Hitsugi no Chaika

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

– You know … I never knew – she said with a carefree smile.

It was autumn, and the clear sky seemed impossibly high.

– Why is everyone so afraid of spies?


She was born in a trading caravan, together with their parents often stop off at the village ACURE and well get along with saboteurs who lived there. But even if it recognized that they themselves and saboteurs – “different” creation Hasumin never considered their way of life.

In general, everything that did not concern money, roving traders were mostly tolerant of people … and even tolerant.

During his lifetime, they traveled in many lands, bought and sold many products, and as a result got used to the fact that different people live, and look at the world differently. Moreover, they are well aware that all of these “differences” had a specific meaning … and that they themselves, merchants, were only one kind of people.

Just like the “experts of the war” and “war mongrel”, known as saboteurs.

From the viewpoint Hasumin they just another type of people.


– So after saboteurs strong – with pressure told her the Torah, at that time still very young boy.

Torah and Hasumin sat next to each other on an area on the outskirts of the village.

Born into a family of merchants, Hasumin from childhood traveling, seen a lot, and the Torah always interested in listening to her stories. Often it truly amazed even such details, which she mentioned with indifference. That is why, every time she came here, the Torah or by crook putting off exercise and found time to enjoy another carefree conversation.

– We are strong, so we are afraid. It is obvious.

Torah never left the boundaries of the village and did not know what was manifested fear of other people before saboteurs. Moreover – it is not even know what is considered normal and accepted in the world. So he understood the fear of other people before saboteurs directly on a child … or rather, thought he understood.

– No. It’s not that – Hasumin shook her head, still smiling. – Maybe you’re strong … but then people were afraid to and magicians, is not it?

– Then …

Thor was silent.

Even in those days when he did not know much about the world, he has already heard about magicians.

Own magicians body did not differ special force, and from the standpoint of the saboteurs were not dangerous babies. But when it came to power, they were able to manipulate, magicians ahead saboteurs literally an order of magnitude. If you give a big magician Gundo and enough fuel, he could single-handedly destroy the whole castle to the ground. The more spells and magical diagrams are superimposed on each other, the more thin and strong is their magic.

If we compare only one destructive power, the saboteurs and the soles were not good magicians.

But, of course … in the battle against the magician saboteur first triumphed 8-9 in bouts of 10.

This can hardly be called battles. Learning that is fighting against the magician, spy for nothing would not attack head-on, and tried to kill the magician before he finishes the read-consuming spell of time.

But … Hasumin just been talking not about who will fight anyone.

And it is not about who has the most power.

Thor knew it, and it therefore does not understand.

If so, then why are afraid of spies?

– Probably, the thing felt.

– Feelings?

– Or in the mood.

– What are you …? – Toru asked, frowning.

He did not understand. What say Hasumin?

– Saboteurs in fact ready to do anything to accomplish their goals, right?

Sowing doubt rhetoric. Coming up with a cunning plan and do the unthinkable. Taking hostages, betray, lie, and much more than they deserved glory despicable and dishonest people. They could unabashedly commit such at that adequate person for what would be decided not so simple.

– Because we saboteurs, – not without pride, said Toru.

He taught that it is this – the foundation of life of saboteurs and the key to their power. What distinguishes them from the knights, bound by ties of honor and n.o.bility. It is understood all countries, and that is why the demand for saboteur remained stable.

– But other so they can not. So they are afraid – Hasumin said, looking up at the sky. – Saboteurs can easily go for it. They can not feel neither shame nor remorse. Probably … people are afraid of temper, which allows them to it.

– What does it mean? – Grimly said Toru. – Is it possible that you think so, Hasumin?

Laborers battlefield. Shawky powers.

Ready to go to any baseness in order to achieve the goal. Inglourious Basterds.

Conventional wisdom about saboteurs had about that. Torah has always believed that all of these people, bound hand and foot “honor” and “justice”, just secretly jealous of them and their true power.


– I’m not afraid of you – with a smile replied Hasumin.

It is slightly bent and looked into her eyes sitting next to her Torah. Her eyes did not look through any anger or ridicule. They looked like eyes big sister teaches her stubborn brother. The real “big sister” in the Torah was not.

– Neither I nor the rest of the merchants. … We are aware of who you are – the people living in ACURE – confident tone Hasumin said. – We are sure that you understand. Looking at you, we began to realize that the means to live, not taking his eyes from his goal. After that we simply recognize that something we are similar, and in some ways different.

– …

Hasumin words proved too abstract for the Torah, and he did not understand them until the end.

But Hasumin kept talking as if nothing had happened. Later Thor realized that she did not try such a way to make him understand her speech. Most likely, it lacked the foresight to say these words with the future in the hope that one day the Torah understand their meaning.

– But most likely, someone else about it is pointless to ask. Perhaps even we only think we understand you and really just made a mistake, or you tricked us ..

– We would not …

– I know. I said “maybe” – interrupted Hasumin turning to the Torah. – In the end … a belief – it is strictly a one-way thing.

– …

“One-way”. Not seeking responsiveness, understanding and empathy.

For some reason, the Torah is the word seemed terribly sad.

He felt that Hasumin words sounded ridiculous.

And to this day the Torah remembered that on that day he could not sleep.

When Thor woke up, it felt that he was a little hard to breathe.

Probably affects the load on the chest.

– M …

However, this burden was not at all heavy.

Thor slept with his back against the stone wall. On his chest is sleeping another person. He twitched a little in his sleep, redistributing weight. Apparently, this caused the severity of the Torah breathing.

– …

He looked down a bit and saw a silver hair.

This girl looked as low as before … or rather, it seemed that she did not grew from the date of the meeting.Maybe this is some feature of the body, maybe the disease. Samu it was more concerned not increase, and stubbornly refuses to grow b.r.e.a.s.t.s … but the Torah, in turn, did not care.


On hands and feet sitting in the lotus position Toru Princess curled up dead country. She was so smoothly, as if to say that it is the place. Her appearance resembled a kitten or a puppy, who found a favorite place on the body of its owner – under his arm, the neck or the shoulder – and comfortably ensconced there.

Right now they are in the midst of a huge maze.

– A…

Head for some reason refused to work.

What is this place … where are they?

– This is…

Thor shook his head a couple of times, banishing sleep.

His mind began to clear, and yet he felt as it is filled with an understanding of where they are, and the memory of how they got here.

– Oh, yes … it’s …

Ruins of an old abandoned castle.

Inside the fortress, built during the war, often detected labyrinths started to sample during the siege army was not able to quickly seize the premises. The corridors were built narrow and winding, and the room walls were laid out strong refractory stones, so as not to allow the enemy to break through them.

Even more solid fortress and supplied all sorts of traps to attack from top to bottom – from the rain of arrows, boiling oil … often prepared some traps. Tohru looked up and noticed immediately on the opposite wall a few loopholes, have done just that purpose.

Yes, they were not in the room and in the hallway.

Not the best place to sleep.


– …

Thor looked at the thing Gull cuddle.

Long, hard and cold “magic stick” – a favorite Gundo Gulls. It looked old, but hard to do, and the Torah had never seen, that it broke. Of course, for this surely ought to thank that gull regularly disa.s.sembled and carefully looked after him.

Gundo work by emitting a low hum.

Let Seagull and slept, her spell is still in effect.

I think it was called “The Guardian.” It refers to the type of protective magic and fundamentally no different from similar, for example, “hard sh.e.l.l” and “Blue Tomb.

It included it every time they went to bed, and the Torah had already become accustomed to this spell.Range was quite small, and so they had to huddle to one another. But in addition to protection against bladed weapons this barrier protected from almost all spells that could apply one magician.

Even in sleep Torah superb enemies, but he can not afford to find a magician, a healing in it from a distance.Therefore, it spells is a necessary component of life, which they spent in the pursuit and on the run.

– Seagull.

– …

He quietly called her name, and srebrovlasaya girl nervously fumbled.

It seems that it is still dozing and moving, almost without regaining consciousness.

– Seagull.

He called her again, but she did not wake up again, and jerked a couple of times.

Tohru smiled softly and gently ran his hands over her silky silver hair. Gently pushing them, he found a small pale ear, held it to his lips and …

– Seagull !!!

– Fgё ?!

Seagull started so abruptly, as if it was struck by lightning.

Such a resounding voice in his ear, in addition to the bite could even awaken the dormouse. After a couple of seizures Seagull jumped like erectile spring.

Toru had to quickly pull away, so as not to hit his jaw on her shoulder.

– Thor … – Seagull turned to him.

Her charming doll’s face, too, has not changed since their first meeting. Now it looks around the Torah with some dissatisfaction.

– Good morning – she greeted her the Torah, raising his hand. – I see you slept well.

– … The most troubling problem – sulkily replied Seagull. – Awakening. It requires review.

– Revision? What are you talking about? – With a smile I asked the Torah.

Magical barrier does not negate the fact that they were on the run and were able to immediately wake up and break away from the place. But no big words, no shaking could not wake the sleeping soundly Seagull.Therefore, the Torah switched to a pretty tough way to wake her, which has recently enjoyed the time.

Apparently, he was not satisfied with Seagull.

– Needs to improve!

– A? Well, as I then wake you?

– Um …

Seagull folded her arms and bowed her head.

It looks like his plan, she had not really. She shook her head rhythmically, as if trying to shake the idea out of his brain, and then …

– Whisper. An ear. Almost touching. Gently. Vote. Caressing … – started talking seagull with a dreamy look.

– You is not wake up.

– The Torah. Impatient – Seagull replied, raising his finger. – Listen … to the end. The above is the first step.Then the second stage.

– Even the stage? Wow.

– Gently. Soft. Cheek – a.s.siduously ignoring the stronger crushes the Torah, Seagull some embarra.s.sment continued. – It is necessary. The ceremony of awakening.

– Ceremony? What other ceremony?

– Cheek … or … just … lips …

Seagull’s voice grew quieter, and her pale cheeks – all red.

Thor frowned and asked:

– Cheek? Ah, understand, I want to I’m not the ear and cheek biting?

– Failure! – Seagull snapped, sulkily.

Not only its appearance but also all the gestures were quite childish and did not change. Torah sometimes doubted how much she actually years – perhaps Seagull itself this is not exactly known due to the failure of the memory.

– The Torah. Monster. Bite – Seagull with displeasure pointed a finger at him. – Savage. Bad Influence Frederica.

– Savage, then? Well, – I nodded Torah flourish. – So be it. I like it even somewhat flattered. And if I am a monster, then let’s try method available only monsters.

– M?

– I’ve got a needle, – said the Torah, out of his pocket an iron needle and demonstrating its Seagull. – It can stick under the nail.

– Refusal, rebuff, sverhotkaz! – Seagull cried, stamping his feet.

– I think of it you just wake up.

– Torture is prohibited.

– No, I’m not going to extort anything, so it’s not torture.

– Martyrdom prohibited.

– So then even traces will remain, – the Torah said, putting the needle back.

– Severe life – Chaika said, exhaling and dropping shoulders.

– These are my words … – reflexively I answered the Torah, but … – … Though, probably not.

Then he looked at the long black box that was lying next to them.


Maybe Seagull and kept him constantly … but it was all for it, and was always in sight and within arm’s reach.Inside, hiding not only her belongings, but also, above all, those “remains”, she persistently sought.

Parts of the corpse of her father, the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned Arthur Gaza, which is divided into parts, “eight characters”.

– M? – Seagull stared at Thor.

Apparently, she did not understand the meaning of his whisper.

– Although it is not. The end is now not seem far off – the Torah said, pointing to the coffin.

– …I see.

– You’re … three.

In fact, they have already collected … 14 fragments.

Initially, the emperor remains divided into 8 parts, but then some of them butchered once again, and as a result the Torah and Seagull have to look for 17 fragments – twice the original number. Moreover, in the process of cutting some people inexplicably provided themselves with counterfeits and fakes, which do not just once or twice across the Torah during their travels.

Long way. Very long.

But soon their journey to collect “remains” will come to an end.

Remaining 3 fragments, and they knew where to find them.

More precisely, they knew who owned them.

– However, these 3 will take us a lot of ha.s.sle.

Tohru sighed.

“Lots of trouble” … this expression up close and does not describe reality.

On these remains can be said without exaggeration that produce them will be “impossible”.

The last three fragments were in Alberic Gillette.

In Alberic it was already 9 henchmen. Half of his first group died, but he was appointed twice as many people.And besides, behind Alberic, unlike the Torah, there was an entire organization. And the people and the equipment they had in abundance.

Torah and Seagull resisted them only two.

Akari … was no more.

As for Frederick, then one day it was gone, and the more they have not seen her. Apparently, they had hoped in vain that feil be able to understand the thoughts and motivations of people.

Simply put, the opponents had a five-fold numerical superiority.

Moreover, opponents used the resources of the organization, and the three “fragment” from their point of view served as “bait” to which they caught the Torah and The Seagull. We can say, Gillette squad did not hide the fact that the latter are the remains of theirs, just because they had no doubts in his victory.

Torah and Seagull penetrated into the palace in the pursuit of Alberic.

They were able to meet with him at any time.

So, there was a considerable chance that here the journey will end.

– But … because our enemy is so strong, we need a good night’s rest, eat well and carefully prepared, – muttered the Torah.

– The Torah. I could sleep? – A sympathetic view of Gull asked him.

– Yes. I saw … a dream of the past.

– About the past?

– I do not even remember how many years ago it happened. I dreamed it … we fought against Alberic detachment from “the valley, from which no one returns,” that near Rademio.

– …

His face darkened gulls.

The case forever cast a shadow on their squad.

Because of what happened during the battle landslide killed Akari.

– Thor …

– But it was just a dream, now it does not matter – the Torah abruptly closed the subject, and got to his feet.

He was happy that the Seagull is also mourning the death of Akari … but he has no plans to drive her into despair.

– In a sense, it is even convenient.

– Conveniently?

– After all, they have collected as many as three pieces for us. If you’ll end detachment Alberic – all 3 stroke and pick.

– … I agree – Chaika said with a smile. – The Torah.

And then, as if she were something suddenly occurred to me … Seagull leaned against the wall near his Gundo and held out her hands to the Torah.

Her pale fingers lay on his cheeks.

– M …

Seagull asked if Thor bow … rather, it is almost a force pulled her to him. Without becoming resist Torah ducked and let Seagull finish the job.

Seagull little stretched, and then joined his lips with his.

– …

– …

Time pa.s.sed slowly, dense flow.

When Seagull finally let go of his lips, she smiled sheepishly.

– Thank you. Sign … thanks.

– Seagull …

Tohru blinked and looked at srebrovlasuyu girl.

They were kissing was not the first time … but the Seagull has always made it so surprising that the Torah like often confused. She herself greatly embarra.s.sed and always coming up with them all sorts of “justification” … At this time, “a sign of grat.i.tude.”

Tohru smiled slightly and said:

– You’re done it as my mistress? Or…

– Both.

Mistress and servant. Man and woman.

It would not be wrong to say that the relationship between the Torah and the Chaika belonged to both types.

By the way, and when they do the first time kissed?

Thor went on this trip for the Seagulls … but first he was led forward only empathy and a sense of duty. And for the saboteur it was enough to risk their lives.

But that did not mean that he could not appear other reasons.

After Akari it was not, and they began to travel together … only in relations Torah and Gulls naturally has another face.

They both wanted the distance between them was reduced to a minimum.

Initially this was due to a desire to somehow cope with anxiety by the fact that they wandered in a world in which there was no place for them a safe haven … But there is nothing wrong in the fact that over time, it has turned into love.

Torah has always considered that the reasons give strength.

Debt. Sympathy. Empathy. And love.

– What. Come on … my lady. Nearing the moment of truth.

– Agree – with a smile she said, Seagull and hoisted the coffin on his back.

Inside the barrier “Guardian” heavy silence reigned.

– …

– …

Amazement and confusion of the two girls deprived of speech.

Before their eyes unfolded something so incredible … that they could do nothing but to silently look at it wide-eyed. “The Guardian” – a powerful protective spell, but you can not move together with the barrier. Therefore, they could only look on as hard as it may be.

And finally …

– Seagull – quietly murmured Akari. – What is it?..

– Um … – he held that, frowning. – Love scene?

– Uh-huh. It seems – Akari awkwardly nodded.

Generally speaking, in an event that was not a pa.s.sionate exchange of feelings inherent in “love scene” … and if you talk straight, and on bed rest, this scene is not pulled. That’s just inside the barrier there was no man who could calmly say so.

– I knew it … – Akari slowly stood up and turned to the Seagull. – What move to eliminate the need was much earlier …

Akari bent fingers on both hands, because of what they looked like claws, ready at any moment to strangle his goal, and then stepped up to the Seagull. Her face, by the way, as always, did not express any emotion, but that its full of anger, it was clear and without it.

– Akari.

– What?

– I beg. Calm.

– I’m always calm, – said Akari neutral voice. – I quietly decided that if you finished off early, you do not have time to ohmurit my brother.

– Akari, Akari. I’m here.

– Uh-huh. I only now realize how lucky I am that you are always there – you so much easier to kill.

– There. Other … I.

Chaika pointed the finger of a translucent barrier. On the other hand it was a few stone walls. Robust, powerful fortifications. They were standing so that resembled a corridor, which served as one of the protective boundaries of the old castle.

And this wall … there was a small crack.

So small that a person would not climbed into it – it allowed a peek at what is happening on the other side of the wall.

Torah. And another gull.

Appearance. Character. Clothing. Everything is exactly the same.

A replica of how one looks.

But … if there is, next to the Torah – Seagull, then who is the gull that is located inside the barrier? Is this a twin sister?

In other words…

– Hmm – Akari put her hands on the shoulders of Seagulls – Of course, from the beginning I knew it.

– …

Seagull looking at her askance, as if trying to say something.

But impenetrable expression facial Akari easily reflected this view. Bowing her head, she continued:

– Still, it’s strange. This again focuses of the formless lizard?

Akari looked back through the gap in the Torah and another Seagull.

They seem to be about something talk.

– Frederick? M?

Indeed, a few days ago, at the hot springs, Frederick became a Seagull … rather, attacked the Torah under the guise of Seagulls. Anyway, Frederick was the only familiar Torah capable of quickly and accurately turn in The Seagull.


– Do not attack.

– And this is also true …

Frederick would not miss the opportunity to attack him.

It is difficult to say whether she would really kill him, but, in any case, it is hardly the reason so to flirt with him in the image of seagulls. If she had been waiting for his chance, then it is no need to do anything – the Torah is now already open to attack from all sides.

And what’s more …

– Something my brother … says very strange things.

What they left “three pieces”.

What after the event at the “valley from which no one returns,” it’s been a few years.

– So maybe it is – a fake, and not my brother? But…

But why these fake played a show here, where no one would see?

By the way, where they all were?

They are faced with a group of Gillette. Then Frederica intervention triggered a landslide. As a result, Seagull, Akari, Torah … and, most of all, a few people from the detachment of Gillette fell into the valley.

And then Seagull adopted prearranged “Guardian” spell. Thor asked her to prepare a combat magic, but Chaika decided that too great a chance that it just hurt them in battle, and decided instead to protect themselves, to give them the opportunity to fight, do not worry about it.

Perhaps it was the right decision.

At the time of the landslide Akari was very close and was able to penetrate the barrier, but is a bit further to protect the Torah was impossible. Seagull miraculously unfolded barrier just before the landing and continued to support him, so she and Akari were safe, but …

When they came to their senses, we realized that the place in which they found themselves, quite unlike the valley floor.

Does anyone built a castle on the valley floor to strengthen?

But on the other hand, it seemed too unnatural … how could they fall off a cliff, and then suddenly be indoors? After all, this castle was the ceiling. And no matter how carefully they are peering into it, no holes are.

– Well if only the place is fine if only the behavior of my brother, will you be just this outrageous Seagull, but in general there is too much does not converge. I do not know what kind of a maze, and how it is made, but we must immediately get to my brother and bring him to his senses – Akari turned to Chaika and continued, – Call off the barrier. Let us and the separation wall, but maybe I can run round it and get to her brother.

– Um …

But Seagull thinking about something else and withdraw the “Guardian” in no hurry.

– What is it, Gull?

– …Maybe. Magic.

– Magic ..?

– Illusory, mind control, multiple effects. Magic – Chaika said, pointing to his Gundo. – I and Akari. The “Guardian” zone.

– You mean the manipulation of consciousness does not work for us?

– Um – Seagull nodded. – Matter. Wednesday. Intervention in the psyche.

The atomized mist to a level of material easily penetrate into the body.

Chaika explained that it is enough to touch the parts of the body with a lot of nerves – eyes, nose, tongue, or so forth, and be able to earn a spell subordination of consciousness.

– But if our minds are not manipulated – Akari said, pointing to a gap in the wall – that’s why we also see a “fake”?

– Matter.

– …It? Also it?

– Probably. People. Walls. Ceiling. All – Seagull finger gestured all around you. – All the matter.

– You mean … all that surrounds us, including people who are just stage scenery?

– Mmm. Maybe. Large Gundo and a strong source.

– Hmm … – handed frowned Akari. – But if this is true, then why all this ..?

There was a lot of much more simple ways to get rid of the intruders on its territory. For Scania Simon did not anyhow who, as a hero. He had to get away from their country almost unlimited rights. Splurge by magic there is no need.

Or all of the equipment to build this grand illusion is not ruled Scania Simon?

But in any case it remains a different question – which sought the magician?

– Whatever it was … – he continued Akari slightly irritated voice that had happened to her very often. – We can not just leave my brother. Call off the barrier, Gull.

– Getting. Under mind control. We. As the Torah.

– Um …

If you withdraw the “Guardian”, the seagull and Akari come into contact with the fog of the matter. Because of this, they could really get under the control of the same mind as the Torah.

– And if you hold your breath .. No, it does not help?.

Akari shook her head.

Even saboteurs with their perfected bodies are not able to operate for a long time to hold your breath.

Given the fact that they need to run through the maze to get to the Torah, to rescue him from captivity illusion or belief, or stunned, and then return to the same place … without any chance of breathing.

– It turns out, we have no choice but to look at?

– The Torah. Come. Briefly … revoke – Chaika said.

Apparently, if the Torah itself came to him, she was able to briefly recall “Guardian”, and then apply it again to the Torah, too, I was under the barrier. Like many individual wards, “Guardian” can not be moved. Seagull and Akari could not move the barrier closer to the Torah.

– But the wall …

Although they saw the Torah through the crack, the wall still separated them. Unfortunately, the chances that the Torah suddenly pa.s.s through the maze to the seagulls and Akari, very small.

– Matter – Chaika said, pointing to the wall. – Partially. Temporarily. But disturbing you control.

– … In other words, this wall may disappear or at some time or partly disappear?

– Mmm. This gap. Gaps in the spell – Chaika pointed to the through slit in the wall.

All this is meant here is that: the wall was actually the same as the haze that filled the valley, but that magic is forced to maintain a different shape. It seems that created Chaika “Guardian” are complicated to maintain the spell of this wall, and as a result unnerved control has led to a gap in the wall.

Lost contact with the wall spell again appealed to the fog.

To sum up, the little slit in fact turned out to be the result of being deployed near the wall “Custodian” dispelled a small part of matter.

– The best opportunity. Carefully wait.

Once the Torah approach to them close enough Seagull cancel the “Guardian”.

The next moment, she immediately apply any strong spell that will interfere with the work of magic, controlling matter … in other words, try to interrupt her control. It should be temporarily dispel the wall.

Following this Akari pops up, grab the Torah and immediately return to the Seagull, which again will deploy “Guardian.”

That was the plan of salvation Torah proposed Chaika.

– Basically, I understand, but still … – Akari clenched her fists. – So, I can only bite your elbows and wait for a chance to save him? And look at how Toru flirts with seagulls? ..

Neither the person nor her voice did not differ from the usual, but little fists shaking … she obviously could not digest the scene with a kiss that just saw.

– Forgetting about me, my sister …

– …

Perhaps Seagull would like to point Akari, that the word “sister” in her understanding bore an entirely different meaning than that of ordinary people, but she knew also that if you do this, then the next moment to get acquainted with a hammer Akari so close her brain spilled out of his ears.

– My brother … … doing things with seagulls Seagull with … … and more than that, to all appearances, they are … with seagulls … and can go even further … and so I need as soon as possible …

– F … fake fake – Seagull responded flushed, realizing that murmur Akari regains dangerous sound.

However, even if it was fake, kind of how the Torah came into such an intimate relationship with its exact replica, filled the Seagull complex emotions.

– And in general, why this illusion is not me?

– M …?

– If I was next to him, then nothing would prevent such – Akari said, clutching her favorite hammer. – Even at death, even related and suspended from the ceiling, I will keep the honor of his brother.

– …

Fortunately, Seagull was not stupid enough to answer this phrase with the words “that’s why you got there and was not there.”

It is difficult to say exactly how much they have pa.s.sed.

From infinitely winding corridors of the castle, which almost did not see the sun, I lost a sense of not only s.p.a.ce, but time. Torah could not shake the feeling that they are constantly walking the same places.

“Something I have …”

His head seemed heavier than usual.

Can I say to the acc.u.mulated fatigue may have influenced wandering in a maze, but he could not have anything to think seriously. Surface thoughts and movements do not hurt … but deep or abstract thought he did not given.

Even the attempt to understand the causes of the whole body rolls severity.

– Oh yes … we need to prepare the trap – suddenly had the idea of the Torah.

– Trap? .. – Repeated on the fly Seagull.

– Yes. I want as much as possible to ease detachment of Gillette.

The fact that they were in the narrow labyrinth, had its advantages.

And given the fact that the Torah unit was in the minority, they turned out even more than the minuses. They can not surround, and even if the enemies attacked from both sides, they would be able to withstand such an attack together. Furthermore, in such a situation is difficult to avoid the traps installed. If you use them to be able to weaken the enemy – it will be perfect, but even if they find the trap, then at their disposal will have to spend precious time and energy.

– In short, it is best if we can lure and catch this harmful Alberic.

– Sorry, but this will not happen.

The answer to the muttering Torah … did not come from going ahead Seagulls and rear.

– …

Thor took a deep breath.

Nervous and turning, he would only give the enemy a chance. It tried to make the seagull, but he stopped her, grasping the shoulder, and then slowly and carefully unfolded.

In the depths of a narrow corridor through which a detachment of the Torah was …

Near the turn was the most “harmful” enemy – Alberic Gillette.

Seagull … Like he has not changed since the time of their first meeting.

His annoyingly preppy look, as if to shout about the fact that this man never fell before to get dirty, crawling along the ground, remained the same. Whenever the Torah saw this cold-blooded expression on his face, he wanted to make him writhing in anger or hatred.

But this well-bred young man can not be considered just a cute doll.

Even “Zheleznokrovie” could not guarantee victory.

The difference in their abilities was huge. Too huge.

Knights – hereditary warriors, generated by the war.

Of course, in the pa.s.sive phase and the last days of the war it appeared many knights who were of knightly name only – they do not know how to fight and had no experience. But always there were also those whose combat skills zealously brought the whole clan.

And Alberic Gillette does not just apply to them – it was truly a masterpiece, imbibe more than one hundred years pa.s.sed from generation to generation of knightly skills.

– What has caught up with us? – Toru said, holding his hands to komboklinkam.

– Rather, “finally” – quietly replied Alberic.

Behind him could be seen 5 subordinates. Given the fact that now under his command were 9 people, somewhere must be even 4. Either they went to look for the Torah and Seagull separately from Gillette … or came from the other side to take them in a vise.

– I’m just amazed …

Alberic shook his head.

A gesture that seemed pretentious and artificial.

– … Your stubbornness.

– True?

– And that only makes you try so hard for this … Seagull Gas? – Alberic’s eyes narrowed.

Thor stepped forward, closing the Seagull by piercing and even oppressive knight sight.

– This is my decision. Do not come to us.

– That I can not, – said Alberic, and for a moment his fine facial features twisted. – I have to take revenge on the killers Vivi and Zita.

– …

Thor did not answer.

By the way, yes, two girls, a.s.sa.s.sin and mage near Alberico was not.


“Ah, yes … sure …”

Supernatants nowhere memories clarified the situation.

They were dead.

I do not kill them the Torah?

This is war. Alberic himself once said about the Torah – a small, but still a b.l.o.o.d.y war. A saboteurs hardly be suspected of pity for the enemy on the battlefield, even if we are talking about girls.

So Alberic pursued the Torah is not only out of a sense of duty?

When a person loses someone dear to him, over time acc.u.mulating sorrow transformed it into anger. And vent the anger on someone – a way to keep some part of his soul wither.

Thor knew about it firsthand.

Hasumin. Akari.

He suffered his grief precisely because it turned to hatred against “enemies.”

But the Torah took power in order to live, not only from this source.

… He lived to fulfill the dream of Seagulls.

– Of course, I would like to fight with you in a fair fight, and put you on your knees, but … – suddenly Alberic said.

By the way … all this time he did not even tried to take up his sword.

– What? Mr. Knight has decided to change tactics?

– Yes. I decided that instead of harm’s friends, I have to make another choice, that he and I do not really like.

Alberic’s expression changed.

He scoffed at whether the Torah … whether looking at him with pity.

His eyes could see the impenetrable darkness.

“Does not look like it on him” – the Torah had time to think, seeing in them the very same feelings that he, like, wanted to see it all the time. And here…

– Torah – heard a whisper behind him.

And with that … something pierced his side.

– … Eh?

Even the Torah itself seemed that his cry sounded silly.

First and foremost, he felt no pain and fever, and uncertainty.

– What … is … – but he was able to reach looking at sticking out of the sides of a throwing knife.

Alberic We do not have people using such weapons.

In general, these weapons are saboteurs, like the Torah.

And now, without Akari, next to the Torah were not people with the knives except seagulls, which he gave to a few self-defense …

– … Seagull?

The air seemed silvery hair.

Toru dumbfounded looked at running past him Man.

He knew by heart her profile. He knew by heart her hair. All of them belonged to the mistress of the Torah, which he repeatedly kissed, and they traveled together, helping each other constantly.

Seagull ran from him.

The coffin, which she always dragged back, momentarily hid her body from the Torah.

– Hey, you…

– The Torah. Can not. Return the remains, – said the owner of the tomb in his normal voice.

Thor did not see that it is an expression of her face.

– So … the deal.

– …What? – Thor dropped, falling to his knees.

Only now he felt a sharp pain in his wound.

Deep. It seems that even the organs affected.

Thor tried to stretch muscles to relieve bleeding … but it turned out badly. The moral exhaustion as fast spread through his mind, if it is, rather than blood oozed from the wound.

– Short – Alberic said icily, his eyes fixed on the Torah. – We made a deal. From … Seagull Gas.

– What?..

He did not understand.

Deal. Seagulls and Alberic?

What could be the point of …

– Seagull Gas wants to finish the collection “remains.” But alone you can not kill us all and take away the missing pieces – confidently continued Alberic. – On the other hand, the Torah ACURE, the most important of my desires – kill you to avenge Vivi and Zita. Here on these grounds, and we agreed to “exchange”.

Alberic nodded Chaika, has already had time to run to him.

– I give her the remaining three pieces of … – Alberic openly handed Seagull three vessels with the “remains” that the Torah could see everything. – A gull losing you to me.

– Seagull … – Thor said, holding a hand wound. – Hey … it’s not funny …

“It’s even dangerous. Immediately go back. “

He could not even finish his sentence.

– Torah – Seagull turned to him. – I told at the beginning, is not it?

Somehow, she switched to the northern language.

Perhaps she made it to the Torah it is easier to understand (and perhaps its purpose was darker – that he could not understand it does not), but in any case, her speech became much more accentuated, with pauses between words.

– My main goal – to collect all the remains of his father. I just chose the surest way to achieve it.

Select “remains” in Alberic on a par with the Torah.

Or pa.s.s the Torah Alberic and get the “remains” in exchange.

Clearly, some of the easier options.

– Seagull. You…

Then what about those smiles? What about all these kisses?

Are all of them were only in order to make the Torah act like it comfortable? ..

– …

The realization that the works were in vain, felt as if his body rotted alive.

All men betray.

He knew about it. Everybody knows about it.

Then why … why they look at their loved one and think “but not this” and “This man will not betray me?” And why are looking for that base to check that tops are nonsense?


Living under the same roof?

Battle shoulder to shoulder?

Bodily intimacy?

Verbal oath?

“Do you think they ever mean something?”

No matter how many words they are saying to each other, no matter how many feelings shared, no matter how much was carried out next to each other time, nothing could guarantee that one will not betray the other.Between all of these things and betrayal there is no connection.

Some might say that these actions “affect the senses.”

But “feelings” and “soul” are not just intangible, people still can not agree in opinion as to what these words mean. Is an attempt to solve that betrayal “unthinkable” on the basis alone of these things – not ba.n.a.l stupidity?

“Faith” – the top of irrationality.

Somewhere in the back of his mind Toru heard someone whisper.

Similar to Hasumin. Similar to Akari. Similar to Dominica. Like a Seagull.

Similar to all of them … and at the same time someone else.

“No matter how well you may be treated to their partner, when presented with a choice between him and either his life or performing an important mission, the logical solution would be to leave him.”

Someone spoke to him in a voice as if telling something quite obvious.

Do let some little things distract themselves from the true goal – not stupidity?

So, the choice is obvious and true.

Betrayal – a natural solution.

Remember this. When you talk with other people – under their smiles hide sprouts of betrayal. It is an inseparable part of human relationships, and the one who has lived all his life without knowing the betrayal, or wonderfully lucky or stupid enough not to realize that he had been betrayed.

Suspects. Suspects. Suspects.

If you are a parent – I suspect their children. If you’re a man – women suspects. If you are a husband – wife of the suspect. If you are a friend – friends of the suspect. If you are a pupil – teacher suspects. If you are the chief – is suspected subordinates.

You never know when you will betray.


– Seagull …

Feeling as isolated in his own despair, Toru said her name.

The name of the girl, for the sake of a dream that he was ready to sacrifice everything.

– I’m sorry, the Torah – she replied with a smile. – But there is no alternative. I certainly must collect all the “relics”, you know?

Her face was not a hint of malice.

It is p.r.o.nounced like something obvious …

– …

So, it’s obvious?

So the Torah “faith” simply for their stupidity?

Betrayed did not feel remorse.

She did not consider his betrayal something wrong.

That’s all that is praiseworthy “trust” …

– Seagull … – continuing to hold on to his side, Tohru met with all his forces. – “I have steel …”

He never took his eyes … Seagulls spitting blood and words.

Breathless and monitor what is happening girl almost jumped up.

– Brother ?!

– Torah ..!

It is noticed not only Akari, and Seagull.

Torah reading keywords “Zheleznokroviya” bowed his head. He has repeatedly used this technique in front of Gulls. The voice that uttered these words sounded very strange, long time stamping in the mind of the listener.

Doubts could not be. Thor was going to fight. And in a life-and-death.

Use “Zheleznokrovie”, having a deep wound is very dangerous. Yes, it has doubled the body possible, but inevitably increased and its needs, which led to an acceleration of blood circulation and increase blood pressure. As a result, amplified and bleeding, and it can quickly lead to death from loss of blood.

– Torah .. – Seagull shouted again, but her voice is only reflected from the wall of “Guardian”.

On the surface of the blue ripple ran through the barrier, but it most likely came from the fact that the Seagull trembled and trembled with her Gundo that she held in her hands.

Both of them knew – this is just fiction.

But … to what extent?

What about Alberic and his people – they are just inventions, like Seagull?

Or are people just like the Torah, land in this illusion?

And what about the injured Toru?

Is the blade pierced him?

Or, and this – just a vision, created with the matter?

– Ki … – Akari bit her lip.

For such an emotionless girl it was extremely rare reaction, clearly shows the degree of irritation and impatience. Do not understand what is happening people have thought that they just blankly look at how the kill Thor.

Naturally, they can at any time withdraw the “Guardian” and rush forward.

But … they did not know how fast these inventions dominate human consciousness.

If Akari recklessly rushed to the aid of the Torah itself was under control, it would only exacerbate the situation. Anyway, hope that the rest alone and does not have outstanding power seagull can save them, it was not necessary.

– Akari – m.u.f.fled Chaika said, continuing to look into the slot. – The Torah. … Go here.

– ..

Akari’s eyes narrowed.

How to Gull and said Toru walked slowly toward them, whispering the word “key”.

He walked with a terribly indifferent face, holding his wounded side, and with the tips of his fingers dripping blood.

It is unlikely that he was trying to “escape” in their direction.

Fictions clutched in his mind so hard that he was not supposed to even see this Akari and Seagull. He looked only illusory Seagull and detachment Alberic.

No. Even without them …

– Wall ..!

The outlines of the stone walls trembled.

And in the next instant and obstacle between this fictional Chaika dissipated. Wall really was a matter of fog.

– Seagull?

– …No.

Akari turned to her, but Gull shook her head.

Wall has disappeared not because of it.

And that means …

– Brother …

Akari would like to say “stop”, but the words got up from her throat.

Proposed Seagull unraveling situation plan – open the “Guardian”, the Torah, and let him move on “their side” – demanded just such a chance. Just to Torah approached them.

– But … Seagull – Akari turned back to her. – Brother in fact convinced that you betrayed him. And when you consider the location of the illusions … and missing walls may be part of the plan Scania Simon …

– …

Seagull silent frowning.

Torah. Illusive Seagull. This Seagull.

They all lie on one line.

If the Torah tries to attack false Seagull, the impact force can be enough for that and got a real arm.

Thor was under the influence of “Zheleznokroviya”.

It makes no sense even to compare its current strength with what it was before. Not to mention the fact that protection against such an attack is extremely difficult if he attacks with fury doomed, even without thinking about the possible need for a second strike, this is truly a fatal blow will be dealt to the upswing, which will not predict the moment of impact. Or Torah may try to throw his blade.

The threat represented by both.

Naturally, within the “Guardian” and the Seagull, and Akari were safe. But this barrier deprived of their only chance to escape from the power of the Torah fiction.

No. Not only this. If the Torah real wound, if it does not immediately engage in …

It turns out that the Torah will die if they do not withdraw “the Guardian”.

– So … – I whispered Akari. – … What is the true essence of the “valley from which no one returns …”

This valley – full of anger “trap”.

Whether not therefore here no one is returned, that each calling here, without knowing it, fell under the power of myths and dying? ..

Extended at the last moment, “The Guardian” has protected them from loss of reason, but if their minds are absorbed inventions and visions, for example, the scene of their betraying the Torah … and then they would lose their reason and attack of the Torah standing near them.

– How vile! ..

It would seem that there are lots of much more simple methods to deal with uninvited guests.

Instead, he ridiculed the confidence of the people and made them kill each other.

What is this if not a mere anger?

– Brother …

Akari still some time looking at p.r.o.nounces the word “Zheleznokroviya” Torah.

For the implementation of this goal saboteurs spared neither their lives nor the lives of others.

And they were proud of it.

That’s because they set goals above all else, saboteurs scolded, called the dogs, and they, in spite of its active partic.i.p.ation in fights, carrying out the dirty work, never received the glory that others.

Conversely, for those people that put performance of duty above all, failure is caused by emotions or compa.s.sion, meant indelible shame and stigma of “useless” saboteur.

And, when you consider this and think about what is happening with the Torah position subjected Seagull danger for him was the most recent case. If you strictly follow the principles of saboteurs, the Akari could save the honor of the Torah only giving him die, thus protecting Seagull.

– Thor … – Seagull nervously called him, looking at the way it draws from its sheath komboklinki.

Surely she, too, doubted. But the time for a thorough consideration of possible options anymore.

And then…

“Zheleznokrovie” began to operate as soon as he finished reading “key”.

He immediately felt the heart beat twice as fast, as if the muscles erupted.

Accelerated thoughts … and body sensations, on the contrary, blunted.

It turned into a living weapon.

Komboklinki were already in his hands.

Of course, from a wound in his side immediately spurted blood again. Though strengthen the muscles and tried to flatten it, to increase the pressure clearly defeated. No time. Time is ridiculously small. We need to hurry.


Thor stepped forward, staring at the girl who betrayed him.

The sharp jump, which creaked the floor of the castle, the landing. Second. The third. Fourth. And every next – faster than the previous.

The faster he moved, the more narrows the field of view.

At its center stood bewildered seagull.

Faster. Faster. Faster.

The world has narrowed to only srebrovlasoy girl on which the Torah focused all their attention.

But then …

– Toru ACURE!

there was purple shadow on the way rushing forward Torah.

Alberic Gillette.

Knight unparalleled talent, able to fight on equal terms, even against the “Zheleznokroviya”.

Perhaps he was trying to protect Seagull. Or maybe he decided that now is the time to avenge the death of his subordinates about what he had just said and.

In any case, now it was just before the Torah with a sword in his hand and looked impregnable. The enemy is so strong that you can not even say, would be possible to kill him with my life. In addition, the wounded Torah there is no certainty that it will be able to fight at full strength.

But he could not stop. Stop means death.

And if so …