learned from drunks in an inconspicuous corner of the tavern. By the way, some rulers have tried to protect the secrets of their castles, killing those who built them … However, leaving one important piece of evidence – the actual “death to all builders.”

Willingly as all the information fall into people who have no relationship to it and unaware of its value.

Therefore, one of the pillars of the collection of information – possibly even subtly interrogate those people who seem to have no bearing on the case.

– “Heroes”? – Thoughtfully repeated plump middle-aged woman.

While the Torah went with Chaika to the city for food and supplies purchased from women that sold dried food, he asked her, Do not live near people who are called heroes.

– Yes. Glorified war. In particular … – continued the Torah neutral tone. – Those eight people that killed the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned.

– I do not know – hostess handed bench, pulling products from the pots.

By the way, this store sold not only typical for such stores of dried meat and dried fruit. Hung from the ceiling, and frogs, and lizards, and even, strangely enough, insects, and tree bark.

Naturally, all these things were either food or medicine. In the mountains of the same bugs becoming valuable source of protein and supplies.

But if the Torah had already been eating beetles (ACURE located in the mountains), the Seagull is clearly seen for the first time and looked at the ceiling hung from the frogs and insects round eyes.

– If you are of the people who had distinguished themselves in battle, that they come across here and there … some – such braggarts.

– Yeah … I guess.

War – a time of chaos.

When it ends, often it turns out that the detailed records of all occurred during her time events no longer exists. That is why among soldiers returning from war are so many fans to invent and embellish their merits.Believe it or not – is another question, but hardly among the audience there is someone who will be able to say out loud “a lie” and present irrefutable evidence. And anyway, even if the evidence is there, they would become the owner of the ride to every soldier-dreamer to correct them?

– Heroes, then. These “Emperor killer”? That there is some king thundered?

For the average person the governor Gas Empire stood alongside legends and fairy tales characters.Though all and we realized that the war was over, but people who knew exactly why it happened, and whose death put an end to it, were in the minority.

It also prevented the detachment Torah seek killers Cursed Emperor …

– In short, we are looking for a truly important “heroes” – summed up the Torah.

Too frequent references to “Emperor” and “eight” can be left in the memory of the woman unnecessary tracks. If the shop suddenly visit Gillette squad chasing seagulls, and the hostess remember about them, then it w.i.l.l.y-nilly will pursuers that indicates detachment Gillette on their trail.

– We do not talk about too much of.

– Do not say, then? It is clear, I believe.

– Hmm … – he mused woman. – Actually, I’ve heard that Perimerale far more people returning from war.

– It’s nearby?

– Three days of walk, one on a horse. They say there is a thriving trade and a lot of mercenaries.

– Clear.

Tohru nodded.

Then he tugged his sleeve.

– The Torah, the Torah – called him by name.

Turning around, he saw the Torah as Seagull dumbfounded pointing at one of the things at the store sushivshihsya back wall.

– A mysterious object.

– A? Ah. This earthworm, – said the Torah, as if nothing had happened.

– Earthworm?!

– Good rations. Yes, and good taste.

– …

Seagull shook her head slowly, as if to say, that shocked to hear.


– You’re already eating them, by the way. Do you remember the day before yesterday roast for dinner?

Large worms were good and the food, and medicines.

And so well kept dried all the more valuable.

– ..

Seagull shaken. She would have fallen to the floor, but it seems to support the coffin behind him, on which she rested her and froze in a strange position.

– A shocking fact.

– What are you for such a sissy?

– A princess!

– No, it’s something I remember, but still.

Toru heard that in the Nordic countries, where roads are often sweeps the snow, worms – even more widespread food than here. This is especially true of small worms, valuable protein source. Maybe Empire Gas – an exception … and maybe know all worms do not eat.

– Torah … two mysterious object.

– It is the larva of the wasp.

– Wasps ?!

– By the way, over there you can see, with mesh wings? This is a small caddis fly. And this is – the gecko.

– … The Torah.

Pale gull grabbed his collar.

However, in view of its growth, it seemed that she was hanging on it.

– Ya fussy.

– …

– Picky eating habits. Can. So call.

– Okay, I realized, I realized – dissatisfied accepted the Torah and turned back to the store owner.

– Thank you. I’ll try to ask around in Perimerale.

– It happens. But still, what is it? – Weighing the ingredients bought and wrapped them in a bag, brought the Torah, the hostess thoughtfully suddenly turned to him. – What is the fashion among young people has gone, look for heroes?

– … Eh? – Toru involuntarily frowned. – In terms of?

Judging by the words of the woman, in her shop recently it was someone else who asked about “heroes.”Maybe even a detachment of Gillette. In this case, it turns out that this is a step ahead of them, and they did not …

– Yes, we come here alone, asking almost the same thing. About King Gaza or whatever? So they were looking for heroes who killed him. They came three, all young. One guy with a spear and a large chin, and two beautiful girls.

– A spear…

Torah immediately drew attention to this word.

like I would not be in the squad lancers Gillette. Perhaps their squad supplemented by someone else, or perhaps in addition to the squad of heroes Thor sought someone else …

– Seagull … – it was started the Torah, turning to her … – Hey, you!

– M ?! – She exclaimed gently poke a finger